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August 17, 2009 was an exciting day for Sister Cities Eldoret and Minneapolis as members of both communities stood for picture taking in front of the Eldoret Pumper Fire Truck. With shipment scheduled for September 24, 2009 the excite-ment continued as all partici-pants of the ILI Sister City Com-mittee and Eldoret Council await delivery to the community of Eldoret Kenya this fall. Standing in for Minneapolis Fire Chief Alex Jackson was Assistant Fire Chief John Fruetel and the Fire Station crew of Station #17 in South Minneapolis. This has been a collaboration between the City of Minneapolis Council, Min-neapolis Fire Department, In-ternational Leadership Institute Sister Cities Committee, EMO, Minneapolis Meetings, and ILI Eldoret citizens and community partners. Many thanks to Chief Jackson for seeing the vision and critical need of the Eldoret Council fire fighting department during their 2008 visit with former Eldoret Mayor Ruto. The Pumper Fire Truck holds 500 gallons or 2000 liters of water and will include a ladder,

a axe and several hoses for fire fighting. It has seating room for five trained fire fighters. Several Minneapolis Fire Department personnel are eager to travel to Kenya to train trainers on how to use the truck and so that it is well maintained. As this has all been a volunteer project fund raising will need to occur to send training staff to Eldoret. From the beginning this project has been about relationships and continuing communication between Minneapolis and El-doret. Thank you to all that helped make this a success.

Minneapolis Fire Truck Goes to Sister City Eldoret

The 2010 Twin Cities Inter-national Citizen Awards presented the Minneapolis Fire Department, City of Minneapo-lis, with a Rekindling the Flame award. This special so-cial justice recognition acknowl-edged the Fire Departments work in the donation of a Fire Pumper Truck to the Kenya community of Eldoret. Minnea-polis Fire Chief Alex Jackson (right) and Assistant Chief John Fruetel received the honor be-fore guest attending the annual event. The gala was held at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.

Also honored were International Citizen honoree Dean Brian Atwood, H.H.H. Institute; Inter-national Immigrant Achieve-ment honoree Hyon Kim, CEO of MN Best Enterprises Inc. and International Corporate hon-oree Best Buy Corporation. All recipients were acknowledged in the May issue of Twin Cities Business Magazine. The gala was held May 4, 2010 and is a annual event hosted by the In-ternational Leadership Insti-tute. *See page 2 for more on 2010 TCICA gala. 5/10

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Calendar! Sister Cities International

Celebration, July 18, 2010

Nicollet Island Pavilion, 1pm

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Inside this issue: Sister City Fire Truck 1


International Citizen Gala 2—3

Visitor from Rwanda 3

Foreign Policy Group 4

Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organization


Membership—ask for a member form and become active globally


Minneapolis Fire Truck received in Eldoret Kenya and recommissioned in a city wide ceremony. 1/10

The Daily Nation Newspaper of Kenya showed the arrival of the Mpls Pumper Truck to Eldoret Kenya. 1/10

Strong Sister Cities relationship: Pictured are Ass’t Mpls Fire Chief John Fruetel and Peter Ole Sabay, ILI Eldoret Sister Cities Program Director. 8/09

ILI Hosts 18th Annual TCICA

The 18th Annual Twin Cities International Citizen Awards held at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts May 4, 2010 highlighted accom-plishments of several local citizens and a corporation. The eve-nings keynote presented by Dennis Doyle, CEO of Welsh Compa-nies and Co-Founder of Hope for the City talked about having a passion for helping others and supporting those in need locally and around the world. Collaborative ILI Sister Cities Interna-tional activities were also recognized by presenting the City of Minneapolis Fire Department receiving a special award. Photos/clockwise: Ass’t Fire Chief Fruetel, Fire Chief Jack-son, Hyon Kim, Herschel Herndon, Dean Brian Atwood; Judge Lange, H. Kim, Carol Jean Peterson; Emcee TMychael Rambo; Gala Guests; Dennis Doyle; Judge LaJune Lange, Herschel Herndon, Anthony Williamson; Dean J. Brian Atwood. 5/10

The 2010 Twin Cities International Citizen Awards recognize the depth and breadth of the Twin Cities’ international connections, con-

cerns and commitments - in business and trade, research and human rights, agriculture and technology, the arts and medicine, educa-

tion and journalism, and in hospitality and humanitarian relief. The Awards were first given in 1992, hosted by the Mayor of Minnea-

polis. In 1996, the Mayor of St. Paul joined and in 1997 the Commissioners of Hennepin and Ramsey Counties also became hosts. The

International Leadership Institute (ILI) continues hosting this annual international recognition event. 5/10

The Awards serves as a catalyst for communicating among Twin Cities’ international organizations and businesses, provides an oppor-

tunity to showcase the international involvement of the Twin Cities area, and inspires Twin Citians to enter into international opportu-

nities available in our community. Presenting were TMychael Rambo, Rev. Richard Coleman, Dr. Yusuf Nur, ILI President Judge

Lange and Dennis Doyle, CEO, Welsh Companies. The event is supported by AJASA Technology, South African Consulate General,

International Business Resource Group, LLC, Fredrikson and Byron P.A., Women Venture, Faegre and Benson LLC, University of

Minnesota, Paschal Nwokocha Law Offices, Twin Cities Business Magazine and TCICA Event Committee. Contact: Coventry Cowens.

Rwandan Pastor

Visits with ILI One of the Institute’s many part-ners in Africa was able to take time and visit with us during his tour in Minnesota. As a founda-tion and awakening for the devel-opment of the ILI, the 1994 Rwanda genocide and country’s history has always been a part of our programs.

Reverend Paul Ndahigwa is the

Senior Pastor at a church he began in Kigali, Rwanda, named Eglise

Vivante de Jesus Christ au

Rwanda (The Living Church of Jesus Christ in Rwanda). He is

also the Director and National

Overseer for the Edina, Minnesota

-based Pilgrim Center for Recon-

ciliation. These responsibilities

take him all over Rwanda and to the eastern provinces of the De-

mocratic Republic of the Congo.

Reverend Ndahigwa is also a na-tional commissioner for the Inter-

faith Commission of Rwanda.

A recipient of a 2006 ILI Rekin-

dling the Flame social justice

award, Reverend Ndahigwa has

Reverend Ndahigwa spoke about his ministry, recon-ciliation in Rwanda and how forgiveness is key to repairing the souls of those affected by genocide. 5/10

hosted several Institute college stu-dent teams to Rwanda. The teams were able to interview government ministers, non-governmental or non-profit organization employees and individual community leaders and members. The groups found the con-versations to be intense and filled with reconciliation. The ILI’s Women’s Human Rights Program team also spoke with many women who had not been able to tell their tragic stories and spoke coura-geously of hope and a future for their children. Reverend Ndahigwa’s ILI visit in-cluded a community dinner with local African leaders and a meeting at the new north Minneapolis Uni-versity of Minnesota Urban Research and Outreach/Engagement Center (UROC). Pastor Paul, as he is also known, was able to talk about his work, various opportunities to serve, and the continuing need for recon-ciliation conversations in various regions of East Africa. Each partnership developed opens doors to multiple resources in the various global communities where the International Leadership Insti-tute works. Plans are underway to support the technology training and needs in Rwanda. 5/20

Pictured with Reverend Paul Ndahigwa's of Rwanda at UROC in North Minneapolis are Lauren Lange, ILI President LaJune Lange and Antar Saleem. 5/10

Mailing Address:

International Leadership Institute

5021 Vernon Ave. So, PMB 136

Minneapolis, MN 55436


Visit us at: ILI Resource Center

430 Oak Grove, Suite 220 in Minneapolis

1-612/340-0250 (supported by ILI volunteers)

We’re On the Web!

ILI Programs include Civic Education Programs for local communities, Inter-national Youth Council, Caribbean Interest Group, Horn of Africa Interest Group, Global Health Group, Ralph Bunche Lecture Series, Foreign Policy Round Table, Global Business Round Table, Women’s Human Rights Program and ILI Re-source Center, at 430 Oak Grove, Suite 220 in Minneapolis. Members and Volunteers/ Memberships support all programs for the Insti-tute from the youth conference to hosting receptions for international dignitaries. Fundraisers also support continuing programs. Membership is your passport to build bridges around the world. View Membership details on the ILI’s web site and how you can support the Institute.


Individual Membership $50.00

Business/Church/Corporation/NGO $100.00

Associate Member $15.00

Global Business Round Table Member $300.00

If you would like to make an in-kind donation or have a presentation for your organi-zation, please let us know. Ask about our Wish List for specific projects and programs in Min-nesota or Internationally. Email Coventry Cowens, volunteer ILI Program Director at or Judge LaJune Lange, (retired) ILI President, at Membership forms are available online at the ILI website.


ILI Foreign Policy Roundtable is a network of experts providing analysis and

leadership on foreign policy matters and programs of the United Nations, World

Bank and African Union. We conduct programs that focus on the economic, social

historic, and political factors involved in regional conflict. Also, the Institute

provides advice to governments and civil society about transformation from con-

flict to peace. ILI Greater Horn of Africa Interest Section Group covers an area that includes Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya. We work on education, economic development, ethnic and religious conflict resolution, and improvement of governance through training, rule of law programs, anti-corruption initiatives and transparency.

Leadership...making a person at a time.

gram in the Kibera slum and Ijara Dis-trict during the 2004 and 2005 sum-mer visits. The ILI is now supporting a school in the Kibera Nairobi slums with the support of CLAN, a local legal advocate organization and partner.

SOUTH AFRICA/ Since 1994 and the South Africa reconciliation trials, the ILI has developed programs and rela-tionships in Port Elizabeth, Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town South Africa. The Institute embraced the emerging nationhood and cultural tran-sitions occurring in southern Africa by bringing the Biko Family to the United States for the first time. We continue to work at all levels to increase accessible technology training to town-ship recreational and education centers, especially in the Port Elizabeth area. ZIMBABWE/ Through collaborations and resource development the ILI has worked with Zimbabwe women to or-ganize the Zimbabwe Widows and Orphans Trust. Since 1998 this non-governmental organization has sup-ported yearly, over 5,000 youth and abandoned widows in and around Ha-rare. Twin Cities partner churches have supported this project. Reports from visits with ZWOT ILI representatives

TANZANIA/ The ILI has partnered on several programs with the Tanza-nia Gender Networking Pro-gramme (TGNP), at the Gender Resource Centre, which advocates for the promotion of women and chil-dren's rights, girls education, HIV/AIDS prevention education programs, health services, voting rights, water well construction in rural areas, work training, and inclusive rule of law leg-islation advocacy. The University of MN Human Rights Center has sup-ported a portion of the funding for this technical mission program.

KENYA/ In 1997 the Institute began Horn of Africa technical missions to Kenya to provide resources to qualified sustainable community projects. From in-country youth symposiums, a Min-neapolis Sister City connection with Eldoret Kenya, to building a school outside Eldoret called Little Angels Academy the ILI has continued to develop relationships in rural commu-nities, Garissa and Nairobi. Since 1997, Womankind Kenya has part-nered with the ILI working to improve the lives of the girl child and their families through health services, edu-cation, supportive orphanages and farms. ILI launched a HIV/AIDS pro-

convey the challenges facing the nation. BRAZIL/ The ILI has established a youth technology computer center in a favela of Maua, San Paulo with Rosa Negra, a non profit. The Technology Resource Center opened in 2005. SWAZILAND/The Jabez Institute has partnered with the ILI to support workshops for disabled people and education for children living in impoverished areas near Mzimpofu Swaziland. TECHNICAL MISSIONS/ 2010 technical missions will include Rwanda, Kenya, South Africa and Brazil.

ILI Programs...based on relationships and sustainability

The Institute is a fully qualified non-profit 501 c3 organization

based in Minnesota. Founded in 1994.

Newsletter assembled by ILI member Coventry R. Cowens. TCICA

photos by Coventry Cowens and Heather Beals.

International Leadership Institute Global Community Report

Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organization National Chairperson, Rukia Subow, 3rd L, (Kenya) visited St. Catherine University to learn about women’s organizations and education. Visit in-cluded a tour of community centers, learning about women in health care professions and talking with nursing students. 4/10