Ishmel Fish ID Project

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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A fish project for my Aquascience class

Transcript of Ishmel Fish ID Project

Title: Saltwater/ Marine fishes Species #: 01

Common Name: Angelfish

Scientific Name: Holacanthus ciliaris

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Pomacanthidae

Geography / Habitat: Angelfish can be found in reefs and are common around Florida.

Especially near the Florida Keys, Bahamas and Gulf of Mexico.

Life Strategy: Adults are found in pairs year round. The pair reproduces by rising up in

the water. Bringing their bellies together and releasing clouds of sperm and eggs. The eggs

are transparent and buoyant. They hatch after 15 to 20 hours effective lacking eyes, fins or

even a gut. After 48 hours they yolk sack is absorbed the larvae develop fish characteristics

then the larvae feed on plankton.

Food / Feed Strategy: The angelfish feed primarily on sponges. They also feed on jellyfish,

coral and plankton and algae. Juveniles work as cleaners and feed on the parasites of

larger fish.

Body Form or Style: Globiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Ostraciiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater fish / Marine fishes Species #: 02

Common Name: cocoa damselfish

Scientific Name: Stegastes variabilis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Pomacentridae

Geography / Habitat: Cocoa damselfish can be found on coral and rocky reefs in the

Caribbean Sea and neighboring areas of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.

Life Strategy: In the breeding season the female lays eggs on the seabed where they are

attached to empty shells, stones and other objects. The male fertilizes the eggs and guards

them chasing away intruders.

Food / Feed Strategy: Adult cocoa damselfish feed on benthic algae but also on sponges and

anemones. Juveniles feed on invertebrates like Nemertea

Body Form or Style: Compressiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Carangiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater Fish Species #: 03

Common Name: Great Hammerhead shark

Scientific Name: Sphyrna mokarran

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Sphyrnidae

Geography / Habitat: The Great Hammerhead shark inhabits tropical waters around the

world it can be found form North Carolina to Uruguay. Including the Gulf of Mexico and

the Caribbean Sea it can also be found along the rim of the Pacific Ocean.

Life Strategy: Great Hammer head sharks like other hammerhead sharks are viviparous.

Great hammerhead sharks mate near the surface unlike most sharks. The gestation period

is 11 months the litter ranges from 6 to 55 pups with 20 to 40 being typical. The typical life

span for the species is 20 to 30 years.

Food / Feed Strategy: Great hammerhead sharks have a varied diet including invertebrates

such as crabs, lobsters, squid, and octopus. They also eat bony fishes like tarpon, sardines,

sea catfishes and toadfish. The species is also cannibalistic they`re favorite prey however is

rays and skates by biting the pectoral fins crippling them.

Body Form or Style: Saggittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater fish Species #: 04

Common Name: Cookie Cutter shark

Scientific Name: Isistius brasiliensis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Squaliformes

Family: Dalatiidae

Geography / Habitat: It has been reported from off the Bahamas and southern Brazil in

the west. It has been found in the central and eastern Pacific.

Life Strategy: Like other dog fish sharks aplacental viviparous. The developing embryos

and sustained form birth females have two functional uteruses and give birth to 6 to 12

pups. Males attain sexual maturity at a length of 36 cm and females at 39 cm.

Food / Feed Strategy: Pretty much any medium to large sized oceanic animal sharing the

habitat of the cookie cutter shark is open to attack. Bite scars have been found on

porpoises, dolphins, beaked whales, sperm whales and baleen whales. Bite scars have been

found on seals and hunt and eat squids.

Body Form or Style: Saggittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Ostraciiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater fish Species #: 05

Common Name: Humpback Angler fish

Scientific Name: Melanocetus johnsonii

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Lophiiformes

Family: Melanocetidae

Geography / Habitat: They live worldwide in the deep sea and some are even bottom


Life Strategy: The male humpback angler fish attaches itself to the rear of the female and

lives off of her and becomes a sperm provider sharing blood.

Food / Feed Strategy: They eat small squid’s turtle’s crustaceans and arrow worms and


Body Form or Style: Globiform

Swim / Locomotion Style:

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fishes Species #:06

Common Name: Great Barracuda

Scientific Name: Sphyraena barracuda

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Sphyraenidae

Geography / Habitat: Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and east coast to Africa to Hawaii Western

Atlantic Bermuda thorough the Caribbean Sea.

Life Strategy: Great Barracuda reproduce when ocean waters begin to warm by swimming

into shallow waters to mate. They are pelagic spawners which means they gather in one

area to release sperm and eggs. Baby great barracuda seek shelter in weedy coastal areas

until they are big enough to defend themselves

Food / Feed Strategy: Great Barracuda are the top predator of reefs and feed on fish

cephalopods and sometimes shrimp. It waits till a animal has it`s guard down then with a

burst of speed chases after the prey tearing it into pieces.

Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater fish Species #: 07

Common Name: Longnose Gar

Scientific Name: Lepisosteus osseus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Lepisosteidae

Family: Lepisosteidae

Geography / Habitat: Longnose gar is found in rivers and lakes thorough the eastern half

of the United States as far north as Southern Quebec and Southern Ontario

Life Strategy: Longnose gars swim upstream in the spring because of the high waters they

prefer mating in shallow waters Mating can involve up to fifteen males to a single female. A

single female lays about 30000 eggs a year.

Food / Feed Strategy: Longnose gars eat other fish they are ambush predators.

Body Form or Style Sagittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater Marine fishes Species #: 08

Common Name: Blue Shark

Scientific Name: Prionace glauca

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

Geography / Habitat: Found worldwide in deep temperate oceans and tropical waters lives

far north as Norway and far south as Chile.

Life Strategy: Blue sharks are vivarpious with a yolk shaped placenta Courtship is believed

to involve biting by the male as a result females have evolved to have 3 times thicker skin

than males.

Food / Feed Strategy: Squid including other invertebrates like cuttlefish and pelagic


Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Subterminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 09

Common Name: Great White shark

Scientific Name: Carcharodon carcharias

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Lamniformes

Family: Lamnidae

Geography / Habitat: Great white sharks live almost in all costal and offshore waters in

the United States, South Africa, Japan, Chile and the Mediterrean

Life Strategy: Great whites reach sexual maturity around 15 years of age. Maximum

lifespan is believed to be around 30 years. Great white sharks are Ovoviviparous.

Food / Feed Strategy: Great whites are carnivores who eat tuna, rays and other sharks and

dolphins porpoises. They also eat seabirds’ seals and sea otters.

Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater fish/Marine fish Species #: 10

Common Name: Lemon Shark

Scientific Name: Negaprion brevirostris

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

Geography / Habitat: Lemon shark mostly live in tropical waters and the Atlantic Pacific

coasts of North and South America.

Life Strategy: Lemon sharks are viviparous females giving birth between four and 17

young. The young have to fend for themselves at birth and stay near mangroves in shallow

water until they get older.

Food / Feed Strategy: Lemon sharks eat mullet, crayfish, stingrays, jacks and catfish.

Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine Fish Species #: 11

Common Name: Wahoo

Scientific Name: Acanthocybium solandri

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Scombridae

Geography / Habitat: Wahoo move with the seasons traveling into cooler waters during

warm summer months the Wahoo is disturbed worldwide in tropical and subtropical


Life Strategy: Both sexes are capable of reproducing during their first year of life with

males maturing at 34 inches and females at 40 inches.

Food / Feed Strategy: Wahoo’s diet consists of other pelagic fish and squid capturing the

fish with bursts of speed.

Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 12

Common Name: Striped Bass

Scientific Name: Morone saxatilis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Moronidae

Geography / Habitat: Striped Bass are native to Atlantic Coastline of North America

Life Strategy: Spawning is triggered by an increase in water temperature. Male bass reach

sexual maturity at two years females usually don`t spawn until age four.

Food / Feed Strategy: Striped Bass are nocturnal feeders larval striped bass feed on

zooplankton juveniles eat insect larvae, mayflies Adult striped bass eat almost any kind of

small fish and crab and squid.

Body Form or Style: Compressiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Carangiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine Fish Species #: 13

Common Name: Striped Marlin

Scientific Name: Tetrapturus audax

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Istiophoridae

Geography / Habitat: Striped Marlin roams tropical and sub-tropical waters of the Indian

and Pacific oceans

Life Strategy: Little is known about Striped Marlin reproducing.

Food / Feed Strategy: Striped marlin use their bill for feeding swimming through the

crowd thrashing from side to side injuring fish food they eat include squid ,anchovies,

sauries and mackerel

Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 14

Common Name: White croaker

Scientific Name: Genyonemus lineatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes,

Family: Sciaenidae

Geography / Habitat: White croaker can be found in the Eastern Pacific

Life Strategy: Adults spawn in near shallow water from November until May eggs can

range from 800 to 37000

Food / Feed Strategy: White croakers eat squid, shrimp, worms, small clams

Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Carngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine Fishes Species #: 15

Common Name: Short finned Eel

Scientific Name: Anguilla australis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Anguilliformes

Family: Anguillidae

Geography / Habitat: The shortfinned eel is native to lakes, dams and coastal rivers of

south eastern Asia, New Zealand and much of the South Pacific.

Life Strategy: Short finned eels migrate from freshwater to the sea so they can spawn

Mature females about a meter length can contain up to 3 million eggs.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eels eat fish, insects, frogs, and shrimp.

Body Form or Style: Anguilliform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Anguilliform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 16

Common Name: Grass rockfish

Scientific Name: Sebastes rastrelliger

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Scorpaeniformes

Family: Sebastidae

Geography / Habitat: Grass rockfish are a shallow water species juveniles can be found in

tide pools they are usually found in kelp beds.

Life Strategy: Male and female rockfish reach maturity at different lengths and ages

Females produce at least 80 thousand eggs per season release all larvae at the same time.

Food / Feed Strategy: Juveniles and adult rockfish feed on crustaceans. Adults are

nocturnal feedings.

Body Form or Style: Compressiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 17

Common Name: Tiger Grouper

Scientific Name: Mycteroperca tigris

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Serranidae

Geography / Habitat: Tiger grouper inhabit coral reefs and rocky bottoms up to 132 feet or


Life Strategy: Groupers have the ability to change sexy after reaching sexual maturity.

Food / Feed Strategy: Tiger groupers are ambush predators

Body Form or Style: Compressiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 18

Common Name: Bonefish

Scientific Name: Albula vulpes

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Albuliformes

Family: Albulidae

Geography / Habitat: Bonefish prefer reefs, shallows, estuaries, bays, grass flats The

bonefish can be found worldwide in subtropical warm seas in the Pacific it`s range includes

California to Peru.

Life Strategy: Bonefish spawning occurs year round. Sexual maturity is reached around

two years Bonefish are less reproductively active in the hotter summer months but

spawning peaks around November through June.

Food / Feed Strategy: Bonefish feed on benthic worms, fry, and crustaceans. Bonefish

sometimes follow stingrays looking for small prey disturbed by the rooting rays.

Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marinefish Species #: 19

Common Name: Arctic Char

Scientific Name: (Salvelinus alpinus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Salmoniformes

Family: Salmonidae

Geography / Habitat: In freshwater Arctic Char are found in pools and runs of deep cold


Life Strategy: Both species of Arctic char obtain sexual maturity at the age of 10 years they

spawn during September and October. Arctic char stay at the bottom of the gravels until

they reach 6-7 inches. Arctic char lifespan are usually long from 20 to 24 years.

Food / Feed Strategy: Arctic char fish in their very early age diet on organic matter and

plankton at the bottom of the water body when they increase in size they switch to smaller

fish and other small water animals.

Body Form or Style: Saggitiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Carngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 20

Common Name: Atlantic Cod

Scientific Name: Gadus morhua

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Gadiformes

Family: Gadidae

Geography / Habitat: Atlantic Cod can be found around North Carolina and both coasts

of Greenland. Atlantic Cod can also be found in the Baltic sea, the north sea and areas

around Iceland

Life Strategy: Adult Cod spawn from late winter to spring females’ release their eggs in

batches males compete to fertilize the eggs. Cod can live past 13 years.

Food / Feed Strategy: Smaller bottom dweller cods on small crustaceans such as shrimp.

Adults will eat anything that can fit into their mouth including clams, mussels, and


Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal.


Title: Saltwater/Marinefish Species #: 21

Common Name: Cobia

Scientific Name: Rachycentron canadum

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Rachycentridae

Geography / Habitat: Cobia can be found in the western Atlantic they can be found from

Nova Scotia to Argentina including the Caribbean sea.

Life Strategy: Cobia is pelagic spawners they release tiny eggs into the water which become

part of plankton the eggs float with the current until they hatch larvae are helpless until

eyes and mouths develop.

Food / Feed Strategy: Cobia feed on crabs, squid and other fish Cobia will also follow

larger animals like sharks, turtles and manta rays in hopes of scavenging a meal.

Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marinefish Species #: 22

Common Name: Bluefish

Scientific Name: Pomatomus saltatrix

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Pomatomidae

Geography / Habitat: Bluefish are widely distrusted around the world in tropical and

subtropical waters bluefish are found in Florida off of the coast of Florida

Life Strategy: Bluefish reproduce during the spring and summer and can live up to 9 years

bluefish fry are zooplankton and float around in currents.

Food / Feed Strategy: Bluefish are fast swimmers that prey on schools of forage fish

depending on the area and season they can eat shrimp, sardine-like fish and squid they are

also cannibalistic and have been known to destroy their own young.

Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marinefish Species #: 23

Common Name: Cabazon

Scientific Name: Scorpaenichthys marmoratus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Scorpaeniformes

Family: Cottidae

Geography / Habitat: They are found between southern Alaska and Baja California

Cabazon inhabit the intertidal zone usually close to shore older fish live in deeper water

Life Strategy: They spawn off the California coast between October and March peaking in

January females lay eggs on algae free rocky surfaces.

Food / Feed Strategy: Cabazon is an ambush predator that eats fish, crustaceans, and

mollusks they sit on reefs or kelp blades and lunge out at prey.

Body Form or Style: Compressiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marinefish Species #: 24

Common Name: Nalolo

Scientific Name: Ecsenius nalolo

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Blenniidae

Geography / Habitat: Nalolo can be found in the Western Indian Ocean and Western

Central Pacific

Life Strategy: Nalolo are oviparous and use external fertilization.

Food / Feed Strategy: Nalolo eat zooplankton and algae in captivity they can be trained to

eat pellets.

Body Form or Style: Anguilliform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Carngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal



Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 25

Common Name: Nurse Shark

Scientific Name: Ginglymostoma cirratum

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Orectolobiformes

Family: Ginglymostomatidae

Geography / Habitat: The nurse shark is a bottom dweller found in tropical and

subtropical waters its common habitats are reefs.

Life Strategy: Mating season runs from late June to the end of July nurse sharks are


Food / Feed Strategy: Nurse Sharks are nocturnal animals nurse sharks that feed on


Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: subterminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 26

Common Name: Golden Dorado

Scientific Name: Salminus brasiliensis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Characiformes

Family: Characidae

Geography / Habitat: Golden Dorado live in freshwater in Southern Brazil, Paraguay,

Bolivia and Northern Argentina.

Life Strategy: Golden Dorado migrates upstream to spawn during October, November

and December. Reproduction is external and occurs once a year.

Food / Feed Strategy: Golden Dorado is piscivores eating a wild variety of prey fish one of

their favorite prey is salabo

Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marinefish Species #: 27

Common Name: Barramundi

Scientific Name: Lates calcarifer

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Latidae

Geography / Habitat: Barramundi can be found in the Indo-West Pacific region from the

Persian Gulf through Southeast Asia.

Life Strategy: At the start of the monsoon males migrate downriver to meet females which

lay very large numbers up around the millions.

Food / Feed Strategy: Barramundi feed on crustaceans, mollusks and smaller fish including

its own species. Juveniles feed on zooplankton

Body Form or Style: Compressiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marinefish Species #: 28

Common Name: Lingcod

Scientific Name: Ophiodon elongatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Scorpaeniformes

Family: Hexagrammidae

Geography / Habitat:

Life Strategy: Lingcod migrate to offshore spawning grounds males migrate fish establish

nest sites in strong current areas in rock crevices.

Food / Feed Strategy: Lingcod are voracious predators that will eat anything that can fit

into their mouths including invertebrates and species of fish like herring

Body Form or Style: Compressiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marinefish Species #: 29

Common Name: Atlantic Halibut

Scientific Name: Hippoglossus hippoglossus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Pleuronectiformes

Family: Pleuronectidae

Geography / Habitat: Temperate waters of the Northern Atlantic from Labarador and

Greenland to Iceland

Life Strategy: Males reach sexual maturity at seven to eight years old. Females at 10 to 11

years spawning is seasonal spawning happens in March in the Eastern Atlantic

Food / Feed Strategy: Atlantic halibut eat cod, haddock, herring, pogge, sand eels.

Body Form or Style: Depressiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Ostracifform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marinefish Species #: 30

Common Name: Red Drum

Scientific Name: (Sciaenops ocellatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Sciaenidae

Geography / Habitat: Red drum are commonly found along the Southern Atlantic and

Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States including coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi,

Alabama, and Florida

Life Strategy: Mature Red drum spawns in near shorelines from Mid August to Mid

October the eggs incubate in a 24 hour period A female lays about 1.5 million eggs per


Food / Feed Strategy: In the summer and fall Adult red drum feed on crabs, shrimp, and

sand dollars during spring and winter feed on mullet, flounder and Atlantic croaker.

Body Form or Style: Compressiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Sub Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marinefish Species #: 31

Common Name: Atlantic Halibut

Scientific Name: Paralichthys californicus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Pleuronectiformes

Family: Paralichthyidae

Geography / Habitat: Halibut can be found in kelp beds and soft sandy ocean floors less

than 15 fathoms deep and on the West coast of North America

Life Strategy: Males mature at when 2 or 3 years of age, but females don’t mature around

4 or 5. Spawning takes place in shallow water during April through July.

Food / Feed Strategy: California Halibut eat crustaceans, mollusks, anchovies and similar

small fish.

Body Form or Style: Depressiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Ostracifform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 32

Common Name: Albacore

Scientific Name: Thunnus alalunga

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Scombridae

Geography / Habitat: Albacore are found thought tropical and temperate oceans of the


Life Strategy: Albacore reach sexual maturity around the age of 5.

Food / Feed Strategy: Albacore eat small baitfish

Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal



Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 33

Common Name: Starry Flounder

Scientific Name: Platichthys stellatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Pleuronectiformes

Family: Pleuronectidae

Geography / Habitat: They can be found in Korea and Japan and the coast of Alaska

Life Strategy: Starry flounder reproduce via external fertilization

Food / Feed Strategy: Starry flounder eat benthic invertebrates larvae eat plankton and


Body Form or Style: Deprissiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Ostracifform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 34

Common Name: Bullshark

Scientific Name: Carcharhinus leucas

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

Geography / Habitat: Bullshark thrive in both salt and fresh water environments In the

Atlantic it is found from Massachusetts to Southern Brazil

Life Strategy: Bull shark`s reproduce during late summer and early autumn after gestating

for 12 months they give live birth of 4 to 10.

Food / Feed Strategy: Bull shark`s eat bony fish and sharks including other bull sharks but

they also eat stingrays, turtles, birds.

Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal


` Title: List of Saltwater and Marine Fish Species #: 35

Common Name: Tiger Shark

Scientific Name: Galeocerdo cuvier

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

Geography / Habitat: Tiger sharks can be found in the Western Pacific ocean the shark

has been found as far north as Japan and far south as New Zealand. They can also be

found in the Gulf of Mexico.

Life Strategy: Tiger shark is oviparous its eggs hatch internally and the young are born

live when fully developed the young develop inside the body for up to 16 months litter

ranges from 10 to 80 pups.

Food / Feed Strategy: The tiger shark is nocturnal solitary hunter that eats crustaceans, sea

birds, smaller sharks and seals and dolphins.

Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 36

Common Name: Lemon Shark

Scientific Name: Negaprion brevirostris

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

Geography / Habitat: Lemon sharks are found in tropical and subtropical parts of the

Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of North and South America and around Pacific islands.

Life Strategy: Lemon sharks are viviparous females giving birth between 4 and 17 young

every other year in shallow and warm lagoons.

Food / Feed Strategy: Lemon shark feed on bony fish such as catfish, mullet, jacks,

porcupine fish, stingrays sometimes Lemon sharks will eat seabirds and smaller sharks.

Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 37

Common Name: Short fin Mako Shark

Scientific Name: Isurus oxyrinchus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Lamniformes

Family: Lamnidae

Geography / Habitat: Mako shark are found around the world in warm and temperate


Life Strategy: Female Mako shark become sexually mature at a length of approximately 10

feet embryos feed on fertilized eggs in the uterus during the gestation of 15 to 18 months.

Food / Feed Strategy: Mako shark feed on Bonito, swordfish mackerel and tuna.

Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine Fish Species #: 38

Common Name: Leopard Shark

Scientific Name: Triakis semifasciata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Triakidae

Geography / Habitat: They can be found in the North eastern Pacific Ocean from Oregon

to the Gulf of California in Mexico

Life Strategy: The young hatch inside the uterus and are nourished by yolk

Food / Feed Strategy: They feed on benthic invertebrate and small fish their diet includes

crabs, shrimp inn keeper worms

Body Form or Style: Fusiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/marine fish Species #: 39

Common Name: Chain Pickerel

Scientific Name: Esox reticulatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Esociformes

Family: Esocidae

Geography / Habitat: Its range is along the eastern coast of North America from Southern


Life Strategy: Chain pickerel spawn in spring in shallow waters over submerged vegetation

then they scatter the eggs.

Food / Feed Strategy: The chain pickerel feeds on smaller fish which it ambushes from

cover with a rapid lunge and secures it with its sharp teeth. Chain pickerel also eat frogs,

worms, and crayfish.

Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marinefish Species #: 40

Common Name: Atlantic Tarpon

Scientific Name: Megalops atlanticus)

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Elopiformes

Family: Megalopidae.

Geography / Habitat: They inhabit both sides of the Atlantic Ocean they have been found

from Senegal to the Condo.

Life Strategy: Atlantic tarpon head to deeper water to breed the young hide in Estuaries.

Food / Feed Strategy: They feed on schooling fish and crabs.

Fun Fact: Tarpon is the Alabama state fish.

Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

Mouth Position: Terminal


Title: Saltwater/Marine fish Species #: 41

Common Name: Black Grouper

Scientific Name: Mycteroperca bonaci

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Serranidae

Geography / Habitat: It can usually be found around rocky reefs and can be found in the

Western Atlantic Ocean

Life Strategy: These fish spawn between May and August.

Food / Feed Strategy: Adults feed on other fish and squid juveniles feed on crustaceans

especially shrimp.

Body Form or Style: Compressiform

Swim / Locomotion Style: Subcarngiform

Mouth Position: Terminal
