It's Time to Double Down

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of It's Time to Double Down

It’s Time to Double Down!

Honorée Corder

Guess what?

• We are just 8 WEEKS away from ringing in a new year.

• It’s exciting to look forward to something!

• This is the first in a series of eight posts where I will help you get set up for the best year you could possibly have.

Step One: Double Down

• If you’ve already “called it a year” and are focusing solely on what next year holds for you, you’re missing out on the HUGE opportunity right in front of you:

The remainder of the year you’re already in.

Today: November 11th• This is the 315th day of the year

• Leaving 50 days, or 13.69% of the year left.

• You wouldn’t want to waste almost 14% of a year, so don’t!

• My dad used to tell me this when I was a competitive runner.

• Many races are lost because the leader pulls up right before the finish line, and the winner wins by a stride because he was still going full-throttle as he crossed the finish line.

• YOU, too, need to hit the tape still going full out—because you’ll get the most out of this year and you’ll start the new year with a running start. “Hit the tape running”

Now this isn’t my first rodeo…

I know you’re going to take off several of those days to enjoy holidays with friends and family, overindulge in yummy goodness, and lots of other fun and frivolity.

That’s perfectly fine. Enjoy!

You still have plenty of days left to:

• Schedule and have meetings with prospective clients, customers, etc. - have twice as many as you think you need to have!

• Call all of your existing clients and make sure they have everything they need from you – and be sure to show your gratitude for their patronage.

• Connect with your ideal strategic partners and work on your 12*12 Matrix {which I wrote about in here}.

• Schedule 2-5 hours to get every piece of paper filed, bill paid, phone call returned, and while you’re at it, empty out your inbox.

Get after it!

You have an amazing opportunity to close this year with the smile that comes with a job well done, knowing you’re set up to win big next year. So what are you waiting for?

Honorée Corder writes about business growth and personal development, including shedding

limiting belief, dreaming big and living the life you truly want.

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