Leverage Location Intelligence with PMSquare

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Leverage Location Intelligence with PMSquare. PMSquare uses Cognos business intelligence and ESRI mapping technologies to provide better insights for customers

Transcript of Leverage Location Intelligence with PMSquare

Location Analyticspowered by PMSquare

Rana Banerji

PMSquare Provides Consulting Services & solutions with detailed practical experience across all industries

Consulting Services

• Customer Analytics & Reporting: Helping businesses stay focused on their customers with innovative and effective approaches to marketing, sales and customer service.

• Finance & Performance Management: Exploring the relationship between finance mastery and achieving high performance, and delivers experience and assets that can help businesses and governments master their finances with comprehensive approaches backed by proven assets.

• Talent & Organization Performance: Guiding companies toward strategic ways of elevating an organization’s performance with services in change management, human capital and organization effectiveness,

• Operations & Supply Chain Performance: Improving visibility of operational performance, turning insights into action that drive performance.

Telco & High Tech

Financial Services

Healthcare Consumer Products


Financial Performance Management- Budgeting, Forecasting & Planning- Statutory & Automated External Reporting- Incentive Compensation Automation

Business Intelligence- Analytics, Reporting & Dashboards- ETL & Data-warehousing- Predictive Analytics - Location Analytics

Productivity Improvement Solutions- Improve administration & maintenance- Develop Coaching Effectiveness program

Focus Areas:

Why Invest in Location Analytics?

Location Analytics

BI & Location with a Social Focus

Different Ways of Merging BI and Location Analytics

Linear features color coded with metrics

Different Ways of Merging BI and Location Analytics


GeographicData Enrichment


Enhancing Cognos Dashboards with Location Analytics

Point Maps

Clustered Point Maps Heat Maps

Color-Coded Maps

Different Types of Maps

Bi-Directional Connection Between Maps & Report Objects

Linking Maps & Report Objects

Proximity Mapping Techniques

Customer Demographics Weather & Natural Hazards

External Maps & Overlay Information

ESRI Cognos Map Dashboards

Intuitive Dashboard

Intuitive Cognos BI dashboard

Without Map

Intuitive Cognos BI dashboard With Native


Intuitive Cognos BI dashboard

Map With ESRI Map


Why ESRI MAP?Esri Maps for IBM Cognos encompass solutions that spatially-enable (visualization and analytics) business analytic systems, providing access to not just mapping, but also spatial analysis.

Fast & easy integration of location analytics with Cognos BI reports. Full leverage of IBM Cognos platform values, including Security, Prompting,

PDF rendering, burst as PDF, deployment, scalability. Esri's spatial analytics & visualization brings captivating, high-value geo-

spatial reporting and dashboard capability to Cognos. Powerful, Bi-directional communication between Esri map objects and IBM

Cognos report objects. Wide array of global base maps (Street Map, Satellite Imagery, Canvas,


ESRI Map - Key Function

From Report author perspective:

The solution enables integration of maps into IBM Cognos reports, connection of the location-based data in those maps to the business data in the report.

Drag-and-drop wizards that define key linkages and establish broadcasts from features in the map to BI objects in the report.

From Report User’s Perspective:

Pan and zoom Point and polygon pop-ups/hovers with data Drawing of buffered rectangles, radial selections, poly-lines, and polygons

to filter data shown on the map Live, 2-way link that to multiple displayed report objects Query of map services; Access to geocoding and routing services

BI Operational Dashboard

BI Operational Dashboard with ESRI

ESRI Map Vs. Native Map

Dynamic maps (zoom & pan). Cognos is a static and still image.

Rich visualization: you can view multiple measures on the same map with distinct color palettes + tooltips

Interactive map: you can select items on the map and have Cognos objects (list, chart, etc.) display the info for those. Vice-versa.

Data enrichment: you can display on the map information from other sources external to Cognos. Example: display a hurricane or earthquake map layer along with your insurance data from Cognos and do visual correlation or find patterns.

How it all fits together

IBM CognosViewer,

Map Viewer

(Author Map -Enabled Reports)

(Consume Map -Enabled Reports)

ArcGIS Online

Map Services (REST) for Base Maps, standard features(State, ZIP, County,…)

GeodatabaseIBM CognosData Packages

Blue text indicates a components of Esri for IBM Cognos

IBM CognosReport Studio,

Map Studio

Web Servers

IBM Cognos Business


ArcGIS for Server

