Kodi Krypton Newest Working Add-ons 2017 - Install Ares Wizard

Post on 29-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Kodi Krypton Newest Working Add-ons 2017 - Install Ares Wizard

Newest Working AddonsKodi Krypton 2017

How to Install Ares Wizard

Fast and Easy Setup

Open Kodi Krypton and select the System icon at the top in blue

On the next screen select File Manager

Double click on Add Source to open up a new dialogue window

In the new dialogue window select <None>

Type in the path to the Ares repo


Type in the path to the name you want to give this path, we used Ares. Click OK when ready.

Now go back to your home screen (click in the top left corner of your Kodi window a few times)

Select Add-ons in the left menu

Select the blue open box icon at the top of the Add-ons screen

Choose Install from Zip file

If you haven’t already done this, you will be told that installation of add-ons from unknown sources is disabled.

Click on the Settings button

Click on the toggle switch to turn on

Unknown Sources

A warning message will appear, select Yes

Now go back to the previous step and select “Install From Zip File” again. Select the Ares link (or whatever you named it)

and click OK

Select repository.aresproject-0.0.8.zip

and click ok

Let Ares Project install and wait for the confirmation message to pop up in the right corner

Now click on Install from Repository

Select the Ares Project to open it up

Choose the folder marked Program add-ons

Select Ares Wizard

In the new window that appears, click on Install

Choose Version 0.0.65 Ares Project

Wait for that to install and then go back to your Kodi Krypton home screen and open Program add-ons. Click on Ares Wizard

Be patient, Ares Wizard takes 30 seconds or so to load

And there you have it. Ares Wizard is installed.