Kouvaros S. et al (2015). Hippocampal sharp waves and ripples. Effects of aging and modulation by...

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Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41



Laboratory of Physiology, Department of Medicine, University

of Patras, 26504 Rion, Greece

Abstract—Aging is accompanied by a complicated pattern

of changes in the brain organization and often by alterations

in specific memory functions. One of the brain activities with

important role in the process of memory consolidation is

thought to be the hippocampus activity of sharp waves

and ripple oscillation (SWRs). Using field recordings from

the CA1 area of hippocampal slices we compared SWRs as

well as single pyramidal cell activity between adult (3–6-

month old) and old (24–34-month old) Wistar rats. The slices

from old rats displayed ripple oscillation with a significantly

less number of ripples and lower frequency compared with

those from adult animals. However, the hippocampus from

old rats had significantly higher propensity to organized

SWRs in long sequences. Furthermore, the bursts recorded

from complex spike cells in slices from old compared with

adult rats displayed higher number of spikes and longer

mean inter-spike interval. Blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartic

acid (NMDA) receptors by 3-((R)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-

propyl-1-phosphonic acid (CPP) increased the amplitude

of both sharp waves and ripples and increased the interval

between events of SWRs in both age groups. On the con-

trary, CPP reduced the probability of occurrence of

sequences of SWRs more strongly in slices from adult than

old rats. Blockade of L-type voltage-dependent calcium

channels by nifedipine only enhanced the amplitude of

sharp waves in slices from adult rats. CPP increased the

postsynaptic excitability and the paired-pulse inhibition in

slices from both adult and old rats similarly while nifedipine

increased the postsynaptic excitability only in slices from

adult rats. We propose that the tendency of the aged hip-

pocampus to generate long sequences of SWR events might

represent the consequence of homeostatic mechanisms

that adaptively try to compensate the impairment in the

ripple oscillation in order to maintain the behavioral out-

come efficient in the old individuals. The age-dependent

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.04.0120306-4522/� 2015 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

*Corresponding author. Address: Laboratory of Physiology, MedicalSchool, University of Patras, 26 500 Rio, Patras, Greece. Tel: +30-2610-969117; fax: +30-2610-997215.

E-mail address: cepapath@upatras.gr (C. Papatheodoropoulos).� Present address: Medical Research Council Anatomical Neu-

ropharmacology Unit, Department of Pharmacology, Oxford University,Oxford, UK.Abbreviations: ACSF, artificial cerebrospinal fluid; CPP, 3-((R)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-propyl-1-phosphonic acid; CS, complex spikes;DMSO, dimethyl-sulfoxide; fEPSP, field excitatory postsynapticpotentials; ICI, intra-cluster interval; IEI, inter-event interval; ISI, inter-spike interval; L-vdcc, L-type voltage-dependent calcium channel;MUA, multiunit activity; NMDAR, N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor;PS, population spikes; SWRs, sharp waves–ripples.


alterations in the firing mode of pyramidal cells might under-

lie to some extent the changes in ripples that occur in old

animals. � 2015 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights


Key words: hippocampus, aging, sharp waves, ripple oscilla-

tion, complex spike, NMDA receptor.


Brain aging is a complex, heterogeneous and poorly

understood phenomenon (Kirkwood et al., 2003). Brain

changes during aging appear to be selective and region-

specific (Burke and Barnes, 2006; Kelly et al., 2006;

Kumar et al., 2009; Burger, 2010) and some of them

may represent the result of compensatory mechanisms

(Boric et al., 2008; Kumar et al., 2009; Burke and

Barnes, 2010). One behavioral attribute of brain aging is

impairment in forming new memories (Crook et al.,

1986; Burke and Mackay, 1997; Balota et al., 2000;

Beason-Held and Horwitz, 2002), especially those that

depend on the hippocampus (Rosenzweig and Barnes,

2003). Thus, aged rats may have impaired hippocam-

pus-dependent memory (Markowska et al., 1989;

Gallagher and Rapp, 1997) and specifically episodic-spa-

tial memory (Monacelli et al., 2003). In addition, the hip-

pocampus appears to undergo structural and functional

changes during aging (Rosenzweig and Barnes, 2003;

Wilson et al., 2006; Oh et al., 2010). However, not all

old individuals exhibit cognitive deficits and there is ample

inter-individual difference to age-associated memory

impairment both in humans and rats (Crook et al., 1986;

Markowska et al., 1989).

Hippocampus plays a crucial role on the long-term

establishment of episodic memories participating in the

process of memory consolidation (Wang and Morris,

2010), coordinated by communication between the hip-

pocampal and neocortical circuits (Buzsaki, 1996;

Siapas and Wilson, 1998; Sirota et al., 2003; Battaglia

et al., 2004; Wierzynski et al., 2009). During this process

the information stored in the hippocampal circuit is trans-

ferred to the neocortical circuit where it contributes to the

induction of plastic synaptic changes that result in alter-

ations of the circuit in which the memory content is

embedded (Buzsaki, 1989; Wang and Morris, 2010;

Inostroza and Born, 2013). Accumulating evidence sug-

gests that the contribution of the hippocampus to the pro-

cess of memory consolidation is realized through its

S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41 27

population activity called sharp waves–ripples (SWRs)

(O’Keefe and Nadel, 1978; Buzsaki, 1986). Recently, a

direct correlation between SWRs and learning and

memory has been demonstrated (Eschenko et al., 2008;

Ramadan et al., 2009; Singer and Frank, 2009).

Accordingly, memory performance declines when SWRs

are disrupted (Girardeau et al., 2009; Ego-Stengel and

Wilson, 2010).

The generation of SWRs involves activation of GABAA

receptor-mediated transmission (Papatheodoropoulos

and Kostopoulos, 2002; Wu et al., 2002b; Maier et al.,

2003; Papatheodoropoulos, 2010). In addition, specific

classes of interneurons are preferentially activated during

SWRs (Csicsvari et al., 1999a; Klausberger and Somogyi,

2008). Results from previous studies have suggested that

some aspects of the GABAergic transmission in the

hippocampus declines with old age (de Jong et al.,

1996; Stanley and Shetty, 2004; Potier et al., 2006;

Moradi-Chameh et al., 2014) Furthermore, among several

age-related changes with expected impact on hippocam-

pus function occur in N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA)

receptors (NMDARs) (Magnusson et al., 2010). Some

important aspects of SWRs including amplitude and pat-

terned occurrence in sequences involve activation of

NMDARs (Colgin et al., 2005; Papatheodoropoulos,

2010). In addition, aging is accompanied by alterations

in another cellular component involved in learning and

memory, the L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels

(L-vdcc), (Moyer and Disterhoft, 1994; Kumar et al., 2009;

Nunez-Santana et al., 2013).

In the present study we aimed to characterize the

activity of SWRs between adult and old rat slices and to

examine the effects of NMDARs and L-vdc on this

activity. We found that aging was accompanied by

decline in the ripple oscillation and an increased

tendency for generation of SWRs in the form of

sequences. Furthermore, the age-dependent changes in

the ripple oscillation were accompanied by

corresponding alterations in complex spike cell activity.


Slice preparation

Transverse slices were prepared from adult (3–6 months,

398.9 ± 5.6 gr) and aged (24–34 months,

632.8 ± 17.6 gr) Wistar male rats housed under

conditions of controlled temperature (21–23 �C), a 12-h

light/dark cycle with access to food and water ad libitum.

All animal treatment and experimental procedures were

conducted in accordance with the Directive Guidelines

for the care and use of Laboratory animals of the

European Communities Council Directive Guidelines

(86/609/EEC) for the care and use of Laboratory

animals and approved by the Prefectural (Achaia)

Animal Care and Use Committee (No: EL 13BIO04).

Accordingly, all measures were taken to minimize

animal suffering and to reduce the number of animals

used. The animals were deeply anesthetized with

diethyl-ether and decapitated by a guillotine. The brain

was removed and placed in cooled (4 �C) artificial

cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) containing (in mM): NaCl

124, KCl 4, MgSO4 2, CaCl2 2, NaH2PO4 1.25, NaHCO3

26 and glucose 10 at pH 7.4, equilibrated with 95% O2

and 5% CO2 gas mixture. The two hippocampi were

excised free and transverse slices (500–550-lm-thick)

were prepared from the ventral pole of the structure

extending between 1 and 4 mm from the end of the pole

using a McIlwain tissue chopper. We used slices from

the ventral part of the hippocampus solely because they

display greater likelihood of spontaneous generation of

SWRs compared with slices taken from the rest of the

structure (Papatheodoropoulos and Kostopoulos, 2002).

Slices were immediately transferred on the two

independent channels of an interface type recording

chamber and maintained at a constant temperature of

31.5 ± 0.5 �C. The slices were continuously humidified

with a mixed gas containing 95% O2 and 5% CO2 and

they were perfused with standard ACSF at a rate of about

1.0 ml/min.

Electrophysiology, types of recorded activity anddata analysis

Field spontaneous and evoked activity was recorded from

the pyramidal cell layer of the CA1b field using carbon

fiber electrodes with a diameter of 7 lm (Kation

Scientific, Minneapolis, USA). In some experiments

recordings from the CA3 field were also obtained (noted

in the text). Signal was amplified and filtered at 0.5 Hz–

2 kHz using a Neurolog system (Digitimer Limited, UK),

digitized at 5–10 kHz and stored on a computer for off-

line analysis using the CED 1401-plus interface and the

Signal and Spike2 software (Cambridge Electronic

Design, Cambridge, UK).

Spontaneous activity

Spontaneous activity was categorized as network and

single cell or unit activity. Network activity consisted of

synchronous slow field potentials associated with a

transient fast oscillation with frequency of �160 Hz and

a relatively intense multiunit activity (MUA) (Fig. 1A–B).

Previous in vitro studies (Papatheodoropoulos and

Kostopoulos, 2002; Kubota et al., 2003; Maier et al.,

2003; Behrens et al., 2005; Wu et al., 2005;

Papatheodoropoulos, 2010) have shown that this field

activity shares several features with in vivo sharp wave–

ripple complexes recorded from the hippocampus of

behaving rats (O’Keefe and Nadel, 1978; Buzsaki et al.,

1992). We will therefore refer to this synchronous activity

as sharp waves, ripples (or ripple oscillation) and MUA.

The complex co-occurrences of these components will

be called events of sharp waves–ripples (SWRs). In order

to measure the various parameters of this activity it was

decomposed to sharp waves by low-pass filtering original

signal at 40 Hz and to ripple oscillation by band-pass at

80–300 Hz, respectively (Fig. 1B). MUA accompanying

SWRs events was disclosed by filtering raw records at

400 Hz–2 kHz. Sharp waves were detected at filtered

records after setting a threshold at a level where all puta-

tive events were identified as verified by visual inspection.

Ripples and MUA were detected at filtered records after

setting a threshold at four times the standard deviation







Fig. 1. Types of spontaneous activity recorded from hippocampal slices. (A) Example of sharp wave–ripple activity recorded from the CA1 stratum

pyramidale of a slice taken from a 26-month-old rat. Note that SWRs occurred in episodes consisting of one or more events. (B) An episode

consisting of four SWR complexes is shown. Filtering the original record (top trace) at 80–300 Hz disclosed the high-frequency (�160 Hz) ripple

oscillation (middle trace), whereas filtering at 400 Hz-2 kHz revealed the multiunit activity (MUA) associated with SWRs (bottom trace). Record was

obtained from a 32-month-old rat. (C) Distribution histogram of inter-event intervals (IEI) illustrating the two peaks that corresponded to the short

intervals between successive events in sequences of SWRs and the long intervals between episodes of activity. Data were obtained from a 10-min-

long record collected from an old rat. (D) Record from an adult rat that illustrates the occurrence of a burst of complex spike cell (*) in isolation from

events of SWRs (top trace). The burst is shown in a faster speed on the bottom. (E) Scatter plot of instantaneous inter-event interval illustrating the

stability of spontaneous activity over time. Data were collected from a slice obtained from a 30-month-old rat. Recording started three hours after the

placement of the slice on the recording chamber. (F) Simultaneous recording of SWRs from the CA3b and CA1b subfields of a slice obtained from a

32-month-old rat exemplifying the leading role of CA3 field in generating SWRs. Dot line indicates the time-point that activity starts in CA3. (G)

Raster plot and distribution histogram of CA1b SWRs triggered by events in CA3b. Dots represent the automatically detected peaks that correspond

to sharp waves, in the low-pass filtered record. Data were obtained from an adult rat. Note that events at around 100 ms post-trigger correspond to

secondary events in sequences.

28 S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41

of SWR-free baseline noise. Events were categorized as

ripples only when episodes of at least two consecutive

negative deflections were observed with delays between

them of at least 3 ms and no more than 11 ms.

Threshold was further verified by visual inspection.

SWRs occurred as either single events or in the form of

two or more consecutive events termed clusters or

sequences. The first SWR in a cluster is referred to as

the primary event, while the following are termed

secondary events. Clusters or sequences of events were

clearly distinguished from single events because the time

interval between consecutive events in a sequence was

short and strikingly stable (�100 ms) in a given slice

and between slices as compared with the interval

between discrete episodes (consisted of an isolated event

or a cluster). The existence of clusters could be revealed

in the distribution histogram of inter-event intervals (IEIs)

(Fig. 1C). Characteristically, these histograms showed

two clearly separated peaks of bimodal distribution.

From the distribution histogram of each slice we

determined the range of short and long intervals and we

used these measures in classifying activity into clusters

and isolated events. An additional criterion used in deter-

mining clusters was the usually gradual change in ampli-

tude of the events inside a cluster (evident in almost all

figures of SWRs). Events of SWRs were quantified by:

(1) the amplitude of the sharp wave determined as the

voltage difference between the positive peak and the

baseline. In clusters, primary and secondary events were

measured separately; (2) the IEI determined as the time

interval between successive individual SPWs regardless

of whether they occurred as isolated events or clusters;

(3) the intra-cluster interval (ICI) determined as the mean

value of the intervals between successive SWR events

inside a cluster; (4) the number of events of SWRs per

minute; (5) the probability of occurrence of clusters calcu-

lated by the number appearances divided by the total

number of episodes. Ripples were quantified by: (1) the

amplitude of the ripple event determined as the voltage

difference between the positive and negative maximum

S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41 29

in each ripple event; (2) the duration of the ripple event;

(3) the number of ripple cycles in a ripple event calculated

as the number of negative deflections inside an event; (4)

the ripple frequency determined as the reciprocal of the

value of the mean inter-ripple interval. Measures of spon-

taneous potentials were made from recordings acquired

about three to five hours after the placement of the slices

in the recording chamber. In each slice or experimental

condition the measures of events of SWRs concerning

amplitude and intervals were made from a two-minute-

long record. The probability of clusters was calculated

from one-minute-long record. Measures of ripples were

made from about 30 primary events. MUA inside events

of SWRs was quantified by the intra-spike interval.

Unit activity organized in bursts that occurred in

isolation from SWR events was categorized as complex

spikes (CS), which have been previously observed and

described in the hippocampus in vivo (Ranck, 1973; Fox

and Ranck, 1975, 1981) (Fig. 1D). In accordance to the

previously described characteristics of CS the detection

and analysis of putative CS bursts in the present study

was performed by eye inspection in original records obey-

ing the following criteria: (a) the burst activity was

recorded from stratum pyramidale; (b) bursts consisted

of two to six spikes; (c) the amplitude of spikes inside

bursts most often declined from the first to the last spike;

(d) the inter-spike interval ranged between about 2 ms to

12 ms. The criteria of discrimination procedure used to

aggregate episodes of bursts of CS cells into discrete

groups (i.e., cells) included the shape of the first and the

following spikes, the amplitude of the spikes and the sta-

bility of the amplitude of the first spike from burst to burst.

The number of spikes was also taken into account since it

has been reported that the propensity of individual neu-

rons to fire a certain number of action potentials in a burst

is relatively stable over time (Suzuki and Smith, 1985). On

the other hand however, considering that bursts produced

by a given pyramidal cell may continually change over

time (Ranck, 1973) we used the criterion of spikes’ num-

ber with caution and only when activity satisfied the other

criteria. Whenever it was difficult to perform the segrega-

tion of bursts into different CS cells following the above

criteria we assumed that the different bursts were pro-

duced by a single CS cell. In addition, only bursts with

relatively large first spike amplitude (50–200 lV) were

selected for analysis. Measures of CS were made from

continuous records of at least 10 min. Quantification of

CS bursts included the number of spikes, the intervals

between consecutive spikes in the burst (inter-spike inter-

val, ISI) as well as the mean ISI in each cell.

Evoked activity

Evoked synaptic responses consisting of field excitatory

postsynaptic potentials (fEPSP) and population spikes

(PS) were recorded by delivering electrical pulses

(intensity 20–350 lA, duration 0.1 ms) every 30 s at the

Schaffer collaterals using a bipolar platinum/iridium wire

electrode (wire diameter of 25 lm, World Precision

Instruments, USA). PS was continuously monitored in

order to determine the stability of the response. Only

slices with a stable response for at least 10 min were

selected for further experimentation. In order to examine

the effects of aging and drugs on synaptic activity,

neuronal excitability and GABAergic inhibition we

constructed input/output curves of fEPSP and PS.

fEPSP was quantified by the maximal slope of its rising

phase and PS was quantified by its amplitude, measured

as the length of the projection of the negative peak on

the line connecting the two positive peaks of the PS

waveform. Synaptic effectiveness was quantified by

measuring the fEPSP at threshold stimulation strength

(fEPSPthr), the stimulation current intensity required to

produce half-maximal fEPSP (I50-fEPSP) and the maximal

fEPSP (fEPSPmax). Neuronal excitability was quantified

by measuring the stimulation current intensity required to

produce half-maximal PS (I50-PS), the maximal PS

(PSmax) the postsynaptic activation required to produce

half-maximal PS (fEPSP50), and the ratio between half-

maximal PS and the corresponding fEPSP (PS/fEPSP).

The strength of inhibition was quantified using the

protocol of paired-pulse stimulation consisting of two

consecutive stimuli of identical intensity at Schaffer

collaterals, separated by 10 ms. The first (conditioning)

stimulus of the pair (that evokes PS1) exerts a

depressive effect on the PS evoked by the second

stimulus (PS2, conditioned) by recurrently activating the

network of GABAergic interneurons. The depression is

expressed as a rightward and downward shift of the PS/I

input/output curve which therefore was taken as a

measure of the strength of recurrent inhibition in the

local network. The rightward shift was quantified by the

percent change in I50-PS (shift of I50-PS), the downward

shift was quantified by the ratio PS2/PS1 at stimulation

strength that evoked half-maximal PS1.


The competitive antagonist of the NMDA receptors 3-((R)-

2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-propyl-1-phosphonic acid (CPP,

10 lM, 35–40 min) and the blocker of L-type vdcc

nifedipine (20 lM, 65–70 min) were used. Drugs were

purchased from Tocris Cookson Ltd, UK. Both drugs

were first prepared as stock solutions. CPP was solved

in water while nifedipine was solved in dimethyl-

sulfoxide (DMSO). Drug solutions were prepared at the

desired concentration in the perfusion medium at the

time of the experiment. The percentage by volume of

DMSO in the final solution of nifedipine did not exceed

0.005%. Measures of the various variables of field

potentials were obtained from the last one to five

minutes or 10 min before and during drug application for

spontaneous or evoked potentials, respectively.

Statistical analysis

Values through the text are expressed as mean ± S.E.M.

or mean ± S.D. Measures performed in individual slices

obtained for a given animal were pooled together. In

average, from each adult and old animal we used 1.7

and 2.0 slices, respectively. In the pharmacological

experiments the number of slices equated the number

of animals. Statistical comparisons between the two age

groups were performed using the number of animals,

30 S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41

after calculating the mean value from all slices obtained

from a single animal. However, age-related comparisons

of complex spike bursting were made using the number

of cells. The nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test and

the Wilcoxon test as well as the two-tailed correlation

test were used for statistical evaluation of age-

dependent differences.


SWRs developed progressively in slices from both adult

and old rats during their maintenance in the recording

chamber. SWRs stabilized in amplitude and rate of

occurrence at about two to three hours after placing

slices in the recording chamber and remained

unchanged at least for the next three hours (Fig. 1E).

Previous in vivo (Buzsaki, 1986; Csicsvari et al., 2000)

and in vitro studies (Wu et al., 2005; Both et al., 2008)

have shown that SWRs in adult animals start in the CA3

and then spread to the CA1 field. We also examined the

relationship between the two hippocampal fields by

recording simultaneously from the CA3b and CA1b sub-

fields, with inter-electrode distance of 2.17 ± 0.08 mm

and 2.1 ± 0.13 in slices from adult and old rats, respec-

tively. In both age groups SWRs firstly occurred in the

CA3 field and then appeared in the CA1 with a delay of

7.3 ± 1.5 ms (n= 4) and 8.2 ± 0.7 ms (n= 3) in adult

and old slices, respectively (Fig. 1F, G).

Ripple oscillation

We made detailed measurements of amplitude, duration,

number and frequency of ripples in slices from adult

(n= 33) and old rats (n= 20). Fig. 2 shows that the



Fig. 2. Ripple oscillation in adult and old animals. (A) Original records of S

filtered sweeps revealing the ripple oscillation (lower traces) are shown. (B)

displayed a lower frequency in slices from old compared with adult rats. (C

between adult and old animals. Asterisks denote statistically significant differe

values of all the above parameters were lower in the

slices of aged animals. In particular, slices from aged

compared with adult rats showed a decreased number

of ripple troughs within individual ripple events

(3.96 ± 0.16 vs 4.64 ± 0.17, respectively; Mann–

Whitney U test, P< 0.01) and decreased mean

intra-ripple frequency (166.7 ± 2.9 vs 177.3 ± 2.3,

respectively; Mann–Whitney U test, P< 0.01).

Complex spike bursting

In vivo recordings from the CA1 have shown that

pyramidal cells are intensively activated during SWRs

(Chrobak and Buzsaki, 1996; Csicsvari et al., 1999a) typi-

cally firing short bursts of spikes (Buzsaki, 1986;

Kudrimoti et al., 1999). Because of this mode of firing

CA1 pyramidal cells are called ‘‘complex spike cells’’

(Ranck, 1973). In the present study putative complex

spike activity was indeed observed to occur during

SWRs (Fig. 3A). Additionally, scanning our long-lasting

recordings of spontaneous activity we have detected sin-

gle-cell activity occurring between SWR events in slices

from both age groups (Fig. 3B). This complex spike burst-

ing displayed several of the typical features of complex

spike activity recorded in vivo from CA1 pyramidal cells

(Ranck, 1973; Fox and Ranck, 1975, 1981;

McNaughton et al., 1983; Suzuki and Smith, 1985;

Harris et al., 2001) (see also Methods). We analyzed

activity of complex spike cells that occurred during non-

oscillatory periods, since identification of complex spike

bursts during SWRs was not possible. We analyzed a

total of 52 putative complex spike cells from 22 adult

and 30 aged cells. In keeping with previous reports

(Chrobak and Buzsaki, 1996; Csicsvari et al., 1999b) we


WRs from an adult and an old rat and the corresponding band-pass

Examples of power spectrum graphs illustrating that ripple oscillation

) Comparative data of the various variables of the ripples oscillation

nce between adult and old values at P< 0.01 (Mann–Whitney U test).





Fig. 3. Comparison of complex spike bursts between adult and old animals. (A) Recording from the CA1 pyramidal cell layer of a slice from adult

animal showing a burst of complex spike cell occurring during the rising phase of a secondary SWR event (framed). This was a particularly rare

instance where we could easily disentangle CS from the rest of multiunit activity occurring during SWRs. (B) Examples of recordings showing the

occurrence of CS in isolation from SWRs, obtained from adult and old animals. Complex spike bursts are shown enlarged in lower traces. (C) The

top trace is a record from an old animal showing two SWRs and an isolated burst of complex spike cell (asterisk). The complex spike burst and the

corresponding ripple oscillation are shown enlarged in the lower left panel. The right panel shows one cycle of averaged ripple wave (top trace) and

the histogram of phase distribution of complex spikes relative to the negative of the ripple wave (diagram on the bottom). (D) Collective data of the

mean number of spikes in CS bursting (left diagram) and the incidence of burst with a given number of spikes (right diagram) in adult and old rats.

(E) Histogram of inter-spike intervals for all CS cells studied (left graph), the mean inter-spike interval in CS bursts (middle graph) and the 1st–5th

inter-spike interval (right graph) are shown. Asterisks denote statistically significant differences between the two ages at ⁄P< 0.05; ⁄⁄P< 0.005;⁄⁄⁄P< 0.001 (Mann–Whitney U test).

S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41 31

observed that the peak of CS cell firing occurred during or

immediately after the negative peak of a ripple cycle

(Fig. 3C). Bursts of CS cells were typically composed of

two to five spikes (mean number of spikes 3.0 ± 0.11

spikes, 52 cells) and displayed an inter-spike interval

ranging from 2 to 12 ms (mean interval

7.42 ± 0.11 ms). Complex spike cell activity consisted

mainly of two consecutive spikes, whereas CS with a

higher number of spikes were observed less frequently

(Fig. 3D). However, CS of aged rats displayed similar

probabilities for having two or more spikes. Mean number

of spikes between the two age groups was significantly

higher in aged compared to adult rats (3.19 ± 0.14 vs

2.76 ± 0.16, respectively, Mann–Whitney U test and

ANOVA, F= 4.055, P< 0.05). Additionally the mean

inter-spike interval was significantly longer in aged

(8.1 ± 0.17 ms) compared with adult rats

(6.78 ± 0.14 ms) Mann–Whitney U test and ANOVA,

F= 29.9, P< 0.001) (Fig. 3E). CS from aged rats dis-

played a higher range of mean ISI (from 5.5 to 7.8 ms)

compared with adult rats (from 6.2 to 10.2 ms). Mean

value of each of the consecutive four ISI in complex spike

bursts was longer in cells from aged rats compared with

the adult animals (Fig. 3E).

MUA inside SWRs

MUA during SWRs events was analyzed in 12 adult and

11 old rats. As in the case of singe cell complex spike

bursting, MUA occurred at the negative peaks of the

ripple oscillation (Fig. 4B). Inter-spike intervals had short

duration, lower than 6–8 ms (Fig. 4C). The inter-spike

interval in MUA was similar between adult and old rats

(2.9 ± 0.135 vs 2.94 ± 0.1 ms) (Fig. 4D).

Events of SWRs

Events of SWRs in slices from both adult and aged

animals rats were organized either as single events or

in the form of sequences of two or more events (up to

seven) (Figs. 1A and 5A). The first event and the

following events in a single sequence were termed

‘‘primary’’ and ‘‘secondary’’ events, respectively. Both

primary and secondary events had similar amplitudes in

slices from adult and aged rats (73.5 ± 6.6 lV and

26.5 ± 1.8 lV vs 75.5 ± 9.6 lV and 27.7 ± 3.96 lV in

adult and old rats, respectively; Mann–Whitney test,

P> 0.05). We found no difference in the rate of

occurrence of SWR events expressed by the total



Fig. 4. Multiunit activity during SWRs in adult and old rats. (A) An event of SWR and the corresponding ripple and multiunit activity (MUA) revealed

by filtering the record of SWR are shown. (B) The average sweep of ripple oscillation and the histogram of phase distribution of MUA relative to the

negativities of the ripple oscillation are shown. Data were collected from a 15-min-long record. (C) Distribution histogram of inter-spike intervals in

MUA measured from a 15-min record. Note that most intervals fall below 10 milliseconds. (D) The mean inter-spike interval during MUA was similar

between adult and old animals.




Fig. 5. Events of SWRs in adult and old animals. (A) Continuous records of SWRs from an adult and an old animal (traces on the left and right,

respectively). Note that the episodes of sharp waves in the old rat were organized in longer sequences than in the adult rat. (B) Cumulative data of

the amplitude, inter-event interval (IEI), rate of occurrence and intra-cluster interval (ICI) in adult and old animals. These measures were similar

between adult and old rats. For clarity reasons, error bars in the middle graph are now shown in S.D. (C) Collective distribution graphs of the inter-

event interval measured using an equal total recording time in the two age groups. Old rats displayed a very distinctive distribution peak at short

intervals (formed by the intra-cluster intervals) which was higher than that observed in adult animals. (D) The cumulative probability of occurrence of

sequences of SWRs (left graph) and the separate probabilities of occurrence of sequences with two, three, four of more events in adult and old

animals (right graph) are shown. Asterisks denote statistically significant difference between adult and old values at ⁄P< 0.05, ⁄⁄P< 0.01; (Mann–

Whitney U test).

32 S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41

number of SWR events generated per minute

(167.0 ± 5.8 vs 183.0 ± 15.3 events in adult and old

rats, respectively; Mann–Whitney test, P> 0.05) and

the IEI of individual events (379.7 ± 10.6 ms vs

380.3 ± 26.1 ms in adult and old rats, respectively;

Mann–Whitney test, P> 0.05), between aged and adult

S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41 33

rats (Fig. 5B). The interval between consecutive events

inside sequences (ICI was comparable between adult

(107.0 ± 2.9 ms, n= 35) and old rats (108.3 ± 5.2 ms,

n= 25, we observed an evident difference in the

pattern of SWRs’ generation between aged and adult

rats. Slices from aged rats displayed a statistically

significant higher propensity to generate events in the

form of sequences (Fig. 5A, C). (46.0 ± 3.1%, n= 25)

compared with adult rats (37.4 ± 2.6%, n= 38),

(Mann–Whitney U test, P< 0.05). Thus, the

probabilities of occurrence of clusters with three, four or

more events were all significantly higher in old than in

adult rats (Fig. 5C). The higher tendency of old rats to

display long sequences of SWRs might imply that it

represents a change in the old hippocampus in order to

counterbalance the impaired ripple oscillation. In order

to examine whether these two parameters are inversely

correlated between each other we compared the ability

of slices to generate clusters of SWRs with the number

and the frequency of ripples inside a given slice.

Comparing the cumulative probability of clusters, we

observed no correlation between the parameter Values.

However, we found a significant inverse correlation

between the frequency of the ripple oscillation and the

tendency of slices to organize clusters with three or

more events (r= 0.45, P< 0.05; one-tailed bivariate


Drug effects on SWRs

It has been previously shown that NMDARs modulate the

amplitude of sharp waves (Colgin et al., 2005) and play an

important role in the organization of sequences or clusters

of SWR events (Papatheodoropoulos, 2010). Taking into

account that the function of NMDARs is altered in the

aged hippocampus (Serra et al., 1994; Magnusson

et al., 2010) and that clusters are longer in aged we asked

what is the involvement of NMDARs in the two age groups

Furthermore, in aging hippocampal pyramidal neurons

the expression and activity of L-type voltage-dependent

calcium channels is enhanced (L-vdcc) (Moyer and

Disterhoft, 1994; Kumar et al., 2009; Nunez-Santana

et al., 2013). Given that both NMDARs and L-VDCCs

are targets of the aging process we set out to assess their

involvement in the generation SWRs, using pharmaco-

logical blockers independently for NMDARs and L-

VDCCs and in combination as well. Fig. 6 shows that

the antagonist of NMDARs CPP applied to slices from

adult animals significantly enhanced the amplitude of pri-

mary SWR events (by 14.0 ± 3.5%) and reduced the fre-

quency of their occurrence (it increased IEI by

16.3 ± 2.8%). In addition, application of CPP reduced

the incidence of sequences of SWRs by 88 ± 1.7%.

Blockade of NMDARs in slices from aged rats produced

similar effects on the amplitude and IEI but the reduction

in the probability of sequences (55.6 ± 6.6%) was

significantly lower than the one seen in adult rats

(Mann–Whitney U test, P< 0.001). We observed that

CPP abolished the SWR sequences in three slices from

adult animals but in no one from aged rats. Given that

SWRs are initiated in the CA3, it is interesting to see

whether the effect of CPP that observed in the CA1 is

mediated through drug action in the CA3 or the CA1 cir-

cuitry. Thus, we examined the effect of CPP in the CA3

field of seven slices prepared from adult rats. As occurred

in the CA1, CPP robustly suppressed the occurrence of

sequences in the CA3 field by 93.2 ± 1.4% (P< 0.05).

CPP did not significantly altered ICI in any of the two

age groups. These data indicated that SWRs were less

sensitive to NMDAR’s blockade in aged than in adult ani-

mals. Application of nifedipine (20 lM) in the presence of

CPP produced an additional significant increase in the

amplitude of SWR events in both adult and aged rats

(by 14 ± 3% and 11 ± 2%, respectively) without affecting

any of the other parameters. When nifedipine was applied

alone, the only significant effect observed was the

increase in the amplitude of SWRs in adult but not aged

rats (by 18.7 ± 3.0%). None of the other parameters of

SWRs were significantly affected by nifedipine.

Application of CPP in the presence of nifedipine signifi-

cantly affected all parameters of sharp waves in both adult

and aged rats. These effects were similar to those

observed when CPP was applied alone (compare CPP

with NIF + CPP bars in Fig. 6B).

Blockade of NMDARs by CPP produced a modest yet

statistically significant enhancement in the ripple

oscillation. In particular, CPP in aged rats increased the

amplitude, duration, number and frequency of ripples by

7.3 ± 2.5%, 14.9 ± 7.0%, 11.9 ± 4.7% and

3.7 ± 1.4%, respectively (n= 13, P< 0.05, Wilcoxon

test). In the adult rats CPP significantly increased the

amplitude and the frequency of the ripple oscillation by

12.2 ± 4.1% and 4.1 ± 0.5%, respectively (n= 15,

P< 0.05, Wilcoxon test). CPP did not however

significantly affect any of the other ripple parameters in

the slices from adult rats. Nifedipine, applied in the

presence of CPP did not produce any further significant

effect in either adult or aged rats. When nifedipine was

applied alone, it significantly enhanced the amplitude of

ripples in adult (by 11.5 ± 3.7%) but not aged rats

(25.3 ± 17.6%) Nifedipine did not produce any

consistent effect on the other parameters of the ripple

oscillation. Interestingly however, nifedipine almost

completely occluded the action of CPP on ripples.

Evoked responses

In order to examine the effects of aging on the excitatory

and inhibitory synaptic properties, we recorded evoked

field potentials by stimulating the path of Schaffer

collaterals in 30 slices taken from 12 adult rats and in

26 slices obtained from 10 aged rats and constructing

input/output curves (Fig. 7A). The mean values for all

indexes are shown in Table 1. None of the indexes

quantifying synaptic effectiveness and neuronal

excitability differed between adult and aged rats.

However, slices from old rats displayed statistically

significant decreased strength of inhibition as compared

with adults. Specifically, paired-pulse stimulation

produced a significant rightward and downward shift in

the PS/I curve in adult animals (Fig. 7B) as measured

by the positive percent increase in the I50-PS and the

decrease in the PS2/PS1 ratio. In old rats paired-pulse

stimulation produced a negative percent change in the



Fig. 6. Effects of CPP and nifedipine on sharp waves in adult and old animals. (A) Examples of recordings of sharp waves from adult and old rats

before and during perfusion with the antagonist of NMDARs CPP and the blocker of L-vdcc nifedipine. (B) Plots of collective results showing the

effect of CPP and nifedipine on the various parameters of sharp waves in adult (plots on the left) and old rats (plots on the right). The four drug

conditions shown in each graph, and the number of adult and old animals used were: CPP (application of CPP alone, 16 adult and 14 old),

CPP + NIF (application of nifedipine in the presence of CPP, adult and 11 old), NIF (application of nifedipine alone, 21 adult and 11 old) and

NIF + CPP (application of CPP in the presence of nifedipine, 12 adult and seven old). Asterisks denote the statistically significant drug effects at⁄P< 0.05; ⁄⁄P< 0.01; ⁄⁄⁄P < 0.005. Wilcoxon test and Mann–Whitney U test we used for comparisons of drug effects inside an age group and

between the two age groups, respectively. It should be noted that the effects of combined application of the two drugs (i.e., CPP + NIF and

NIF + CPP) were statistically significant but only the significant further actions of the consecutively added drug are marked in the plots. The effects

of CPP on the distribution histograms of inter-event interval in the two age groups are shown at the bottom. Note that CPP completely suppressed

the early peak of the distribution in adult but not old rats.

34 S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41

I50-PS, i.e., it produced a leftward shift in the PS/I curve

and significantly increased the PS2/PS1 ratio.

In order to examine whether L-vdcc and NMDARs are

involved in the evoked responses we perfused slices with

nifedipine (40 lM) for 50 min and then we added CPP

(10 lM) for 30 min. We performed these experiments in

12 slices taken from 12 adult rats and in nine slices

obtained from 9 aged rats. As shown in Table 1 and

Fig. 7C, in slices from adult rats, nifedipine produced a

statistically significant decrease of fEPSP50 and

increase PS/fEPSP, thus leading to an increase in

postsynaptic excitability. Nifedipine did not significantly

change any of the other indexes in slices from adult rats

although a trend in increasing inhibition can be

observed (compare B with D in Fig. 7). In slices from

aged rats nifedipine produced no significant change in





Fig. 7. Comparisons of evoked potentials between adult and old animals. (A) The collective input/output curves fEPSP/I and PS/I are shown in the

left and middle plots for adult (19 slices/12 animals) and old (26 slices/10 animals) rats. The scatter plot on the right shows the relationship between

PS and fEPSP for all slices studied. (B) Input/output curves illustrating the depressing effect of paired-pulse stimulation on PS2 in slices from one

adult (left) and an old animal (right). Arrows indicate the values of I50-PS that correspond to the curves of PS1 and PS2 (arrow in dotted and solid line,

respectively). Examples of recordings are shown in the inserts. Calibration bars: 1 mV, 5 ms in adult and 0.5 mV and 5 ms in old animals. Note that

paired-pulse suppression of PS2, expressed by the rightward and downward shift of the corresponding curve, is absent in the slice from the old

animal. (C) Examples of input/output curves obtained from individual slices showing the effects of nifedipine and CPP on postsynaptic excitability in

adult and old animals. Arrows indicate the values of fEPSP50 for the three curves (the value in the control curve is indicated by the arrow in dotted

line). Note that nifedipine produced a leftward shift of EPSP50 (thus increasing postsynaptic excitability) in the slice from the adult but not the old

animal. (D) Examples of PS/I curves for the PS1 and PS2 showing the inhibitory effect of the paired-pulse stimulation before and during successive

application of nifedipine and CPP. Note that the depression of PS2 (arrows) was higher under CPP than under control conditions (filled and open

symbols, respectively) in both adult and old rat. Examples shown in (B), (C) and (D) were obtained from different experiments.

S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41 35









I 50-PS




ShiftofI 50-PS
















































































































































observedat⁄ P



#DenotessignificanteffectofPPSonI 50-PS(W



36 S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41

any of the indexes measured. Bath application of CPP

produced significant changes in the indexes quantifying

postsynaptic excitability and inhibition similarly in the

two age groups (Fig. 7D). In particular, CPP significantly

enhanced the PS/fEPSP ratio and also produced a

robust increase in the rightward shift of I50-PS, while it

decreased the ratio PS2/PS1. Interestingly, we found

that the drug-induced changes in the PS2/PS1 ratio and

the probability of SWR sequences were positively

correlated (two-tailed correlation test, r= 0.587,

P< 0.05). CPP also significantly reduced fEPSP50 in

the slices from aged but not adult rats.


The present study shows that hippocampal circuit in aged

rats displayed impaired ripples oscillation and increased

propensity to organize long sequences of SWRs. The

reduced frequency of ripples (i.e., increased intra-ripple

interval) in the slices of aged rats occurred in parallel

with increased inter-spike interval in complex spike

bursts implying that changes in the pyramidal cell firing

might contribute to the altered network oscillation.

Furthermore, the involvement of NMDARs on the

generation of SWR sequences was reduced in the

slices of aged rats.

Interpretation of age-related changes in spontaneousactivity

The finding of reduced ripples in old animals is in

agreement with previous observations showing reduced

energy or power of the ripple oscillation in aged mice

(Hermann et al., 2009; Kanak et al., 2013).

Furthermore, in keeping with previous in vivo observa-

tions (Gerrard et al., 2001) we found that the occurrence

and the amplitude of SWRs are similar between adult and

old animals. In addition, the present study demonstrates

for the first time that old rats display a significant tendency

to generate SWRs in the form of relatively long

sequences. Several lines of evidence suggest that aging

is accompanied by alterations in the balance between

excitation and inhibition in the hippocampal neuronal net-

work (Oh et al., 2010). These alterations might signifi-

cantly contribute to the impairment in the ripple

oscillation in old animals, given that ripple generation

requires an accurate balance between excitation and

inhibition in the local circuitry (Giannopoulos and

Papatheodoropoulos, 2013). Furthermore, the ability of

the local circuitry to generate sequences of SWRs may

also reside on changes in the basal excitability of the neu-

ronal network. The generation of sequences of SWR

events is favored by moderately lowering GABAergic

transmission (Papatheodoropoulos and Koniaris, 2011;

Giannopoulos and Papatheodoropoulos, 2013). More

specifically, the reduction in the activity of alpha5 sub-

unit-containing GABAA receptors facilitates the formation

of relatively long sequences of SWRs containing four or

more events (Papatheodoropoulos and Koniaris, 2011).

Consistently with the previous observation that the synap-

tic GABAergic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in CA1

pyramidal neurons are smaller in aged compared to adult

S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41 37

rats (Potier et al., 2006), the present results showed smal-

ler recurrent inhibition in the slices of old animals. Aging is

accompanied by a reduction of the number of bistratified

cells (Potier et al., 2006) which form synapses containing

a5GABAA receptors (Thomson et al., 2000) and the

expression of a5 subunit mRNA is robustly reduced in

the hippocampus of aged rats (see (Wilson et al.,

2006)). Thus, the increased ability of the aged hippocam-

pus to generate long sequences of SWRs may be attrib-

uted to reductions in GABAergic activity, especially that

involving alpha5-containing GABAA receptors.

In this study we detected and quantified the activity of

complex spike cells in adult and aged rats. To our

knowledge, this is the first in vitro study after that by

Bragin and Vinogradova (1983) in which un-induced

spontaneous complex spike bursting is detected and

quantified. We found that the CS bursts fired by old

CA1 pyramidal cells contained more spikes and had

longer mean inter-spike interval than those in adult cells.

Given that CS bursting occurred in correspondence with

ripple oscillation it could be argued that the interval

between individual spikes in CS bursting might contribute

in determining the interval between consecutive ripple

cycles. It is interesting that both measures displayed simi-

lar age-dependent alterations. In a previous in vivo study

the inter-spike interval was found similar between adult

and aged animals (Smith et al., 2000). The comparison

of inter-spike interval between ages in this study was

based on normalized distributions of inter-spike intervals

from each cell and then calculating the averaged dis-

tributions for each animal. Thus, methodological particu-

larities might contribute to the differences between

in vivo and in vitro observations. Accordingly, it should

be noted that the possibility that the methodological pro-

cedure of slice preparation would contribute to the

observed age-related differences in the present study

could not be excluded.

The increased calcium current in aging pyramidal

neurons (Landfield, 1987; Moyer and Disterhoft, 1994;

Thibault and Landfield, 1996; Foster and Norris, 1997;

Kumar et al., 2009) might provide a mechanism for the

alterations in complex spike activity observed in slices of

old animals. The inter-spike interval is mainly determined

by the fast after-hyperpolarization that follows the action

potential and is produced by the activation of calcium-

sensitive potassium current (Storm, 1990). Virtually,

increased calcium entry into the cell may enhance fast

after-hyperpolarization and prolong the inter-spike interval

(Su et al., 2001). We also found that the mean inter-spike

interval in MUA that occurs during SWRs was similar

between adult and aged rats. This might appear contradic-

tory to the observed age-dependent difference in inter-

spike interval in complex spike bursting. However, while

CS bursting is due to pyramidal cell activity only, spiking

activity during SWRs most probably involves firing from

local interneurons. Both, pyramidal cells and interneurons

increase their firing rate during SWRs (Csicsvari et al.,

1999a) contributing to the relatively short ISI. However,

in recordings made in vitro it is difficult to disentangle prin-

cipal cell from interneuron firing and conclude about their

relative involvement on the network activity of SWRs.

Interpretation of drug-induced effects on SWRs

The most conspicuous effect of blockade of NMDARs by

CPP was the reduction in the probability of sequences’

generation which is consistent with previous

observations (Papatheodoropoulos, 2010). This effect

was stronger in the slices from adult than aged rats.

NMDARs appear to follow functional alterations during

aging (for a review, see (Magnusson et al., 2010). For

instance, high levels of NMDARs in the hippocampus of

old animals have been observed to be associated with

compromised hippocampus-dependent learning and

memory (Nicolle et al., 1996; Topic et al., 2007) and unim-

paired animals displayed reduced binding to NMDARs (Le

Jeune et al., 1996). Accordingly, in the hippocampus of

Wistar rats a decline in the binding density to NMDARs

has been reported (Serra et al., 1994) although the

expression of one of the basic subunits of NMDARs,

namely GluN1, does not change with age (Adams et al.,

2001; Dyall et al., 2007). Interestingly, relatively high sus-

ceptibility to aging display those NMDARs that are located

toward the ventral part of the hippocampus (Magnusson

et al., 2006), the part of the structure where slices in the

present study were taken from. It is therefore reasonable

to suggest that the functional alterations of the NMDARs

contribute to the age-dependent different modulation of

SWRs by these receptors. It is interesting that the reduc-

tion in the sequences induced by CPP correlated with the

drug-induced increase in the inhibition, as evidenced by

its reducing effect on the PS2/PS1 ratio, supporting the

idea that relatively low levels of inhibitory actions might

contribute to the increased tendency for SWR sequences

in the old hippocampus.

Blockade of NMDARs also enhanced the amplitude of

SWRs and reduced their rate of occurrence. Sharp waves

in the CA1 correspond to GABAA receptor-mediated

synchronous inhibitory postsynaptic potentials

(Papatheodoropoulos and Kostopoulos, 2002; Wu et al.,

2002b; Maier et al., 2003; Papatheodoropoulos, 2010).

On the contrary, sharp waves in the CA3 correspond to

excitatory postsynaptic potentials (Wu et al., 2002a;

Colgin et al., 2004; Behrens et al., 2005). Although

SWRs can be generated by the CA1 circuit independently

of CA3 input as observed in CA1 mini-slices (Nimmrich

et al., 2005; Papatheodoropoulos, 2010; Maier et al.,

2011), previous (Csicsvari et al., 2000; Wu et al., 2005;

Both et al., 2008) and the present results show that in intact

hippocampal slices activity is most often initiated in the

CA3. Therefore, the amplitude of sharp waves recorded

in the CA1 of integral slices might be modulated by synap-

tic inhibition in the CA1 and/or excitation of the CA3 circuit.

Using evoked potentials, we found that CPP increases the

neuronal excitability and recurrent inhibition. Recent

reports have shown that absence of NMDARs enhances

the excitability of CA3 neurons (Fukushima et al., 2009).

Furthermore, it has been suggested that NMDARs can

serve to dampen the excitation of sharp waves generated

in the CA3 through the action of NMDAR-entering calcium

that activate calcium-dependent potassium channels,

which counteract depolarization in these cells (Colgin

et al., 2005). Hence, the increased amplitude of sharp

waves in the CA1 might result from an increase in the

38 S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41

activity of the CA3 circuit induced by CPP. The same

mechanism may also underlie the enhancing effect of

CPP on the ripple oscillation given that increase in the rip-

ple oscillation apparently requires a mild increase in princi-

pal cell activity (Csicsvari et al., 1999a; Koniaris et al.,

2011; Giannopoulos and Papatheodoropoulos, 2013).

It has been demonstrated that during aging L-vdcc

contribute to the increased calcium current into the CA1

pyramidal cells (Moyer and Disterhoft, 1994; Thibault

and Landfield, 1996; Foster and Norris, 1997; Kumar

et al., 2009). In the present study we examined for the first

time the possibility that L-vdcc are involved in the mod-

ulation of SWRs and that their involvement might differ

between adult and old animals. Surprisingly, we observed

that the most consistent effect of blockade of L-vdcc was

an increase in the amplitude of SWRs of adult rats only.

Taken into account that nifedipine enhanced the excitabil-

ity of the local network only in the slices of adult animals

and that the excitability of CA3 principal cells can regulate

the amplitude of sharp waves in the CA1, as discussed

above, the age-related differences in the effect of nifedip-

ine on the amplitude of SWRs may involve the action of

the drug on the CA3 neuronal network.

Implications of SWR changes for the memoryfunction in aging

Aging is associated with long-term rather than short-term

memory impairment (Balota et al., 2000; Beason-Held

and Horwitz, 2002). There is mounting evidence that

SWR activity plays important role in memory, namely in

the process of memory consolidation which consists of

a process of transformation of initially labile memory

traces into stable memories (Diekelmann and Born,

2010). It is thought that the implication of SWRs in the

process of memory consolidation lies in the coordination

of the repeated off-line reactivation of hippocampal mem-

ory traces (i.e., experience-related sequences of firing

patterns) which are subsequently integrated into cortical

circuits where memory content is long-term established

(O’Neill et al., 2010). There are a number of recent obser-

vations that directly connect the activity of SWRs with

memory processes and synaptic plasticity (Girardeau

et al., 2009; Ego-Stengel and Wilson, 2010). The altered

ripple oscillation observed in old rats could then imply

reduced mnemonic abilities in these rats.

One similarity between in vivo (Battaglia et al., 2004;

Klausberger et al., 2004; Ramadan et al., 2009) and

in vitro SWRs is the frequent generation of episodes of

SWRs under the form of groups of several events that

occur recurrently in sequences. It has been recently sug-

gested that a function of such sequences or clusters of

SWRs may be to keep in memory and express later pro-

longed experiences of several individual events that occur

in a path along the space (Davidson et al., 2009).

Alternatively, or in addition, sequences might represent

all physically available trajectories within the environment

including never experienced ones (Gupta et al., 2010). It

could be argued that the generation of sequences might

reflect an intrinsic pre-defined ability of the local circuitry

that help the hippocampus to incorporate the details of

actual (long) experiences (Papatheodoropoulos and

Koniaris, 2011). The incidence of sequences of SWRs

is increased in parallel with long-term synaptic potentia-

tion (Papatheodoropoulos, 2010) though the entire num-

ber of SWR events remains stable, indicating that

persistent plastic changes in the pattern of activation of

the hippocampal network are accompanied by homeo-

static mechanisms that tend to keep the total number of

circuit activations stable. It is interesting that the

increased propensity of old rats for generating long

sequences of SWR events occurred despite the fact that

the total number of events remained unchanged. This

propensity might represent the result of homeostatic

mechanisms that tend to compensate for the reduced

ability of the circuit to organize normal ripple oscillation

and concomitantly maintain the level of hippocampal cir-

cuit activation to normal levels. These compensatory

changes could virtually preserve an adequate level of

memory function. Compensatory changes have been

observed or have been suggested to occur at several

levels of organization in the old brain. For instance, an

age-related decrease in NMDAR function might represent

a compensation for the increased L-type calcium chan-

nels and calcium dysregulation associated with old age

(Kumar et al., 2009). Conversely, reduction in NMDAR-

dependent long-term synaptic potentiation (Rosenzweig

and Barnes, 2003) is apparently compensated by

increase in L-vdcc-dependent potentiation in the hip-

pocampus (Shankar et al., 1998; Boric et al., 2008).

Larger after hyperpolarizations in the old CA1 pyramidal

neurons (Oh et al., 2010) could be an adaptive change

to restrict hyperactivation of CA1 circuit by the high exci-

table old CA3 pyramidal cells (Wilson et al., 2005; Penner

and Barnes, 2007).

The present results demonstrate significant differences

in the SWR and principal cell activity between adult and old

age. Yet, given the differences between the in vitro and

in vivo conditions the observed age-related differences

should be interpreted with caution, awaiting the

confirmation from other future in vivo and in vitro studies.


The present findings show that the hippocampal slices of

aged compared with adult rats displays altered ripple

oscillation and increased tendency to organize SWRs in

long sequences displaying reduced dependence on

NMDARs. The altered characteristics of principal cells’

bursting activity might contribute to the impaired ripples

in aging. We propose that the decline in the ripple

oscillation observed during aging is accompanied by

changes in the pattern of generation of SWR events

resulting from the action of compensatory mechanisms

in the old hippocampus in order to maintain an efficient

behavioral outcome.

Acknowledgments—This research has been co-financed by the

European Union (European Social Fund – ESF) and Greek

national funds through the Operational Program ‘Education-

and-Lifelong-Learning’ of the National Strategic Reference

Framework (NSRF) – Research Funding Program: Thales.

Investing in knowledge society through the European Social

Fund. (MIS: 380342).

S. Kouvaros et al. / Neuroscience 298 (2015) 26–41 39


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(Accepted 6 April 2015)(Available online 11 April 2015)