Kleve perinatalmatricestraduzido (2)

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Transcript of Kleve perinatalmatricestraduzido (2)

Perinatal Matrices according to Stanislav Grof

Mário ResendeEARTh

July 2010

«The exploration of Altered States of Consciousness provides us indisputable evidences that the memories from our peri-natal experiences really stay stored in our psique»


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COEX – Condensed Experience Systems

Each COEX contains emotionally charged memories from different periods of life united by the common denominator of sharing the same emotional quality or the same physical sensation. Each COEX contains numerous strata, but all refers to themes, feelings and emotional qualities very concrete. p.45

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The perinatal experience impact

The eminent danger or eminent death is lived simultaneously with a great impulse to survival p.50

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4 Basic Perinatal Matrices (BPM)

BPMI The Amniotic UniverseBPMII The Cosmic OppressionBPMIII The Struggle Death-RebirthBPMIV The Experience Death-Rebirth

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BPMI The Amniotic UniverseThe intra-uterine life


Oceanic, CosmicParadisiacal or Infernal

Celestial or Infernal elements

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BPMI The good uterus

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BPMI The bad uterus

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BPM I in good uterus

Peace, tranquility, joy, beatitude; physical symptoms of health and physiological well being

Associated in a COEX with spiritual experiences: deep feeling of unity and oceanic ecstasy, unlimited access to the power, wisdom and love source; also related to playful moments in childhood and adolescence, familiar harmony, agreabe sexual relations, peaceful and deep friendships

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BPM I in good uterus

still in COEX, association of the moments of a good uterus with the contemplation of the splendorous daybreak or nightfall, the pacific majesty of the ocean, the magnificent of an mountain, the starred sky in a dark night.and equally the inspired human creations: music, painting, architecture

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BPMI in good uterus

The fusion experiences may exist at other levels: human, animal, vegetal

There may exist experiences of encounter with arquethypal goodness entities as Mother Earth, Apolo, etc.

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BPM I in bad uterus

Very negative experiences: death danger, attempted abortion, serious intoxication; physical symptoms of flu, hangover, muscular pains, metallic flavor in the mouth, generalized malaise (mothers with diseases, addictions, bad alimentary habits, etc.)

Less negative experiences and more frequents: intoxication; associated with a COEX with an inhospitable and polluted nature, poisoning and evil influences

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BPMI in bad uterus

There may exist experiences of encounters with arquethypal evil, destructive, sanguinary entities: demons, goddess Khali, etc.

Memories of past life histories

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BPM II The Cosmic OppressionThe first contractions


Expulsion from ParadiseApocalypse

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Physical symptoms:malaise (due to hormonal changes, reduction of oxygen and the pressure of contractions against the closed cervix), stress and anxiety, muscle tension, and pain with increased contractionsexperience of being in danger, in the center of a tornado, smashed, thrown out, overwhelmed, trapped, suffocated, swallowed by the earth, devoured by a monster, and absolutely out of time.

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one BPM II in COEX connects with the most negative aspects of human experience on the planet: terror, catastrophe, war, suffer, diseases, epidemics, inhumanity, automatisms; and it facilitates the identification with it’s victimsWhen dominates, such COEX prevents from awareness of positive qualities of the existence, such as love, friendship, beauty, art, science, humankind achievements

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in COEX relates with helplessness, defeat anticipation, life as a quixotic fight with no victory possibility, any ideal as naive;and profound victim feelings in face of obscure forces and powers, namely accidents, chirurgical interventions, and physical abuses in childhood

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BPM III The Life-Rebirth StruggleThe Chanel Passage


Night and DayDeath and Resurrection

PhoenixDanger, Fight and Victory from Solitary Hero

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Some common experiences with BPM II: danger, the existence in risk, tightness, overwhelming, etc.

Structural differences: fight for life; light at the end of the tunnel; combat energy activated; impulse energy; sexual sensations; possibility of victory in the end; the volcanic ecstasy

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structural differences: as delivery is a more anxiogenic moment for the mother, and as the consciences are merged – corroborating with the findings in Regression Therapy – the contents of the mother consciousness are also experienced by the child in a greater degree than in previous matrices

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The experience of the energy: felt as electric discharges of high voltage; in case of difficulties, this energy may be blocked and felt in a very painful wayThis energy and it’s impulse to expulsion may generate symbolic contents of bombs, explosions, fighting artillery, and all sorts of warlike confrontations

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Other symbolic contents associated with energy and explosions: irrupting volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, all types of natural disasters that involve violencemay arise symbolic contents of human violence: revolutions, massacres, riots, murders

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in the MPB III a COEX may be originated in witch violence and sex are associated with blood, excrements, urine, viscous liquids, etc. , attending to what was said before, and to the the reality in many labors; for Grof that could explain some sexual perversions, namely sadomasochism, sexual abuse with physical violence, etc.

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mythical and spiritual elements: good and evil strugglecreation and destruction of the world«visions» of Khali, demons, Mars – war godChrist crucifixion – martyrdom and resurrectionphallic adoration rituals, as in shivaísmprocreation and fertility rituals

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BPM IV LiberationGet Out and Be Outside

Death and ResurrectionEgo’s Death

PhoenixSan George killing the DragonTeseu defeating the Minotaur

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BPM IV LiberationGet Out and Be Outside

Body memories: head exit – or feet or buttocks – from vaginal channel;first breathingcordon cut and freed from the motherThe sensation of being out

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experience of dying and revival: the fetus dies, the baby is born, separated from the motheranihilation experiences followed by light experiences - physical and spiritual - of cosmic mother, angels, and return to the ocean of BPM I ecstasy experiences of liberation, of having space, salvation, redemptionexperience of light, physical and spiritual

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possible experience of symbiotic union with the mother, similar to BPM Ithe experiences of light, salvation, redemption, can lead, in adults, to a different tune with the core values of love, beauty, harmony with others, knowledge of the truth, etc.

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in COEX the BPMIV is connected with experiences of success, overcome great difficulties, to survive the dangers, etc.

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MPBIVFinal note: «The birth without complications appears to be an extremely important condition for successfully addressing the difficult situations of life. Complications - in turn - as a strenuous and prolonged labor, use of forceps, anesthesia, induced labor, premature delivery and caesarean section, for example - appear to correlate positively with the difficulties in solving all kinds of conflicts.» p.123

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Grof, S. (1999). La Mente Holotrópica. Los Niveles de la Consciencia Humana. Kairós: Barcelona

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