Introduction to F#

Post on 10-May-2015

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Introduction to F# for the New England Visual Basic Professionals User Group.

Transcript of Introduction to F#

Introduction to F#Talbott Crowell

Functional programming has been around a long time Not new

Long history

Functional programming is safe A concern as we head toward manycore and cloud


Functional programming is on the rise

Why another language?

1930’s: lambda calculus (roots)

1956: IPL (Information Processing Language) “the first functional language

1958: LISP “a functional flavored language”

1962: APL (A Programming Language)

1973: ML (Meta Language)

1983: SML (Standard ML)

1987: Caml (Categorical Abstract Machine Language ) and Haskell

1996: OCaml (Objective Caml)

Functional programming has been around a long time

Side effects Modifies some state

Has observable interaction with calling functions

Has observable interaction with the outside world

Example: a function or method with no return value

Most functional languages encourage programmers to avoid side effects

Haskell (a “pure” functional language) restricts side effects with a static type system

Functional programming is safe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 110










C#, VB, Java LINQ Nirvana


Language Evolution (Simon Payton-Jones)

C#, VB, Java, C are imperative programming languages. Very useful but can change the state of the world at anytime creating side effects.

Nirvana! Useful

and Safe

Haskell is Very Safe, but not very useful. Used heavily in research and academia, but rarely in business .


Long relegated to academia

Industrial and commercial applications Scheme, Erlang, OCaml, Haskell

F# at Grange Insurance, Ohio:

F# used by XBox Live Trueskill:

DSL’s Mathematica


Excel can be viewed as a functional programming language

Functional programming on the rise

Functional language developed by Microsoft Research By Don Syme and his team, who productized Generics

Based on OCaml (influenced by C# and Haskell)

History 2002: F# language design started

2005 January: F# 1.0.1 releases to public Not a product. Integration with VS2003 Works in .NET 1.0 through .NET 2.0 beta, Mono

2005 November: F# 1.1.5 with VS 2005 RTM support

2009 October: VS2010 Beta 2, CTP for VS2008 & Non-Windows users

2010: F# is “productized” and baked into VS 2010

What is F#

Interactive Scripting Good for prototyping

Succinct = Less code

Type Inference Strongly typed, strict

Automatic generalization (generics for free)

Few type annotations

1st class functions (currying, lazy evaluations)

Pattern matching

Key Characteristics of F#

Multi-Paradigm Functional Programming

Imperative Programming

Object Oriented Programming

Language Oriented Programming

Task Oriented Programming

F# is not just Functional

Dynamically compiles code on the fly



F# Interactive

open System.Drawing;; open System.Windows.Forms;;

let myform = new Form(Text="Hello Everybody", Visible=true);; myform.BackColor <- Color.Blue;; let mybutton = new Button(Text = "Click Me");;myform.Controls.Add(mybutton);; mybutton.BackColor <- Color.White;;

mybutton.Click.Add(fun _ -> MessageBox.Show("Clicked") |> ignore);;

Type inference


F# Basics

let x = 5let y = 5.0 let files = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\images\original")

let x = 5 * 5let y = 5.0 / 3.0let width = image.Width / 8


Anonymous functions

F# Functions

let sqr x = x * xsqr 5

(fun x -> x * x) 5

The |> Combinator “Pipe Forward”


F# Combinators

x |> f is the same as f x

let sqr x = x * x sqr x 5 |> sqr

Partial functions

Don’t have to pass all parameters at once

Curried Functions

let DivideBy y x = x / ylet result = DivideBy 2.0 3.0

val DivideBy : float -> float -> floatval result : float = 1.5

let HalfOf = DivideBy 2.0let result2 = HalfOf 3.0

val HalfOf : (float -> float)val result2 : float = 1.5

Pass curried function to another function

Power of Curried Functions

let DivideBy y x = x / ylet numbers = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]let result3 = (DivideBy 2.0) numbers

val DivideBy : float -> float -> floatval numbers : float list = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]val result3 : float list = [0.5; 1.0; 1.5]

Compare with VBFunction DivideBy(ByVal y As Single, _

ByVal x As Single) As Single Return x / yEnd Function

Sub Main() Dim numbers = New Single() {1.0, 2.0, 3.0} Dim result3 As New List(Of Single)

For Each number In numbers result3.Add(DivideBy(2.0, number)) NextEnd Sub

used to group values together without creating a class or struct

Tuple#lightopen System

let swap (x, y) = (y, x)let rotate (x, y, z) = (y, z, x)let circleDetails radius = let area = Math.PI * (radius * radius) let circumference = 2.0 * Math.PI * radius (area, circumference)

let result1 = swap(3, 2)let result2 = rotate(5, 6, 7)let details = circleDetails 4.0let (a, c) = details

Tuple as a



Tuple as a return value

Tuple as left

side of an


Similar to Object Oriented inheritance

Useful in pattern matching

Discriminated Unions

type Suit = | Spades | Hearts | Clubs | Diamonds let suits = [Spades; Hearts; Clubs; Diamonds]

Discriminated Unions cont.type Suit = | Spades | Hearts | Clubs | Diamonds

type Card = | Ace of Suit | RankCard of int * Suit | Jack of Suit | Queen of Suit | King of Suit | Joker

let card1 = Ace(Diamonds)let card2 = RankCard(3, Spades)let card3 = Joker

Used often in F# programs

Syntax (source: )

Pattern Matching

Mouse event handler in DirectX Demo

Checking mouse button and shift key modifiers

Pattern Matching Example

match b.Button, Form.ModifierKeys with | MouseButtons.Left, Keys.Shift -> view.AdjustZoom(dx,dy) | MouseButtons.Left, _ -> view.AdjustYawPitchRoll(dx,dy) | _ -> view.AdjustFocus(dx,dy)

FSharp Samples v0.2

The DirectX Demo

More F# Interactive

The Power Wall

Manycore FUD

Free lunch is over

Parallel programming in .NET

Where F# fits into this future

F# and Impact on the Future

The Power Wall: CPU Clock Speed

From Katherine Yelick’s “Multicore: Fallout of a Hardware Revolution”

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt Talbott’s FUD slide: why you should be concerned

Moore’s Law Predicted in 1965 that transistor density in semiconductor chips would

double every 18 months

Clock speed on chips plateaued in 2005 at 3 GHz due to the “Power Wall”

Intel and AMD have now begun doubling cores every 18 months to keep up with Moore’s Law AMD Opteron Istanbul and Intel Xeon have 6 cores per socket used in


Dell Studio XPS (2009 price of $750) comes with Intel i7 with 4 cores with 2 way hyper-threading (8 virtual cores)

Intel Larrabee on the horizon with 32 cores with 4 way hyper-threading (128 virtual cores)


Source: Wikipedia entry for Larrabee (GPU)

Intel Larrabee

Free lunch is over Programs are not doubling in speed every couple

of years for free anymore

We need to start writing code to take advantage of many cores

Currently painful and problematic to take advantage of many cores because of shared memory, locking, and other imperative programming techniques


Libraries and Framework Improvements TPL (Included in .NET 4.0)


Programming Approaches Functional programming

Immutable data No side effects

Task oriented programming


Parallel Programming in the .NET Framework 4 Beta 2

“F# is, technically speaking, neutral with respect to concurrency - it allows the programmer to exploit the many different techniques for concurrency and distribution supported by the .NET platform” F# FAQ:

Functional programming is a primary technique for minimizing/isolating mutable state

Asynchronous workflows make writing parallel programs in a “natural and compositional style”

F# and Multi-Core Programming

Problem Resize a ton of images

Demo of Image Processor

for file in files do use image = Image.FromFile(file) use smallImage = ResizeImage(image) let destFileName = DestFileName("s1", file) smallImage.Save(destFileName)

let files = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\images\original")

Asynchronous Workflowslet FetchAsync(file:string) = async { use stream = File.OpenRead(file) let! bytes = stream.AsyncRead(int stream.Length) use memstream = new MemoryStream(bytes.Length) memstream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length) use image = Image.FromStream(memstream) use smallImage = ResizeImage(image) let destFileName = DestFileName("s2", file) smallImage.Save(destFileName) }

let tasks = [for file in files -> FetchAsync(file)]let parallelTasks = Async.Parallel tasksAsync.RunSynchronously parallelTasks

Almost 2x on 2 cores

About 3.5x faster on 8 cores

Demo Asynchronous Workflow

F# User Group

Twitter: @FSUG

Talbott Crowell,

Twitter: @Talbott

Thank you for attending Intro to F#
