Lessons Learnt By Living

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Transcript of Lessons Learnt By Living

8/31/2016 1


Sanath Dasanayaka

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© 2016 by Sanath Dasanayaka

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“Life is an amazing journey that should be really. Yet, most of

us forget fully living it, by being busy with our lives. Most of us

try harder to put bread on our table and to live better, by

ignoring the very best truth of life itself; enjoying and living it.

Many people rest on their deathbed, worrying of a half-lived

life and leave this world with broken heart. This shall not be

mine. So, life is all about the journey not about the


-Sanath Dasanayaka


Dear reader,

This book is an account of my personal experiences and insights in my own mind. For years,

I have been exploring deep bottoms in my mind searching for the ways to have more love,

happiness and better relationships in my life. This is the result of my search for years.

As I believe, all of us are here, in this world, to gain more love, happiness and better

relationships in our life aren’t we? Right here, with these 30 simple ways, you will indeed

have more love, happiness and better relationships in your everyday life. You will follow one

simple way a day and have amazing results. You will feel more successful and

accomplished. Simply, you will transform your entire destiny with this ultimate guide.

Sanath Dasanayaka

10th June 2016

Colombo, Sri Lanka

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Get your moment

2. Love unconditionally

3. Live your day fully

4. Little things matter

5. Smile more

6. Relax for a while

7. The size of your tummy

8. Remember, everything changes

9. Let go of what is not ours

10. Be understanding

11. Don’t be afraid to say “sorry”

12. Stop holding it in your heart

13. Stop waiting, initiate now

14. Never stop improving

15. Dream big

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16. Live your dreams everyday

17. Stop grieving and be ready for war

18. Be like nature

19. Hopes keep you alive

20. Completion does not matter

21. Remember lessons learnt

22. Who is your queen?

23. Have great kids

24. Do what you fear most

25. Brave men make brave decisions

26. The fruits of taking risks

27. Break the chains

28. Be a warrior

29. The story of a legend

30. When you look back

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01. Get your moment

Have you recently got a flash in your mind? an idea about something


As I believe, life, itself sends us guiding lights from time to time.

Those guiding lights can change your entire life in no time. Instantly.

Those, who act on their flashes immediately, become successful. Achieve

more in life.

So, from today, when you get a flash, never ignore it.

Take actions right away. It is your gold mine.

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02. Love unconditionally

I loved many women in my life. Yet, my love for any of them was not

unconditional. I loved all of them till they were with me.

With the time, all of us become mature. I too did. And, I realized that the

love remains the entire world together.

This world is a better place that we can happily live in, because many great

people sacrificed even their entire lifetime for healing our own world.

So, love all unconditionally. Love your spouse, kids, parents, relatives,

friends, neighbors unconditionally. Be the difference. Be a real human.

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03. Live your day fully

The death of one of my good friends really made me think about our life

again. He had forgotten to live his life fully. So, he died with a half-lived life

and a broken heart.

Life is not too long as we think. If you are 30 years old when reading this.

You have only 360 more months to live. Simply, you have only around

11,000 days.

So, start living your days fully, since many days are together is a life.

Then, what is the meaning of hatred and jealous? We all die sooner or later

and will be buried next to each other.

So, start living your days fully right now.

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04. Little things matter

A little positive change in every day life makes a man’s destiny. A little

change in public opinion grows massive and outcasts the president of the


So, little things matter. Never underestimate the power of them.

Then, do little good things every day. Kiss your wife, smile with the man

next to you. Give your mother a hand in the kitchen.

All will love you and respect you.

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05. Smile more

Smile more.

Most of us have forgotten the value of our smile with our busy lifestyle.

Your smile empowers people and it makes them feel great feelings.

Smile more with your spouse, kids and even with coworkers when you are

in office.

indeed, practicing a great habit enriches your entire life.

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06. Relax for a while

Today is another nice day in June. I woke up earlier and started my writing.

I was just restless to write something and my mind was heavy with the

thoughts about daily tasks.

When I tried hard to control my feelings, thousands of thoughts came into my

mind as a massive torrent.

It remind me of relaxing our body and mind for a while, every day. With our

daily routine, we don’t even have a few minutes to relax ourselves.

So, stay calm and quiet for at least 5 minutes daily. You will heal your body,

mind and soul. You will be more energetic and appealing soon.

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07. The size of your tummy

Did you look at you tummy recently?

The size of our tummy says how healthy we are.

With our busy lifestyle, daily, we have food containing more fat and sugar.

So, from today, make a little change in your lifestyle. Start eating more

vegetables, fruits, grains. Stop smoking and eating food with more sugar

and fat.

In this way, you live longer happy.

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08. Remember, everything changes

Rome was legendary and fabulous. Her glory was everywhere. People

loved her. They thought that Rome would exist forever. Yet, today, Rome is

nothing, but the history ended a long ago.

This reminds us the law of nature; everything changes. Nothing exists


But, we have entirely forgotten this very true law.

Today, one can be poor, broken and unhappy. But, does it mean he will

remain the same for his entire lifetime?

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09. Let go of what is not ours

We make bonds and relationships in our life and hold them firmly. Yet, what

happens when we make relationships with what is not ours, and grab those

relationships tightly? Feel desperate.

Letting go of is different from giving up.

Many years ago, one of my good friends loved a girl, who was pretty. Yet,

in values and attitudes, she was not meant to him.

He grieved for her for months.

Finally he realized she did not belong to him. Realized he deserved better.

Let go of her forever.

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10. Be understanding

Wise men love learning new things, reading new books and having new


Learning new things and having more experiences in life widen the

understanding of men about the life itself.

Men, who are very understanding, shine at work, become great in family


So, try to become more understanding. Leave your old limiting beliefs

behind. You won’t imagine how good you will be at work, in your

relationships and in family life.

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11. Don’t be afraid to say “sorry”

All of us make mistakes. Faults. No reason to wonder.

When something wrong was done by us, most of us feel terrified and ashamed. We feel sorry.

Yet, we become reluctant to say “sorry.” It is not coming out of our mouth. And, we let it go unanswered.

A fault that is taken apologize, is over. It is just the history. No more matter.

when a fault is not apologized, it accumulates. You allow people to keep your faults in their heart by letting go of it.

Some are afraid to say “sorry” since they think; saying “sorry” will bring them down.

It won’t. Saying “sorry” means you are humble enough to admit your faults.

Finally, resolving faults is what real men do.

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12. Stop holding it in your heart

Hatred. All of us know the word. Most of do hate one or more in our life.

But, do you really know the worst effect it can do to a man?

The most shocking effect of hatred is the termination of peace in mind of

the man, who hates.

Hatred, itself caused two world wars, which can be shown as the ultimate

destroying impact on humans.

Hatred among nations turned into great wars and ruined many countries.

Remember, if you hate one man today, the whole world may be on fire

someday, because of your hatred.

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13. Stop waiting, initiate now

Many of us really love waiting for others to do something for us. It is very

human nature, which is so bad.

we wait for the God to make this world better, we wait for the destiny to

make us rich and we wait for doctors to make us healthy.

Yet, we are scared of initiating. We just pass our responsibility to others.

We are here, in this world to initiate and innovate.

So, from today, start initiating. If you had an argument with your wife, be

the first one to apologize. It won’t be bad for you. Your love will grow as

you ever imagined.

Stop waiting for your destiny to make you rich. Take actions to make you

rich, wealthy and happy.

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14. Never stop improving

All of us excel at something in our life. Some become great sportsmen. Some

love adventures and they develop their hidden talents to be great explorers,

who will ever live here.

All people, who are called to be successful, have been developing their hidden

set of talents constantly.

You may be good at writing, but, to be a great author, you need to improve

your writing skills constantly. It will lead you to a prestigious path of being a

great author.

Recognizing your hidden talents and walking on a particular path are just

different from going to school, getting good grades and obtaining a well-paid

job. It is not about selecting your career. It is all about crafting your future.

Then, starting from today itself, invest some time to recognize and improve

hidden talents of you. The investment will be rewarding, when the time passes.

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15. Dream big

Dreaming inspires us to go on long journeys in our life. It makes us successful, wealthy and healthy.

In the history, there was no man achieved greatness without dreaming. Every single man dreamt big and achieved big. Without a dream. There is no gain.

As Napoleon Hill says, “All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.” A dream. Brilliant point.

Do you remember when we were kids, we dreamt so big without boundaries? We loved it.

We have forgotten to dream like kids, since we are so restless to grow up and try hard to put bread on our table.

When we are grown up, we are so afraid to dream big. Others say what we can do, what we cannot. From today, we will decide on our capabilities, what we can do and what we cannot. Dream big.

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16. Live your dreams every day

So, I believe that you have dreams in your life now. What is your dream

visualized for a long time? Yet, are you living your dreams in every day life?

Out of noise, visualize your dreams for at least 5 minutes every day. You

will forget about every day chaos. Dreaming will inspire you to work much

and achieve more. It will energize you.

Dream for a while every day. The ultimate pleasure of life is waiting for you.

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17. Stop grieving and be ready for war

All of us were born here, in this world same, naked, and screaming for life.

Some were born into families with good money, educated parents and

happy family life. Some were into families with poor and uneducated

parents, troubles in family life.

So, what is the difference between successful and unsuccessful men?

Men, who become successful in many areas in life, believe in themselves

and their dreams.

Yet, the unsuccessful ones do not dream at all. They limit their inner

potential concerning others’ opinions on their potential.

The man, who is so eager for success, makes something stunning. No

matter how hard and disadvantageous the situation is. They do not grieve.

They starve for success.

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18. Be like nature

Block the way of a river. It just finds another way and keeps on flowing. Cut a tree. It does not stop and grows constantly. Simply, nature does not give up.

Yet, what about us? Are we like nature? Some of us.

Many of us cannot speak even a single word, when obstacles arise.

Strong ones don’t let obstacles to get to them. They believe in the strength of their capacity. They believe of their confidence.

Some of us think one time defeat as the life-time defeat. They have just forgotten that everything changes. Nothing can defeat you for a lifetime.

If you were defeated in the past, look out for your second chance. It shall be here waiting for you at this very moment.

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19. Hopes keep you alive

Centuries ago, in the time of great wars, many men went to battles but a few of

them returned home.

How did they come home alive, when all others were dead? People amazed.

At one time, a Great War battalion departed for a battle in a far continent.

Months later, only two soldiers returned home.

When they were asked how survived, one said, “I was given hope. It was what

kept me alive. Hope to return home, see my kids and wife.”

In your lifetime, you will certainly be in situations, where everything is

happening against you.

When things are very harsh, just pat yourself on the chest and say to your

heart “Dear heart, just be patient. Everything is going to be all right.” It will

inspire you.

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20. Completion does not matter “Stop hoping for a completion in anything in life,” says David Deida in his book, the

way of the superior man.

Sometimes, we try hard to be completely good men. There are not men, called

completely good men. Humans are both good and bad.

he point is to practice new good behaviors with time. There is no perfection.

You don’t need to be complete in your life. No one is. Not even the most successful

men in the world.

Try to be the best version of you in every faculty of your life, instead of trying to be

complete. Be the best version of you in your office. Be the best version of you when

you are with your spouse, kids and parents.

Be the best of you when handling your finances and dealing with daily routine.

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21. Remember lessons learnt

I have heard a wise saying “Those, who have forgotten their past, make the same mistakes done in the history.”

Our past, itself is a great teacher.

Some forget past after becoming successful in life. It is not guilty or wrong. Past is not to be worried about. We should actually forget it.

Yet, lessons learnt from the past should always be remembered. For a better tomorrow, the lessons should not be forgotten.

Just forget the past failures and mistakes in your life. They are not supposed to distract your present or future life. Yet, more importantly, remember the lessons learnt from them.

Here, you will achieve more and feel happy.

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22. Who is your queen?

Once, a wise man said. “Choose your lady wisely, she represents you.”

When a woman is chosen to be your wife she will be your beloved queen. No one can get to her. You will always love her. Trust her. Protect her.

She will be your reflection. She will always represent you. As ancient People respect women, who behave better. They respect you too, since she is your queen. You are the one, who should be proud of her behavior.

you shall chose a woman, who admires you, knows your value, sees you as her hero (I love this point), believes in you, comforts you, shares your dreams, loves you so much.

Finally, she is supposed to be with you, though thousands are coming against you.

So, who is your queen?

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23. Have great kids Someday, all of us would get married. Sooner or later, we all will have kids.

Fathers are bound to be a role model for their kids and to provide them great examples about life.

Kids learn from you. Keep those learnings in mind. Try to copy your behavior. You, yourself have to set positive examples for kids.

So, be a great father. Set up good examples. Show your kids how much you love their mother. They will learn to respect women. Show them how to treat others better. They will be remarkable in life.

Tell your kids stories of bravery and sacrifice; they will indeed be warriors and heroes. Tell them fairy tales. They will dream for life.

As the great father of a great man, you will fell delighted and accomplished in your life, since you made him, with your beloved great wife.

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24. Do what you fear most

Men, who love doing what they fear most, achieve more and become greater in life. They are on the way to be successful in many situations.

When you do what you fear most, you test your limits and let yourself to become the next higher self of you.

When the fear of actions weakens, the greater the satisfaction and self-esteem. You will keep on doing what you fear most, since you have succeeded in the past.

for the first time, how do you initiate against what you fear most? It is the inspiration of inner thoughts of bravery and the need for dignity in your own soul.

Just imagine, one thing that you fear most in life is swimming. You cannot get rid of your fear from staying just out of the pool. Yet, you will face you fear by getting into the pool and learning how to swim itself.

Do one thing that you fear most in your life daily. Your next higher self will come to you.

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25. Brave men make brave decisions

The legendary day in my life, the day, I made the most critical decision I have ever

taken for years. I remember the day; I decided to become a self-development author,

instead of becoming a well-paid employee in a big corporation.

I still remember how I really felt that day. I little frustrated. Of course, a little scared.

No steady paycheck, no guarantee and no pension scheme.

For all of us, there are situations that you cannot escape from making bold decisions.

They are so need with time. They shape our reality.

Brave decisions we make today will decide how well we will live when we will have

grown old.

Make some brave decisions today. Do not worry about the outcomes. Just decide.

Start writing the book you always wanted to write, start the business venture you

dreamt for a long time.

Once you made the decision, do not turn back. Be the best version of you. Push


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26. The fruits of taking risks

Adaptation to a certain structure or system is known as the most demolishing fact in the entire world.

It hinders innovations, stops growth.

People, who are adapted, are not simply willing to change the familiar, because they are very comfortable with it.

Innovators changed the way you eat, you work, you communicate, you dress and you travel; everything. They changed your entire lifestyle.

Great innovators endured even a greater risk, when making their dreams possible. Without taking risks, there will be nothing.

Today itself, start taking more risks wisely. Know your limits. Know where you will stop taking risks. Think of your level of risks. You know it better than anyone else.

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27. Break the chains

We all are destined to be great, if you believe it or not. It is the very truth I realized from spiritual practices and learning for years.

This world is chaos, noise and disturbing. Our surroundings don’t let us to calm down and discover the truth of life.

Yet, the noise of your surroundings is not an excuse for your inability to discover the meaning of life.

The one, who is greatly in the need of realizing very truth of life, unveils anything, explorers his own mind, learns new things and discovers path to stay out of crowd and noise.

After schooling for almost 15 years, we find a job in an organization, get married, acquire a home and grow a family. Pay mortgages, pay bills and finally live paycheck to paycheck.

We are here for a greater purpose. It is something more than just living, satisfying our basic needs. So, find ways to break your chains.

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28. Be a warrior

This evening, I watched a great movie; 300. It was a very heart touching movie

inspired by true events.

It was about warriors, who always stood still and guarded what mattered to them.

Remember, there are not fearless men. Simply, they have suppressed their fears.

They do not let their fears to control their lives.

Sooner or later, you will have your calling to be a warrior. It will come with choices; to

be a warrior or not to be. What will you chose?

In our life, all of us have times to test our limits and stand on our own feet firm. It is

our time to be a real life warrior.

Finally, after all, what is the purpose of living, if we do not stand for what is ours? No

reason to live anymore.

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29. The story of a legend

Hercules, son of Zeus, a myth we all know of. Hercules was the one, who stood for men

when the cruel Gods were fighting against mankind. A legend.

Men remember legends. Respect legends. But, a few of them really become legends and live forever in hearts of thousands.

All of us have the capability to become a legend. Sound unbelievable? Not really. We all have the potential to become a legend.

Be the bravest man you know. Be the most humble man you know. Be the most honest man you have ever seen.

You will be the most charismatic man people will ever know, see, meet and speak with.

Make little positive changes in your life; how you walk, how you dress, how you speak with others, how you think.

Just believe in me for now. You are going to be a legend soon.

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30. When you look back

Many of us undoubtedly have had a harsh course in creating the life we wanted, a better and happy life.

Whether you are broken or incredibly successful, they are the results.

As I truly believe, who you are today is not the consequences of bad happenings to you. But, it is the result of how you interpreted them and reacted to those happenings in such a way.

Men, who have achieved more in life, are called to be great ones. They have indeed sacrificed a lot and tested their limits against all odds.

I believe, all of us should have a life story that we are able to recall proudly and tell our kids “Son, this is how your father got here.” Amazing. No?

So, think twice before do something today. Never do something that you will have to regret and be ashamed of yourself, when you look back.

Wish you for a great journey. A tale of victory. A tale of courage and success.

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Dasanayaka 37


Sanath Dasanayaka is a Sri Lankan Personal Development Author

and a Leadership Expert. He is a management graduate from one of

the prestigious state universities in Sri Lanka. He loves reading, writing

and adventures. Sanath's writings are basically on goal setting,

leadership, higher purpose of life and ways of living better.

Check out my blog for latest updates: https://sanathdasanayaka.wordpress.com

Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theofficialsanathdasanayakapage

You can follow me on Twitter: @w_dasanayaka

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