Is your home harming your health

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All logos, images and content in this presentation are property of MCM Healthy Buildings USA, Inc. and/or their original creator. This presentation is © 2004, MCM Healthy Buildings USA, Inc.

Take A Deep Breath…

Is Your Home Harming Your Health?

Presentation by: Bob Massaro, C.E.O.

Healthy Buildings and Healthy Buildings Technology Group


Queen Of The Valley Medical CenterJune 20, 2011

• Bob has been in the business of Sustainable Design/Build and Real Estate Development since 1981with 30 years of experience in the industry

• He has built over 150 projects throughout Northern and Southern California

• Since 1999 Bob has been C.E.O. of Healthy Buildings USA, the company he founded

• Bob is a licensed California General Contractor and has a B.S. from Loyola University (Biology) and a Masters from U.C.L.A in Public Health


Here are the 4 Buildings that

Changed Bob’s Life…

Loyola Marymount University

1970-1974Bob learns about how the human body works, and how it responds to its environments. 

Major in Biology with a minor in BioChemistry.

UCLA Campus

UCLA School of Public Health

1974-1975 Bob at U.C.L.A. – studies biology and public health… and how buildings effect people.Masters from U.C.L.A in Public Health

Madonna’s Former Villa – Hollywood Hills

next door to “Mr Rock and Roll”

1983 “Mr Rock and Roll” Brian and Cindee Beirne hires Massaro to build their home. Mrs Rock and Roll has immune sensitivities. We build the first sustainable, healthy home in L.A. The green part is kept very low key.

17 Griggs Lane Napa, CA

1999 Bob’s son Matthew has a scary trip to the E.R. with an Asthma attack – 3 months later Healthy Buildings is born

What is Asthma?Asthma is a serious, sometimes life-threatening chronic respiratory disease that affects the quality of life for almost 25 million Americans, including an estimated 7 million children. Although there is no cure for asthma yet, asthma can be controlled through medical treatment and management of environmental triggers.

Asthma & Allergy Triggers:• Any home can be full of triggers like mold, dust mites

secondhand smoke, cockroaches, cats and dogs.• Other asthma triggers may be air pollution (such as ozone,

small particles, and pollen), foods, respiratory infections and exercise.

Where do these triggers come from?

Mold grows on damp things such as wet walls, shower curtains, bath items, tubs, basins and tiles.Dust mites are tiny bugs you can’t see. They live in sheets, blankets, pillows, mattresses, soft furniture, carpets, and stuffed toys, such as stuffed animals. Secondhand Smoke is the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar, or the smoke breathed out by a smoker. Choose not to smoke in your home or car, and don't allow others to do so either.Cockroach body parts and droppings may trigger asthma attacks. What you can do? Keep counters, sinks, tables, and floors clean. Clean dishes, crumbs, and spills. Store food in air tight containers. Cover trash cans.Cats and Dogs - A warm-blooded animal's urine and saliva may also trigger attacks.Chemical irritants found in some products in your house, such as scented or unscented products, including cleaners, paints, adhesives, pesticides, cosmetics, or air fresheners, may make your child's asthma worse. Air Pollution (such as ozone, small particles, and pollen), foods, respiratory infections and exercise (high rates of breathing increases contact of triggers with the lungs). Small Particles come from smoke, dust, and emissions from cars, factories and power plants. Nitrogen dioxide is an odorless gas. This gas can come from the use of appliances and motors that burn fuels, such as gas, wood, and kerosene.

Indoor Air Quality is Important!Information comes from EPA’s No Attack Website

What do Buildings have to do with Indoor Air Quality,

Feeling Healthy and Having a Better Life?

Do You See Anything

Wrong With This


What About These Pictures?

Water Intrusion & MoldHow Do You Deal With Moldy Walls? Wood Framing Gets Moldy When Wet

Steel Framing Doesn’t Get Moldy When Wet & If the Interior Walls Get Moldy – You Can

Easily and Economically

Replace a Panelized Wall Unit System

Fiber Cement Siding – Also protects against water and mold

Remember That 70’s Shag Carpet? Shag…Yeah Baby

Carpet Petri Dish=

Dust mites

Dust Mites, Molds, Bacteria and everything you stepped

in Outside stays in the carpet!

Better Flooring Options…

Concrete Floors

More Flooring Options…

Recycled Rubber


Actual 1950’s Cigarette Advertisements – Secondhand Smoke Anyone?

Goodbye 1970s and Take Your Fake Wood VINYL

Paneling With You!

What About Vinyl Asbestos Tiles from the 1940s?

Great Idea…

Asbestos…Can You Say Mesothelioma?

PVC (plastic) takes hundreds of years to break down in our landfills.

And How Did they Stick those GREAT Vinyl Tiles & Siding Down?

Volatile Organic Compounds Anyone??

Volatile Organic Compounds

The Biochemical Equation:

VOC’s Your Health=

Paints – Did you Ever Wonder Why the Romans Died at Age 25? This still didn’t teach us ANYTHING – we put Lead and VOCs in our paints to make it even more toxic!

Cabinetry & Woodwork

And Who’s Smart Idea was it to make our Cabinets and Woodwork with a… GET THIS….Cancer Causing Agent!!

Yes People, Formaldehyde is NOT friendly to your Health!

That’s not the only thing

with Formaldehyde in It…

We use Formaldehyde Free Insulation

Small Particles, Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution comes from smoke, dust, and emissions from cars, factories and power plants

How Do Buildings Solve This Problem?

Low Carbon Footprint Buildings – Build Energy Efficient Buildings to Reduce Carbon Emissions, Small Particles and Other Air Pollution produced from the Burning of Fossil Fuels

Alternative Energy Power


Completely Disconnect From the

Utility Company

Drive Electric Cars & Have Car

Charging Stations at Your Home

Healthy Solutions• Consistent Floor & counter

materials– Cork – Bamboo

– Concrete – Granite

• Zero VOC paints

• Low VOC Finishes

• Natural spectrum lighting

• Low VOC glues & adhesives

• Formaldehyde free insulation

• Little or no organic material

• Reduce water intrusion

But Even If you Make Your Home Super Duper Healthy…

What You Do With it AFTER it’s Builtwill Effect Your Health

and the natural habitat of the Earth

Use Green Cleaning Products

PROVE IT -Where are your supportive research studies?

Research has shown that, on average, Americans spend more than 90% of their time indoors (Robinson and Nelson, 1995)

Consequently, exposure to air pollutants is often greater indoors than outdoors, even when outdoor concentrations are higher, as is typically

the case with ozone.

References:• Robinson, J., Nelson, W.C., 1995. National human activity pattern survey data base. US Environmental Protection Agency,

Research Triangle Park, NC.

Overview of the Children's Health Study

From the California Air Resource Board

Children were selected for study because they are especially vulnerable

to air pollution; their respiratory and immune systems are still developing

and they tend to have higher exposures to pollutants because they breathe

faster than adults and generally spend more active time outdoors.

Access the study at:

Results and Conclusions for the Study

• Air pollution harms children's lungs for life.

• Children that were exposed to current levels of air pollution had significantly reduced lung growth and development.

• Children living in high ozone communities who actively participated in several sports were more likely to develop asthma than children in these communities not participating in sports.

Access the study at:

Results and Conclusions for the Study

• Children living in communities with pollution had lungs that both developed and grew more slowly and may have permanent adverse effects in adulthood.

• Children who moved away from study communities had increased lung development if the new communities had lower pollution and had decreased lung development if the new communities had higher pollution.

• Days with higher ozone levels resulted in significantly higher school absences due to respiratory illness.

• Children with asthma who were exposed to higher concentrations of particulate matter were much more likely to develop bronchitis.

Access the study at:

Study Links Ozone and Asthma

• This study produced the strongest evidence to date that ozone, commonly know as smog, can cause asthma in children.

• Previous evidence has shown that ozone, one of the most health-damaging air pollutants, can aggravate existing cases of asthma. The new ARB-USC study, however, points strongly to ozone as a cause in the development of asthma in young people who did not previously have the disease.

Access the study at:

Let’s Recap:We’ve Hit All The Other Asthma Triggers...But What About Ozone?

Ozone O3 Filters

These are available for all different types of applications -attaching to Residential HVAC systems and more.For More Info Go To:

How Do These Building Components Affect Us?

Versus Versus Versus Versus

Study says natural light boosts learning

From the Boston Globe on 11/26/99 Study done by the Heschong Mahone Group

In the 1970s - eliminating classroom windows so that students would not be distracted was the design for schools.

Students who took their lessons in classrooms with more natural light scored up to 25 percent higher on standardized tests than other students in the same school district.

In the Capistrano district in Orange County results were the strongest. ''We found that students with the most day lighting in their classrooms progressed 20 percent faster on math tests and 26 percent [faster] on reading tests in one year than those with the least,'' the researchers concluded. ''Similarly, students in classrooms with the largest window areas were found to progress 15 percent faster in math and 23 percent faster in reading.’’

Access the Study at:

Ceiling Height Can Affect How A Person Thinks, Feels And Acts

From Science Daily (Apr. 25, 2007)

Research by Joan Meyers-Levy, a professor of marketing at the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management, suggests that the way people think and act is affected by ceiling height.

“When a person is in a space with a 10-foot ceiling, they will tend to think more freely, more abstractly,” said Meyers-Levy. “They might process more abstract connections between objects in a room, whereas a person in a room with an 8-foot ceiling will be more likely to focus on specifics.”Access the Study at:

Noise Stress and Brain Function-Study

A Yale University study looked at the effects of noise stress on brain function in monkeys. Results indicate that stress impairs PFC cognitive function.Reference: Arch. General Psychiatry, April 1998

Low-Level Noise and Stress-Research

Noise at home or school can affect children's ability to learn. Compared to kids from quieter neighborhoods, children living near airports or busy highways tend to have lower reading scores and develop language skills more slowlyReference: Family Circle, November 1991

Access these Studies at:

Color Can Affect How People Think and ActAvoidance behavior, imagination and more

take cues from hues, study findsFrom Feb 5, 2009 (Health Day News)

Study done by Canadian researchers at the University of British Columbia

Color me detail-oriented? Wear red.

Want to be more creative at work? Paint your office blue.

The participants scored higher on detail-oriented assignments, such as memory tasks or proofreading, when completing them on a red background.

They did better on tasks that called for imagination and creativity with blue.Access the Study at:

State of the Air From the American Lung Association

Find Your Local Report Card at:

How Bad Is Our Air?Ozone is C grade& We don’t test for anything else in Napa

So, Now You Know…It’s Not Just The Building Itself

It’s Also The Way It’s Built:

Think About it…

Do You Want to be Trapped in a

Toxic Building Or A Healthy Building?


For More Information: Contact Bob Massaro

at or 707.676.8999