Lifer R Mani - Apex India · Lifer R Mani Email: Mobile: +91 78991 91899...

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Transcript of Lifer R Mani - Apex India · Lifer R Mani Email: Mobile: +91 78991 91899...

The News and Views of Apex India

Issue 3 Sept 2018

Edited by: Lifer R Mani

Email: Mobile: +91 78991 91899

That‟s what has been demonstrated in the recent fury of Nature , when Kerala literally submerged in water where every day normal life was disturbed and many

human lives were lost.

Our concerted collective strength came to the fore and we set about redressing our setback.

Spurred on with new resolve, we devoted ourselves to the task of regaining what has been lost. An irresistible spirit arose within ourselves and nothing could arrest our collective mite. Rescue and relief flowed into, we surmounted every obstacle in relentless pursuit of extending a helping hand.

It is gratifying to note that Apex too had played an appreciable role in rescue and relief measures to turn life in Kerala towards better after the deluge torn apart God‟s Own Land and now that life begins to vibrate to a new tune.

….R Mani

Dear All,

The atom is the final unit of matter, just as the individual is the final unit of society. If one succeeds in breaking an atom, one does not destroy it; rather, one converts it into a greater force, known as atomic energy. Matter is energy in a solid form and energy is matter in a dispersed form.

The occurrence of an atomic explosion in matter turns it into a vastly more powerful substance. The human personality, too, contains huge, latent potential. This potential bursts out into the open when all hands joined together to break free when some shattering disaster affected us.

‘Dil Se’ by Diptendu

Respected Life Governors, Life Members, all Seniors and my dear friends, I am very happy to initiate an opportunity to write to your consideration for nice Sept, 2018 issue. This is the time to congratulate Apxn. P. Eshwar, IPNP, for taking the charge as Global Chairman, this is a proud moment of our Association. Hope we will make a very strong tie up with Global body. LM Apxn. R Mani is taking all the pain for the beautiful publication. During this period Apex India is very mobile and workaholic. We have celebrated our Independence Day in different Apex clubs throughout the country. The main programme based on Education, environment, service and fellowship. Independence mean not only political independence, it means to maintain the Indian constitution and its application on the downtrodden populace of the society. Our duty is to maintain the human rights of it, especially right to life, right to food, right to education and others. This is the time to take the oath to save the Girl child, Make them educated and make them self sufficient.

All the clubs are doing a number of activities

and service projects in their concerned

areas. Hope Apex is the life line of the areas

of the downtrodden populace of the society.

The services mainly focused on Health,

Education, Environment and Communication.

I have seen all the districts are preparing for

the coming district conventions.

DGs of District 1, 3, 5 and 7 are doing

extremely well for good apexing. The deputy

DG and all National directors are very active

throughout the year. All the National board

members are very mobile to take a heavy

responsibility for good Apexing. During the

last couple of months various debates come

to us and I believe the difference of opinion

is the symbol of growth but difference of

mind mean the negative growth. I am very

happy we are able to overcome all the

miscommunications and gaps between the

mind of apexians. It is a win for Apex India.

During the MTNB meeting National Secretary

Apxn. Shyamol Karok will place a proposal to

remove age restrictions in Apex India.

Constitution amendment is the priority issue

to this present National Board.

My sincere request to all clubs to make

regular communication with NB for making

the apex Directory and registration of our


Preparations form KANHAPEX is in full swing

unrer the able chairmanship of LG Apxn G P

Singh, hosted by Bhilai Club. The midterm

board meeting will be held in District 3 in the

month of October first week.

A number of decisions have taken in

National Board meetings and minutes have

already been circulated. One very important

thing we have discussed that we have to

bypass the election in District and

National level to avoid such

unprecedented situations. During my visit

to all districts I had a talk with most of

the members of all clubs, they have

verbally decided to Nominate all Deputy

Dgs for DG in coming district conventions.

Hope there will be no election at District

level. My personal request to all to

nominate one person and elect him/her

unanimously for DG. We hope we can

able to choose unanimously our coming

National Board also.

Most of the clubs are doing extremely

well but few senior members and their

contributions are noteworthy, my request

to all clubs if they feel suitable any name

for Life Membership they can send name

with proper Bio-data and justification to

National Secretary for the honour.

ON the International fellowship Bicycle

rally was organized by National

Presidents of two countries Bangladesh

and India. Apxn Sebul , NP, Apex

Bangladesh and yours faithfully took best

initiatives to make it successful. I must

mention the names of Apxn Alok Jana,

Apxn Atanu Sengupta, Our DG 1, Apxn

Suvendu Bijoli, IRCC Apxn Usha Kumar

and many others. The Rally started from

River Padma and ended at River Ganga.

The main theme is Use cycle, Plant trees

and Say NO to drugs. Hope this kind of

initiative will boost up the morale of all

apexians. A huge media coverage we got

in the name of Apex in India and also in

Bangladesh. A Press Conference was held

in Press Club Kolkata and also in


I must congratulate a few new clubs Like

Madras Yuva club, Pondichery Club,

Namakkal club, Suratgarh new club,

Hanumangarh Ladies club,

Uttarpara Ladies club, Kolkata

Yuva club, Dabwali club for their

service and involvement.

I am personally making contact

to open a new club in

Madhyapradesh and soon it will


Apex Senior Citizen Forum, Bally

doing their level best for

posthumous eye donation.. They

are also conductinh various

awareness programmes meetings

and seminers in association with

Apex club of Bally. The Theme of

the year is „DONATE EYE LIVE

FOR EVER‟. My sincere request to

all clubs for organizing at least

one service project on Eye

Donation. Another important

issue of our society is

Thalassemia testing of all

students of school before

marriage. The support of local

people and local authority is very

important for good Apexing so my

request to make bridge with

them. Personally I and all the

National Board members are

available any time for your

interactions, so please feel free to


I am sorry that family members

of few apexians passed away,


I Pray for good health and

prosperity for all Apexians for

every success and Good Apexing.

My best Wishes and Regards.

Dr Diptendu


IPNP PE Eshwar being installed as

Apex Global Chairman by outgoing Global Chairman Edward Mai

Eshwar‟s Acceptance Speech PNP S Senguttuvan felicitating

Apex Global

Apex India Contribution for Kerala Flood Relief

Apex Madras was the first one to


Dr MS Nagarajan of Apex Madras

EK Nagarajan - Two cars load

Apex Trivandrum provided logistics

to all clubs and donated medicines

and Kidswear.

Apex Komarapalayam

Apex Namakkal presenting a Cheque to Dist Collector

Apex Millennium

Bangalore, a picturesque city in the Southern parts of India, had the privilege of being the birth place of „Apex Movement‟ in India in the year 1959. The next club to emerged in Bombay in West Coast of this

country. Soon after this the third club was founded in Allahabad, an important city of Uttar Pradesh.

Calcutta Apex Club is the latest of all the clubs which came in to existence.

The end of Bangalore Club, to the utter sorrow of all the Apexians, came too soon. The Apex movement in Allahabad was also nipped in the bud. I had just returned from Australia was sent to Allahabad on

behalf of the then Zone 8 to Chair the Inaugural Dinner Meeting of Apex Club of Allahabad. Since landed in Allahabad I had the apprehension that the days of the club were numbered. Lack of Apex

education, lack of proper understanding of the Ideals and Objects of Apex was the root of failure of the

aforesaid two clubs. Bombay club was struggling hard for existence but failed to continue.

Jack Love of Echuca in Victoria, in Australia was pen friend of mine since 1952. Jack was a member of Echuca Apex Club in Victoria State which the then was the no.11 club under Zone 7 in their Association.

My cousin who was doing PhD at Melbourne University, under UNESCO scholarship met Jack Love and

Jack wanted an Indian stamp collector as pen friend. My cousin gave my name and address to Jack. Our common hobby was postage stamp collections. Jack was much older than me yet our friendship grew

stronger and stronger day by day. When I completed my training period in India‟s largest Printing House, Jack proposed to me to come down to Australia to gain further knowledge in my own trade.

Jack‟s proposal was that he will try for a job for couple of years and pay passage money from Calcutta

to Melbourne. I agreed immediately. But Jack Love never knew their Government had strict White Australian Policy for Immigration including stay only for some time. Jack went to Melbourne

Immigration Department and somehow got permission for me to go to Australia provided he gives written bond that from arrival to return in India he will undertake responsibility of me. It took long

time to get the Visa to go to Australia. Jack Love also applied for job to Melbourne Master Printers Association and a Large Printing House seeing my qualification, immediately sent appointment letter

direct to me.

“Thou hast made me known To friends whom I knew not,

Thou hast given me seat, In homes not my own. Thou hast brought me distance near And made a brother of the stranger”

I reached Melbourne in sometime September 1959.. Since Jack Love was living 160 mills away from Melbourne, I had to stay near my working place as a paying Guest. I used to visit jack Love„s House in

the weekend and with him attended many club meetings, District and Zone Conventions and etc. As I was interested in club activities, I was the first Indian who was inducted on 29th March 1960 in

Echuca, Vitoria State in a country club which was the then no. 11 club of Australia where Jack Love was zone 7 IR Chairman.

After sometime I was transferred to Mordilloc club, near Melbourne so that I could attend club meeting regularly and take part in their Service activities. When I returned to India in early January 1962 an

Australian Mr Jack Hooper from Melbourne arrived in Calcutta at the same time on a contract job in Calcutta for three years. Hearing Jack Hooper coming to Calcutta, he was inducted in Melbourne Apex

club so that he may help me to open club in Calcutta. Jack Hooper was the first President and I was the

Secretary as well as International Director. After failure to get Charter any club for a long time in India we started informal meetings and several service work and we all were very cautious and proceeded

slowly. I was away from Calcutta for a long time so my brother Subir Chandra Ghose was helpful to bring like minded boys suitable for this type of Service club. Finally we applied for Inauguration of Apex

Club of Calcutta. Though I was inducted in club under Zone 7, Zone 7 was not interested to take the

responsibilities to form club out side Australia. But Zone 8 President Apexian Bob Parham agreed to sponsor club in Calcutta. The permission to form the club under Zone 8 was granted immediately. The

inauguration took place in Boxing day-in December 1962. Afterwards we were granted Charter which was handed over by the then Association Extension Chairman Bruce Lee in September 1963. Australian

Association had tough time to sponsor a club in India because of the rules of World Council. However they agreed to give permission afterwards.

Rest is History… Apex India was born


By Samir Ghosh, Father of Apex India

Apex Komarapalayam held its

AGM on 28th July and DG VII

Uday Kumar installed Apxn. PE

Purushothaman as President of

the Club. Members from

Cuddalore, Namakkal,

Millennium attended the AGM.

Apex Sri GangaNagar revived by DG- V by inducting 7 new members.

Vimal and Rajender Golyan Have taken over as Prez and Secy

Dist I Convention was held on 9th

Sep 2018 hosted by Bally.

Apxn Tanmoy Banerjee of Apex

Bally as DG Elect, Apxn Pranabesh

Sarkar of Apex Kolkata Youth as Dy

DG and Apxn Siddharth Deuty as

National Director have been

elected at the Convention.

NP addressing the delegates.

DG Elect Tanmoy addressing …

The Mid Term National Board

Meeting will be held at Bhilai on

7th Oct 2018, hosted by Dist 3

Dist VII Convention will be held during 17/18th November 2018

Held hosted by Apex Villivakkam



Dist Governor-V, 2018

27 years of Apex involvement

President - 2001 2002 & 2003

Secretary - 1999 & 2000

Treasurer - 1997,1998, 2004

till date.

Dist Secretary – 2016

Attended more than 10 Dist

Conventions, 3 NCs and Apex

India 50th Year Celebrations


Overseas Conventions – Apex Malaysia 2015

Revival of Dist V clubs is the Main agenda for this year

Occupation: C&F Agent for

Cements in Hanumangarh and Sriganganagar.

Point to Ponder:

As he is doing cement business,

he is cemented to Apex Or

As he is cemented to Apex Is he doing cement business ?

Know your National Board Members - 3


Subhendu Sekhar Bijali

Apex Bishnupur Dist Governor-I, 2018

26 Years of Apex Involvement

At Club level held all posts

several times.

At Dist Level – Dt Treasurer

A graduate in Science and Dip

In English Language.

Teacher by profession.

Married to a Teacher Blessed with a son and A


Political Affiliation:

Politically affiliated to TMC From 2003 onwards

Held various posts in Gram Panchayat, Panchayat

Samity, DPSS, Libraray Committee as a Member.

Point to Remember:

Yours face and deeds to be seen by government for effective

community engagement. By being

in politics it is achieved by two way information sharing.

DG - I

An optimist’s Note – Apxn K.Kumar LG Apex India

Many of you would have read or heard the story given below:

A Professor picked up a very large and empty jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed

that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He

shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up the remaining open areas of the jar. He then asked once more if the jar was

full. The students responded with a unanimous “Yes.”

“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.

The rocks are the important things – your family, your partner, your health, your children – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life

would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter – like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else, the small stuff.” “If you put the sand into

the jar first,” he continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks.

The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff,

you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner

out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party, or fix the disposal.”

“Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.” I am sure that this Logic can be applied in anything and everything in our

Life including Apex. I want our friends to enjoy their life fully and spare little time for Apexing too. It gives you a lot of satisfaction. I don‟t ask you to give Top priority for

Apex in your life. But keep Apex as one of your priorities.

However, once you take up some Responsibility, your priority changes and you are

required to give increased importance to Apex, till such time you hold office. It is necessary to have a Calendar and ensure that everything is accomplished. Those who

are the District Governors, they have a set of responsibilities in front of them. Those who are in the National Board, they have a set of responsibilities. It is a matter of

regret that our friends who have taken responsibilities, are unable to accomplish. One

important thing the office bearers are required to have in mind is that they have many senior colleagues to help them and they should feel free in getting assistance

whenever needed.

All the Clubs are required to organise their AGM and build Leadership. All the Districts

are required to plan for their District Convention and the National Secretary is expected to send the call notice for the National Convention. The National Board is

required to meet as often as possible and communicate the decisions taken, on consolidation and Expansion.

Let us hope for the Best to happen.

IRCC – Apxn Usha Kumar’s report on her attending Apex Malaysia Convention

I had the honour and privilege of representing Apex India at the Apex Malaysia National Convention as a lone lady apexian from Dist.III. As always, the first experience is memorable and ever lasting. Thanks to Apxn Saras and CS Naidu who cosily home hosted me for the entire duration. I had an opportunity to attend the International Service Project on 10th Aug 2018 at School - SJK (T) Jalan Sen Pang, KL, conceived and executed by Apex KL. Apex Clubs Madras, Komarapalayam from Apex India, Apex Club Brisbane, Australia, Apex Club ILO ILO, the Philippines, Apex Clubs of Bangladesh and Apex Club KL , Malaysia participated. It was my first time participation in an International global Service Project. I could learn a lot from that sweet experience about teams‟ commitment, planning and organisational precision in executing a project. Each participating club contributed towards basic requirements of school children. At the end of the service project, the participants planted a few trees inside school campus as an environmental contribution. . In evening of 10th I attended pre convention social dinner. It was a golden opportunity as IRCC of Apex India to meet and interact with delegates from seven Apex countries. The icing in the cake was meeting present Grand Father Apex India – Ian Willy Oates and Grand Mother Chris Oates. I could feel the warmth and love radiated by Grandpa and I have no words to translate into writing. It was my opportunity to talk about Kanhapewx 2019, the 35th Apex India Convention being hosted by Dist III. All evinced keen interest in the details of the Convention, once I distributed the brochures of Kanhapex. Music and Dance followed the Dinner, till wee hours. On 11th Aug 2018, I made a Presentation during Apex Malaysia National Board meeting and the give details about Kanhapex to all Apexians. I take this opportunity to thank IPNP Apexian Venkata Giri who provided support and gave encouragement. I participated in the Apex Global Annnual General Meeting along with Puru of Apex India, where Apxn Eshwar took over Apex Global Chairman. NP Apex Bangladesh surprised me when he presented a SASH to me declaring me as their Brand Ambassador as per the decision taken at their 57th Founding Anniversary held at Dhaka. The gala dinner in the night saw the New National Board of Apex Malaysia assuming charge. I could exchange banners with all visiting Apexians and leaders of Apex Malaysia. ON 12th, I attended the installation programme of Apex Club Klang and met a few new members of that club and other international visitors from Australia, Fiji, Sri Lanka, who gifted me Apex tee shirts, caps and banners. On the whole it was a pleasant and learing experience …. I take this opportunity to thank every one who made possible the wonderful magic journey and Dreams come true.. I could manage to visit Chennai & Pondicherry during stop over at Chennai and enjoyed the hospitality of Apxns of Chennai and Apex Pondy.

At Chennai and at Pondicherry

A few page fr

Diabetes Awareness March – Apex KPM

Apex Anamalai reaching out to local school

Apex Namakkal has extended financial

assistance towards Medical Rs 3000/-, educational Rs. 5000/- and sports activity Rs

5000/- locally to deserving candidates.

Distribution of Tea and Biscuits

by Apex Pondicherry

Free Medical Camp – Apex Millennium

“ Ban the Plastic – Save the Environment “

Apex Hanumangarh & Yuwa Club distributed cloth bags in vegetable market to create


Apex Hanumangarh conducted Free Camp on

Infertility issues jointly with Jaipur Fertility Center at Apex Bhawan Hanumangarh.

Apex Bally Senior Citizen Forum organised a

Awareness Camp on Eye Donation and more

than 100 declarations to donate eyes posthumously were received.

Apex Uttarpara Ladies and Kolkata Young

organises regular classes for the children of

Brick Kiln workers at Uttarpara

A few of our Clubs‟ Service Projects

Tree Plantation Drive – Mandi Dabwali

Food Distribution at Old Age Home by Apex Millennium

Water Booth at Stadiumon the eve of

Independence Day – Dabwali

Apex Suratgarh –

celebration of Independence..on India – Pakistan Border,

A chowk named after Apex Welldone Suratgarh!

A camp for Joint Pain by Hanumangarh

Apex Bally Going Strong with dedication

Of a 16 slice Spiral CT Scan to the Locals of Bally on 2.10.18

Periodical Dental Camp

Apex Suratgarh at Govt Girls School

A few of our Clubs‟ Service Projects

A few of our Clubs‟ Service Projects

Young Members Of Oldest Club – Apex

Kolkata Club No 1. Apxn Prosenjit – Member Apex Kolkata

visit to Apex Bhilai

The Elementary School which has completed 100 years useful existence under DGSEA in Apex Global

Village. A Centenary Memorial Building was dedicated on 9th Sep 2018 to the villagers of

Vilvarayanallur. Apex Madras is proud to be associated with the Project.

DGVII, members of Cuddalore, Panruti and Villivakkam besides Madras attended the function

Apex Suratgarh – Family Outing DG V with ABHAPEX Team at Abohar




KANHAPEX 2019 is being held in

the serene surroundings of Kanha Wildlife sanctuary, one of the most

popular destinations in India for enthusiasts from foreign countries as

well as from India.

It will be from 1st February 2019 till 3rd February 2019. All delegates

have to come to Raipur airport or Durg railway station in the

Chhattisgarh state of India. They will be provided transportation by road to

the Kanha convention venue or their individual booked hotels from Raipur

airport or Durg railway station

courtesy the host club. The distance is 240 km from Raipur airport and

220 km from Durg. Return to Durg or Raipur will be also provided by us.

It will be cold in February maybe 5 to

10 C minimum and those participating in the Jungle Safari will

need extra warm clothing like jackets and woollen caps.

Registration cost and hotel names

with details and tariff, Flight & train schedules will be provided in the

brochure which will be circulated


There are plenty of trains throughout the day but everyone will be advised

to reach in the morning as all transport to Kanha will depart by

1:00 pm.

Please note that the schedule of

departure on 1st Feb. by 1:00 pm and departure for return on the 4th

forenoon has to be adhered to strictly because of the distance involved.

In case of any deviations the delegate

will have to bear the cost. We cannot buy the train tickets or flight tickets but

will give the necessary links for individuals to make the bookings.

Assistance and guidance shall be provided.

Wildlife lovers can continue their stay

at Kanha. We can arrange trips to

Delhi Mumbai or Hyderabad or any other place. Hotels or Resorts are

ranging from very luxurious to most economical. Hotels will be available as

per delegates’ budget.

Drive to Kanha is very enjoyable and scenic. There are no hotels on the

way hence delegates will be given packed lunch boxes and soft drinks.

will give you a memorable experience.

The jungle safari is strongly advised. This cost will be additional and optional.

Jungle safari to be booked in the month

of October itself else it will not be available. Warm clothes are required in

the safari as the jeeps will be open top.

The convention centre will be Celebration Van Vilas Kanha. One-day

venue centre may be Tuli Tiger Resort.

We are depending on your support to make KANHAPEX 2019 a successful


All information being shared with you is

preliminary and subject to some changes. Apxn G. P. Singh, LG, PNP, APEX INDIA Convention Committee Chairman. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: APXN USHA KUMAR, +91 9131352971, APEXCLUBBHILAI@GMAIL.COM


Visiting Apexians from KL flanked by

Members of Apex Pondicherry

Madras Apexians had a fellowship dinner at

Pondicherry during the visit of Malaysian


Apex Komarapalayam felicitated visiting

Apexians from Malaysia AS Naidu Apex Global Secretary

Appanna, Saras and CS Naidu from KL

Apxn Saras and CS Naidu of KL were at

Bangalore and were home hosted by Manis and Suris.

Two Cyclists from Bangladesh made

a good will visit to Kolkata to spread the message of “Say No Drugs”.

Alok Jana, PNP Shanti Chaterjee, Moulendu Chaterjee and NP are seen

alongwith cyclists

With DG I SS Bijali

Apxn TV Mukundan donated RM 200 towards education expenses of son

of KL member Late Shankar Rao.

Global Secretary AS Naidu receiving the same. CS Naidu and Appanna

from KL alongwith Saras and Renu along with PDG Shaktivel and

Karunanidhi are seen in the pic.

The Fourth Ideal of Apex

On behalf of Apex India, Collated and Edited by Lifer R Mani Email : – Mobile +91 7899191899