JOHN ADAMS By: Curtis Le. John Adams' Legacy John Adams was born on October 30, 1735 and died on...

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Transcript of JOHN ADAMS By: Curtis Le. John Adams' Legacy John Adams was born on October 30, 1735 and died on...


John Adams' Legacy

John Adams was born on October 30, 1735 and died on July 4, 1826. He had the same place of death and birth. Lastly, he died on the 50th aniversery of the declaration of inependence.

Braintree, Massachusetts.

John Adams' Family

> John's father name was John Adams Sr. and his mother's name was Susanna Boylston. John Adams had two siblings, Elihu and Peter Adams.

> John Adams married Abigail Adams. They had five children. They had two girls named Abigail and Susanna. They also had three boys named John, Charles, and Thomas. His son John Quincy Adams later became the 6th president of the United States.

John Adams and the American Revolution

> John Adams was one of the negotiators who drafted the treaty of Paris in 1783 to end to Revoluntionary War. One event that happened during the Revolutionary War was the Boston Massacre. John Adams defended British Captain Thomas Preston and eight other british soldiers that were accused of murder. At the end, only two were convicted guilty of murder and were punished.

Interesting Facts About John Adams� He didn't own any slaves and was against slavery� He was the only non-Virginian president out of the

first five presidents� His last words were Thomas Jefferson survives except

Thomas Jefferson died a few hours earlier� His personal diary was read out loud and laughed at

in the Congress� He was the first person to propose the idea of U.S.

Military Academy in 1776� He tried to save the home of his harshest critics� While he was president, he refused to have

protection outside of his house for over a year