Intro to Process Theology - Jesus

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Christian process theology takes the life, teachings and uniqueness of Jesus seriously and creatively.

Transcript of Intro to Process Theology - Jesus

Intro to Process Theology

Intro to Process Theology

Science and Religion (God and the World)

Evil and Suffering

Jesus and Creative Transformation

Pluralism, Prayer, Economism, and Ecology

In your opinion, what makes Jesus unique?  Why

is Jesus’ uniqueness

important to you?



Supernaturalism and Jesus

Virgin birth

Jesus as omnipotent God

Sacrificial death was God's plan


Salvation into heaven

God World

Jesus' Power in Process Theology

Almighty All-powerful

Persuasive Love-power

Multiple causation

Process theology and Jesus


Jesus' uniqueness



Creative transformation

God World


God was in Jesus.

God was uniquely in Jesus.

Jesus was a human man, not different from you and me.

Jesus' uniqueness

Different by degree: Unique in his responsiveness to God's call

Different by content: God gave him a unique call

Different by experience: Unique experience of oneness with God


God suffered with Jesus on the cross.


Disciples experienced him after he died.

Rose to a spiritual body.

Sign of hope.

Creative Transformation

Making lemon-aid out of lemons

A new future is always possible

Participating in the faithfulness of JesusJesus' teachings open us to the possibility of creative transformation

Jesus is in us

Participate in saving the world

"If Jesus is our center, then there can be no boundary."

-John B. Cobb, Jr.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

"Jesus called for a community of

perfect openness."-John B. Cobb, Jr.

John 14:1-14

14“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. 2In my Father’s house

there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am,

there you may be also.

4And you know the way to the place where I am going.” 5Thomas said to

Next week: Pluralism, Prayer,

Economism, and Ecology