Lesson- The Resurrection€¦ · (Allow time for answers. Parents answer too.) Play: Have an Easter...

Post on 18-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Lesson- The Resurrection€¦ · (Allow time for answers. Parents answer too.) Play: Have an Easter...

Dear Parents, We are so thankful for each and every one of you! We are continually praying for you and your families peace, health and provision. We believe, God will use all of this for our good. God gave you the family you have and knew this was coming, so we want to be a reminder, you were made for such a time as this! It’s Easter Sunday, or better referred to as Resurrection Sunday. We get to focus on the fact that Jesus came out of the grave and defeated everything our enemy tries to use against us. Through Jesus we have victory! So we encourage you to have fun today, enjoy your family! Set aside anything that is causing stress and choose joy. Jesus is ALIVE!!! Again we are praying for you and are here to support your family any way that we can. Please reach out to us if there is anything you need. We love you and can’t wait to worship together again soon! Blessings, Pastors Kevin and Megan P.S. If you haven’t already, follow us @kidlifejax on facebook, Instagram and YouTube. We are releasing things throughout the week that we hope and pray your family can enjoy together!

Lesson- The Resurrection Worship: Worship together with the songs provided, the livestream, or a song from your childhood. Just spend some time in worship together as a family! Alive, by Hillsong Young and Free- https://youtu.be/qEvEVALLjNQ God's Not Dead, by the Newsboys- https://youtu.be/ghC3gqNQJPQ What a Beautiful Name, Hillsong- https://youtu.be/X0swAjogqSM Read: Read the story of the resurrection of Jesus from Luke 24, a storybook Bible, or watch the video provided. The Story of Easter- https://youtu.be/HL8R158Ujp4 Say: Most people think of bunnies or eggs when they think of Easter, but we know that Easter is so much more than that. Today, we celebrate all that Jesus has done for us! He gave His life so that we could be forgiven of our sins, but the story doesn't end on the cross or in the tomb! Jesus rose again three days later, and we get to spend forever in heaven with Him! We have a LOT to celebrate today because Jesus is alive! KidLife Easter video- https://youtu.be/up18gOvJJKM Ask: How did Jesus take care of our sins once and for

all? (By dying on the cross for our sins!) What happened on the third day? (Jesus rose again?)

Why are you grateful that Jesus is alive today? (Allow time for answers. Parents answer too.) Play: Have an Easter egg hunt, but leave one of the eggs empty to represent the empty tomb! Make a fort to represent the tomb, and act out the resurrection story! Be sure to shout and cheer, "He's alive!" when you find the tomb empty.

If you have empty plastic eggs, here is a simple way to tell the story with things you might have around the house. (Feel free to get creative and make substitutions for what you have at home!) Number each egg, and as you open each one, talk about the item inside and what it symbolizes, or read the accompanying scripture. 1. A leaf- Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:6-8) 2. Dimes or nickels- Judas betrays Jesus (Matthew 26:-14-15) 3. A piece of bread or cracker- The Last Supper (Matthew 26:26-28) 4. Tiny piece of rolled paper to represent Jesus' prayers-Gethsemane (Matthew 26:39) 5. Something symbolizing a kiss (Hershey’s kiss, lips sticker or a drawn picture.)- Jesus arrested (Matthew 26:48-50) 6. Soap and red food dye on a cloth- Pilate washes his hands of Jesus (Matthew 27:24-26) 7. Small cross or nails- The crucifixion (Matthew 27:38-41) 8. White cloth- Jesus is buried (Matthew 27: 59-61) 9. Small Rock- Stone rolled over the tomb (Matthew 27:57-60) 10. Empty- Jesus is alive! (Matthew 28: 1-10) Create: Allow your kids to color the provided coloring pages or draw a picture of the empty tomb! Make a tape resist cross. place two pieces of painters tape in the shape of a cross on a sheet of paper. Color over the tape, then remove it to reveal the image of the cross.

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© 2012 OTC

I am the Resurrection and the Life



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