Session 3 Jesus the “obedient son”



Session 3 Jesus the “obedient son”. Opening discussion. Confucius: “ Let young people show filial piety (obedience to parents) at home and respectfulness to elders when away from home” Is he right? How important is it to honour our parents?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Session 3 Jesus the “obedient son”

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Session 3Jesus the obedient son

Opening discussionConfucius: Let young people show filial piety (obedience to parents) at home and respectfulness to elders when away from homeIs he right? How important is it to honour our parents?Is obeying and respecting our parents/authority figures always easy to do?

Jesus was a perfectly obedient sonWe have not been perfect sons or daughters, but Jesus was! Not only did he obey Mary and Joseph, he also perfectly obeyed God his Father!

In this session we will think about why that is great news for us today

Everyday obedience Jesus and his baptism (read Matthew 3 verses 13-17)

Franceso Treviani,Baptism of Christ, 1723Notice the dove sent by God the Father; angels looking on

Everyday Obedience of JesusV13-15 John is surprised Jesus wants baptism: he baptises people once they repent and confess sin (3:2,6); he knows Jesus is perfectBut: if God wants his people to be baptised by John, Jesus is going to be obedient to that

V16-17 Heaven and earth come together Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all there; the true God is oneand a loving community of threeFather is well pleased Jesus has obeyed for 30 years in work, family, friendship, religion

Everyday Obedience of Jesus is Good NewsJesus is determined to fulfil all righteousness he is perfectly obedient when we are not and can not ever be; our trust needs to be in him

Jesus is willing to take the place of sinners at baptism he will take the place of sinners at the Cross

God is pleased with his perfect obedience our small acts of obedience to God our Father matter to him

Painful obedience Jesus and his coming death (read Matthew 26 verses 36-46)Giovanni Bellini,Agony in the Garden,1465

Notice the sleeping disciples, and an angel carrying the cup

Painful Obedience of JesusV36-38 Jesus wants to pray to his Father in a moment of deep crisis and sorrow it is the only place Jesus wants to be

V39,42,44 Jesus is willing to drink the cup (see Psalm 75 verses 7-8) if there is no other way to carry out Gods plan to save peopleHe chooses an obedient life over an easy life

V45-46 Jesus obediently and bravely goes to face death for sinners doesnt run, no angel army to save him

Painful Obedience of Jesus is Good NewsJesus has experienced the pain of life we have a God who understands us and can help us

Jesus took the cup of Gods judgement for the sins of others through faith in him we will not face judgement as he took it for his people

Jesus remained obedient to the Fathers plan to save sinners his painful obedience is our only hope of eternal life and forgiveness from God

Group DiscussionJesus showed obedience to God even when it was difficult. In what ways might obedience to God be difficult for us?Jesus needed to pray in his trouble. Why do Christians pray? What difference does it make?Is it surprising that Gods plan to save people involves the obedience and death of Jesus? Why do Christians call it Good News?

Prayer IdeasThank God for the obedience of JesusAsk God to help you live an obedient life by following Jesus