Light wearables

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Light wearables

Lighting Accessories for


One Digital clothing with electronic lights to change

the different styles.

One Digital clothing with electronic lights to change

the different styles.

One Digital clothing with electronic lights to change

the different styles.

Aesthetic *FunctionalityProblem solving*Durability and strengthComfort Safety*CostInnovative/Referents,

motifsStyle and fashion

Case Study

Basic styles of clothing- - - styling/textures-fabrics/leath

er-mens wear-Ladies wea

Addaptation like esist/ changing atleast the colors.

Kinds of lines applied on patterns

Ergonomic factors

Comfort, safety, weather conditionsDummy/basic body shapesNo need to laundry or inner part would be tights


e.g. Necklines and Outer lines

Color relationships/suptractive

Color harmony

Tone and values