Issue 6 Nov

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Transcript of Issue 6 Nov

It is that time of the year when we at SG Mobility fill shoeboxes with something special to make Christmas an unforgettable time for less

fortunate children. We are happy to share this joy with little angels to fulfil their wishes.





Create a list and stick to it-

Make sure you do not over spend

and save for an emergency.

Stick to a budget- Spending on

unnecessary things will drain

your pocket. Keep calm, it’s your


Compare online prices to have

options- Online prices simplify

shopping hours to save time.

Remember to not follow scams

when using your credit card.

Be card wise- If you decide to

use your credit card, make sure to

pay it off in time. Holiday

purchases can push you to debt


Play it safe- One of the worst

ways to lose money during the

holidays is theft. Don’t carry

more than one credit card, in case

your wallet or purse is lost or

stolen. Don’t leave packages,

laptops or cellphones visible on

your back or front seat


Super Park , Warehouse A Corner of Brollo & Barbara Road, Isando, Gauteng 1460


NOV/DEC 2014


Gifts for the little angels from

SG employees



If at your current weight your daily energy requirement is for example 1800 kcal and you want to “diet” you would likely reduce your calorie intake to 1500 kcal per day, causing a deficit of 300 kcal per day. Now you lose weight. As you lose weight your daily energy requirement decreases. By losing a few kilograms you reach a stage where your daily requirement is now 1500 kcal. To lose further weight you need to further reduce your intake to even lower levels….. This becomes a problem since there is a limit to which you could reduce your daily energy intake and still stay alive. It presents a problem in that calorie restricted dieting increases your efficiency of burning food. If you now eat slightly more food, such as a cheat day, it is absorbed more efficiently and the weight simply pops back. In the above example the diet would also become even more restricted in

nutrients, increasing the biochemical stress on the body and placing the

body under more strain. This scenario has significant implications when

you eat slightly more after dieting, to the point of adjusting your body’s

set point and making it more difficult to lose weight in the future. Every

time you go on a diet the problem becomes greater, creating a yo-yo

dieting curve which could become harmful to your endocrine system.

Losing weight should not be difficult, but going on “diets” is not the

answer. We all know it, we have all tried it and all of them have failed.

Dieting is when hope triumphs over experience and we lose sight of what

is really important.

Experience taught us that losing weight happens when the body allows

the release of stored reserves from excess demand for the stored energy.

Creating demand for energy should be from physical activity and not

from dieting. In this lies the first key principle. Energy deficit or calorie

restriction implies increasing the demand for energy through physical

activity and not through dietary restraints.

Physical activity is the most effective way to normalise insulin action and

to create a healthy energy deficit. In combination with a high nutrient,

balanced diet, weight loss becomes a natural process once the body

receives sufficient nutrients and you burn calories through exercise

while managing stress and sleep.

This is the second key principle. Your diet must be a balanced diet at an

energy level customised to your specific requirements. There is a

significant amount of clinical evidence to demonstrate that not any

specific diet, being it Mediterranean or Paleo or whatever, that really

makes a difference. The key is clinically been proven to rely on the

nutrient density of the diet in combination with physical activity.

Part 2 continued on the next issue

The third key principle is that our ultimate objective is not weight loss but

improving health.

Health is not the simple avoidance of disease but living optimally of which a

normalised, healthy weight is important, but certainly not the only objective.

Any campaign, any diet, any advice you receive that are purely focused on

weight loss must be avoided. Anybody giving you dietary advice must be

able to provide you with a nutrient index of the diet, illustrating the nutrient

density of the diet against your specific nutrient requirement; if they can’t

do this do not follow the diet.

The question is: Am I then simply wasting my time trying to eat healthy?

No!! The exact opposite.

Our key challenge within a modern society is that the nutrient density of our

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. – Burton Hillis



The one article everybody should read on weight loss Dieting will always be an emotional topic and from time to time we need to step back and create some perspective on weight loss.

Firstly, weight loss is not the opposite of weight gain.

Some people believe that if I gained weight from eating, then I should lose weight from simply eating less. This is not true. The processes involved in storing weight versus the processes required to release weight are very different and simply eating less is not necessarily the answer. Weight gain is part of the human genetic code in protecting us from starvation. Our genes were designed over millions of years during which food was scares and we lived very different, active lives. Our stress was not the same as today and our days were governed by sun light and seasonal changes. During this time we had to seek food and store food during times of abundance in preparation for the lean, cold, winter months. Several signalling mechanisms within our brain as well as cell level read the external environmental changes and make adjustments within or body to compensate and protect us against environmental changes. Weight gain was designed as a protective measure.

For weight loss to occur the body must experience no perceived stress.

Only if our body receives the message that there is no future risk, only

then will it start releasing stored reserves. This stress is not only

emotional and physical stress, but biochemical stress.

And this is why diets generally don’t work in the long run. Diets are not

effective for as long as your body is under any form of perceived stress.

The number one stress within our modern society is the absolute lack of

nutrients in our food, combined with the consumption of foods that take

nutrients out of the body, called anti-nutrient foods.

Going on a calorie and food restricted diet only aggravates this situation,

leading to further nutrient depletion, which further increases the

biochemical stress on your body and further limit weight loss. Any

restricted diet, giving preference to specific foods in an unbalanced ration

to other foods will induce an unbalanced nutrient load on the body and

cause bio-chemical tress.

Restricted diets further cause the metabolic efficiency of the body to

increase. This is a problem, as illustrated by the following example.


NOV/DEC 2014


EDITOR’s MESSAGE: Before we celebrate the New Year, let us celebrate the new person that you have become. Have you ever wondered why people’s goals fade? Why we keep procrastinating our duties and lose track of following certain plans? We are afraid to try new things which may be our frame of achievement. Let’s take it back to the drawing board. Look back on the past two years - were you part of the winning team or the loosing team? “How so?” one may ask.

Planning realistic goals for a purpose is the method of tolerance for change

Taking ownership to develop something that will enhance an individual to grow, that is a method of finding your voice

Striving to be a better person than who you were yesterday is a method of moving on from your comfort zone

Learning to face the fear of failure because the word fail means First attempt in learning, this is the method of finding your strength.

I'd like for the young people, and older ones, too, who don't count themselves as readers, to know the joy of reading and what it does to enrich your life in so many ways. I assure you that you will never go wrong again if you follow this method of winners as we celebrate together the Year 2015 with a new optimistic attitude within ourselves. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season. We have a book club in IsiZulu language. You are all welcome to borrow them and teach the young ones. Best Regards: Thandeka Songo Chief Editor



When you open a new book, the pages are blank. Life is just like

that blank book. A brand new chapter is about to start in your

life. Embrace every moment by being truthful to yourself.

Watch your thoughts –

They become words

Watch your words –

They become actions

Watch your actions –

They become habits

Watch your habits –

They become your character

Watch your character –

It becomes your destiny.


NOV/DEC 2014


NOV/DEC 2014

# ISSUE #6

It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. Bill Gates Pg 6




NOV/DEC 2014

Let’s be naughty and save Santa the trip! - Gary Allan Pg7

Don’t forget

their Christmas

wish list…

Give a child a

smile that bring

warmth to their

fragile heart,

Share your joy

with them to

save good

memories, like

Santa Clause



World AIDS Day on the 1st of Dec 2014

Observed worldwide on 1 December since 1998, World AIDS Day unites people from around the world to raise awareness of the global AIDS response and to join, in solidarity, the millions of people living with and affected by HIV. Getting to Zero is the theme of World AIDS Day, echoing the UNAIDS vision of achieving “zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, zero AIDS-related deaths”. This theme will be used until 2015. Have your blood tested in your nearest testing station.

Please note – our next issue will be in February 2015. Happy Holidays from the newsletter team!