Leonard Turkel Nonprofit Network: Social Media & Building Attendee Consensus

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Transcript of Leonard Turkel Nonprofit Network: Social Media & Building Attendee Consensus

Alex de Carvalho ● @alexdc ● alex@alexdc.org

Social Media & Building Attendee ConsensusApril 25th, 2013 Alex de Carvalho ● @alexdc


✤ Introduction & context

✤ Concepts

✤ Implementation

✤ Software

I’m just a social media user ... and not

a guru, expert, or swami*!

(*The only Suomi in me is from my Finnish heritage)

Adjunctfrom Fall ’07 to Spring ’12

Securing the ClicksNetwork Security in the Age of Social Media


I create spaces for individuals,

companies, and brands to connect

Before a community is formed, potential community members are as fickle as crabs

They are quick to hole-up and hide out

But they are not alone



@cwsaylor @alexdc

It took us 3 months to organize our first meetup ... and only 5 people showed up (including the photographer)

But we persevered, meeting up monthly ....

Within 18 months, our meetups averaged 100 people and our community grew to over 2,500 members

- South Florida’s largest web community

- Established March 2006

- Over 2,500 members

- Monthly meetups average 150 participants


RefreshMiami: new media community


Social Media Club of South Florida

Established September 2008

- Over 2,500 members

- Monthly meetups average 100 participants

Expand media literacy

Share lessons learned

Adopt industry standards

Promote ethical practices

- Web and new media “un”conference

- Over 1,600 have attended five events

- Next one: June 2013


First one in June 2012:

16 presenters & 300 attendees

500 people joined for the conference and networking in May 2012

Community spawns communities,like rainfall makes things grow

• RefreshMiami• BarCamp Miami• Social Media Club South Florida• Mobile Monday Miami• Tech Tuesday• Tweetups• Coworking Miami• Ruby Brigade• iPhone Lovers Meetup• Wordpress Meetup


Social media is present in your marketing mix

whether you like it or not

I grew up in the age of broadcast media

Characteristics of broadcast mediaProfessionals with degrees

Space limitations Editors

Publishing process Time constraints and deadlines Demographic targeting

Always pitching something

•Amateurs with time

•No space limitations


•Updating, Sharing, Participating

•No Deadlines

•Social consumption and engagement rather than demographic targeting

from Traditional Media ... ... to Social MediaInstitutional Mediation

• Editing Process

• Publishing Process

• Time and Space Constraints

• Professionals with Degrees

Distributed Mediation

• Self-editing

• Updating, Sharing, Participating

• No Deadlines or Space Limitations

• Amateurs with Time

Individual Consumption


Social Consumption

Engaging Communities

My BlogPodcasts





Social Networks

markets are conversations

This is not a conversation

Interruption marketing

Traditional marketers broadcast “crafted” messages

How traditional marketers see us

They keep pitching at us!

they might as well talk to the hand

we’re besieged by ads!

... unsolicited commercial messages

The best pitchers have a highly developed sense of Peripheral Vision

They know when bases are being stolen

“People don’t just connect to each other.

They connect through a shared object.”

-­‐  Jyri  Engestrom  


“So ... what’s the scuttlebutt?”

We have shared interests

It’s the reason we speak to each other and not someone else

social object

We can create social objects

The market for shared experiences is inexhaustible

The social object is the reason two

people are talking to each other as

opposed to talking to someone else.


Are you listening?

... Are you listening?

What are people discussing?

Who’s doing the talking?

Is the content accurate?

What are they passionate about?

Can you identify relationships and communities?

Are they meeting up in the real world?



You’ll be amazed at what you’ll find out ...

•  Audit of current state •  Competitive landscape •  Listening & monitoring

•  Planning •  Roadmap •  Resources •  Policies •  Processes

•  Community management •  Content marketing •  Outreach & engagement •  Marketing & comms support •  Media buys

•  Metrics •  Analysis •  Optimization






Framework for implementation

Establish outposts on social networks

Think of it this way. If you are a fisherman you would not fish for the trophy catch in stagnated water.

You would need to go to where there is fresh water.

That's where the fish are.

The Social Media Starfish

Credit: Robert Scoble

(Good for search engine optimization)

“In social groups, some people actively participate more than others… Social participation tends to follow a 90-9-1 rule where:”

90 - 9 - 1 rule of social participation

A single user may affect or “infect” many others

When listening, quality counts, not quantity

Credit: David Armano

Quality becomes quantity: stuff gets shared between networks

Lots of cows ...

Become the purple cow


Transform Your Business by Being RemarkableSeth Godin







The online objective

Strategic objectives:social media opens the door for ...

✤ Increased name recognition

✤ Maintaining relationships with current supporters

✤ Connecting with new supporters

✤ Sharing your nonprofit’s impact

✤ Establishing your authority on a topic

Creating Content & Connecting

✤ Find your core and connect through your passions

✤ Ask people big questions, challenge them to think big

✤ Open the side door: “The Making Of” & “B-Roll”

✤ It’s about your customers, not you: provide support

✤ People love a good story

✤ Use outside voices: videos and interviews

✤ Be real and be yourself: share your own challenges and opportunities

Typical nonprofit metrics

✤ Number of new donors

✤ Number of repeat donors

✤ Overall fundraising

✤ Number of new volunteers

✤ Number of repeat volunteers

✤ Total number of volunteer hours

New donorsNew volunteersCollaboration opportunities

Increased name recognition

Repeat giving Overall fundraisingRepeat volunteers

Maintaining relationships with current supporters

New donorsNew volunteersCollaboration opportunities

Connecting with new supporters

New donorsReduced donor attritionOverall fundraisingNew volunteersRepeat volunteers

Sharing your nonprofit’s impact

Impact of social media strategies

Collaboration opportunitiesNew donorsEstablishing your authority on a topic



✤ Plan content✤ Sum up events and topics✤ Define timing of output✤ Assign roles✤ Comment and collaborate








Embrace your inner geek

We can leverage social media to build real bridges between communities, by:

✤ Engaging people around topics of interest and encouraging them to collaborate and to develop communities

✤ Empowering people to use technologies to assist in improving their lives

✤ Open sharing of experiences, information and knowledge

✤ Developing cultures of transparency, inclusiveness, and innovation

✤ Localisation; local content creation, local resource distribution, local awareness development, local knowledge transfer, local solution development

Alex de Carvalho ● @alexdc ● alex@alexdc.org

Photo Credits - Creative Commons

✦ Swami http://www.flickr.com/photos/boskizzi/12103933/✦ Marketing mix http://www.flickr.com/photos/luc/1824234195/✦ Birsay cow http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamesm/1074197357/✦ Country living http://www.flickr.com/photos/sentrawoods/3473586209/✦ puppy http://www.flickr.com/photos/klapow/39693385/✦ garfield http://www.flickr.com/photos/pasma/580401331/✦ 70 years of Spam http://www.flickr.com/photos/dok1/2607573904/✦ dinner conversation http://www.flickr.com/photos/88543347@N00/80462964/✦ talk to the hand http://www.flickr.com/photos/99757245@N00/2652563248✦ child http://www.flickr.com/photos/40732566596@N01/109538354/✦ hungry fish http://www.flickr.com/photos/75269757@N00/727422407✦ seti http://www.flickr.com/photos/49457106@N00/280789933/✦ attention http://www.flickr.com/photos/69148125@N00/326386880/✦ community manager http://www.flickr.com/photos/celesteh/397931208/✦ volume http://www.flickr.com/photos/john/10196037/✦ india water http://www.flickr.com/photos/t4deux/3442829950/✦ pickup game - basketball http://www.flickr.com/photos/robinzeggs/141674593✦ jellybeans http://www.flickr.com/photos/jspad/450848498/

✦ Any omissions in attribution are unintentional and will be fixed if and when they’re pointed out