Introduktion til Location Intelligence - NethotelIntroduktion til Location Intelligence Peter...

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Introduktion til Location Intelligence Peter Horsbøll Møller & Sissel Kegel Pitney Bowes Software November 2014

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Lidt om GIS – Geografiske Informations Systemer

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Pitney Bowes Software, GIS/LI - Danmark

Sissel Kegel • • Salgs- og partneransvarlig, Danmark

Peter Horsbøll Møller • • Pre-Sales Specialist, Danmark & Europa

Transformation af Pitney Bowes

Marc Lautenbach President and CEO

Mark Wright

EVP and President Digital Commerce

Lila Snyder

President Document Messaging Technologies

Abby Kohnstamm

Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer

Debbie Pfeiffer

President Pitney Bowes Presort Services

Roger Pilc

Chief Innovation Officer

Mark Shearer

EVP and President SMB Mailing Solutions

Kevin Connolly

Vice President Head of Global Client Services

Michael Monahan Chief Financial Officer

Presentation Notes
Overview of mgmt changes and business direction since ML on board Management team fit for purpose Highlight mix of new leaders plus existing (MM, DP, KC) is best to drive the business forward Analysts/market seems to agree so far

Pitney Bowes

16.000 ansatte, 100 lande, $3,8mia årlig omsætning, 83 nylige opkøb. 1,5mio kunder

Software / Digital Commerce “Global 100 Software”-virksomhed, 1.800 ansatte,

kontorer i 20 lande

Data Quality & Integration

Location Intelligence

Customer Analytics

Communications Management

Data Management & Location Intelligence Customer Engagement Management

Presentation Notes
Our Position 25 Years in GIS and location analytics 30 years of address cleansing and geocoding around business critical operations Unique position based on enriching data sets with location context So let’s start with the company structure. I wanted to just explain to you where Pitney Bowes Software sits in the PB organisation. Pitney Bowes as you know is market leader in the mail machine and franking machine space. Now we al know that people are sending less mail, this means that that particular market is shrinking. The future of this kind of business is undoubtedly shifting from the physical world to the digital world. And that is where Pitney Bowes Software was born from. PBS is very much the growth area of the company, and you will all know that PB bought MapInfo a number of year ago now along with a series of other technology providers. These are companies that can help the PB legacy grow into the future and become a market leading software and technology provider. Within PBS there are four core areas of focus… These combine to make two distinct business units. Location Intelligence and the MapInfo Product set wit within the Data Management and Location Intelligence part of the business.

Nogle udvalgte nye PB kunder indenfor Location

Højteknologikse udbydere af kommercielle løsninger til forbrugere og firmaer

Konkurrerer under hurtigt ændrende vilkår

Alle på udkig efter at forbedre deres mobile data for at kunne tilbyde deres kunder bedre produkter og tjenester.


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Lidt om GIS – Geografiske Informations Systemer

Lidt om Location Intelligence

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Geografiske Informationssystemer

“In a general sense, the term [GIS] describes any information system that integrates, stores, edits, analyzes, shares and displays geographic information.” GIS forsøger at beskrive den virkelige verden via en eller anden abstraktion

Abstraktion af den virkelige verden

Punkter: Kunder, butikker, ...

Linjer: Veje, vandløb, ...

Flader: Jordstykker, kommuner, ...

Grid: Højdedata, anvendelse...

Raster: Luftfoto, topografisk kort, ...

Den virkelige verden

Geografisk relation

”Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” • Geografiens første lov (Tobler)

Hvor man i databaser normalt

sammenkobler elementer via numeriske nøgler, giver GIS os en ekstra koblingsmulighed: den geografiske

Geografiske relationer

De typiske geografiske relationer forholder sig til om et geografisk objekt berører et andet, såsom er inden i, rører, skærer eller overlapper.

Det kan man udvide med om objekterne er i nærheden af hinanden


Geokodning fra adresse til koordinater

Geotilknytning af data matche attribut med kendt geometri (f.eks. postnummer) matche/aggregere punkter indenfor områder

Omvendt geokodning fra koordinater til nærmeste adresse

Tematisk kortlægning

Kombinere forretningsdata med geografi via attribut eller geografisk relation

Visualiser data Farvelagt kort Punkttæthedskort Tilføj grafer eller lagkager mm.



Lilla Edet







Hotspot kortlægning

Visualisering af hotspots Definer målesystem Farvelæg kortet baseret på disse værdier

F.eks. Hyppigheden af en hændelse Antal forekomster mm.


Afstandsberegning Langs med det egentligt vejnetværk

Find min nærmeste via vej/sti-netværk

Opland Via køretid eller afstand

Optimering bedst rækkefølge af stop HHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!HHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!









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Lidt om GIS – Geografiske Informations Systemer

Lidt om Location Intelligence

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Enterprise Location Intelligence evolutionen

















Desktop GIS

Web and Server GIS

Desktop with

Shared Maps Store

Enterprise LI


Hvad vi forstår ved Location Intelligence

Data matching Addressing DQ/enriching Layering, integrating, referencing

Geocoding In All forms

Routing and drive time analysis In All forms

Combining Spatial/Location &

non-spatial, querying structured & unstructured data

Spatial analysis

and business insight

Mapping/Visualisation 3D & temporal


Core Location Processes

Enterprise GIS, Location & Data Management Suite


MapInfo v12.5 Professional

and Applications

Web Mapping


Stratus & Spectrum

Spatial Analyst

Catalogue &


Metadata & Suite Content


Mobile Location Kit/SDK

Mobile RIA


Enterprise Server Platform v10 Spectrum & Spectrum Spatial

Enterprise Data Sources

PBS globale geografiske datasæt

Geografiske databaser og filer Egne data

Mapping, Analysis, Geometry, Geocoding, Routing, Data Quality, Business Data Integration & Quality, Address Management

LI integration for BI




Presentation Notes
This slide highlights the major road map items only. The theme slides following this slide will provide more details of the broader set of enhancements aligned to the theme. Grid During 2013 has created a new generation of core grid technology for the Enterprise GIS suite. This technology will be integrated into the suite over the next 2 years and deliver support for faster analytics on very large data. It will power MapInfo Professional Grid capability, provide a new grid module and enable Discover and Crime Profiler to deliver improved analytics for customers. This will consolidate Vertical Mapper and Engage 3D and release a new Grid SDK Spectrum Spatial and MapInfo Manager PBS has already started merging MapInfo Manager into Spectrum Spatial LIM to deliver suite wide geographical content administration and management for Desktop and server audiences (SOAP, REST and OGC). This technology will create a single source of truth Enterprise GIS content catalogue for the suite. It will enable administrators to use point click interfaces to: Search for content using geographical metadata Select and publish content to Pro and Web Services (SOAP, REST, OGC) consumers. It will enable Pro users to discover, understand and access geographical contents. This capability will be delivered as a series of incremental releases over 2014 and beyond. Mobility PBS plans to release a single suite of responsive mobile and web ready HTML5 RIA controls supporting online and semi connected use cases. PBS plans to enable Pro with touch capabilities. Spatial Data Management The merger of Spectrum Spatial LIM with MapInfo Manager will provide Content Discovery and Access, Geographical Metadata Management and Geographic Content Administration for the suite. To enhance feature management edit capabilities for spectrum spatial will completed. PBS has plans to provide spatial data quality in H2. Web Mapping Introduction of Spectrum Spatial Visualisation and Analysis client. 1st edition will deliver similar capability to Stratus SaaS supporting information sharing and enquiry for customers desiring on premise delivery. Drive Time Analytics PBS will shortly be announcing a move to a single common drive time analysis solution globally.

Spectrum Platform

Web Services / Client Software Integration Hooks


Web & Mobile SDK Brugertilpassede løsninger

Spectrum Spatial Analyst

Business Steward Module

Data Discovery Module

Spectrum Technology Platform Interactive Driver . Management Console . Platform APIs . Platform Web Services

Universal Address Module

Enterprise Geocoding


Universal Name


Global Sentry (Watch


Enterprise Routing Module

Location Intel & BI Modules

Data Normalise


Data Hub Module

Graph db


Business Services

Advanced Matching Module

SAP & Siebel

Modules & Hanna

Spectrum Modules

Kortlæg dine BI-rapporter


Business Objects QlikView

MicroStrategy Excel

MI Express


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Lidt om GIS – Geografiske Informations Systemer

Lidt om Location Intelligence

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Dårlige data: Opfører sig som en virus: Det starter med én post … og spreder sig så til andre databaser…

Presentation Notes
The amount of data in the average b-to-b company doubles every 12-18 months 10% – 25% of data records contain critical errors The 1-10-100 rule: The longer a bad record remains in the database, the more expensive it is to fix Like companies with high quality data management enjoy 66% more revenue than those without high data quality *Source: SiriusDecisions Research Brief; “The Impact of Bad Data on Demand Creation”, 2008.

Indsamling og analyse af realtids data såsom positioner, beskeder mm. indsamlet via mobile enheder.

Påvirkning af forretningssystemer i betragtning af at en stadig større mængde forretningsdata optræder uden for firmaets firewall.

Eksploderende datamængde fra sociale medier og andre realtidsresourcer.

Data er i høj grad fragmenteret i utilgængelige formater og svært at tilgå.

Data er af lav kvalitet, ikke i kontekst og ufuldstændig

Voksende bekymring omkring sikkerhed og anonymitet af data

Udfordringer med håndtering af data

Eksempler på datakvalitetsproblemer…

Name Address Town County Postcode Phone Email

Bob Williams 36 King Street Slough Berkshire SL4 1EG 01753 123 456

Robert Williams 36 King St.. SL4 1EG 01753234567

Burkes, Mike and Ilda 38 King st. Solugh Berkshire SL4 01753 -456- 789

Jason Bourne, Bourne & Cie. 76 Clarence Rd Solugh Berks SL4 1EG (0)1753 678

901 6175541329

… … … … … … …

Fejlplacerede data

Duplikerede poster

Stavefejl Blandede firma- og personnavne

Flere navne

Ikke standard formater Manglende data Manglende konsistens i


Ikke komplette data


Udfordringer med data

Spectrum™: Data Quality High-Level Description

Data profiling for identifying DQ issues, parsing and standardization, generalized cleansing, matching, monitoring and enrichment of data sources.

Spectrum Modules

Data Discovery Module: Profiling of data sources to identify opportunities for data quality improvement and as input to the process of building data quality rules. Advanced Matching Module: Design of sophisticated match rules to allow for duplicate record resolution and consolidation. Universal Addressing Module: Address standardization and validation for 250+ countries worldwide. Universal Name Module: Global name recognition, parsing, standardization and name variant determination across several cultures and character sets, including gender coding. Data Normalization Module: Creation of sophisticated parsing rules and standardization of terms, including transliteration within data records. Enterprise Geocoding Module: Forward and reverse geocoding capabilities Data Quality Connectors: Prebuilt connectors to support data quality at the point of entry

Spectrum™: Enterprise Data Quality & Information Management

Datakatalog på


Presentation Notes
Tom: Took screen shots from the beta site.


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Lidt om GIS – Geografiske Informations Systemer

Lidt om Location Intelligence

Lidt om Data


New York: Retablering efter en isstorm

Presentation Notes
This map depicts the recovery operation after a serious ice storm in the north part of New York State. Across six counties, nearly all residents lost electricity. MapInfo Professional was used to map the affected areas and to produce updated maps as power was restored. One aspect of the management of this emergency was to locate those areas that had higher concentrations of older people. It was necessary to try and restore power to these areas first.

Göteborgs Stad – Vedligeholdelsesplan

Presentation Notes
Frequency of cleaning for public areas for the City of Gothenburg in Sweden. The blue areas are not cleaned at all. The purple areas are not classified.

Amsterdam Politi - Temporal analyse

Presentation Notes
We are cheating a bit with this map. The animation was not produced in MI Pro but the base maps used to create the animation were. This is depicting “hot spots” of pickpocket activity by time.

Hurricane Wilma 2005

Presentation Notes
First picture is the hurricane path. Second picture is colouring areas based on their distance from the coast The third picture the hurricane path data has been processed with the distance to cost and coloured according to the “probable maximum loss”. This involves cutting the hurricane path data with the coast line data. The last picture is colour coding the regions based on the anticipated losses. Notice that the red and orange areas have a lot of policy holders. The policies are represented as points.


Presentation Notes
The read points represent homes or properties that have been flooded.

Vandstandsstigninger – Bodil 2013

Presentation Notes
The read points represent homes or properties that have been flooded.


Visualisering i 3D


Presentation Notes
A screen shot from MapInfo Professional® about redistricting in the pharmaceutical business… The map units corresponding to a specific level specialized for the pharmaceutical data. Provided by Richard Lohier, from our office in Paris.

Tematisering på flader


Presentation Notes
Crime does not respect political boundaries.

Hotspot Mapping


Presentation Notes
A Hotspot density grid shows the Crime Analyst where the crime is happening, the CrimeProfiler uses the Kernel Density Estimator technique as recommended by the Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science.

Udpegning af vindmøllelokationer

Befolkningsfremskrivning 2013-2020

Befolkningsfremskrivning jf. Danmarks Statistik på kommuner

Befolkningsfremskrivning 2013-2020

Befolkningsfremskrivning omsat til 10 km kvadratceller

Bemærk værdien er afledt af kommuner derfor er den ikke helt reel. Bør købes på kvadratnetniveau

Information til bestemte forbrugere

Spectrum Spatial eksempel

Opsøg informationer om et punkt

Enterprise Designer

• Etaper designes visuelt • Etapen anvendes enten som tjenester eller via jobs

Input og Output



GIS og Location Intelligence er meget mere end bare et kort

Få styr på jeres data – hvis I ikke allerede har det

Brug det geografiske aspekt i jeres data til at blive klogere på jeres forretning

Integrer et geografisk aspekt i jeres kernesystemer

Tak for opmærksomheden

Every connection is a new opportunity®