Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014 NEW ......Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014 Celebrating...

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Transcript of Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014 NEW ......Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014 Celebrating...

Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014

New Monasticisms Ireland Event




Dom  Richard  Purcell,  Abbot  of  Cistercian  Abbey  Roscrea,  Co.  

Tipperary and  Deirdre  Ni  Chinnéide  Inis  Mor,  

Aran  Islands.

‘Monasticism is not a container; it is an energy’ Emanuele Bargellini OSB Cam

Welcome to Newsletter No 15

We have passed the Autumn Equinox and are now in Winter, Samhain - there is something about this time of year that brings us in to the wisdom of the silence of the season - a time to look within - and as we move in to Advent …a time of waiting….

’In a way Winter is the real Spring--the time whenthe inner things happen, the resurgence of nature’.Edna O'Brien


NEW MONASTICISMS IRELAND News | Articles | Websites | Retreats | Courses | Upcoming Events

Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014

Chant, is the most peaceful music

imaginable.It is music for the Soul, you are in the

Thepresence of God


FREE  Parking  available  in  nearby  parish  centre FEBRUARY  7,  2015  TIME:  2-­‐5  PM


Cheques  made  payable  to:    New  MonasHcisms  Ireland,

All  Hallows  Campus,  Grace  Park  Road,  Dublin  9

Teresa of Avila Doctor of the Soul - Prof. Peter Tyler

New Monasticisms Ireland Event 11th October 2014We had a great day with Professor Peter Tyler on Saturday October 11th. at Woodlock Hall, All Hallows College.

Peter opened our minds to the complexities of the times in which Teresa lived. He gave us an analysis of some of the translations and further explored the personhood of Teresa, her mystical theology, instruction on prayer and as we begin the 500th year Anniversary - the relevance of her life for today! Peter was anxious to let us know about a forthcoming Conference in June at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. If you are receiving this electronically you should be able to bring up

‘Monasticism is not a container; it is an energy’ Emanuele Bargellini OSB Cam

Book Review - Peter Tyler

The Rebirthing of God: Christianity’s Struggle for New Beginnings - John Philip Newell

The imagery of birthing pervades John Philip Newell’s new book – not only the joy but the travails, and frankly, the messiness of it all. It is Philip Newell’s conceit that we presently lie as a church and a spiritual community in a time of birth – with all its attendant excitements, dangers and mess. This, of course, will strike a deep chord with some readers and put off others. I gave a chapter of the book to one of my classes to discuss and a lively debate ensued – not least on the striking image Newell uses at the beginning of the book from Jung’s memoirs (I won’t spoil this for you – sufficient to say it will stay in your mind for some time to come!). As always though with Newell he takes a serious topic – the crisis in contemporary Christianity – and addresses it both with seriousness and humour in a very approachable fashion. There is an awful lot of erudite research and theology behind this book but the author wears it lightly….

For more see

Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014

the link with details of all the speakers below.

Photo - some Members of NMI Committee with Peter Tyler at All Hallows.

For Peter’s blog see:

Click type below to get link to further information

! Teresa of Avila 1515-2015: Mystical Theology and Spirituality in the Carmelite Tradition.

Date: Thursday 18th - Saturday 20th June 2015Venue: St Mary's University, Twickenham.

‘Monasticism is not a container; it is an energy’ Emanuele Bargellini OSB Cam

New Book Christine Valters Painter

The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within

Due to be released May 11 2015

Beatrice Bruteau—scholar, teacher, interspiritual pioneer, and intrepid explorer of the evolutionary edge of consciousness—quietly departed this earth plane on November 16, 2014, at the age of 84. Her passing exemplified her signature brand of clarity, freedom, and intentionality: traits which for more than five decades have been the hallmarks of her teaching presence among us and which she now bequeaths to us as both a legacy and a continuing invitation…For more see

Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014

‘Monasticism is not a container; it is an energy’ Emanuele Bargellini OSB Cam


021-4502520 ENNISMORE@EIRCOM.NET For$ three$ years$ or$ more,$ we$ in$ Ennismore$ have$ been$ conducting$CONVERSATIONS$ each$ Monday$ evening$ from$ 7.30pm$ –$ 9.30pm.$$CONVERSATIONS$ are$ just$ that…a$CONVERSATION$ around$ a$ topic.$ $ A$ speaker$presents$ a$ topic,$ which$ is$ followed$ by$ a$ CONVERSATION,$ follows$ over$ tea$ or$coffee$for$one$hour$plus.$The$following$are$dates$for$the$‘coming$Monday$CONVERSATIONS:$Nov.%14th:%%SEEING%A%NEW%WAY,–,Dr.,Malgorzata,D’Aughton,,from,the,Medieval,History,Dept.,of,UCC,will,join,others,in,presenting,the,poems,and,diary, of, a, 13th, century, Irish, Franciscan, whose, pilgrimage, on, foot, to, the,Holy, Land, introduces, him, to, new, cultures,, religions, and, ways, which,challenge,him.,,In,poetry,and,song,,Malgorzata,and,others,,will,present,this,wonderful, experience, to, us., , In, a, globalized, world, and, a, multiQcultural,Ireland,, this,13th, century,poem,,brought,alive,by,Malgorzata,, is,a,parable,for,our,own,time.,,Not,to,be,missed!,

$December$1st:$and$8th:$Two$evenings$with$Tom$Casey,$OP.$ in$reflection$through$slides$and$poems.$$Date$for$2015:$$January,, Sacred,Scripture,and,Islam,

12th$ $ Gospel$way$1$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$Benedict$Hegarty,$OP$19th$ $ Gospel$way$2$ $ $$$$$$$$ Benedict$Hegarty,$OP$26th$ $ Dialoguing$with$Islam$$$$$$$ Benedict$Hegarty,$OP$February,,,, Living,from,the,inside,out!,

2nd$ Compassionate$Living$$$$$$$$$$$$Martina$Lehane$9th$ Meister$Eckhardt$$ $ Philip$McShane,$OP$16th$ $Meister$Eckhardt$goes$East$$$Stephen$Cummins,$OP$23rd$ To$Live$Justly$$$*note,8.000pm$$$$$$$Brendan$Ryan$March,,, Voices,from,the,margins,

2th$ Hear$our$Voice$1\$AA,$and$NA$$$$Guest$speaker(s)$9th$ Hear$our$Voice$2$–Prisoners$$$Rosemary$Corry\Fox$16th$ Hear$our$voice$3$\$Immigration$NASC$23rd$ Caring$for$the$person$–$Christian$Psychotherapy$$$Pat$Sheehan$April,,,,, Being,well,and,an,Introduction,to,mysticism,,


Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014

Celebrating the Centenary of the Death of Thomas Merton: Monk, Artist and Social Critic

New Monasticism Ireland invites you to enjoy a day of contemplative practice and dialogue with Dr James Finley.  Jim lived as a monk at the cloistered Trappist monastery of the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky for six years, where the world-renowned monk and author, Thomas Merton, was his spiritual director.

Dr. Finley has led retreats and workshops throughout the United States and Canada, attracting men and women from all religious traditions who seek to live a contemplative way of life in the midst of today's busy world.

He is also a clinical psychologist in private practice with his wife in Santa Monica and is the author of Merton's Palace of Nowhere, The Contemplative Heart and Christian Meditation: Experiencing the Presence of God.

Venue: Milltown Park;   Date: Tuesday, 23 June;  10.30 - 4.30 Bookings: In order to facilitate interaction with Dr Finley, places will be restricted. 

Cost: € 60 (including lunch & coffee break). Cheques payable to "New Monasticisms Ireland” and forwarded by post to New Monasticisms, c/o All

Hallows College, Drumcondra Dublin 9

‘Monasticism is not a container; it is an energy’ Emanuele Bargellini OSB Cam

What I got from Merton most of all was this:

“The grace of God utterly and wholly permeates our lives,

just as they are in the present moment.

All our failures and weaknesses are absolutely irrelevant in the face of such

all-pervading grace.”

Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014

‘Monasticism is not a container; it is an energy’ Emanuele Bargellini OSB Cam

Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014

‘Monasticism is not a container; it is an energy’ Emanuele Bargellini OSB Cam

Book Clubs & Meditation

Sophia Book Club

The Lantern Centre Synge St Dublin 8 - meets each month - For more see

Cill Droichid Book Club

Celbridge Manor Hotel

Celbridge, Co. Kildare

For more see

Silence in the City

The Lantern Centre Synge St Dublin 8 meets each month -

For more see

A note from the Editor - Should you wish to have your information included in this newsletter please make contact with Helen at

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to

love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign

tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given

you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now.

Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some

distant day into the answer.

-Rainer Rilke

Issue No 15 Winter/Samhain 24 Nov 2014

Advent and the Many Seasons of Waiting

It is very common to describe Advent as a season of “waiting. But, what does that word “waiting2 mean to me? What experiences spring to mind as the big waiting times in my life: waiting for medical test results, waiting for a friend to return from travels overseas, waiting in an airport during a snow storm when flights get delayed, waiting for a gift to arrive in the post? Each of these experiences of waiting has a different atmosphere. For some there is an anxious character to the period of expectation and for others the atmosphere is one of joyful anticipation.

Given all the different reminders that the word “waiting” carries, we must look afresh at what the meaning of waiting in the Advent season might be. As we know, it is the birth of Mary of Nazareth’s first born child which is the concrete historical experience that sets the scene for Advent waiting. Awaiting a birth draws the woman who is pregnant into the experience of waiting at every level of being: the body produces daily reminders of forthcoming events; the mind actively plans arrangements in life and home for the new arrival; the spirit harbors joys, anxieties and hopes in the context of the awaited birth.

How rich a season Advent is! All dimensions of our being are being drawn into the experience of actively waiting for the dawning of a new awakening to the presence of Mystery in our midst. To enter into the spirit of Advent waiting is to invite the body into a lived presence to the mystery of God in our world whether by spending time with those in vulnerable or fragile life circumstances or by reaching out to those made poor by homelessness or traumatic life events. Our busy-ness and planning are invited to alignment with the profound character of the Mystery we await. In the Advent season we attend to the deepest yearnings and desires which are moving in our inner being.

But as well stirring body, mind and spirit, Advent invites the soul to a new awakening. It is a mystical moment in the annual cycle of liturgical time. An invitation is issued to wait again with hopeful anticipation for the ever new action of God in our world. We are invited to take hold of our fragility, pain, brokenness, limitations and despair and to invoke the light that does not fail, the hope that defies our small expectations, the joy that does not pass into the recesses of our souls.

While external calm can facilitate the emergence and growth of soulful living in Advent, the quest for solitude and a desire to be solitary do not necessarily coincide. Solitude is more an attitude than an environment, a lived belief in the need for regular withdrawal to the inner room of each one’s being. Time spent in that inner monastery of being allows what has become muddied and confused in daily living to settle and become clear. In the spirit of Leonard Cohen’s song, The Tower of Song, God is calling each one from within, to come home to the unique desire that has been placed in each heart by God. We seek to learn the mystery of God’s desiring coming to birth in our hearts, the truth of our life and being. Only in solitude can the music to which one is called to dance be heard. It is not effort and striving that makes a person genuine. The soul’s voluntary re-alignment to its inner whispered name is the most essential act of abandonment into the creative energy of God each Advent. The ear of the heart seeks attentively to hear the unique name by which the spirit of being is called forth from a shadowy existence of accepted confinement into the vibrancy of life in abundance.

The heart which embraces waiting in creative solitude this Advent will be opened to dimensions of reality that previously were unnoticed. When the flow of life is embraced by solitude, eyes become more adept at noticing the hints of Presence since all existence sails in the sea of divine upholding. While embracing solitude seems at first to exclude, as Advent unfolds it becomes clear that this sea sustains those who swim and dive and sail and float. In the place of solitude, we see the face of God in all who live and love.

‘Monasticism is not a container; it is an energy’ Emanuele Bargellini OSB Cam