The Empty Tomb and Ascension...2004/02/28  · What we believe. 10 min. –Copies of the Apostles’...

© 2014-2015 Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 1 The Empty Tomb and Ascension Mark 16:1-8; Acts 1:1-14 Mark 16:6 and Acts 1:8-9 Jesus’ followers hear that he has been raised from the dead. Forty days later, Jesus ascends into heaven. As followers, all Christians are called to be witnesses of this good news. Resurrection and Ascension Worship After completing this lesson, students will be able to: Explain the importance of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to our Christian tradition by exploring the Apostles’ Creed. Illustrate the story of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension by using colored fabric and a story script. Demonstrate acts of worship by creating a litany using bandannas and words of praise that are both lifted up to God. Sunday, April 3, 2016

Transcript of The Empty Tomb and Ascension...2004/02/28  · What we believe. 10 min. –Copies of the Apostles’...

Page 1: The Empty Tomb and Ascension...2004/02/28  · What we believe. 10 min. –Copies of the Apostles’ Creed Learning the Story Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension Color wheel storytelling.

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The Empty Tomb and AscensionMark 16:1-8; Acts 1:1-14

Mark 16:6 and Acts 1:8-9

Jesus’ followers hear that he has been raised from the dead.Forty days later, Jesus ascends into heaven.As followers, all Christians are called to be witnesses of this good news.

Resurrection and Ascension


After completing this lesson, students will be able to:

� Explain the importance of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to our Christiantradition by exploring the Apostles’ Creed.

� Illustrate the story of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension by using coloredfabric and a story script.

� Demonstrate acts of worship by creating a litany using bandannas and wordsof praise that are both lifted up to God.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Page 2: The Empty Tomb and Ascension...2004/02/28  · What we believe. 10 min. –Copies of the Apostles’ Creed Learning the Story Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension Color wheel storytelling.

Activities a la Carte

Lesson #2-28 (3rd-6th) April 3, 2016

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Into the StoryThe Song that Doesn’t EndJesus’ love is eternal.

10 min. � A computer, table, or phone with anInternet connection (optional)

Bible Nuts and BoltsResurrection and AscensionWhat we believe.

10 min. � Copies of the Apostles’ Creed

Learning the StoryJesus’ Resurrection and AscensionColor wheel storytelling.

10 min. � Activity Sheet #2-28.A� Bandannas or fabric pieces of various


Living the StoryRisen Savior WorshipRaising our colors for God.

15 min. � Activity Sheet #2-28.B� Pencils or pens� Bandannas or fabric pieces� Clothes pins� Thin rope

Additional ActivitiesOrange You Able to Float?An experiment on ups and downs.

15 min. � Oranges� Sharpie marker� Large bowl or bucket of water� Napkins

Activities Supplies

Page 3: The Empty Tomb and Ascension...2004/02/28  · What we believe. 10 min. –Copies of the Apostles’ Creed Learning the Story Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension Color wheel storytelling.

Activities a la Carte

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Activities SuppliesCloud GazingBringing our attention back to earth.

15 min. � Cotton balls� “Little Cloud” by Eric Carle (optional)

Ascension ArtWhat lifts me up.

20 min. � Paper� Paint� Paintbrushes� Crayons and/or markers� Chalk�Whiteboard or large sheet of paper


You Shall be my WitnessesA game of telephone.

10 min. � Nothing

Student Bible Jesus’ Resurrection andAscensionStudents continue their own Bible story book!

10 min. � Each student’s binder� Copies of Activity Sheet #2-28.C� A three-hole punch� Pens� Markers and/or crayons� A sample page

Closing Prayer 5 min.

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Background for TeachersStory ConnectionsMark’s Gospel focuses our attention on the cross.Throughout his ministry, Jesus repeatedly told hisfollowers that he would suffer and specifically pre-dicted his own death three times. Yet even the disci-ples held on to the desire that Jesus would become apowerful king with political clout. Upon his death onthe cross, though, we hear the centurion’s powerfulconfession: “Truly this man was God’s Son.”

Yet the story takes an unbelievable twist in today’slesson. Jesus is resurrected on Easter morning. Final-ly, the victory over death is won. Yet, Mark’s gospelis one of intrigue. Either it ends following verseeight, with the women in fear and amazement andnot telling anyone what they have seen. Or, otherscholars believe that it ends in similar fashion toMatthew and Luke, including a commissioning of thedisciples and Jesus’ ascension.

The second part of the reading is the beginning ofthe Book of Acts and includes Jesus’ promise of theHoly Spirit, his call to all believers to share themessage to the ends of the earth and his ascensioninto heaven. We go from the end of the story ofJesus’ time on earth and transition into the birth ofthe Christian church.

Story Summary: Jesus’ Resurrection andAscensionAfter Jesus’ brutal death on the cross, we pick up thestory with the good news that our Christian faithrelies on: Jesus rose from the dead and, thus, hasconquered death for all believers. During the nextforty days, he spends his time preparing the disciplesfor the work of sharing the good news of what hashappened with the world. Finally, he promises themthe Holy Spirit and ascends into heaven. Thus beginsthe Christian church.

Bible Nuts and Bolts: Jesus’ Resurrectionand AscensionJesus’ resurrection, the good news of Easter, is thecenter of our Christian faith. The final victory has

been won! Yet, even as Christ ascends into heaven,the Holy Spirit is promised. We have a God who iseternally present and creating faith among people onearth.

Story ThemesAny passage of Scripture has countless themes andlessons for the student. The following themes are thefocus of this lesson.

Jesus’ followers hear that he has been raised from thedead. Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene,and Salome went to the tomb in order to carry outthe sad work of anointing his body with spices. Asthey arrived, their concerns were how they would rollaway the stone. But, the following minutes werefilled with surprise, alarm, terror and amazement.This was simply unbelievable news!

Forty days later, Jesus ascends into heaven. Jesusappeared to the apostles and taught them about thekingdom of God. Then, he promised the Holy Spir-it’s presence on earth, called followers to action, andascended into heaven.

As followers, all Christians are called to be witnessesto this good news. Before Jesus ascended, his wordsclearly called all believers to share the good newswith the world. This is challenging work, but withthe presence of the Holy Spirit, faith continuesto be created around the globe.

Spiritual Practice: WorshipThrough Jesus Christ, we have been given everlast-ing life. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, we arestrengthened to share that news with the world.Worship is our opportunity to express our gratitudeand love to God. Today, students will be able to liftup their praises in a colorful activity.

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Background for TeachersTeacher Note: Today’s lesson covers the NarrativeLectionary readings for both Easter Sunday as wellas the Second Sunday of Easter. If you have classboth weeks, there is plenty of material here to covertwo sessions. Here are two options for how to struc-ture your time:

Option One:● Week One: Do the Into the Story and Learning

the Story activities followed by a “Resurrec-tion Celebration” that includes refreshmentsand Easter music. You may also choose toinclude the You Shall be my Witnesses game.

● Week Two: Review the Learning the Storyactivity and complete the session with otheractivities from the lesson plan.

Option Two:● Week One: Do the Into the Story, Learning the

Story, Bible Nuts and Bolts, and one or two ofthe activities the first week.

● Week Two: Review the story contents andinclude the Living the Story activity and a fewof the additional activities.

If you have class on only one of the weeks, select afew of the additional activities to include with theregular lesson components.

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Lesson Plan

Into the Story (10 minutes)The Song that Doesn’t EndJesus’ love is eternal.

You will need:� A computer, tablet, or phone with an internet connection (optional)

During class:1. I’m glad to see you all today! I wanted to start out by asking you to think of

things that seem to go on and on. Share an example from your own life to get themstarted. This may include a story of a long car ride, a day at work or school, or eventime spent with someone that you struggle to get along with.

2. Encourage students to share an example from their own life of something that feelslike it goes on forever.

3. If you have a device with Internet access, search YouTube for “song that never endsLamp Chop.” Show the video to the class.

4. That might drive us crazy if we watched it for too long – just like some of thethings you have shared with us. When we describe some things as “never-ending” it makes us feel exhausted, frustrated and cranky.

5. Yet, there is one thing that truly never ends. It doesn’t have a pause button or apower switch. There is nothing we can do to ever stop it. That is Jesus’ love forus.

6. Our lesson last week ended with Jesus’ death on the cross. When his friendswent to put spices on his body three days later, they thought that the story wasover and done with. They thought it was the END.

7. Today, we get the good news, though, that Jesus’ story doesn’t end – EVER!

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Bible Nuts and Bolts (10 minutes)Resurrection and AscensionWhat we believe.

You will need:� Copies of the Apostles’ Creed

Note:� Different churches and denominations use the Apostles’ Creed in different ways and,

due to these variations, your students may or may not be familiar with the words.Please adapt the following activity as needed to make it suitable.

During class:1. Pass out copies of the Apostles’ Creed.2. The Apostle’s Creed is divided into three sections. The first section states what

we, as Christians, believe about God, the Creator. The second section statesour beliefs about Jesus, the Savior. The third section states our beliefs aboutthe Holy Spirit. These are the three persons of God – called the Trinity.

3. Let’s read together the middle section and see what it tells us about Jesus.4. Read together starting with “I believe in Jesus Christ…” and ending with “…and he

will come to judge the living and the dead.”5. Last week, we talked about Jesus’ death in our story together. It says in the

creed that, after he died, he was buried and descended to the dead. Then whathappened? [He rose again. He ascended into heaven.]

6. Rising again is called “resurrection.” It means that Jesus was completely deadand then he became completely alive again – his mind, body, and spirit.Through resurrection, God won final victory over death for all of us.

7. Do you know what “ascended into heaven” means? [Jesus’ body rose from the groundup to the sky and into the clouds. It was physically lifted up.] I would guess the discipleswould have been surprised and amazed when that happened. It’s importantthat we know that Jesus didn’t ever die again – he continues to live with God inheaven.

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Learning the Story (10 minutes)Jesus’ Resurrection and AscensionColor wheel storytelling.

You will need:� Activity Sheet #2-28.A� Bandannas or fabric pieces of various colors

During class:1. Spread bandannas or fabric pieces on the table and distribute copies of Activity Sheet

#2-28.A to students.2. Divide students into eight groups. If there are fewer than eight students in your class,

decide how to divide the eight readings among participants.3. Take a minute to read through the passage that you have been assigned. Think

about a color that might go with the sentences that you read. Some might beeasy because a color is actually mentioned, but others will take more creativity.Remember that there are no wrong answers since this is a creative process.

4. As students read their sections, offer encouragement. If any students are struggling,you could ask questions or offer suggestions. Colors could be associated with:

1. The sunrise, tomb or walk.2. The stone, the tomb or the dark feelings they were experiencing.3. The tomb, the robe, or the feeling of being surprised.4. The crucifixion or the feelings of being afraid or amazed.5. The waters of baptism or the feelings the disciples experienced upon seeing

Jesus alive again.6. Kings, the Holy Spirit or the earth.7. Clouds, the clothing of the men, or the sky.8. The disciples or prayer.

5. Have students read the passages in order, picking a bandanna or fabric piece andholding it up as they read. (If another group selects the same color, have them pass italong as needed.)

6. After the story has been told, go around the room and have each student or groupexplain why they selected the color that they selected. Or, if you have atalkative group, have them try to guess why other groups selected what theydid.

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7. If time allows after the activity, ask: There are still some fabric pieces in themiddle of the table. Can you find creative ways to relate any of them to thestory we just read? [Answers will vary.]

8. Thank you for telling the story to one another and, especially, for yourcreativity in choosing.

Living the Story (15 minutes)Risen Savior WorshipRaising our colors for God.

You will need:� Activity Sheet #2-28.B� Pencils or pens� Bandannas or fabric pieces from Learning the Story activity� Clothes pins� Thin rope

During class:1. Today’s Bible story is full of good news, namely Jesus’ resurrection, the

promise of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus’ ascension into heaven. We thank God forthe joy this news brings to us – and we share the good news with other peoplearound the world

2. One way that we show our appreciation to God is through worship. Worship isour opportunity to show God our love.

3. Together we are going to write a worship litany. A litany is a scriptedconversation or prayer with God that is used during worship.

4. Pass out a copy of Activity Sheet #2-28.B to each student. Spend a few minutesallowing students to fill in the sheet with words of praise and thanks as well as theirrequests, each in the appropriate area. They can do this individually or you can do ittogether as a group. Make sure there are as many phrases as total students.

5. Each student should select at least one petition they will say at the appropriate time inthe litany – some words of praise or thanks or a request for God.

6. Have each student select a bandanna or fabric piece that goes with the wordsthey will say. If time allows, have them share why they chose the color theydid. Each student also will need a clothespin for each bandanna.

7. Ask for two volunteers to each hold one end of the rope, pulling it tightbetween them. They will start out holding it at knee level.

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8. As these two students hold the rope, we are going to say our litany together.Whenever you say words of praise, thanks or request, you can immediatelytake your fabric to the rope and fasten it on with the clothespin.

9. Then, whenever we say together “Hear our words,” the students holding therope will lift it up a little bit higher. By the end of our litany, our colorful wordsfor God will be lifted up high.

10. Enter into a worshipful mood, make sure everyone understands the directions, andengage in the worship together.

11. Afterwards, notice how beautiful the many colors are on the rope. Remind studentsthat worship can happen together, but it can also be a personal experience when theyare alone with God as well. Encourage them to take their activity sheets home and usethem when they pray or worship with their families.

Additional ActivitiesOrange You Able to Float? (15 minutes)An experiment on ups and downs.

You will need:� Oranges� Sharpie marker� Large bowl or bucket of water� Napkins

Note:� You will only need two oranges in order to do the science experiment. If you would

like to eat oranges as a snack as well, please plan accordingly.

Before class:1. Fill the large bowl or bucket with water, nearly to the top.2. Peel one of the oranges.

During class:1. Hold up the two oranges – one peeled and one unpeeled.2. What are these? [Oranges.] But, then, what is the other one? Act confused.

After all, they don’t really look the same. They don’t look like the samething to me. How can they both be oranges? [One has the peeling on and theother has the peeling removed.]

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3. Why do you think oranges have peelings on them? [To protect them.] While anorange is growing the peeling is mostly there to protect the fruit from pests andfungus that might destroy it.

4. Let’s go crazy for a few minutes and pretend that these oranges are US! Justlike an orange has a peel to protect it, we have skin that protects our bodies.But, we also have God’s love to protect us, don’t we? When Jesus ascendedinto heaven, he promised that the Holy Spirit would be with us.

5. Write the words “God’s Love” on the peeling of the orange with the sharpie.6. Hold both oranges, one in each hand, above the bowl or bucket of water.7. Do you think our oranges will sink or float in the water? Allow students to each

make a hypothesis of what will happen.8. First, drop in the orange with NO peel. It should sink to the bottom.9. The first orange sunk to the bottom. I’m guessing most of you are good

swimmers so, if you jump in and sink to the bottom of the pool, you know howto kick your legs and move your arms to get back to the surface. But, it’s veryfrightening for people who don’t know how to swim. They are stuck under thewater. They need HELP to get out.

10. Hold up the second orange. This orange has some protection and help – at leastit says it does. It says “God’s love” on the peeling. God’s love can help us whenwe feel scared. Share a story about a time that God’s love has provided comfort orstrength for you personally.

11. Drop the second orange into the bowl or bucket. It will float to the top.12. In our lesson for this week, we heard of Jesus rising up two times: He rose out

of the grave at his resurrection and he rose up to the sky at his ascension. Hisbody actually went UP.

13. We have also been given a promise by God to be raised up to live with himafter our death. But, even in our lives, God’s love raises us up.

14. If you brought enough oranges for students to have a snack, pass out oranges andnapkins. As you peel and eat them, share stories about how God’s love buoys you up– and how you can share God’s love with others by helping them when they needyou.

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Cloud Gazing (15 minutes)Bringing our attention back to earth.

You will need:� Cotton balls� “Little Cloud” by Eric Carle (optional)

During class:1. Dump cotton balls out on the table, spreading them out in clumps so every student

has some close by.2. Have you ever looked up in the sky to gaze at clouds? It can be fun to just

watch them move slowly by. Sometimes people squint their eyes together a bitand try to create a picture or image in the clouds.

3. If you have a copy of the book “Little Cloud” by Eric Carle, show the students. Pagethrough it as you look at the various pictures the clouds create in the book.

4. Encourage students to look at the clumps of cotton balls on the table to find variousshapes or figures. Have them point them out to one another.

5. Gazing at clouds has been a hobby of people for centuries. In the story ofJesus’ ascension we read about today, Jesus rose into the sky until he washidden by a cloud. The disciples continue to stare up toward heaven until thetwo men dressed in white came and re-directed their attention.

6. Have you ever heard someone say, “You have your head in the clouds?” Whatdoes that mean? [You aren’t paying attention. You are daydreaming. You are distracted. Youare thinking about something different than what the person is talking about.]

7. When Jesus ascended into heaven, I bet the disciples were amazed andsurprised. They may have been worried about when they would see Jesusagain. They may have wondered if he was coming back out of the cloud thathid him from view or not. Allow students to share any other ideas they may haveabout what the disciples were thinking or wondering about.

8. It’s almost like those men in white clothing were saying, “Get your head out ofthe clouds and stop wondering about all those things. Pay attention to what isgoing on HERE.”

9. Before Jesus’ ascension, he told the disciples to share the Good News of whathe had done to the ends of the earth. There was real work to do! We, too, havebeen called to do God’s work on earth. Part of that is learning thestories in Sunday school and worshipping God – but it also includes allthe things we do at home, school and our neighborhoods.

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Ascension Art (20 minutes)What lifts me up.

You will need:� Paper� Watercolors or washable paint� Paintbrushes� Water cups (filled)� Paper towels� Crayons and/or markers� Chalk� Whiteboard or large sheet of paper (optional)

Before class:� If desired, print the following Bible verses on paper or a whiteboard for students to

refer to as they create their art.1. Isaiah 40:312. John 3:163. Romans 8:38-394. Philippians 4:13

During class:1. Today we are going to create some inspirational art. Inspirational art inspires

people, which means it fills them up or it gives them positive feelings so thatthey take action. For example, we have all been inspired by Jesus’ resurrectionand promises to share the good news with others. Perhaps we can create someart that will help others to know that love and then share it with others, too.

2. Take a few minutes to think about what colors you would like to use if you’regoing to create abstract art or what you would like to create a picture of thatyou think would inspire other people. While you do that, I will pass out thematerials you can use.

3. Pass out a piece of paper to each student and set additional art supplies within reach.4. There is just ONE catch to how you create your artwork. Because Jesus

from the dead and in to heaven, you will only use upward stroke withyour art materials. Demonstrate to students what this looks like by showinghow to write a letter from bottom to top or draw a simple picture withexclusively upward strokes. (Please note: If this causes undue stress ordifficulties for students, please be flexible with this request. Perhaps it couldbe presented as a challenge rather than a requirement.)

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5. Encourage students to print one of the Bible verses you have provided on their paperor to look up their own.

6. Offer support and encouragement as they work. If time allows as they finish, set up amini art show on the table and walk around to view one another’s creations.

You Shall be my Witnesses (10 minutes)A game of telephone.

You will need:� Nothing

During class:1. Have students either sit or stand in a circle.2. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he told his disciples that they were to be

his witnesses. What is a witness? [Someone who shares what they have seen or what theyknow. A person who observed an event and call talk about it.]

3. In a court, the judge calls witnesses to share what they saw so everybody canknow the truth.

4. That’s what Jesus wanted also. He wants everyone who experienced his love toshare it with others all over the world – to be his witnesses.

5. Today we are going to play the game of telephone. First we will be witnessesto the good news we hear about one another. Then, we will be witnesses toGod’s amazing love.

6. Have the first student think of the best thing about his or her week. That eventshould be whispered in the ear of the next person in the circle. The whisperingcontinues around the circle until the good news reaches the final person. The finalperson becomes the witness and proclaims the good news in a loud voice. At thattime, the person who the good news belongs to can make any corrections orexplanations necessary.

7. The proclaimer becomes the next person to whisper good news around the circle.8. Make sure each student is given the opportunity to share good news and to proclaim.9. For the last round, the teacher can whisper this good news: Jesus is risen! Alleluia!

10. When this good news gets around the circle, encourage all the students to yell it out atonce.

11. Thank you for sharing your good news with one another…. and forsharing Christ’s good news with the world!

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Student Bible Book: Ascension and Resurrection (10 min)Students continue their own Bible story book!

You will need:� Each student’s binder� Copies of Activity Sheet #2-28.C on 8.5” x 11” cardstock paper or plain paper� A three-hole punch� Pens� Markers and/or crayons� A sample page (See below)

Before class:1. Create a sample page using the instructions below to demonstrate to students

approximately what their page should look like.2. You may copy the activity sheet onto the cardstock, or just have students write it all


During class:1. Hand out one piece of cardstock paper and a pen to each student.2. Show students the sample page you made before class.3. Today we are going to continue making our own Bible book!4. If you did not copy the activity sheet onto the cardstock, instruct students to write the

name of the story on the top of their page (in portrait orientation) and write thepassage underneath the title.

5. What are some of the important things we have learned from this story?[Answers will vary, see story themes for suggested answers]

6. On the bottom of your page, please write one or two important things that youhave learned from this story. In the middle of the page, draw a picture from thestory or illustrate one of your important things you’ve learned.

7. When students are finished, have them put their names on the back and collect thepages. Three-hole punch the papers and put them in individual binders for eachstudent to be kept at church until the end of the year.

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Closing PrayerBefore ending class, make a point to come together to pray. Use the following or say your ownprayer.

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Jesus’ Resurrection and AscensionColor wheel storytelling

Spread colorful bandannas or fabric pieces in the middle of the group. Take turns reading the scriptbelow and selecting a color swatch to represent it.

1. When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salomebought spices so they could anoint Jesus’ body. They got up very early on the first day of the week,as the sun was rising, and walked to the tomb.

2. They had been asking one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to thetomb?” But, when they looked up, they saw that the very large stone had already been rolled back.

3. As they walked into the tomb they saw a young man dressed in a white robe, sitting on the rightside. They were surprised.

4. The man said to them, “Do not be afraid; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was cruci-fied. He has been raised; he is not here. Go, tell his disciples that he is going to Galilee and you willsee him there. They went from the tomb, scared and amazed. They said nothing to anyone. Theywere afraid.

5. He presented himself alive to the disciples and stayed with them forty days. He told them not toleave Jerusalem but to wait there for the promise of the Father. He said, “John baptized with water,but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”

6. When they all came together they asked, “Lord, are you going to be the king now?” But Jesusanswered, “It is not for you to know when God does what God does. But you will receive the HolySpirit and you will tell people in Jerusalem and other close by places and other far-away places –even to the ends of the earth – about me.”

7. When they heard this, Jesus was lifted up until they couldn’t see him through the clouds. Whilethey looked up, two men dressed in white stood by them and said, “Why do you look up to heav-en? Jesus has been taken up to heaven and will come back someday.”

8. The disciples returned to Jerusalem and went to the upstairs room where they prayed and prayed.

Page 18: The Empty Tomb and Ascension...2004/02/28  · What we believe. 10 min. –Copies of the Apostles’ Creed Learning the Story Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension Color wheel storytelling.

Lesson #2-28 (3rd-6th) • April 3, 2016

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Risen Savior WorshipRaising our colors for God.

e open our worship in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Son and in thename of the Holy Spirit.


ALL: Hear our words of praise.


ALL: Hear our words of thanks.


ALL: Hear our requests.

You are a God of love and we worship you. Amen.

Page 19: The Empty Tomb and Ascension...2004/02/28  · What we believe. 10 min. –Copies of the Apostles’ Creed Learning the Story Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension Color wheel storytelling.

Lesson #2-28 (3rd-6th) • April 3, 2016

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Jesus’ Resurrection and AscensionMark 16:1-8; Acts 1:1-14

I learned:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 20: The Empty Tomb and Ascension...2004/02/28  · What we believe. 10 min. –Copies of the Apostles’ Creed Learning the Story Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension Color wheel storytelling.

The Story @ Home

Story ConnectionsMark’s Gospel focuses our attention on the cross.Throughout his ministry, Jesus repeatedly told his fol-lowers that he would suffer and specifically predicted hisown death three times. Yet even the disciples held on tothe desire that Jesus would become a powerful king withpolitical clout. Upon his death on the cross, though, wehear the centurion’s powerful confession: “Truly thisman was God’s Son.”

Yet the story takes an unbelievable twist in today’s les-son. Jesus is resurrected on Easter morning. Finally, thevictory over death is won. Yet, Mark’s gospel is one ofintrigue. Either it ends following verse eight, with thewomen in fear and amazement and not telling anyonewhat they have seen. Or, other scholars believe that itends in similar fashion to Matthew and Luke, includinga commissioning of the disciples and Jesus’ ascension.The second part of the reading is the beginning of theBook of Acts and includes Jesus’ promise of the HolySpirit, his call to all believers to share the message to theends of the earth and his ascension into heaven. We gofrom the end of the story of Jesus’ time on earth andtransition into the birth of the Christian church.

Story Summary: Resurrection & AscensionAfter Jesus’ brutal death on the cross, we pick up thestory with the good news that our Christian faith relieson: Jesus rose from the dead and, thus, has conquereddeath for all believers. During the next forty days, hespends his time preparing the disciples for the work ofsharing the good news of what has happened with theworld. Finally, he promises them the Holy Spirit andascends into heaven. Thus begins the Christian church.

Bible Nuts & Bolts: Resurrection & AscensionJesus’ resurrection, the good news of Easter, is the centerof our Christian faith. The final victory has been won!

Yet, even as Christ ascends into heaven, the Holy Spiritis promised. We have a God who is eternally present andcreating faith among people on earth.

Story ThemesAny passage of Scripture has countless themes and les-sons for the student. The following themes are the focusof this lesson.

Jesus’ followers hear that he has been raised from thedead. Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, andSalome went to the tomb in order to carry out the sadwork of anointing his body with spices. As they arrived,their concerns were how they would roll away the stone.But, the following minutes were filled with surprise,alarm, terror and amazement. This was simply unbeliev-able news.

Forty days later, Jesus ascends into heaven. Jesus ap-peared to the apostles and taught them about the king-dom of God. Then, he promised the Holy Spirit’spresence on earth, called followers to action, and ascend-ed into heaven.

As followers, all Christians are called to be witnesses tothis good news. Before Jesus ascended, his words clearlycalled all believers to share the good news with the world.This is challenging work, but with the presence of theHoly Spirit, faith continues to be created around theglobe.

Spiritual Practice: WorshipThrough Jesus Christ, we have been given everlastinglife. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, we arestrengthened to share that news with the world. Worshipis our opportunity to express our gratitude and love toGod. Today, your child was able to lift up their praises ina colorful activity.

Narrative Lectionary, Year 2

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Page 21: The Empty Tomb and Ascension...2004/02/28  · What we believe. 10 min. –Copies of the Apostles’ Creed Learning the Story Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension Color wheel storytelling.

Try it@ HOME

As you hear and study these stories each week, consider what God has to say to you and your family. Help your children to imagine what it would havebeen like to be the people contained in the stories. What is God’s message to them – and to us? Pick a time each day to gather together and read thefollowing excerpts that share stories from the early church. Engage in a few activities that help you better understand God’s message of love.






During Holy Week, we heard stories that included Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, his last meal with his disciples,and all the events leading up to his death on the cross. And, now we complete the story with the glory of Christ’sresurrection. God has the final word over death and the final victory is shared with us. This good news is meant to beshared and, as Jesus ascends into heaven, his disciples are reminded of their responsibilities just as we are today.Next week we hear how Jesus’ name will continue to be glorified on earth as Peter and John heal a lame man at the gateof the temple. God’s name is praised as Christ’s church begins to take shape.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Mark 16:1-8 Mark 16:9-18 Luke 24:13-35 John 21:1-14 Matthew 28:16-20 Acts 1:6-11 Acts 2:1-13Pick up a smallrock outside.Paint it with thewords, “He isrisen!” and keepit on your dresseror counter to re-mind you of thisgood news!

Jesus’ resurrec-tion was toogood for some tobelieve. Name asmany things asyou can that youbelieve in withoutseeing—like Je-sus and gravity!!

The men didn’t rec-ognize Jesus untilhe broke the bread,blessed it andshared it with them.Bake bread (or an-other treat) to giveaway and pray overit.!

Jesus provided 153fish in the disciples’net. Try to name 153ways Jesus blessesyou this week!

Jesus commanded thedisciples to go and toteach, and then promisedto be with them always.Have each family mem-ber make two requestsand one promise to therest of the family.

The disciples firstlooked up as Jesusascended and thenlooked back to theirwork on earth. Lookup to the stars,make a wish, andthen direct your en-ergy to making thatwish come true.

Look up how to say,“God loves you” ina variety of languag-es. Make cards (or aYouTube video)sharing that goodnews with people.

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