l43 other packages and languages - California Institute of...

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Transcript of l43 other packages and languages - California Institute of...

Lesson 43 other packages and languages

Justin Bois BE/Bi/NB 203, June 24, 2017

Compiled languages

John Backus1956

Compiled languages

Brian Kernighan Dennis Ritchie


Compiled languages

Bjarne Stroustrup1983

Compiled/interpreted languages

James Gosling1995

Compiled/interpreted languages

Martin Odersky2003

Dynamic languages

Guido van Rossum1991

Dynamic languages

Yukihiro Matsumoto1995

Languages for the web

Brendan Eich1995

Science-specific languages

John Chambers1976


Science-specific languages


Science-specific languages

Cleve Moler1976

(Octave is a Matlab clone)

Science-specific languages

Stephen Wolfram1988

Science-specific languages


Julia: a major part of the future?

Large (and rapidly growing) set of packages

Ability to call Python functions (and vice versa)

Built-in package manager

Entirely JITted, very fast

Free and open source

Julia: a major part of the future?

time relative to C