It traning program

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of It traning program

IT Training Program

Done by:Intisar Al-Shukri 88905

Supervised by:D. Maryam AL-Washahi

Sultan Qaboos UniversityCollege of Education

Course Syllabus for TECH 4999 Graduation Project

Instructional and Learning Technologies Department

Graduation Project:

For SQU ILT first year students


1. Overview of the project

2. Needs analysis

3. Goal analysis

4. Performance objectives

5. Learner analysis

6. Context analysis

7. Development of software

8. Project resources

9. Formative evaluation

10. Summative evaluation


IT Training Program,

For SQU ILT first year students.



Target Audien


SQU first year


Beginner users

of comput



▪ Identifying SQU IT first year students’ prior IT knowledge and skills.

▪ Increasing their IT knowledge and skills in different areas.

▪ Constructing a reliable Pre-Post-Test to measure learners’ IT knowledge and skills before and after entering this program.

▪ Producing a reliable content to teach learners about computers.

▪ Helping learners to learn some important, basic computer skills and knowledge.

▪ Increasing learners understanding and retention.

▪ Keeping learners up-to-date of the newest IT software and applications.

▪ Providing a chance for individualized learning.

▪ Offering a reliable IT content that helps learners to accomplish their different tasks.

Required Materials

* Computer with internet connection* Papers and pens

* Camtasia *Movie Maker * Sound Recorder * Flip PDF * BB Flash Back* AutoPlay * Audacity * Captivate *Photoshop * MS Office * E-mail + Moodle (internet)

* Internet websites* Graduation Project supervisor * ILT students




Needs Assessment (Dick & Kary Model)

• SQU first year students have lack of computer knowledge and


• They face problems while studying different SQU courses.

• Some are under the academicc observation because of the lack

of computer experiences, knowledge and skills.

Current status

Needs Assessment (Dick & Kary Model)


SQU first year

students' lack of IT

knowledge and skills.

Needs Assessment (Dick & Kary Model)

• SQU first year students have a good, reliable IT knowledge and


• They have the ability to face most of the computer challenges.

• They have good background of the most important software

required to complete SQU courses successfully.

Desired status

Instructional Goal

The computer knowledge and skills of SQU ILT first

year students will be increased and enhanced

through attending the IT training program that

contains some workshops to master the basic and

essential knowledge and skills needed to

accomplish the requirements of different courses.

Suggested Solutions

Develop the IT curriculum to be more appealing and motivating for students.

Encourage children by their parents to get used from technology and the newest software.

Offering IT training program that studies students’ needs and prior knowledge and skills and then introducing some workshops to meet their needs and interests.

Introducing some IT resources for individualized instruction.

Implemented solution

Offering IT training program that studies

students’ needs and prior knowledge and skills

and then introducing some workshops to meet

their needs and interests.

Reasons for adapting this solution

Studies students’ needs and prior knowledge and skills to meet them eventually.

Constructs workshops, tutorials, activities and exams depending on students’ needs and prior

knowledge and skills.

It meet most of students learning styles.

Most effective and interesting than learning using one learning style.

Not all learners can learn individually, so this training program will solve this problem.

Learner Analysis



Reading and writing skills.

Motivation to learn about

computers and newest

technology and software.

Basic computer skills.



of topic area

• They have to know what’s a computer and what are their uses

• They should know different types of media

• They should have basic skills about Paint, Sound Recording, power Point and internet.

Learner Analysis



• They feel the need to attend this program that will help them in their academic lives.

• They believe that these software will help them to make their work easier.

Learner Analysis

Educational and ability levels

Educational level:

They are all SQU first year students, IT major.

Ability level :

* They have the ability to use computers* They have the ability to learn follow the instructor rules.

Learner Analysis




• Most of the learners are visual learners.

• They all learn better by applying what they were taught.

Learner Analysis

Group characteristics

• The Same educational level: SQU first year students

• gender : Males and females

• different cultures:

• They came from different regions of Oman, and different life styles.

Learner Analysis

Analysis of performance context

Managerial Support

• The availability of

computers with internet

connection all around the

SQU buildings.

Analysis of performance context

Physical Aspects of the work place

- The computer labs at SQU

are well organized to help

in delivering learning.

Analysis of performance context

Social Aspects Gender: Males and Females.

Cultural: All learners are Omani, but they are

from different regions of Oman.

Religion: They all are Muslims.

Analysis of performance context

Constrains • Some learners may not like to

be integrated in such a

program, because they don’t

have the interest in learning IT


• Learners may not attend all the

program workshops, so they’ll

lose some important knowledge

or skills offered.

Analysis of performance context

Collecting Data This project data is collected from:

• Survey.

• Observation.

Analysis of performance context

Physical environment All the program workshops

will be introduced at SQU

computer labs with internet


Analysis of performance context

Factors that facilitate the Project

- Computer labs with internet

connection and needed software.

Goal Analysis

Evaluation Phase

Expert review: 


D. Talal Amer reviewed the Pre-Post-Test I’ve constructed, and gave me two critique points:

1. The choices of multiple choice questions should be similar in length. (sentences should have nearly the same length). 2. Questions should be organized according to its type NOT its subject.So I should put the multiple choice questions together, TRUE and FALSE questions together and so on.

Evaluation Phase

One- To- One Review:

I chose my classmate Asiah Al-Sulaimani(5th year student, IT major) to review the online survey and Pre-Post-Test I’ve constructed for this project. Here are some of her critique points she mentioned: Online Survey:

• Change the choices you’ve written for each Item in the survey from numbers to clear words.• 1= Totally Agree 2= Agree 3= Natural 4= Disagree 5=

Totally Disagree

• Change "Circle the answer" to "Check the answers boxes".

Evaluation Phase

Before Critique After

1. The GIF format is best for which


Rewrite the question

For which uses The GIF format is the best?

2. What type of file should you save your audio as to be able to import it correctly into movie maker?

Grammar mistake

Which type of file should you save your audio as to be able to import it correctly into movie maker? 


Asiah Al-Sulaimani(5th year student, IT major) critique of the Pre-Post-Test I’ve made.


• Graduation project Idea

• Software

• Time

My Project