La Epifanía del Señor The Epiphany of our Lord January 5th, 2020 … · 2020. 1. 5. · 2016...

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Transcript of La Epifanía del Señor The Epiphany of our Lord January 5th, 2020 … · 2020. 1. 5. · 2016...

La Epifanía del Señor The Epiphany of our Lord January 5th, 2020

Miracle of the Month Eucharistic Miracle of Legnica, Poland

2016 Letter from Bishop Kiernikowski:

Sisters and Brothers in Our Lord Jesus Christ! As The Bishop of Legnica I hereby announce to the pub-

lic and inform them of an event that took place in the par-

ish of St. Jacek in Legnica, which has the signs of a Eu-

charistic miracle. On 25th December, 2013, during the

distribution of Holy Communion, a consecrated Host fell

to the floor and then was picked up and placed in a water-

filled container (vasculum). Soon after, stains of a red

color appeared. The former Bishop of Legnica, Stefan

Cichy, set up a commission to observe the phenomenon.

In February 2014, a tiny red fragment of the Host was

separated and put on a corporal. The Commission ordered

to take samples in order to conduct appropriate tests by

different competent authorities.

In the final announcement of the Department of Forensic Medicine we read as follows: In the histopathological

image, the fragments of tissue have been found containing the fragmented parts of the cross striated muscle. (...)

The whole (...) is most similar to the heart muscle with alterations that often appear during the agony. The genetic

researches indicate the human origin of the tissue.

In January this year I presented the whole matter to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican.

Today, according to the Holy See, I recommended that the parish priest, Andrzej Ziombrze, prepare a suitable

place for the Relic so that the faithful might give proper adoration. Hereby, I also ask for visitors to be provided

with the proper information and to conduct relevant teaching (catechesis) to help properly form in their under-

standing of Eucharistic worship. Moreover, I’m ordering that a book be provided to record any graces received or

other supernatural events.

I hope that this will serve to deepen veneration of the Eucharist and will profoundly impact the lives of those ap-

proaching the Relic. We see this marvelous sign as a special expression of God’s kindness and love, Who so hum-

bles Himself before man.

I cordially ask for your prayer and I bless you, †Zbigniew Kiernikowski Bishop of Legnica

La Epifanía del Señor The Epiphany of our Lord January 5th, 2020

Sacred Heart



Thanks be to God for a wonderful and blessed 2019 year for the Sacred Heart Women’s Group! We look forward to another prosperous year for the continued growth in the faith of our women.

¡Gracias a Dios para un año pasado muy bendecida y maravillosa para el grupo de mujeres de la iglesia del Sagrado Corazón! Esperamos otro prospero año para seguir creciendo la fe de nuestras mujeres.

Next Meeting / Próxima junta de Mujeres:

Date / Fecha: 1/23/2020

Time / Hora: 6:30 p.m.

Place / Lugar: Sacred Heart Library / Biblioteca

Theme / Tema: Meet and Great with Fr. Michael Niemczak / Conocer y dar la bienvenida

a Padre Michael Niemczak

This will be an excellent opportunity to come to know our newly assigned pastor on a deeper level.

Sera una oportunidad excelente para conocer nuestro pastor nuevo en una manera mas pro-fundo.

All women are welcomed to join in at any time!

¡Todas las mujeres son bienvenidas a cualquier junta!

La Epifanía del Señor The Epiphany of our Lord January 5th, 2020

Monthly Meeting Schedule 2019-2020 / All Meetings at 6:00p.m.

Monday, January 6th, 2020 - St. Helen’s, Portales

Wednesday, February 5th, 2020 - Sacred Heart, Clovis

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020 - Our Lady of Guadalupe, Clovis

Monday, April 1st, 2020 - St. Helen’s, Portales

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020 - Sacred Heart, Clovis

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 - Our Lady of Guadalupe, Clovis

Monday, July 6th, 2020 - St. Helen’s, Portales

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020 - Sacred Heart, Clovis

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020 - Our Lady of Guadalupe, Clovis

Knights of the Altar

Of St. Joseph

Archdiocese of Santa Fe Abuse Awareness Course

Curso Sobre la Conciencia del Abuso

Date/Fecha: Saturday, January 11th, 2020 /

sábado, 11 de enero, 2020

Location/Lugar: Sacred Heart Church / Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón

921 N. Merriwether St. Clovis, N.M.

In the school / en la escuela

Time/Hora: 9:30a.m. in English / en ingles

1:00p.m. in Spanish / en español

For/Para: All parishioners of the Southeast Deanery of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe who are

currently involved in or are interested in becoming involved in ANY ministry in

your respective parish.

Todos feligreses de la zona Sureste del Archidiócesis de Santa Fe que ya están

actuando y los que están interesado en actuar en CUALQUIER ministerio en su

propia parroquia.

The Knights of the Altar of St.

Joseph is a men’s group that meets

monthly in the Catholic churches in

our surrounding area. This group

is for men and their sons ages 12

and up for prayer and faith sharing.

The men pray the Holy Rosary in

front of the Blessed Sacrament.

This is a wonderful opportunity for

all men to grow closer to God and

to rediscover their calling as men

and fathers of Almighty God. We

look forward to seeing you there.

All men are welcome at any time!

La Epifanía del Señor The Epiphany of our Lord January 5th, 2020

Please keep in mind that the Christmas season does not officially end until the

Baptism of our Lord on January 12th. Keep the spirit of the Nativity of our Lord

alive in your hearts and in your homes until then. I know that most of the world

moves on immediately after Christmas. The world seems to have forgotten what

Christmas is truly about. Many begin removing decorations, lights and trees the

day after our Lord’s birth. We have the opportunity to remind our communities,

with love, how truly amazing this Christmas season truly is!

CCD Christmas Break / Receso Navideña de Catecismo

Wednesday, December 18th will be the last day of religious education before the Christmas break begins. CCD will resume on Wednesday, January 15th. Enjoy your

Christmas vacation!

Miércoles, 18 de diciembre será el ultimo día de catecismo antes del receso Navide-ña. Regresamos miércoles, 15 de enero. Esperamos verlos aquí para continuar su

educación religiosa.

Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

La Epifanía del Señor The Epiphany of our Lord January 5th, 2020

Weekly Readings Monday, January 6th:

1JN 3:22—4:6 PS 2:7BC-8,10-12A MT 4:12-17,23-25

Tuesday, January 7th:

1JN 4:7-10 PS 72:1-2,3-4,7-8 MK 6:34-44

Wednesday, January 8th:

1JN 4:11-18 PS 72:1-2,10,12-13 MK 6:45-52

Thursday, January 9th:

1JN 4:19—5:4 PS 72:1-2,14&15BC,17 LK 4:14-22

Friday, January 10th:

1JN 5:5-13 PS 147:12-13,14-15,19-20 LK 5:12-16

Saturday, January 11th:

1JN 5:14-21 PS 149:1-2,3-4,5-6A&9B JN 3:22-30

Sunday, January 12th:

IS 42:1-4,6-7 PS 29:1-2,3-4,3,9-10 ACTS 10:34-38 MT 3:13-17

The food pantry operates each 2nd and 4th Saturday of the

month at 9:00a.m. in an effort to help the less fortunate of

God’s children in our community. Thanks be to God, our Food

Pantry is now the largest in Eastern New Mexico! Anyone in-

terested in volunteering, please come at 8:30AM or call Rosie

Buchan at 575-309-5040 for further information.

We are in need of volunteer drivers for food box

deliveries as well as help Friday mornings.

The Food Pantry is in need of the following items:

Crackers, pasta noodles, cookies, peanut butter and canned


Many thanks to all those who donate their time and goods to

this wonderful ministry!!!

January 1st - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

May 30th - Ascension of our Lord

August 15th - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

November 1st - All Saints Day

December 9th - Immaculate Conception

December 25th - Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ


Days of



“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me” Matthew 25:35

Religious Education Information Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Kindergarten through 7th Grade, RCIC, Youth Group

Wednesday 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Confirmation I and II, Apologetics, & Sacramental Prep.

Monday 6:00p.m. English RCIA

Educación Religiosa Miércoles 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m. Kínder hasta 7 ̊grado, Iniciacion para Niños, Grupo de Juveniles

Miércoles 7:15p.m. - 8:30p.m. Confirmación I y II, Apologética, Preparación Sacramental

Jueves 6:00p.m. Iniciación Cristiano para Adultos en español

Breakfast for the Needy

The Breakfast for our needy community, which

has been provided by the men of the Diaconate

formation for the Southeast Deanery of the Arch-

diocese of Santa Fe, will be discontinuing at the

end of January, 2020. We appreciate all of the

support and collaboration from Fr. Michael and

Rosie Buchan at the Food Pantry. God bless you

all and please keep these men in your prayers as

they continue with their formation to become per-

manent Deacons for our beloved churches.

La Epifanía del Señor The Epiphany of our Lord January 5th, 2020

Ministers—Saturday, January 11th, 2020 (Spanish)

Sacristans 6:00PM Efrain Hernandez

Altar Servers 6:00PM Leonardo Martinez Michelle Valdivia Ximena Gonzales Lectors 6:00PM Carmen Sosa Imelda Trujillo

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 6:00PM L-Martha Campos R-Diana Gonzalez

Ministers—Sunday, January 12th, 2020 Sacristans 8:30AM Mary Shockley Katie Haynes-Burns

10:30AM Francisco Rodriguez Altar Servers 8:30AM Jacob Gutierrez Avery Strebeck Ephrem Northcutt

10:30AM Elijah Rodriguez Catherine Rodriguez Christopher Bouchard

Lectors 8:30AM Mary Shockley Jesse Alvarez

10:30AM Cliff Kuchta Ruben Lucio

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 8:30AM L-Lola Bryant R-Katie Haynes-Burns L-Priscilla Garcia R-Jacquelyn Bonney

10:30AM L-Fidel Madrid R-Isaac Nieto L-Betty Maes R-Dora Rivero

Tithes and Offerings - December 29th, 2019

Envelopes Information not

Loose available at time

Needy of publishing

Church Cleaning Ministry - Thursday, January 9th, 2020

Vivian Trujillo, Lucille Conley, Beni Dampier, Nora Quiñones

Altar Linens Ministry - January Jo Denise Burns

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound & Nursing Homes

Sunday, January 12th, 2020

Retirement Ranch Patrick Fronk Clovis Health Care Debbie McCart St. Anthony’s No Visitations All Care No Visitations Group Home No Visitations

Monday January 6th, 2020

No Mass Tuesday January 7th, 2020

5:30PM Pope Francis Wednesday January 8th, 2020

12:10PM †Ed Root Thursday January 9th, 2020

5:30PM †All Deceased Clergy Friday January 10th, 2020

5:30PM †Johnny Jesse Chavez Saturday January 11th, 2020

6:00PM †Elaine Natasha Delano Sunday January 12th, 2020

8:30AM †Billy Dampier

10:30AM †David Still

2:00PM Parish of Sacred Heart