
Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Jagriti







Scope of problem: Malnutrition is a

persistent problem in India with 29.8% of the 1.2 billion population falling below poverty line.

* 44% of children of age under 5 in India are underweight. 72% of the infants and 52% of married women are anemic. This forms a grave problem as anemic mothers are not able to feed their new-born well – which forms the basis of malnourishment.

* Research has conclusively shown that Research has conclusively shown that malnutrition during pregnancy causes the child to have increased risk of future diseases, physical retardation, and reduced cognitive abilities. This in-turn leads to impaired productivity at work and hence low income which again results in poverty and undernourishment.

CAUSES OF THE PROBLEM •Social inequality of women in terms of their respect and treatment including poor quality and quantity of food and nourishment •Lack of proper knowledge for the pregnant women about baby feeding and nutritional requirements •Lack of proper implementation and operation of the mid-day meal scheme and its nutritional content •Wastage of food by the people during the parties and other functions

REASONS FOR SELECTING SPECIFIC CAUSE • Proper channelization and direction of mid-day meal will yield better results and reduce under-nourishment of children who are future generation. •Imparting knowledge & importance about the nutritional values to pregnant women would considerably reduce the under-nourishment of babies and make them robust and develop immunity against diseases. •Wastage of food grains in godowns and foods at parties are a serious concern as that quantity

can be effectively utilized for the feeding the under-privileged.

Problem statement – Wastage of Food • Food wastage-we struggle to feed our people and still it is reported that India has food wastage of about

58,000 crore.

• 20 crore people in india sleep empty stomach – 2013

• About 7 million children died of hunger – 2012 - reduction in food wastage can save 42% of food subsidy bill

• 40% of fruits and vegetables produced are wasted – due to lack of infrastructure, harsh weather conditions and omnipresent corruption

Methods to be adopted – • Food subsidy budget – 75,366 crore – 50% of food produced donot reach children due to wastage – focus

budget allotment on building infrastructure for proper storage.

• Awareness campaign - though such campaigns are still going on but people are not much aware. Aware them enough so that they can help contribute by saving the wastage of cooked food.

• Concept of cook and reuse must be emphasised upon.

* A survey should be conducted and database should be prepared – area-wise which should contain the details of number of malnourished and under-nourished children. If possible the area should be divided on priority basis – cooked food when collected from parties or get-togethers can be distributed to these areas without delay

* It is important to have prior knowledge about such areas because shelf –life of cooked food is not more than 3-4 hours. It will help save time and cover area , a little far away – which otherwise could not have been covered because of paucity of time.

* There is already an awareness campaign with Aamir Khan promoting the campaign – similar campaign must be launched to create awareness about wastage of food and harm it cause – urging people to save food.

* Form connect with voluntary organization who are working against food wastage – help them organise and manage helplines to collect food and take them to the target group of people.

* Create awareness about such facilities being there as a lot of people either donot know about them or donot care to help – but with association of socially aware personalities people tend to take these efforts seriously

SAMADHAN – 360 degree Model

It is an organised form of grievance redressal system formulated specially for primary and district level schools urban and rural areas where mid-day meal scheme is running.


•Maintaining Hygiene

•Timely fulfilment of daily needs

•Addressing complaints time bound via automated telephonic service

•Quality assurance

•Efficient and prompt response- To engage each party in regular feedback and mutual benefits.


•“Samadhan Sanchaar”- a team handling the telephonic operations and collecting database of complaints

•“Samadhan Mitra”-Team addressing the needs and complaints lodged with “Sanchaar” within 24 hours and solving the issue within 72 hours

•“Samadhan Disha”-Both of these teams will be monitored and guided by a senior inspection and guidance team comprising of the given constitution


•Selecting sample area first for experimentation.

•Planning of compensation and responsibilities of members involved.

•Selection of ‘Samadhan Disha’ members and giving them autonomy, accountibility

•Selecting efficient and educated youth for ‘Samachar Sanchar’ and ‘Samachar Mitra’ .

•Incentives and recognition of team members will be dependent upon 70% of the school principal’s feedback whom they are serving.

•Rotation of members within a specified time in ‘Samadhan Disha’ to avoid nepotism and favoritism in structure.

District School




IAS officers







Health Specialist


Below is an outline of ‘Samadhan Disha’

SAMADHAN – Inspection and Monitoring Authority


Minimizing supply bottlenecks

Ensuring consistency and

quality of the meal served

Better resource utilization

Greater efficiency

Employment opportunities



Decentralised autonomous model,

alterations in structure and

implementation as per the regional



It is a 360 degree model with the

benefit of each party being dependent on

the other.

Leveraging existing govt. resources

Govt. schools and principals , existing

distribution /communication

networks, existing mid day meal plans and


Financial and HR Requirements

Operating Costs, recruitment process ,compensation cost



Children(6-14 yrs),govt. schools,

personnel employed

Measuring Criteria

Quarterly census of targeted areas in the

experimentation phase, Publishing

quarterly reports on social and print


Proposed Solution 1. Aahar : Feed ing the pregnant mothers and new born children

Identification of pregnant women in rural areas and providing immediate medical assistance to women classified as under-nourished, anemic etc.

Diagnosis of mal-nutrition: Distribution of balanced nutritional food supplements like Plumpy’net amongst the targeted group through Anganwadi supply chain.

Increase awareness about the importance of Colostrum and breastfeeding to decrease the infant mortality rate by improving the immunity. This also reduces probability of the child being undernourished in future.

Implementation of Solution

Decentralized Medic Team at Village/Tehsil level: To provide for identification of nutritional level in pregnant women, and later provide consultation for Colostrum, other medical issues.

Maintaining regular supply of Plumpy’Nut and efficient distribution amongst identified group for at-least 2 sachets per day for 6-10 weeks(depending upon the severity) to cure acute mal-nutrition.

Following up: to measure the mal-nutrition level of the woman/new born after the treatment has been given (i.e after 6-10 weeks)

Impact of Solution

Increases health and vitality of the mother which benefits the family adding value to the


Increased breastfeeding: which will inturn reduce the mal-nutrition level of child and make

him more immune.

Challenges and Mitigation Factors

Identification of pregnant women: since rural people are hesitant in disclose of inside

information and rural women have reduced visibility outside their houses.

Supply bottleneck of Plumpy’Nut: Monopoly of supplier (Nutriset,France) can limit the supply

of the product owing to the large demand.

Setting up a leakage free supply : Owing to various supply glitches in Anganwadi channel, it

will be a challenge to ensure a leakage free distribution amongst the affected party.


1. http://www.ninindia.org/DietaryGuidelinesforNINwebsite.pdf

2. http://mdm.nic.in/Files/School%20Health%20Programme/Nutrition_Support/Nutrition_support_Introduction.pdf

3. http://www.ilikemyblog.com/how-to-overcome-child-malnutrition/

4. http://www.hungamaforchange.org/FlierA4copy.pdf

5. http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2013/05/13/helping-india-combat-persistently-high-rates-of-malnutrition