Is My Personal Injury Settlement Fair?

Post on 08-May-2015

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If you have a serious personal injury case, your best decision will be to contact Matt Millea at the Millea Law Firm in Scottsdale AZ. If you need an experienced trial attorney call today. Millea Law Firm 7272 East Indian School Road, Suite 203 Scottsdale AZ 85251 Phone (480) 481-0616

Transcript of Is My Personal Injury Settlement Fair?

Is My Personal Injury Settlement Fair?

Following an accident that results in a medical complication of some kind... is more than likely that victim will be held responsible for the medical and other outstanding costs that result from it.

In the case of injuries result from an auto accident, there would also be considerable cost relating to...

... personal property that can quickly stack up against the injured.

In the event of an accident where blame falls upon one or more parties, the need for a personal injury settlement is crucial to the affected party.

For many it would be impossible to cover any of these costs without intervention from the insurance companies and individuals responsible.

And while many may think it is simple to find a resolution to this kind of legal battle...

... it is always in the party's best interest to find a personal injury attorney skilled in these matters.

Quick Settlement Offer

Quick Settlement Offer

At first, many insurance companies may seem eager to hand over a personal injury settlement without issue.

Quick Settlement Offer

To someone dealing with the medical and personal realities that come with recovering from a serious injury...

Quick Settlement Offer

...any amount handed to them may momentarily allay their concerns and blind them to what they have agreed to.

Any personal injury attorney knows, as do most people, that companies exist...

... to protect their bottom line and will always act in their monetary interests.

What is given to the victims of an accident may not only be less than what they need... cover the costs of their accident it may likely be less than they are owed.

Insurance companies employ their own legal analysts and actors to navigate around contracts and agreements to keep personal injury settlements LOW.

It's because of this that legal counsel for victims is necessary in order to cover outstanding costs and receive a fair payout.

Advantages of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

Advantages of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

At first, hiring a personal injury attorney may seem not only costly...

Advantages of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

... but taxing on the average person's knowledge of the legal world and specializations of legal firms as well.

Advantages of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

However, there are numerous resources available to place individuals in contact with law firms who centralize focus on their area of need.

Advantages of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

That is to say that there is no reasonable excuse for anyone to claim that legal counsel is beyond their reach.

Legal firms with a concentration in personal injury cases are highly qualified and exhaustively tested in...

...taking insurance companies to task on cases where they are the party at fault.

This kind of legal concentration focuses primarily on getting adequate payouts for...

... their clients while insurance companies fight to hold on to more of what is owed to the affected party.

As their clientele regularly meets on a person-to-person basis, law firms that mediate settlements for injury cases are the first ones to...

... include their clients in the dissemination of information when it comes not only to the case...

... but what they should acquire from insurance companies as dictated by agreements.

This degree of direct interaction makes it so clients know what companies are liable for...

... and how meticulous their counsels' eyes are to the details of the case.

This is a determinative factor that will affect the total sum of a settlement payout.

While the option to wade through legal waters and combat insurance-company lawyers on their own exists...

...the only way to ensure that a settlement they receive is fair is to employ those with a knowledge of this branch of legal mediation.

If you have a serious personal injury case, your best decision will be to contact Matt Millea at the Millea Law Firm in Scottsdale AZ.

You will get personal, compassionate help with the sometimes frightening aspect of dealing with a hard-nosed insurance company adjustor.

If you need an experienced trial attorney call today.

Millea Law Firm7272 East Indian School Road, Suite 203

Scottsdale AZ 85251Phone (480) 481-0616