Lethbridge Park Public School Year 3 Learning-at-home Pack

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Transcript of Lethbridge Park Public School Year 3 Learning-at-home Pack

Lethbridge Park Public School

Year 3 Learning-at-home Pack Term 3, Week 1

Tuesday 13 – Friday 16 July 2021

Dear students and parents/carers,

You will find all activities that you will need to complete during the learning-at-home period for this week. Please follow the timetable that you can see below, and treat each day like a normal school day. Have your recess and lunch at times that suit you and your family at home. We have not included set times for recess and lunch – just

ensure that you allow about 4 ½ hours to complete all the classwork for each day.

To complete the activities, you will need a spare book or paper (perhaps use your homework book), and access to the internet to view videos. You will need to complete the activities using separate paper or an exercise book.

Where you need to view a video for a particular activity, follow the links in this booklet. Also, please ensure you visit the school website at lethbridpk-p.schools.nsw.gov.au, click on the “Learning at our school” tab, then the

“2021 classes” link and click on your class to access and view more videos that your teacher will upload this week.

If you need any help with tasks, please have your parents contact the school on 02 9628 6655 and ask for your class teacher to contact you. Alternatively, you can contact your class teacher using Seesaw for a faster response.

Your class teacher will contact your home twice throughout this week to check-in with how you are going with your learning at home.

Best wishes and see you soon,

Mr Malla, Miss Gallagher and Ms Kotarski

Tuesday 13 July • English (text focus)

• Reading

• Writing

• Mathematics – Addition and Subtraction

• PD/Health

• PE

Wednesday 14 July • English (text focus)

• Reading

• Writing

• Mathematics – Addition and Subtraction

• Science

• PE

Thursday 15 July • English (text focus)

• Reading

• Writing

• Mathematics – Addition and Subtraction

• Geography

• PE

Friday 16 July • English (text focus)

• Reading

• Writing

• Mathematics – Area

• Visual Arts

• PE

Tuesday 13 July 2021 ENGLISH (TEXT FOCUS)

This week, our text focus is an advertisement video make by the Greenpeace organisation about two other companies: Lego and Shell. Lego is a toy company that you all know well, and Shell is an oil company that makes petrol for cars. Watch the video on YouTube (link:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhbliUq0_r4) and then complete the activities below:

• What opinion or issue is this video trying to persuade the viewers to agree with? Write your thinking.

• I See, I Hear, I Feel: Think about what you saw and heard while viewing the Greenpeace video. The main purpose of the video was to affect the viewers’ emotions (feelings). Think about some examples of what those feelings might be. What did you see? What did you hear? What did you feel? Describe your feelings when you watched the following parts of the video:






READING Read a book for 15-20 minutes.

• Read one of the books allocated to you in Wushka. • OR read another book or magazine that you have at home. • 5 Tricky Words: Find 5 words in your book that you don’t normally use and find the dictionary meanings.

Write down those meanings (on a separate sheet or exercise book).

• WRITING Write a creative story using the prompt (the picture below) as the inspiration for your story. Use the “six sentence story structure (below) in order to structure your story. Look at the picture and think about who the characters could be, what the problem in the story could be and how that problem will be solved (if at all!)…

You may write more than six (6) sentences if you want to be more descriptive.

MATHEMATICS – SUBTRACTION (JUMP STRATEGY revision) We have learned how to use the jump strategy to add two 2-digit numbers together (some students are adding a 2-digit number to a 3-digit number). The Jump strategy is where a number line is used to count forwards or backwards first by tens then ones (the ones may be split to bridge to a decade). For example:

In the above example, the big jumps are worth “10” (ten) and the little jumps are worth “1” (one). This is how the jump strategy works. We could have also used bridging to a ten: instead of 1 “big jump” and 9 “little jumps”, we could have gone 2 “big jumps back” and 1 “little jump” forward to get to the same answer. Using the jump strategy or bridging to a ten, complete the following questions, making sure you complete your working out like the above example for each question:

a) 37 – 14 = b) 56 – 23 =

c) 68 – 42 = d) 51 – 33 = e) 93 – 27 = f) 271 – 24 = g) 108 – 33 = h) 175 – 43 = i) For fast finishers: come up with your own questions and use the jump strategy to solve.


Think about the words bike safety and what they mean to you. Bike safety is something that we should all be concerned about as most of us know the dangers of having an accident on a bike. Some places that we might use our bikes include footpaths, streets and during school. Activity 1: Write down any other places where you might use your bike. Why would this be a great place to do so? Activity 2: Watch the videos 'A different perspective' on https://www.safetytown.com.au/town/student/stage-2/#list. Discuss the scenario examples with someone at home or think about it to yourself about what good things are included here on bike safety. Write these down on a piece of paper. Activity 3: Complete the bike safety worksheet handout on what you could do to be a safe bicycle rider. Remember to include reasons that you currently do when riding a bike!

PE (Physical Education) Warm Up: Do 10 push-ups, then 10 star jumps, then 10 high knee touches, then 10 squats. Aerobics:

Follow this video and do some aerobics: https://youtu.be/zqv2QKygqCk Zumba:

Do a short Zumba Dance: https://youtu.be/ymigWt5TOV8 Cool Down:

Cool Down with some stretches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK99lII1oFM

Wednesday 14 July 2021

ENGLISH (TEXT FOCUS) Yesterday, you watched the Greenpeace Anti Lego-Shell video for the first time. Think about the following questions: Why did Greenpeace show their message through Lego characters and setting? Why did they not simply show how the environment is being destroyed? Write down your thinking.

Have you have seen the Lego Movies? Go to YouTube and watch the “Everything is Awesome” song from the

movie (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cQgQIMlwWw). After you have watched this video, go back and re-watch the Greenpeace video (link:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhbliUq0_r4). Answer the following questions:

• Why did Greenpeace use the same song with the same lyrics (words)?

• How has the song changed?

• Does the way they have changed the song add to the meaning that Greenpeace want us to make as viewers of their text?

• How do the two different versions of the song make you feel? Emotion is used in visual texts as a way of persuading (convincing) the viewers to agree with the opinion presented in the text. Watch the Greenpeace video again and find different examples of scenes or images that make you have an emotional response. Emote and Persuade Me: Using the theme of environment and sustainability (protecting the environment from pollution, damage from fossil fuels etc.), design a poster that gives the viewer the message about environment, by making the viewer of your poster have an emotional response. Brainstorm different examples of how this might look. Sketch your poster and then go over this sketch in colour. Make sure your pictures send a strong message about protecting the environment and use minimal words.

READING Read a book for 15-20 minutes.

• Read one of the books allocated to you in Wushka. • OR read another book or magazine that you have at home. • Character Profile: choose one of the main characters in your book and complete a character profile by

answering the following questions about the character (on a separate sheet or exercise book).

WRITING Over the next 3 days, you will plan, draft, edit and publish a persuasive piece of writing, convincing your parents to let you have an item (something) that you really want. Think about arguments (reasons) for why it is important for you to have this item. Then do some research and thinking to come up with evidence to support those arguments. Plan your writing using key words and dot points, following the scaffold on the following page as a guide:

MATHEMATICS – SUBTRACTION (SPLIT STRATEGY revision) We have learned how to use the jump strategy to add and subtract two 2-digit numbers together (or a 2-digit number to a 3-digit number). Today, we will be revising how to use the split strategy for addition. The Split strategy is where you separate each number into its tens and ones. You then add the tens separately and the ones separately, and then these two totals are added together to solve the number problem. For example:

The process is the same for three- and four-digit numbers. For example, for three-digit numbers, you would add the hundreds separately, then the tens separately and the ones separately, and then add the three answers together to get the total for the number problem. Using the split strategy, complete the following questions, making sure you complete your working out like the above example for each question:

a) 25 + 13 = b) 24 + 23 = c) 32 + 26 = d) 32 + 36 = e) 61 + 11 = f) 15 + 43 = g) 52 + 43 = h) 132 + 26 = i) 227 + 31 = j) 311 + 142 = k) For fast finishers: come up with your own questions and use the jump strategy to solve.

Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3

• Opinion or


• Opinion or


• Opinion or


• Opinion or


• Opinion or


• Opinion or


Tomorrow, you will use this plan to draft your writing.

SCIENCE Have a look at the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

• What if there was no shut-off valve?

• What if the vegetable garden was bigger?

• What if the water tank was on the grass? Manual irrigation is when water is carried by a person to where it is needed. It is usually done with a bucket, watering can or hose.

• Can you design two new ways of manually irrigating your garden without these tools? Be as creative as you can!

• Which one of your designs do you think is the best? Why? Watch this video and answer the following questions → link: https://youtu.be/2igRcGxlshA

• What food preparation technique did the Autochef use to prepare Gromit’s eggs?

• What food preparation technique did the Autochef use to prepare Wallace’s eggs?

• What other food preparation techniques can you use to prepare eggs? Kitchen equipment is often designed to save us time. Design some kitchen equipment that you use to save you time when cooking your favourite meal. Draw, label and name your design.

PE (Physical Education) Warm Up: Do 10 sit ups, 10 push-ups, 20 star jumps, and then jog on the spot for 30 seconds with high knees.

Activity 1: Activity 2:

Follow the 10 minute “Disco Funk” clip.

Video link - https://youtu.be/cgDppkLnImI

Ab/core workout.

Video link - https://youtu.be/HZARQglXXP0

Thursday 15 July 2021

ENGLISH (TEXT FOCUS) Our focus text this week has been the Greenpeace Anti Lego-Shell video (link:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhbliUq0_r4). Some of the things that you will have noticed in the video that inflenced your opinions and convinced you of Greenpeace’s

argument include:

• Sad, slower version of “Everything is Awesome” song from The Lego Movie

• Darker colour tones used throughout the video

• Shell worker coming in with his truck showing a big, cheesy grin

• Fish drowning in a “sea” of oil

• Baby holding teddy bear crying, while being drowned in oil

• Man wearing headphones shedding a tear while he drowns in oil

• End image with the final Lego piece being covered in oil – the Lego logo clearly visible.

• At the end, the only thing not covered by oil is the Shell logo flag (also made out of Lego)

• “Lego is polluting our kids’ imagination” (the word “is” is a high modality word)

• “Tell Lego to end its partnership with Shell” (“tell” and “end” are high modality; interestingly the Lego logo is used in this frame but not the Shell logo)

The makers (composers) of films (including advertisements) follow codes and conventions which we (the viewers) use to make meaning. Cartoons are texts, just like books, and these are the ways in which we can create meaning from our viewing. These codes and conventions are as follows:

Film Codes: systems of signs

that create meaning

Film Conventions: what we

expect to see in a specific


Two types of codes: technical

(camera shots/angles/

movement, editing and sound)

and symbolic (mise-en-scene –


For example, documentary =

serious, informative; horror =

scary elements; Warner

Brothers Cartoon = funny

character dialogue, jokes)

Now that you have learned a bit about codes and conventions, let’s focus on the technical codes. How have the following been used by the makers of the Greenpeace video to convey the meanings about saving the environment?

• Camera shots (for example, wide shots, close ups etc.)

• Camera angles

• Movement of the camera

• The editing and sound effects Write down your answers for each of the above technical codes.

READING Read a book for 15-20 minutes.

• Read one of the books allocated to you in Wushka. • OR read another book or magazine that you have at home. • Three Part Summary: Write some sentences about each main part of the book – what happened at the

beginning, what happened in the middle (the problem) and what happened at the end (how the problem was solved). Draw a sketch to illustrate each of these three (3) parts (on a separate sheet or exercise book).

• WRITING Yesterday, you planned a persuasive piece of writing, to convince your parents to let you have an item (something) that you really want.

Today, you are to use your plan to write a draft piece of writing. Use your plan and turn it into sentences and paragraphs, making sure your writing follows the below structure:

Once you have finished drafting your writing, use the

following editing code and a different colour pencil to

edit your work. Reread your writing and use the symbols

below to edit any part of your writing you need to fix.

MATHEMATICS – ADDITION (SPLIT STRATEGY WITH “TRADING” revision) We have learned how to use the jump and split strategies to add and subtract two 2-digit numbers together (or a 2-digit number to/from a 3-digit number). Today, we will be revising how to use the split strategy for addition. The Split strategy is where you separate each number into its tens and ones. You then add the tens separately and the ones separately, and then these two totals are added together to solve the number problem. The difference from yesterday’s activity is that sometimes you can use the split strategy and end up with another two 2-digit numbers to add. For example:

The process is the same for three- and four-digit numbers. Using the split strategy, complete the following questions, making sure you complete your working out like the above example for each question:

a) 37 + 14 = b) 56 + 25 = c) 68 + 44 = d) 58 + 38 = e) 96 + 27 = f) 169 + 35 = g) 208 + 39 = h) 177 + 46 = i) For fast finishers: come up with your own questions and use the jump strategy to solve.

GEOGRAPHY (Significant environments “The importance of nature to people”)

People mine the earth for natural resources to support them in everyday life. Below, match the mined natural resources (in the dark boxes) to their uses (in the clouds).

Look around your home and write down a list of all the things that need electricity to work. Electricity is made when coal is mined underground, processed and then sent to homes and businesses. Label the diagram showing the steps in the electricity production process.

PE (Physical Education) Warm Up: Do 10 sit ups, 10 Push-ups, 20 Star Jumps, and Jog on the spot for 30 seconds with High knees Activity:

Full body aerobics exercise to “WAKA WAKA” - video link : https://youtu.be/0qOafYtIbN8

Don't forget to hydrate (drink water) between activities.

Friday 16 July 2021

ENGLISH (TEXT FOCUS) Over the last few days, our focus text has been the Greenpeace Anti Lego-Shell video (link:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhbliUq0_r4). Today, we will be reflecting on our learning. Answer the following questions:

• What was the meaning behind the video?

• Why was this video created?

• Did the video convince you to agree with Greenpeace’s opinion about Lego-Shell? Give some examples from the video about how you were convinced (or not convinced).

• Think about an issue or problem that you would create a similar advertisement video for. How would you communicate your message? What characters would you use? What setting would you use? What camera shots, camera angles and camera movements would you use? How would you cause your viewers to feel emotions to agree with your opinion? Write and draw your ideas.

READING Read a book for 15-20 minutes.

• Read one of the books allocated to you in Wushka. • OR read another book or magazine that you have at home. • Reflecting Activity: Answer the following questions to reflect about the book (on a separate sheet or

exercise book). For “reasons” – write 1-2 sentences explaining the reasons for your opinion about the book you read this week and why you gave the book your star rating (out of 5 stars). For “ideas” – either write about your favourite/least favourite part of the book you read, or describe a part of the book you would change (e.g. a new ending, a different solution to the problem in the story, etc.). For “I would tell others…” – write what you would tell another person about the book you read, as if you were speaking to that person.

WRITING Over the last 3 days, you have planned, drafted and edited a persuasive piece of writing, to convince your parents to let you have an item (something) that you really want. Today, you will publish this piece of writing. When publishing your work, use the following principles (see the next page).

MATHEMATICS – AREA Area is the measurement of how space a two-dimensional shape (or the two-dimensional side of an object) takes up. Today, we are going to measure area using squares. Have a look at the following example:

Calculate the areas of the following shapes:

a) b) c) d)

The area of the green shape on the left is 33 square units. This means

that the green shape is taking up the space of 33 squares on this grid.

e) f) g) h)



Create a puppet out of trash. ‘Trash Puppets’ for some inspiration, there are plenty of videos and images

you can use for inspiration. (Watch this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDdaitsQ2G0 Take a photo of your puppet or draw a picture of your puppet to bring to school. Use your imagination and get creative!

PE (Physical Education) Watch the video 'Boogie Boogie Dance'. Follow the movements and dance along with the actors!

Video link - https://youtu.be/cZeM18fPbvI

Remember to have a drink break afterwards!