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“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last

day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever east my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.”

~ John 6:54-56

Masses for the week of June 23 – June 29, 2014

Morning Prayer in St. Joseph Chapel 8:15am, Mon to Fri. Monday, June 23 8:35am (chapel) Charles Clifton (Gene Marusa) Tuesday, June 24 8:35am (chapel) Intentions of Fr. Simi & Fr. Tony

(SJB PREP Staff & Students) Wednesday, June 25 8:35am (chapel) Joseph Litzenberger (Loving wife, Jackie) Thursday, June 26 8:35am (chapel) Elizabeth Petritsch (Loving Family) Friday, June 27 8:35am (chapel) Mary Oleweski (Bernadette Strzelecki) Saturday, June 28 5:00pm (church) Herbert Wolf, Jr. (Mom) Sunday, June 29 8:00am (church) Parishioners’ Intentions 10:30am (church) Al Parisi (Brian & Susan Middleton)

The Altar Flowers for the weekend of June 21

st & 22

nd were

donated in memory of Ellen McHugh (The McHugh Family)

Meetings for the week of June 23 - 28, 2014

Mon. June 23: Adoration & Evening prayer, 7pm - Fatima House Wed., June 25: Evangelization Comm., 7pm – Marian Room Thurs., June 26: Light Weigh, 7pm – Parish Office Nitty Gritty Garden Club, 7:30pm, Marian Room Saturday, June 28: Men of Faith, 8am – Marian Room

The Church Cleaning Team for the week of June 23rd is (Team #2): Terri & Liberty DeVenuto, Andrea James, Joyce Melchiore, Peg Trouts, & Jean Wurster

Your parish thanks you!

Please remember in your prayers our parishioners in the hospital, under hospice and residential care.

Susan Ackerman, Rose Marie Alex, Lillian Appleman, Mary Balbirer, Elizabeth Bartolillo, Stephen Blanchard, John & Loretta Bodisch, Emmalee Bryan, Ann Burns, Carole, Anne Colyer, Charlene Cornell, Matthew Crance, Jim Crawford, Regina Cullen, Chrissy Davis, Bill Dayton, Larry & Joanne Diehl, Terry Dunn, Lorraine Echevarria, Arlene Eichlin, Josephine Fasano, Bernice & Charles Fees, Charles Fees, Jr., Kathryn Ferris, Patricia Fite, Sara Fleck, Nancy Fratrik, Mary Gallo, Dylan Geroni, Kathy Geroni, Marie & Rosalyn Giardullo, Anna Giebler, Jack & Peg Glancey, Judy Green, Chang Ha, Mary Halwski, Florence Hancharik, Steve Hancharik, Joyceann Heley, Eli Hinkie, Charles Houston, David Huey, Doris Johnson, Martha Juchnowicz, Susan Kelly, Kathleen Kershaw, Kimberly Koch, Georgine Kocher, Martha Kocsis, Jack Kocsis, Grace Korcheck, Deanna Kovner, Barbara Kuehnle, Joseph Kurtz Jr., Ryan Leven, Kathy Donahue Lewis, Kathy Lightkep, George & Frances Lovett, Charles McCarty, Adelaide McElderry, Bridget Julia McHugh, Anne McNichol, Florence Middleton, Joseph Moore, Zachary Vincent Morelli, Jennie Moreno, Nancy Moreno, Wanda Muth, Frances Nowicki, Dorothy Odor, Helen Patzek-Charlton, Ryan Phillips, Nicholas Powell, Gladys Proca, John Przyuski, Lena Quartuccio, Mike Ramos, Rachael Rice, Gregory Rickert, Valerie Roberts, Richard Rolle, Sandy Romaszewski, Sim Rothman, Frederick R. Rude, Dolly Rutherford, Zina Sauerwine, Jean Scattergood, Anna Scheuermann, Herbert Schevermann, Julian Shine, Joe Shuman, Gail Silveira, Carolyn Stahley, Sandy Stauffer, Shane Stroup, Michael Suder, Sean Thatcher, Baby William Patrick Thomas, Maddie Tomaszewski, Douglas & Frank Toner, Tamara Widmer, Ed Wismer, Baby Logan Yoder.

Edward Armstrong, Jr., Fionna M. Boyle, Derek Brosius, Christopher Brune, Kyle Crossland, Casey de Lauretis, Steehly de Lauretis, Michael Froeder, A.J. Giovino, Amy Giovino, Aaron Given, Bob Hankinson, Victor Hormilla, James Kidd, Stephen

Lindmeier, Jason Litschauer, Cory Litzenberger, Dan O’Connor, Gregory Orbino, Matthew Orbino, Jonathan Pucci, Dusty Rhodes, Craig Russell, Nicholas Spangler-Loch, Jenna Stanzione, Don Valdez, Justin Walsh.

Mass Collection Sunday, June 1, 2014


Thank you for your generosity!


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Most American cities and towns have at least one, although cities usually have more. I refer to war memorials. Their purpose, to honor people who gave the utmost for our country. As we read their names etched in granite or marble we are inspired. Their beauty and dignity recall the best among us. But for all their sculpted beauty, these memorials remain cold stone, devoid of living tissue. Sadly, the passage of time erases the personal, emotional connection of the people so honored with the succeeding generations that read their names. As I invite you to “step back” so to speak, from the present day celebration of the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, I’d like to offer three points to ponder. First among these is the realization that Jesus chose a living memorial of Himself for us to cherish. Not a dead one of stone. The Holy Eucharist is truly the risen Jesus–body and blood, soul and divinity. Not just a symbol, as most other Christian Churches maintain. The living Jesus is miraculously present in the simple unleavened host and the cup of wine. Amazing! Jesus, the Second Person of the divine Trinity; the same Person who walked the roads of Galilee, is here on the altar, and in the tabernacle after Mass, hiding just below the surface elements of the bread and wine. A second point to consider is the state of our own belief, for adults all these years since the day of our First Holy Communion. Do we still believe, despite the twists and turns of our lives that may have tempted us to stray from our childhood belief? How do we reflect that belief in our demeanor and dress? A third and final point to ponder is one that requires some mind-stretching. It is that Catholic teaching that the Body of Christ also refers to the whole people of God, you and me, the gathering of the whole community of faith. The people are the Body of Christ. The one exists for the sake of the other. The only reason that Jesus is the Body of Christ in the Eucharist is that we might be the Body of Christ in our world. As Jesus nourishes us with His Body and Blood in the Eucharist, so we are to nourish the world with our own body and blood. That nourishment, when it is directed to those who have fallen away from the practice of the Faith, is part of “the new Evangelization.” To end our reflection, here are some thoughts on the Holy Eucharist from selected saints: 1.) St. Catherine of Siena: “…You could not be given the body without being given the blood as well nor either the body or the blood without the soul of this Word; nor the soul or body

without the divinity of God eternal. For the one cannot be separated from the other – just as the divine nature can nevermore be separated from the human nature, not by death or by any other being that you receive in that most gracious sacrament under that whiteness of bread.” 2.) St. Maximilian Kolbe: “If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion.” 3.) St. Therese the Little Flower: “How I loved the feasts!…I especially loved the procession in honor of the Blessed Sacrament. What a joy it was for me to throw flowers beneath the feet of God!” 4.) St. John Paul II: “From the Eucharist comes strength to live the Christian life and zeal to share that life with others.”

United States Conference of Catholic

Bishops Invites Pope Francis to Attend the World Meeting of Families

Philadelphia 2015

Plan on being there….

September 22–27, 2015

Celebrate at The National Shrine of Our Lady of


TODAY - Sunday, June 22nd CORPUS CHRISTI Eucharistic procession to four altars after 12:30pm Mass After the last Mass on this feast day Our Lord is placed in

the monstrance. The priest then carries Him to four

different altars representing the four corners of the earth.

While processing, the congregation follows and sings. At

each altar there are readings, prayers, and benediction.

Sunday, July 20th Feast of St. Christopher, patron Saint of

drivers. Pilgrimage for Drivers & Motorcyclists. Blessing of vehicles.


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PREP BUILDING The feast of CORPUS CHRISTI, the full name of this feast is The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, celebrates the institution of the Holy Eucharist. Corpus Christi became a mandatory feast in the Roman Church in 1312. Nearly a century earlier, Saint Juliana of Mont Cornillon, promoted a feast to honor the Blessed Sacrament. From early age Juliana, who became an Augustinian nun in Liége, France, in 1206, had a great veneration for the Blessed Sacrament, and longed for a special feast in its honor. In 1264 the celebration was extended to the entire Latin church by Pope Urban IV. This feast is both a response to the teachings on the mystery of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, as the concecrated Sacrament on the Altar. Public processions are the one time when our Lord, in the Blessed Sacrament, is exposed not just for the faithful Catholics but for all the world to see. This is a time when Catholics can show their love for Christ in the Real Presence by honoring Him in a very public way. It is also a wonderful way in which we can show our love for our neighbors by bringing Our Lord and Savior closer to them. The faithful understand and appreciate the values inherent in the procession: they are aware of being "the People of God,” journeying with the Lord, and proclaiming faith in him who has become truly "God-amongst us.” The Eucharistic procession is normally concluded by a blessing with the Blessed Sacrament. In the specific case of the Corpus Christi procession, the solemn blessing with the Blessed Sacrament concludes the entire celebration: the usual blessing by the priest is replaced by the blessing with the Blessed Sacrament.

Sunday with a Saint Saint John the Baptist was related to Jesus through their mothers who were cousins making John and Jesus cousins as well. John, Son of Zacharias and Elisabeth, being of priestly descent through both parents. His forthcoming birth and the nature of his ministry were announced to John’s father by

the angel Gabriel. He grew up in the desert until the time arrived for his ministry. He had preached and could be heard saying, “Repent” and “Prepare the way for the Lord.” He baptized many in the river Jordon for several months before he baptized the Savior and continued to do so afterwards for several months. At the time of the baptism of Jesus, John saw the sign of the Dove and heard the voice of the Father saying, “This is my the Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” At least two of those who were later to become members of the Twelve Apostles, John and Andrew, were disciples of John before they met Jesus. John was sent to prison by King Herod for calling him a sinner because of his unlawful marriage to his brother’s wife.King Herod had John beheaded while in jail. The feast day of St. John the Baptist is June 24


Knowing Loving Serving Leading




Classes start Monday, Sept. 15th and Tues., Sept. 16th

Monday @ 6:15-7:30pm or Tuesday @ 6:15-7:30pm



For more information or if you would like a registration

form emailed to you contact Donna Sciacca, CRE

610-847-5521 or prep@stjohnsottsville.org


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Dear St. John Parish family and friends, Thank you for attending the "Science Tests Faith" event on May 12 & 13th. As a result of your tremendous support and feedback from

this event, plans are in the works for Science Tests Faith Study Sessions and an Adoration Schedule. Anyone who has not submitted a “Feedback” form but is interested in signing up for a Study Session or Adoration please leave your name and contact information with Loretta Hay at the Parish office, (610) 847-5521. Watch and listen as more information will be announced over the summer. Coming soon…Fall Study Session Dates and Adoration days! Thank you again for your interest and enthusiasm. Thanks! Susan

"The greatest deception, and the deepest source of

unhappiness, is the illusion of finding life by excluding God, of finding freedom by excluding moral truths and personal

responsibility." - Saint John Paul II, Homily, World Youth Day,

Toronto, July 28, 2002

Boy Scout Troop 27

WELCOMES 8 NEW SCOUTS to its ranks! Jason Hemminge Zach Kolvitis Michael Nault Ollie Olmstea

Nicholas Phillip Aidan Ric Jack Stuckey Ryan Vesde The boys look forward to lots of fun activities with the troop, especially summer camp in July.

Our participation in The Peter’s Pence Collection

gives us an opportunity be a witness of charity to our brothers and sisters around the world. Gifts to this annual collection help the Holy Father support victims of war, natural disasters, and others most in need of assistance. On Easter Sunday 2013, Pope Francis encouraged each person to be a witness of charity. He said, “Let us be renewed by God’s mercy…and let us become agents of this mercy, channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation, and make justice and peace flourish.” Pope Francis has continued to remind us through his actions that we must serve our brothers and sisters in order to be true disciples of Christ. This special appeal gives us the opportunity to be pilgrims of charity around the world. This year the Peter’s Pence Collection will be taken at all Masses on the weekend of June 28 and June 29, 2014.

Gratefully and with best wishes in Jesus Christ, +Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.

SASH CRUSADERS Football Registration

FINAL DAYS Register before June 30 WE NEED PLAYERS FOR OUR 2014 FOOTBALL TEAM!! The SASH CRUSADERS Football Team is in need of 5th & 6th graders (JV Team) and

7th & 8th (Varsity Team) to play for the team this year. Parishioners of St. Agnes - Sacred Heart (SASH), St Maria Goretti, St. Isidore’s and St. John the Baptist are needed to join the team. We play a 10 game schedule in the Philadelphia Catholic League. Having trouble making weight, no worries, CYO football has no weight limit. Your Son will get plenty of playing time with both our teams - JV Team is for 5th & 6th Graders and Varsity Team for 7th and 8th graders. The Varsity team won the CYO Parade of Champions in 2013 and we are looking to continue our success this year. If you would like additional information please email Jim Hotham at sashcrusaders@gmail.com or call him direct at 609-335-3448.

Come play football for the Crusaders and represent your School/Parish in 2014.

Sign up today at www.olsh-hilltown.


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CATECHETICAL QUIZ Indicate whether the following are TRUE or FALSE: ______ 1. St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians was written in prison. ______ 2. Christ redeemed us by His blood. ______ 3. The Gospel means the Good News of salvation. ______ 4. We cannot merit heaven. ______ 5.We are able to perform good works that lead to salvation. ______ 6.Tribulations are to be expected in the following of Christ. ______ 7.St. Paul's sequence of virtues we are to practice is patience, humility, and meekness. ______ 8. When St. Paul speaks of apostles, he always means the twelve men chosen by Christ. ______ 9. We all now have a fallen human nature. ______ 10. We all now have sinful tendencies. ______ 11. Unchaste persons will not reach heaven. ______ 12. Fornication is a mortal sin.

(answers below)

MINISTRY SCHEDULE for June 28 & 29, 2014 – Saints Peter & Paul the Apostles

and July 4, 2014 – Independence Day

Communion Minister Lector Altar Server Music

Saturday, 5:00pm

John Becker Peg Glancey

Bill McGowan Marion Wold

Grace McGowan Aiden Blaikie Luke Grindrod

Emily Vinal

Patty Leidner Elaine Jocelyn

Sunday, 8am

Jackie Litzenberger Marianne McEvoy

Richard McEvoy Fran Torgerson

Helene Bell Hannah Adamoyurka Nicole DeCicco


Liz Torgerson Fred Furmaniak

Sunday, 10:30am

Jim Black Joan Black

Lynn Gammello Bruce Keyser

Patti Keyser James Gammello Audry Giovino

Maria Middleton

Susan Middleton Karen Parash

Friday, July 4th 9:00am

Jim Black Joan Black

Amanda Russell Audrey Giovino Austin Krauss

Marion Wolf Elaine Jocelyn

Answers: 1.T; 2.T; 3.T; 4.F; 5.T; 6.T; 7.F; 8.F; 9.T; 10.T; 11.T; 12.T