Kensukes Kingdom Reading Comprehension Slide7

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Transcript of Kensukes Kingdom Reading Comprehension Slide7



Reading Comprehension

Learning Objective: To be able to summarise events from

the perspective of a character


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Think, pair,

then share your ideas.

? ?

What decision did Kensuke make at the end of Chapter 9?

How do you think each character feels about this decision?

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Now it's time to read

Chapter 10, the final

chapter, together as

a class.

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I worried over our beacon, that was becoming more saturated now

with every passing day. Would it ever dry out? Would this rain

ever stop? But Kensuke was stoical about it all. "It stop when it

stop, Micasan," he told me. "You cannot make rain stop by wanting

it to stop. Besides, rain very good thing. Keep fruit growing. Keep

stream flowing. Keep monkeys alive, you also, me also."

Can you infer what the word 'stoical' means from this extract?

What difference between Kensuke and Michael

does this highlight?

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acceptance of what is happening without complaining or showing emotion.


Here is the


definition of


Michael describes Kensuke as stoical. Do you agree?

Would you also describe Michael as stoical?

Explain your answers.

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I remember the rainy season more for

the painting we did than for anything

else. We painted together for hours

on end – until the octopus ink ran out.

These days Kensuke was painting

more from his memory – his house in

Nagasaki, and several portraits of

Kimi and Michiya standing together,

always under the cherry tree.

Why do you think

Kensuke is now painting

more scenes from his


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. . . as time passed we were beginning to live as if we were going to be staying on the

island for ever, and that began to trouble me deeply. . . . [Kensuke] sensed my

restlessness. He was working on the boat one day and, ever hopeful, I was scanning the

sea through the binoculars. "It is easier when you are old like me, Micasan," he said.

"What is?" I asked.

"Waiting," he said. "One day a ship will come, Micasan. Maybe soon, maybe not so soon.

But it will come. Life must not be spent always hoping, always waiting. Life is for living."

Can you explain what Kensuke

means by this in your own words?

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With a partner, explain

in your own words what

happened on the island

when the 'killer men'


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Think, pair,

then share your ideas.

? ?

How did Michael feel when he saw the yacht?

How do you think Kensuke felt?

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"You listen to me very good now, Micasan," he said. "I am too old for that new world you tell

me about. It is very exciting world, but it is not my world. My world was Japan, long time ago.

And now my world is here. I think about it for long time. If Kimi is alive, if Michiya is alive,

then they think I am dead long time ago. I would be like ghost coming home. I am not same

person. They not same either. And, besides, I have family here, orang-utan family. Maybe

killer men come again. Who look after them then? No, I stay on my island. This is my place.

This Kensuke's Kingdom. Emperor must stay in his kingdom, look after his people. Emperor

does not run away. Not honourable thing to do."

What part did the actions of

the 'killer men' play in

Kensuke's change of heart?

Do you think he made

the right decision?

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Think, pair,

then share your ideas.

? ?

How do you think Michael felt when he finally sailed

away from the island with his parents?

How do you think Kensuke felt?

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How might writing a summary of events from

one character's perspective be different

to a normal summary?

In your independent activities today, you

are going to be using your summarising

skills to write about events from a

character's express the most important

facts or ideas about something

or someone

summarise VERB

Think, pair, then share your ideas.

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It may be more biased - one

character might have a different

viewpoint to another as to what

the 'most important facts' are.

They might also remember a certain event vividly,

whereas another character can hardly recall it.

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You are now going to use your summarising

skills to write a letter from the viewpoint

of one of the characters.



'Kensuke's Kingdom' could be described

as a book of two halves.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Explain your reasoning.