Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Man I. Jesus was truly God and truly man. A. He was born of a...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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a. He had a human body before His resurrection (Mt. 26:12; 27:58-59). b. He had a human body after His resurrection (Luke 24:39; John 20:27). 2. As such He took on human nature (Acts 2:30; Heb. 2:14; I John 4:2-3).

Transcript of Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Man I. Jesus was truly God and truly man. A. He was born of a...

Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Man

I. Jesus was truly God and truly man. A. He was born of a woman (Gal. 4:4; Mt. 1:18; 2:11; 12:47; 13:55; Luke 2:7; Rom. 1:3).

1. As such He became a partaker of flesh and blood (John 1:14; Heb. 2:14-15).

a. He had a human body before His resurrection (Mt. 26:12; 27:58-59).b. He had a human body after His resurrection (Luke 24:39; John 20:27).

2. As such He took on human nature (Acts 2:30; Heb. 2:14; I John 4:2-3).

B. He was begotten of the Heavenly Father according to the flesh.

1. As such He always existed in spirit form (Rev. 22:12-13, 16).

2. As such He was conceived by the Holy Spirit in relation to the incarnation (Mt. 1:20; Luke 1:35).

II. Jesus was the Son of God. A. He was declared to be the Son

of God.1. He referred to Himself as the Son of God (John 5:18; 10:30-33; Luke 22:70; Rev. 1:8).

2. He was declared by the Father to be His Son at His baptism (Mt. 3:13-17; Mk. 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). 3. He was acknowledged as the Son of God by Satan and his demons (Mt. 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13, 41).

B. He demonstrated the attributes of God (John 1:1-5, 6-18).

1. He is all powerful (Mt. 28:18; John 1:3; Eph. 1:20-23; Heb.1:3; 2:8).2. He is all-knowing (John 2:24-25; 5:25; 16:30; Col. 2:3; Rev. 2:23).3. He is everywhere present since the resurrection by the Spirit (Mt. 18:20; 28:20).

4. He is eternal (John 1:1; 17:5; 8:58; Mic. 5:2).

5. He is unchanging (Heb. 1:10-12; 13:8).

6. He is self-existent (John 1:4; 5:21, 26; Heb. 7:16).

7. He is holy (Acts 3:14; Mark 1:24). 8. He is the fullness of the Godhead (Col 1:19; 2:9).

C. He possesses or demonstrates godlike functions.

1. Creation (John 1:3). 2. Sustaining Creation (Col. 1:15-

17; Heb. 1:3). 3. Forgiving Sins (Mk. 2:5-12;

Luke 7:48). 4. Eternal Judgment (John 5:22;

Mt. 25:31-46; Acts 17:30-31; II Tim. 4:1).

5. Giver of Life (John 10:28; 17:2).

D. He is an equal person in the Godhead (II Cor. 13:14; John 10:30-33; II Th. 2:16-17; Heb. 1:3).

III. Jesus was the Son of Man (I Tim. 2:5; John 8:40).

“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5A. He is called the Son of Man over 75 times in the New Testament (Luke 9:22, 26, 44, 58; 19:10).

B. As the Son of Man, He was subject to the normal laws of human development (Luke 2:40, 52).

C. As the Son of Man, He was subject to the physical limitations associated with humanity (Heb. 4:15).1. He grew weary (John 4:6, Compare Is. 40:28).

2. He needed sleep (Mt. 8:24, Compare Ps. 121:3-4).

3. He grew in knowledge and wisdom (Luke 2:52; Mk. 13:32, Compare Is. 40:12-14; Job 21:22).

4. He grew hungry (Mt. 4:2; 21:18). 5. He grew thirsty (John 19:28; Ps. 22:15).

6. He wept on occasion (John 11:35; Heb. 5:7).

7. He experienced agony of soul (Luke 22:44).

8. He experienced physical death (John 19:30; I Cor. 15:3).

D. As the Son of Man, He did not look any different than anyone else (Is. 53:2b).

1. He had to be pointed out to his captors (Mt. 26:47-48; Luke 22:47-48).

2. He was mistaken for a gardener (John 20:15).

E. As the Son of Man, He was tempted as a man (Heb. 2:18; 4:15).

F. As the Son of Man He functioned like we must function.

1. He spent time in prayer seeking the mind of the Father (Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16; 6:12-13; Mt. 14:23).2. He depended on the anointing of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:18-19; Acts 10:38).

3. He needed the strengthening ministry of angels (Mt. 4:11; Luke 22:41-45).

4. He had no knowledge of the future (Mark 13:32).