Les Barbares Attaquent le Consulting ! Par Oussama Ammar

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Les Barbares Attaquent le Consulting ! Par Oussama Ammar

The information contained in this document is being provided on a confidential basis to the recipient solely for the purpose of evaluating TheFamily (“TheFamily” or the “Company”). The document is intended for the exclusive use of the persons to whom it is given. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient agrees, for itself and its related bodies corporate, and each of their directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives and advisers, to maintain the confidentiality of this information. Any reproduction or distribution of this document, in whole or in part, or any disclosure of its contents, or use of any information contained herein for any purpose other than to evaluate an investment in the Association, is prohibited. The information contained in this document or subsequently provided to the recipient whether orally or in writing by, or on behalf of the Association, or any of its respective related bodies corporate, or any of their respective partners, owners, officers, employees, agents, representatives and advisers (the “Parties”) is provided to the recipient on the terms and conditions set out in this notice.

Disruption in the Consulting Industry

mercredi 17 juillet 13

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What happened?

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The first asset of consulting firms are the people

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and they are attracted more and more by other career paths...

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like working at a tech company

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or even launching a startupmercredi 17 juillet 13

There is also a huge market pressure

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And of course...

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We saw that 10 years ago with the press

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You will see it in the coming

years with consulting

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Bloggers became the new press

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Random knowledgeable guys become the new consultants

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Consulting as a form of transactional relationship is becoming more and more common

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And that's a threat to most big consulting companies

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Last metric available12,000 calls across 47 countries

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Fortune 500 loves consultants

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But what about Fortune 5M?

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Disruption doesn't need to be better in quality, it just need to start a case

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Airbnb analogy

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«I can imagine a singularity-type point in time where there are so many people in business who have been associated with consulting in their past that it doesn't make sense for companies to hire consultants because either:

a) these ex-consultants can do a consultant's job and/or b) these ex-consultants have internal pressure not to hire consultants because "that's what we hired you for.»

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Small consulting firm are easy to start

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The fragmentation of the industry is a real trend

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What are the primary missions of consulting firms?

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Getting functions which think in silos to work together

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Working across hierarchy

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A flat world

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Forcing decision makingmercredi 17 juillet 13

The accountability culture works

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Taking a pure data driven view

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Providing ideas and innovations

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Open Innovation

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Disruption of methodology too

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There is a school of thought that says that in the future, there will be no large companies: most of the value-add in the society will be produced by start-ups and individual contributors like designers, etc. In case large companies lose their prominence, it would obviously be a kiss of death for consulting firms in their current state because only large firms can afford to buy $1M projects.

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You are Welcome to Join the Adventure


mercredi 17 juillet 13