Learning Strategies for a Transparent World: Achieving Results with Virtual and Social Learning

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This is an exploration of trends that are dramatically changing the nature of training.We will increase your ideas of collaborative learning through the use of virtual and social technology.An overview of our integrated learning system for collaborative, social learning: NetSpeed FastTracks

Transcript of Learning Strategies for a Transparent World: Achieving Results with Virtual and Social Learning

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Learning Strategies for a Transparent World

Achieving Resultswith Virtual and Social Learning

May 15, 2012

© 2012 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. 2

Webinar Objectives

• Explore trends that are dramatically changing the nature of training

• Increase collaborative learning through the use of virtual and social technology

• Overview our integrated learning system for collaborative, social learning: NetSpeed Fast Tracks

© 2012 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. 3

About Cynthia Clay

• 25+ years of experience• Author of Great Webinars (published by

Pfeiffer in February)• An expert in collaborative, engaging

social learning tools• Launched NetSpeed Fast Tracks™, an

integrated learning system

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Quick Definitions

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Quick Definitions

• Synchronous• Asynchronous• E-learning• Virtual Learning• Social Learning

(Live, instructor-led)(Self-paced—no instructor)(Online asynchronous)(Online synchronous)(Technology-enabled,

collaborative learning)

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“….computing might one day be a utility like electricity or water, widely available, and shared by many.”

John McCarthy, Stanford ProfessorParaphrased in the Technology ReportChief Learning Officer (October 2011)

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In the Cloud

2011: 70%2010: 56%

2009: 36%

Technology ReportCLO (October 2011)

© 2012 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. 8

Social Media

• In 2010, 110 billion minutes were spent on social media sites

• 22% of all time spent online

Source: Center for MarketingUniversity of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

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• 600+ million registered users• 50% of active users log in every day• Average user generates 90 pieces of content

each month

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One Perspective

“Social media is a catalyst for change and we are moving in to a new era of workplace learning.”

Jane HartCentre for Learning and

Performance Technologies

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Reality Check

“…between one-third and two-thirds of your employees are meeting their needs by working around you.”

Jensen & KleinCLO Magazine, April 2011

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The Smart Worker

1. Learns continuously2. Wants immediate solutions3. Share what she knows4. Relies on a trusted network

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The Smart Worker

5. Learns best with/from others6. Keeps up to date with profession7. Constantly improves productivity8. Thrives on autonomy

Source: Jane Hart

© 2012 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. 14

Opening Poll

What is driving your organization’s move to social learning?- Improve global scalability- Create learner centric-content- Control availability and access to

online information- Provide just-in-time learning- Facilitate the shift to mobile learning

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Opening Chat

Why is your organization interested in social learning?

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Key Questions

• How does social learningprovide strategic value?

• How does that strategicactivity translate to business results?

• How does social learning supportinnovation and problem solving?

• How does social learning provide rapid access to information? To experts?

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Structured and Controlled?Unstructured and Unmonitored?

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“We have to bounce teachers and learners out of that mindset that sees teaching as one to many and adopt the wisdom of the network.”

Donald Clark“7 Compelling Arguments for Peer Learning”

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Learning All Day

“Learning practitioners are well-advised to start paying more attention to learning as it really happens—all day, as we interact with one another, as we go about the business of executing our job tasks or schoolwork.”

Social Media for LearningE-Learning Guild

© 2012 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. 20

Social Media in Learning

Structured UnstructuredBlended

Learning programs delivered using social media, including scheduled assignments and tests.

Social media tools made available for use by individuals when they choose

to access them.

Virtual learning designs that include web conferencing, social media, and collaborative online assignments.

© 2012 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. 21

Barriers to Adoption

What barriers to the adoption of social media in learning have you experienced?

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“Isn’t it the blind leading the blind?”

“They’re supposed to be working, not socializing.”

“How do we control what they’re learning?”

23© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

The New Blend

24© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

The New Blend

E-learningVirtual instructor-ledPodcastingE-books

PodcastingVideoWikis or KnolsBlogsMicro-blogs

Instructor-led classroomPublic speakersIndustry conferences

Brown-bag lunch seminarsBook groupsMentoringConsult a colleague

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Jack Phillips and Holly Burkett

“An e-learning participant is generally disconnected from the instructor and can conveniently ignore the computer, which reduces application of learning.”

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Commitment to Instructor

“In an instructor-led process, there is often a commitment made between the participant and the instructor that might increase the likelihood of participants applying what was learned.”

Jack Phillips, PhD

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Peer-to-Peer Commitment

In highly engaging, collaborative online learning, there is often a commitment between a group of peers, increasing the likelihood of participants applying what was learned.

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Virtual Instructor-Led

• Contract with the instructor• Deeper processing• Greater learning transfer• Better performance


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Peer-to-Peer Learning

• Commitment to the group• Deeper processing• Enhanced critical thinking• Social and communication


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Making the Business Case

• Specify desired learning gains and goals• Determine on-the-job evidence that supports

learning transfer• Blend instructor-led and social learning methods• Connect the blended solution to one or more

business measures• Track and report on-the-job evidence

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Use public social media tools?Adopt private social media tools?Build a social/collaborative platform with

available tools?Connect existing platforms with a collaborative

platform (NetSpeed Fast Tracks™)?Implement an integrated learning system

(NetSpeed Fast Tracks™)

34© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Our Story

1992 •Began as an independent consulting practice•Provided organization and leadership development to Pacific NW clients

2000 •Developed NetSpeed Leadership (blended learning)•Expanded nationally

2006 •Developed Blazing Service (blended learning)•Began to experiment with interactive, VILT using web conferencing

2007 •Developed NetSpeed Fast Tracks™ (integrated learning system)

2008 •Rebranded the company as NetSpeed Learning Solutions•Repurposed all programs for VILT

2009 •Introduced the Virtual Facilitator Trainer Certification course•Published Great Webinars

2011 •Published Peer Power•Learning architects who develop custom solutions that drive business results

We are learning architects who develop

custom solutions that drive business results.

35© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

NetSpeed Learning Center

Post-Class Reinforcement Tools follow face-to-face and VILT.

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Virtual Learning Evolves

Social Learning is not Social Networking

37© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

NetSpeed Fast Tracks™

38© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

• Keyword Searchable• Video podcasting• Podcasting with avatars• Knols (web-based units of knowledge)• Blogs• Insights (expert interviews via podcast)• Three authoring levels: content manager,

designated authors, peer authors

Integrated Learning System

39© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

• Content manager- approves and publishes content- manages and administers the site- reviews usage reports

• Designated authors- pre-approved to upload content

• Peer authors- submit content for approval- add comments to content items

Three Authoring Levels

40© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Video Podcasts

• Discover• Watch• Listen• Read• Download as

mp3 or mp4

41© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Podcasts with Avatars

• Discover• Watch• Listen• Read• Download

as mp3

42© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.


• Authored web pages

• Link to a specific author (SME)

• Include text, audio and video

43© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Online Collaboration

• Host collaborative online learning

• Link to videos, knols and podcasts

• Include a Class Blog

44© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

“The central challenge for organizations today is how to leverage learning consistently,

quickly and effectively into improved performance.”

Robert O. BrinkerhoffTelling Training’s Story

45© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Client Example

• Repurposed a two-day training program.• Participants completed a compliance exam.• Highly interactive in face-to-face classroom.

46© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Pre-Webinar Assignments

47© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Series of Webinars

48© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Peers Present Research

49© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Client Example

Repurposed 11 classroom programs for collaborative virtual delivery(Videos, Knols, Class Blog, and Webinars)

50© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Asynchronous Learning

51© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Avatar and Video Podcasts

52© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Course Knols

53© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Class Blog

54© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Tracking and Measurement

© 2012 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. 55

Social Media in Learning

Structured UnstructuredBlended

Virtual learning that includes web

conferencing, social media, and

collaborative online assignments.

56© 2011 NetSpeed Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

• Create innovative solutions that meet your business objectives

• Meet varied needs of multiple generations of learners (technology-enabled social learning)

• Offer customized learning solutions • Simplify your move to social learning

Benefits of Partnering with Us

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• First 2 respondents receive a copy of Great Webinars

• Receive 30-day premium subscription to NetSpeed Fast Tracks™

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Q & A


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