Invent this!aprilfool14

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Transcript of Invent this!aprilfool14

Invent This!A Collection of Futuristic Preserving Humanity

This collection is divided in three parts implemented periodically :

1. Ideas of using technology and neurosciences imbedded with psychology and psychiatry to preserve humanity, the essence of human spirit. It is read in reverse number, starts with the newest scratch on human layers of pathology

2. Resources3. Spiritual realm, religions alignment of

thoughts and practices with neural adaptation in mind

Photo of 3D slide show of the brain

By Chris H Ngo. Lent 03/01/2014

7. Basic Functions of Mind and BodyEat, sleep, defecate, sex, reproduction and other bodily

circulation of water and air... Basic abilities for the body to maintain mind functions without which happiness cannot emerge throughout.

If Big Data and technologies transformation cannot ensure normal human basic functions, what good does it serve?

Neurology must go hand in hand with any chip attached into the body, first and foremost, limbs attachments.

Survival skills in Big Data Age: delicate elegance, truth and simplicity

Evolution vs. theism debate loses its edge: when body descends, so is mind; At the threshold of hope, spirit ascend, no matter what amphibian you stem from!

See more in the III part of Spiritual realm - Svante Pääbo Neurosciences and the Human Person: New Perspectives on Human Activities Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Scripta Varia 121, Vatican City 2013

6. Read Mind, Echolocation and Telepathy

“O, lord of hosts, O just judge, searcher of mind and heart “(Jeremiah 11:20)

Ponder on crucial factors: intention, judgment and heart. “Learning is acquired by reading books, but the much more necessary learning, the knowledge of the

world, is only to be acquired by reading men, and studying all the various editions of them”-Lord Chesterfield, “Letter to His Son” . Wonder how does it works at cell level in this transforming age?

In The Listener newest television show, Toby Logan reads mind to solve crime, but the producer does not explain how! (see Francis Prayer in the third part-Spiritual realm)Reading mind has been cultivated for over centuries from the old countries. You cannot read mind had you not suffered in the past in the same condition. We can discuss about quantum vs. telepathy all day, as human you cannot discharge emotions, EQ. We are (de)formed in shape our body and our environment allow. Echolocation in the blind is an example as a compensation what is lost. In the current post modern world, how many vulnerable countries and common people efforts to raise their families thwarted because of network and corporate greed? Not all millionaires were born good breed, yet many came from humble background, knowing human feeble hearts screw even more! I have a gut feeling that outdated conceptions such as dogmatism, superstition, articulation, pretention and vanity fair ought to drop forgotten asap. Otherwise, electronic prediction churns, humanity falls into alzheimer soon.

6. Swan Stuck in Swamp

Logic reasoning forms valid judgments as crucial faculty of individual intelligence AND balance of personality. Judgmental traits on the other hand marks the level of family/social education. Narrow minded usually goes hand in hand with violence and coercion, usually seen in closed traditional societies third world countries.

It is normal to see the closed minded in developed modern countries as well, seen in suburban areas and “pro-business government” where excessive job protection close access to sub minorities. It is a closed gate to women positive input to social progress and distorts vision adding trauma to human relations. On the other hand, young women need to master own destiny to play down abortion dead end issue.

5. Invent This! Free Transportation – A bike on land, on air and on water

Idea exchanged with an engineer in Linkedin around 02/2013

Outside appearance is like any common bike, especially when using on the ground. Think of common folks go to work free of traffic jam, distance travel confined routes and the use of gasoline - pollution.

On water, rubber paddles attached through the middle of the back end wheel would swing as one run the bike, while the front wheel (suggest) equipped with a sort of motor plough through waters, like a pedalo.

On air, trickier technologies application, suggest helium and quantum mechanics, depends on your knowledge of diverse technologies.

The cloak device covering the whole bike and user- analogy of personal psychological bubble that we all have - the bike and user are enveloped into a customer-designed cloak, tailored after customer style and budget. Generic speaking, the cloak has at the same time aesthetic value as well as a light shield against wind and light collisions. Suggest do invest in thinking the applications of NASA technologies through the Leonardi 3D design software, example,

4. Invent This!: For Multitasking 03/22/2014

• Given that the current transitional period economic downturn and blue collar jobs are easier to find than those equivalent to your degrees and experience-social cascade echelons predestined...Good news is, no system in the world sadistic enough to prevent you from learning and creating. So, here is a penny thought:

• IBM and Google, invent this! a computer chip imbedded in the hippocampus as safety guard to manual actions at work while freeing the mind for thoughts and creativity which are supported by another chip in the memory neural network with serious heart monitoring

• Imagine we all will be equipped with eight hands each different tasks!!! You’ll get enough with intelligence and creativity. Soon, comes the dawn of the zero degree knowledge – the spiritual realm.

3. Invent This! Strong Gut 3/23/2014

We all know patience, courage and clear vision contribute to success. Where those qualities situ at? yogi out there might well point to you the answer: from the gut, even show you how to train yourself.

Last week looked at the Jesus hang on the cross for millenia, I felt my lungs hang upside down along with Him grasping for air. Even in his lifetime preaching and enlightening sinners He double crossed the authorities with real harsh words. (Mt:23) I said to myself, Man! He really had the gut to say this and do that! Moreover, The Dolores Matter, His Mother, stands on His Feet, She could have used her power to save her son from shameful death, but she drinks the bitter cup of salvation to the last drop.

Can sciences and technology do that? Something “user friendly” no pain and still help people to persevere, to go extra miles until reaching the end goal? Rob the heavens, shake the earth, only to convince that virtues and qualities are like trained iron. Furthermore, Divine grace is something metaphysics cannot provide!

2.Invent This: Rewind Past Memories We all want peace, but all of us must contribute, not just lip service! The role of human will


Helen Keller comprehended the word Water not until her hand crossed the running water. Why can’t we feel the pain we cause to others as much as any slight ego bleeding others cause to us? Without similar Helen Keller comprehension, our unawareness of the degree of pain/damage caused to our counterpart (individual as well as nation levels), it is not surprised the world trauma we live in.

How to mirror the unseen pathology we cause to others and vice versa? Empathy vs. insensitivity, Kurzweil categorizes in his current works as “making better decision” Reversing the materialist insensitivity in mind, invite you to look closer and feel the need to incorporate deeper theology and psychiatry to ensure higher results.

If neurology and technology can read minds to detect crime, why can’t science create a neural network more useful to individuals, able to mirror past thinking and actions coiled in spikes interact with prefrontal cortex and hippocampus? If technologies invent such mechanism, our memory elasticity (synapse plasticity) record back the past actions hopefully will increase knowledge and knowledge to more positive direction.

Technologies, neurology and individuals goodwill invested in past memory avoid injustice and harm to others, eventually prevent war. Furthermore, this is a tremendous resource for divorce courts, civil courts, police, human resources in decision making and negotiating (privacy might get involved, a choice as a condition of work, or of security). Human relationship increase as misunderstandings, negativity or passions decrease. That would be a gift to humanity from sciences and technology

1. Invent This! System Records in Neural Thought Generating 02/2014

This is for thinkers and writers who understand well the rush of new ideas and the frustration of memorizing otherwise leave your thoughts flow on napkins and bath rolls

Eventually you might consider the return of conscience and responsibilities: focus on the paradox of insensibility and convenience, the true culprits of lost inspiration or creativity.

The logic: To create a mini chip with capacity to capture any bulging synapses at the very beginning of recollection, of will and of understanding. Metacognition regulates emotions in prefrontal cortex:

“Human have an innate moral sense based in a neuromoral network centered in the ventromedial prefontal cortex and its connections including anterior insula and anterior cingulate cortex. The neuromoral network works through moral emotions and moral drive, such as fairness and “avoidance of harm to others” would it be the sense of conscience?” Genomics slideshare courtesy of Dr. Sfera See more in part II Resources . See also Neurosciences and the Human Person: New Perspectives on Human Activities Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Scripta Varia 121, Vatican City 2013

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Part II - Resources Facts and Fictions

Physical speaking, how neural circuitry form thoughts and thoughts to consciousness applicable to any topic: Freudian gender and sexual libido, how and why people connect and cooperate, logic and rational, how babies see the world and how they coined themselves into individual characteristics... (Neurology 101 - sorry, i lost source)

Where in the brain are the relevant circuits; how physically do they work? What information-processing circuits embody? were these circuits designed to accomplish (from thought to action)Moreover, just a penny thought to counter Jung’s theory on Holy Spirit: where are

the possible invisible connections among emotion, will and memory chip into synapse formation? “ If the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also, through his spirit dwelling in you”Rm8:11

What is dare to dream? Take action without considering material loss for a vision realized. Why miracles stop? Where the magic of fairy tales came from? “Look and see that no prophet arises from Galilee” - John 7:53

InspirationsFr. Robert Spitzer and Deepak Chopra Reason and Faith Center. Physical evidence of

God magisreasonfaith.orgGoogle look up Gerard Verschuuren God and Evolution - Science Meets Faith (with

endorsements from Dr. Peter Kreeft Antonio Damasio answers to the interview: How does the brain achieve coordination of the body's functions?

Why Bad Is Stronger Than Good by RF Baumeister - 2001

Hansell, Gregory, ed. (2011). H+/- Transhumanism and its Critics.Faye Flam, Philadelphia Inquirer, May 9, 1999, “Science, at a High Power/Is God in

the Details?” Interresting scientific analysis in theological theme. Interconnectivity in

information age: You can find happiness, intimacy, and self-love in relationship. Interpersonal neurobiology is scientifically validating what is truly nurturing–the intimate love you feel in connection with another. It is this connection that makes us feel safe and accepted. This holds true for your relationship with yourself.

Memory - Insights•

chol.pdf This article elaborates how criminals can ‘beat’ guilt detection tests by suppressing incriminating memories', manage to reduce their brain’s recognition response and appear innocent. ‘Intentional retrieval suppression can conceal guilty knowledge in ERP memory detection tests’ (Zara M. Bergström, Michael C. Anderson, Marie Buda, Jon S. Simons and Alan Richardson-Klavehn) will be published by Biological Psychology in 09/2013 Volume 94 issue. This is my reverse psychology to you, proving guilt is necessary for the purification of conscience and “do time” helps creativity sparks.

•[1] In my opinion, this piece of information might be crucial finding the twist of mirror side, as oppose to ADHD lack of capacity to lie.

• Memories of the future: new insights into the adaptive value of episodic memory. This article offers important insights into the adaptive nature of human cognition, through neural correlates associated with encoding simulated future events based on detailed past memory. (What a relief, future knowledge leaves behind wit and shrewd of the dark medieval ways.)

Modern Consciousness

•,8599,2009131,00.html#ixzz2L5wo4Rz8Psychiatric view on error-relatednegativity (ERN), brain response measured using ERP

methods to support the existence of a neuralmarker for error detection (Miltner, Braun, &Coles, 1997). Another ERP methods study, Miltner etal. found a pattern in the anterior cingulate—a neurological substrate thought to be central to self-regulatory abilities thalamic pathways a subcortical circuit supporting memory and spatial

navigation: uncovering a network of direct and indirect actions. Eur J Neurosci. 2010 Jun;31(12):2292-307. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2010.07251.x. Epub 2010 Jun 14. Or,!

Rat telepathy coding Videos ••

epathy-brain-to-brain-communication-between-ratsAnimal tendencies belly of human behaviors? Surprisingly, birds

and chimps long foreplay cuddle hours on the tip of the branch. Compare to metrosex that goes from quick to violent

A tiny bit of NeurologyThe hippocampal-cortical dialog:what is the neural basis and how does hippocampus

communicate with the rest of the brain? A study of cortical and subcortical structures. goback=%2Enmp_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1%2Egde_ 4246455_member_188914701

• the improved memory may be related to the exercise-induced release of norepinephrine, a chemical messenger in the brain known to play a strong role in memory modulation

Memory formation

Memories are formed in the brain's hippocampus, but are stored elsewhere--most likely in the neocortex, the outer layer of the brain. Transferring memories from one part of the brain to the other requires changing the strength of the connections between neurons and is thought to depend on the precise timing of the firing of brain cells. The (spike) timing relationships between neurons in the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex, which is the front portion of the neocortex." Caltech ScienceDaily (Mar. 9, 2009)

Plasticity of brain nerves.

PTSD and DARPA ProjectsAvoidance of guilt blocks purification. Lack of integrity amplifies the state

of confusion to insanity. Ironically, more suffer more inspiration for creativity. No pain no gain, does sciences have an app for that?

On PTSD memory

This page is for veterans heart land who only focus on self release from PTSD without consideration to counterparts and victims. What did Einstein implied with his renown formula E=mc2?

On the power of forgiveness, the Passion of Christ, if you really want to make a real good lemon juice! I never doubt what you can do to me. I thanks my meager existence under uncle Sam’s wings, but for the sake of your own soul, don’t impose others what you cannot do for yourself!

Neuro Moral NetworkBased on Dr. Sfera, human have an innate moral sense based in a neuromoral network centered in the ventromedial prefontal cortex and its connections including anterior insula and anterior cingulate cortex. The neuromoral network works through moral emotions and moral drive, such as fainess and “avoidance of harm to others”. Would it be the basic notion of conscience?

The neuro-moral network in higher mammals . Studies with apes and other social animals describe moral emotions: -empathy -gratitude -a sense of fairness -emotional reciprocation -consolation -group loyalty. De Waal FB. How animals do business. Sci Am. 2005;292:54-61. Haidt J. The emotional dog and its rational tail: A social intuitionist approach to moral judgment. Psychol Rev. 2001;108:814-834.

Where is the moral brain? A neuro-moral neuronal network was described consisting of right VMPFC and its connections to ACC and INS. Mario F. Mendez, MD

Von Economo Neurons (VEN) The cells of empathy?

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Part III - The Spiritual RealmIf you want to find the source, You have to go up

Against the current Break through, search, don’t yield... Silence... Stream, woodland stream. Tell me the secret Of your origin! -- Saint Pope John Paul II—Roman Triptych Meditations.

Gerard Verschuuren “What Makes You Tick?”


St. Francis PrayerMost high and glorious GodSend light into the darkness of my heartGrant me a correct faithA certain hopeA perfect loveAnd a profound humilityWith wisdom and insightSo that I may discernYour holy and true willAmen

The Difference Between Mind And Soul

• Are mind and soul two separate entities

“Animals and veggies have soul, some cultures believe, even Aristotle- De anima; He said we have thinking and willing, functions belong to the intellectual soul-the human soul. What distinguishes? Modern genetics has determined that the differences depend on the DNA sequence, the acid content in the cell nucleus. Therefore, a famous biologist, Max Delbrück, Nobel laureate for medicine, wrote that Aristotle, with his notion of soul as form, that is as a programme not like of software, pioneered the discovery of DNA (in Of Microbes and Life). Indeed, the brain encephalogram is not flat: the soul, phsyche understood in the Aristotelian sense, is what distinguishes a living brain with a non-flat encephalogram from a dead brain with a flat encephalogram. Searle (Mind:A Brief Introduction, Oxford, 2004), states that conscience is not ontologically reducible to the brain, even though it is causally attributable to brain processes. In higher note, subconscious level according to Aristotle are produced by desire (orexis) and according to Freud by libido (the inability to control desire was termed akrasia by Aristotle in book VII of the Nicomachean Ethics)“Are mind and soul two separate entities”? --Enrico Berti Neurosciences and the Human Person: New Perspectives on Human Activities Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Scripta Varia 121, Vatican City 2013

Investigations of genetic features unique to modern humans

• The human genome is small enough and the number of new mutations that occur in each newborn baby large enough (~50-100) that all mutations compatible with human life exist in the current world population. The physiological consequences of these mutations can then be studied.

• Induced pluripotent stem cells are cells derived from adult tissues that can be induced to become, for example, nerve cells or liver cells in the laboratory. In such cells, DNA sequences can be “back-mutated” to the ancestral state and their effects on cellular functions can be studied in different cell types under different conditions. This will also make it possible to combine several changes affecting a certain organ system or biochemical pathway.

To study the effects of mutations in a living organism, human mutations can be introduced into a model organism such as the mouse and aspects of human-specific traits studied. Each of these approaches has obvious limitations. For example, they are limited to the identification or introduction of one or a few mutations whereas many mutations may exhibit effects only in concert with other mutations. Similarly, many mutations may not function in the same way in the laboratory mouse as in human beings due to differences in the genetic make-up between mice and humans. Nevertheless, the study of this list of human-specific genetic changes is an undertaking worth pursuing because an understanding of what constitutes the biological basis for modern humans, especially in the realm of cognition, is of fundamental importance for understanding how modern humans came to explode in population size and dominate the biosphere. It may also provide an inroad into an understanding of diseases that affect cognitive traits that are unique to modern humans, such as language delay, speech disorders, or autism.

Svante Pääbo Neurosciences and the Human Person: New Perspectives on Human Activities Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Scripta Varia 121, Vatican City 2013

The Invisible Wisdom • What no eye has seen nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived

what God has prepared for those who love Him 1Cor2:9 • Bishop Loverde in his book “Bought With A Price”: Man’s final

purpose is caught up with his ability to see the unseen: God.

• Now free the confusion in your mind, differentiate the level of superstition in religions with the logic of God existence itself and start to believe. Fr. Spitzer Physical evidence of God

• We all know what Jung said about Christian myth, evil existence, the fall of angels, the death of God eventually (Memory, Dreams, Reflections Aniella Jaffe. Vintage Book Pub.1989 p.333 Be it as it may, God through the outpoured Holy Spirit in human body temple stirs the eternal battle between light and darkness and despite all human atrocities. Discern God’s will and your will, clear your conscience, you will be alright despite any storms pass through life.

• Divine Merci and perseverance helps human spirit to shine on the awakening. It must be. Otherwise we all return to our animal roots as science proposes–A dialogue with an atheist friend during Lent 2014

Wisdom is Invisible

• 1/ Knowing self, knowing others • 2/ Empathy, love neighbors as you love God, the

capacity to love, to laugh and to forgive, empathy is the bridge of technology transformation age and humanity.

• Before committing yourself to charities, render justice first.

• 3/ Can we become giants without God? No! Your love for others unconditionally and largely depends on how much you perceive God’s love to you and how much faithful and grateful you are to God.

Crossing the Threshold of Hope

• In Crossing the Threshold of Hope, St. Pope John Paul made this

remarkable statement: “Original sin attempts . . . to abolish

fatherhood, destroying its rays which permeate the created

world, placing in doubt the truth about God who is Love

and leaving man only with a sense of the master-slave relationship.”

With this observation he was diagnosing the spiritual ills of the modern

world. Original sin, and all sin after that, tries to do away with

the fatherhood of God. Sin deceives us into thinking that God

is a severe taskmaster, that we are nothing but slaves.

We think that if we enter into a relationship with him we will end up

being hoodwinked. Can we really trust God? If I turn my life

over to the Lord, will I somehow end up losing my freedom?

“Do not be afraid! Open wide the doors to Christ!”

Pauline Books