Lesson1 Last

Post on 09-Feb-2016

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Transcript of Lesson1 Last

Introduction to the Internet

إعداد أ / أحمد العنتري 1

Lesson 1& 2What is the internet

Subject: InternetInstructor: Ahmed Al_Antari

E-Mail :. .ahmed alantary@yahoo comFacebook: www.facebook.com/ahmed.alantaryMobile : 777148319Department: Internet and Graphics 2nd YearSana’a Community College

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Introduction to the Internet



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What is the Internet?…

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It connects…•Academic



…sites in order to share information.

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Internet Services

Direct Communication

Online Conferencing

Distributed Information Resources

File Transferإعداد أ / أحمد العنتري 6


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Did you know? The foundation of the Internet began in 1969, when the US Department of Defense created ARPAnet, a project to allow military personnel to communicate with each other in an emergency.

By 2011, the number of Internet users worldwide reached 2 billion—over one quarter of the world's population.



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•University of California at Los Angeles

•University of California at Santa Barbara

•Stanford Research Institute

•University of Utah


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1970’s Protocols (eg: ftp)

Early 80’s NewsgroupsE-Mail



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A Network : is a group of two or more computer systems linked together.

Types Of Networks :

1 -Local Area Network (LAN): A LAN is two or more connected computers sharing certain resources in a relatively small geographic location, often in the same building. Examples include home networks and office networks

What is A Network?…

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2- Wide Area Network (WAN): A WAN typically consists of two or more LANs. The computers are farther apart and are linked by telephone lines, dedicated telephone lines, or radio waves. The Internet is the largest Wide Area Network (WAN) in existence.


What is A Network?…

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Web Server Large amounts of data stored…for access by internet users.

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Web Browser


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Home Page

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Web Page VS Web Site

Any Ideas???إعداد أ / أحمد العنتري 16

ISP = Internet Service Provider

Ex: Onvol, Waldonet, Maltanet, Keyworld, etc etc etc


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HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTML = Hypertext Mark-up Language

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HTML: Sample




<p>&nbsp;</p><p><font face="Arial"><br><font color="#FF0000">Click here to see my pictures:</font></p><p><a href="http://www.mysite.com/photos.html">My photograhps</a></p>



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The Internet Today?..

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What is A VoIP?..

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What is An E-mail?..

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What is A Blog?..

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What is A Web Feed?..

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What is A Streaming?..

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What is A wiki?..

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What is An Online chat?..

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What is A Social Networking?..

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What is A Social Bookmarking?..

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What is A Podcast?..

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Lab1. HTML Structure

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Lab1. HTML Structure

<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000FF"vlink="#000080" alink="#FF0000>"

<h1 style="text-align: center">HTML Document Structure</h1><p>

This is a sample HTML file./<p>


<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000FF" vlink="#000080"alink="#FF0000" background="clouds.gif>"

Setting a background image on the page


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Lab1 & 2. HTML Text Formatting

There are many tags used to format text. They are listed below:< ●b>..</b> - Sets bold text.

< ●big>..</big> - Sets larger than normal text.< ●em>..</em> - Sets text in italics and denotes emphasis.

< ●i>..</i> - Sets text in italics.< ●small>..</small> - Makes text smaller than normal.

< ●strike>..</strike> - Draws a line through the text as a "strikeout."

< ●strong>..</strong> - Same as bold but denotes strong emphasis.

< ●super>..</super> -Superscript.< ●tt>..</tt> - Monospaced typewriter font.

< ●u>..</u> - Underlined text.< ●var>..</var> - Mark a variable.

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Lab1 & 2 . HTML Sound

The BGSOUND element is used to play sounds on a web page. There is no end tag for the <bgsound>element. To play sounds all that is required is to put a line like the following on your web page:

<bgsound src="1234usmc.wav" loop="-1>"This line is used on this page to play sound.BGSOUND element attributes

●SRC="1234usmc.wav" - The location or the URL of the WAV, MIDI, or AU file to play.

●LOOP="-1" - The number of times the file will will loop. A value of INFINATE or -1 will loopindefinitely.

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Lab1 & 2 . HTML Marquee


<marquee behavior="alternate" align="right" bgcolor="#990000" direction="right" loop="-1" onmouseover="this.start()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="100" scrolldelay="5" > Welcome to My Site </marquee>



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قدرة + رغبة = نجاح

ذكاء + إرادة = ابداع

و يجب أن تضع في بالك دائما بأن

نقاط القوة لديك نقاط الضعف

النجاح في أي أمر عبارة

واإلبداع في أي أمر عبارة

ت حيا

ع تم

مد أ/ أح


إعداد أ / أحمد العنتري