Leadership Secrets of a Goob LinkedIn version

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Leadership Secrets of a Goob LinkedIn version

Real-life experiences transforming from a bu##head to a Goob

*Define Leadership

*Learn the importance of servant leaders in the parks and recreation field

*Identify the steps to becoming an effective leader

In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to their level of incompetence


*From Bu##head to Goob

*Trust starts at the recruiting level *Serve Everyone like a Guest – a person who is

received with honor *Leaders learn and use other people’s names in

conversation *Leaders build relationships with their staff that goes

beyond work issues *Leaders work alongside their staff *Leaders have integrity

Staff must trust you to give their best effort


*You achieve your vision and dreams when you help other people achieve theirs

*Decision-making should include staff wants and needs.

*Reference staff in your successes and yourself in your failures

*Staff have higher performance and creativity when you put their interests first


*You are setting a bad example if you are not growing professionally

*There is no such thing as maintaining, you are either growing or regressing

*Continually learn new things in different areas – internet, books, magazines, blogs, videos

*Learn from your staff – younger and older *Learn from others who are where you want to

be personally or professionally


*Leaders are curious

*Think outside the proverbial box

*Have a “what if” process for solving challenges

*Consider all possibilities

*Encourage others to do same


*Heroes Are: people with traits, capabilities, experience, relationships, or jobs that you can emulate to help you achieve your vision and goals


*Be willing to take risks and make decisions

*Mistakes will result from your actions

*Analyze and learn from your mistakes

*As you learn, take corrective action

*As you take action, you have more success and make more mistakes

*A leader is constantly changing through learning and adapting

"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again." Nelson Mandela


*Leaders have a “lets make it better” philosophy

*When leaders fail, they fall forward by learning from their failures and correcting them

*Leaders set the pace by being proactive, not reactive, whenever possible

*Leaders don’t whine or complain, but look on the positive to achieve the vision or goal


*Don’t be a SNIOP *Avoid negative influencers A. Grumps B. Whiners C. Sarcasm D. Demeaning People E. Media – newspapers and television Fly with Eagles – other leaders and positive people


*Leaders surround themselves with people smarter than them

*Leaders are focused on helping other people achieve to accomplish the organization vision

*Leaders accept everyone where they are at, but focus on where they could be

*A leader’s legacy are the people who have grown or accomplished their vision because of their association with that leader


*Leaders have a purpose in life *Leaders have values to guide achievement of

purpose *Leaders have goals to provide action to achieve

their purpose

"A values-infused leader actively cultivates success by making their Organization's values foundational to their decision-making." Disney Institute


Six Basic Needs Of Every Employee * I want to achieve. I cannot read your mind, so communicate clear and

achievable goals so I can succeed. Do not be a barrier to getting things done by being a decision-making bottleneck. After all, I am getting them done for you.

* I want to master my work, so coach me often to help me get closer to doing so. I will take the good feedback with the bad, but I need all of it to improve.

* I need autonomy to do my work the best way I know how, so give me some space. I know you have done my job before, but let me use your experience and my fresh perspective to create even better ways to get things done.

* I need a sense of purpose. I want to work for a compelling cause, so help me see the connection between my daily work and how it makes a difference.

* I need to feel connected. I want our team to be special, and special teams start with special relationships. I don't really care how much you know until I know how much you care.

* I crave appreciation. I do more for those who appreciate me, so pour it on! I know I make plenty of mistakes and we discuss those, but also try to catch me doing something right and let me know.



*Warren Bird

*Recreation Director

*Garland Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts
