
Post on 15-Mar-2016

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Take a look at the first book in the Tick-Tock Time Traveler series: St. Nicholas's Secret

Transcript of Johnson-StNicholas-Secret-Preview


Stephen stared at the picture on the billboard so intently that he didn’t even hear his father.

“Son, it’s cold out here,” his father called, clapping his hands together to keep warm. “Let’s go inside.”

Stephen, are you coming?”

Tales of the Tick-Tock Time Traveler


But, Dad, look!” Stephen pointed at the billboard. That’s what I want to do! It’s the only thing I’ll ask for. I promise!”

“You say that about everything. What is it now?” His father looked up at the billboard that had captured Stephen’s attention. “You want to ride in a time machine?”

“The Tick-Tock Time Traveler,” Stephen said with a longing sigh. “Think of the places we could go.”

“We’ll see. Now let’s go inside before the convention is over and I miss my chance to introduce my new invention.”

St. Nicholas’s Secret


Stephen looked forward to this weekend every year. There was nothing on earth like the trade show for the World Association of Computerized Kinesthetic

Inventions. “This stuff is so cool, Dad! They’ve got hover scooters, transporters, and even super electrophonic hamster wheels! This place is incredible!”

Mr. Treadwell and his son walked hand in hand to their table at the side of the enormous convention center. “Our booth is right down that aisle,” his father said. Stephen craned his neck back and forth, straining to see all the whirring, buzzing, electronic gadgets lining the aisles.

“I hope our booth is near the time machine,” Stephen said.

“I don’t think you’ll have time for that. I need your help all day,” his father said. “After all, you’re a WACKI Intern now.”

Tales of the Tick-Tock Time Traveler


Sure enough, when Stephen and his dad got to their booth, there was already a line waiting for them. They got right to work. Mr. Treadwell

talked to customers while Stephen demonstrated the world premier of his dad’s invention—the amazing MVP—Micro-Video-Phone. As soon as there was a lull in the workload, Stephen asked, “Dad, can I walk around and look at some of the other inventions?”

“Not yet, Son. You’re my star salesman, and I need you right here now.”

Tales of the Tick-Tock Time Traveler


I can’t say I know anything about WACKI, or ticks or tocks,” Nicholas replied, “but I do know you’re probably hungry. Let’s go inside and have

something to eat. Then we can figure out how to get you home again.”

Nicholas brought Stephen a plate of something that looked like plain homemade cookies and a pitcher of frothy milk. Stephen had no idea what he was eating, but he was starving and it tasted great. After they finished their snack, he and Nicholas went back out to the time machine.

“What happens if you press this button?” Nicholas asked. “It says ‘Reverse Voyage.’” The old man touched the red square and suddenly the Traveler began to shake and roar as before.

“Hold on!” cried Stephen. “I think we’re headed home!”

St. Nicholas’s Secret


But what about my home?” cried Nicholas, looking down at the land below him.

In an instant the two travelers were transported to New York—just outside the convention center where Stephen had been. Nicholas was in awe. There were bright lights lining gigantic buildings and an enormous spruce tree with millions of shiny balls on it. In nearly every store window, Nicholas saw a fat man with a red hat and beard.

Tales of the Tick-Tock Time Traveler


Who’s that man?” he asked Stephen.“Don’t you know?” Stephen replied. “That’s

Santa Claus!”“Who?”“You know, Santa, Kris Kringle, Saint Nick. It’s

almost Christmas, and all the stores put up Santa decorations.”

“Why would they do that?” Nicholas asked.“ ’Cuz that’s what Christmas is all about,” Stephen

said. “Santa brings presents to children on Christmas Eve and leaves surprises in their stockings.”

St. Nicholas’s Secret


His father simply held up the MVP. “It works,” he said with a smile.

Stephen introduced Nicholas and then asked, “Mr. Creddick, can you return Nicholas to his home?”

“I’m on my way,” said Mr. Creddick, happy to take a ride in his favorite invention.

Stephen hugged Nicholas, knowing they’d never meet in this world again.

“Remember your promise,” Nicholas called as the Traveler began to tick and tock.

“I will,” Stephen replied with a wave. “I’ll tell everyone about the real Jesus—and the real you. I promise!”

Tales of the Tick-Tock Time Traveler


The End

For more information about the real St. Nicholas and the supernatural events of his life, visit
