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©Bolu Essien, 2020

CONTENT1. What Is Digital Marketing

2. Types Of Digital Marketing Channels

3. What To Measure and terminologies

4. How To Create Content For Brands

©Bolu Essien, 2020


©Bolu Essien, 2020


Digital marketing is simply the use of online channels to reach consumers. It could be to get them informed about your product, download an app, sign up to a service or engage with your brand online –whatever the case, its about promoting your brand using online channels.

Under digital marketing we have several channels and several ad formats. Below are some key channels

• Search Advertising• YouTube Advertising• Display Advertising• Social Media Advertising • Email marketing• Search Engine Optimization• Influencers and Partnerships

©Bolu Essien, 2020


©Bolu Essien, 2020

SEARCHSearch advertising is a text based ad that runs through Google adwords platform. This is a very effective form of advertising as it shows high intent.

When consumers go to the Google search query, they will search for a product and service either because they are in the consideration stage of the buying funnel or they are about to buy.

Consider this- When setting up the Search ad, you must have the following:

A- The name of the product or service you are offeringB- Convincing message on why they should buyC- Link to you website

©Bolu Essien, 2020

DISPLAYDisplay advertising is a banner based ad that runs through Google adwords platform. Its also an effective form of advertising as you the opportunity to show your product and give a punch message. With display you can literally reach your consumers where they are. Your ads can be served on Bellanaija, Lindaikeji etc. (placement), can be served using keywords on sites (Keywords). An example would be using fashion as a keyword so that your ad is displayed on every site where fashion is mentioned in your region of interest.

Consider this- When setting up the Display ad, you must have the following:A- The name of the product or service you are offeringB- Convincing message on why they should buyC- Link to your website

***The area marked in green has 2 banner ads. One is for Bournvita and the other is Airtel. Once there are Google banner ads the ads can change when you refresh the page, but there is tenancy that the ads will remain for as long as was agreed with the media outlet.

©Bolu Essien, 2020

YOUTUBE YouTube advertising is a video based ad and it runs through Google adwords platform. It gives you room to showcase your product or services in a storytelling format. With this format, you can visibly explain the ‘how’ of your product and get consumers interested.

Types of YouTube ad:1- Instream ad- As seen on the page. Consumers can skip after 5 seconds. 2. Masthead- This a static billboard that shows for a whole day (24 hours. Once a consumer comes on YouTube, they get to see the ad. 3. Bumper ad- This is a 6 seconds video ad that cannot be skipped.4. Pre-roll ad- This is shown before a video, and runs about 30 seconds. They’re charged per click and so you only pay for the total number of clicks generated, rather than the number of video views.

***For YouTube ads, you only pay when consumers watch till the 30 seconds mark.***You can also run In-Display ads on YouTube. This means you banner will show on a video playing on YouTube

©Bolu Essien, 2020


This is advertising across social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Winning of these channels is dependent on your knowledge of your audience and your ability to craft copies and creatives that will soothe their interests.

Below are some ad types on social media:

• Newsfeed ad• Video ad• Instream• Instagram stories• Twitter Trend

©Bolu Essien, 2020


©Bolu Essien, 2020

KEY MEDIA METRICS AND THEIR MEANINGS• Impressions- The number of times an ad is seen

• Reach- The number of people who saw the ad

• Frequency- The number of times a per sees the ad

• Clicks- the number of times an ad was clicked

• Engagement- The number of times consumers engaged with your ad

• CTR(Click through rate)- the proportion of visitors to a web page who follow a hypertext link to a particular site. To get this multiply the number of clicks by impressions generated then divide by 100.

• Others include mentions, retweets, page visits, bounce rates and many more.

©Bolu Essien, 2020


©Bolu Essien, 2020


Brand A




Track, Analyse &


To win on social media, we intend to:a. Attract our Target Audienceb. Consistently engage with old and new TAc. Retain them with great contentd. Track, analyse and recommend.

The framework on the right can serve as a guide on all activities

N:B- All frameworks are liable to change based on your campaign objectives

©Bolu Essien, 2020

STEPS TO TAKE1. Be Human in your tone

Do more of interacting on your social media accounts. Don’t just post links to articles. Respond to posts from

your audience and interact when they show interest. They will naturally grow to love your brand as well as want

to read other articles or visit your website.

2. Understand Their Areas of interest

Understanding your audience areas of interest will enable you to interact with them on a more intimate level.

Create content that will interest them in all format (20% text, 30% images and 50% videos). This will eventually

lead them to your website to see what your business is all about.

3. Link your social media account to your website

When you do this, they will easily follow up in order to get updates on products and service. Make sure your

emails are not left out as well. ©Bolu Essien, 2020

4. Always Use Hashtags & Track keywords

This is a way to track your reach and also know what people are saying about you. People generally check

hashtags to see what other people are saying. This is a great way to get visibility.

5. Gamify Content & Run Giveaway campaigns

Do social media trivia and giveaways. Ask questions about your products to get them to speak. Reward

them and they will tell others about you. Reward could range from products, to services rendered, to

discounted coupons, cash prizes etc.

6. Post Consistently

Do not bombard your audience with too much content. However post consistently- maximum of 3 posts per

week (This is brand dependent). Make sure your content is valuable to your Target audience. You can

include product info, Tips, Wisdom Nuggets, Video content on areas of interest etc.


©Bolu Essien, 2020

7. Always Conduct your Competitive Analysis

No man is an island. Always check your competitors activities so as not to repeat their activities but to take what

they have done to the next level. You will also see their flaws. Capitalize on that and engage with your audience.

E.g. If your competitor asks their fans to do a video saying why they like Brand A, you can ask your audience to

sing a song for your brand and use the best song as your radio jingle. Feel free to collaborate with your audience.

8. Respond to Complaints & provide FAQs

Your maximum response time should be 5minutes and minimum should be immediately, this will build brand

trust. Also provide FAQs and share the link on social so that they can find the details there whenever they need

it. You never know, they might just be defending you in a conversation.

9. Feel free to ask them to share your content

10. Make sure you treat each social media account as an individual body. Understand each channel and speak to

your audience in the best way possible.


©Bolu Essien, 2020


©Bolu Essien, 2020