International Healthcare Congresses #ICCA12 WEDNESDAY 24/10/2012

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Presentation held at the 51st ICCA Congress which took place in San Juan, Puerto Rico from 20 - 24 October 2012. For more information on ICCA please visit

Transcript of International Healthcare Congresses #ICCA12 WEDNESDAY 24/10/2012

51st ICCA Congress

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Session sponsored by:

International Healthcare Congresses: funding issues, compliance, pharma

guidelines, and Continuing Medical Education – big changes, big dangers, big opportunities?


51st ICCA CONGRESS - San Juan, Puerto RicoWednesday October 24, 2012

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

In the app, enter the Voting and Q&A menu

Voting with SpotMe

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Questions to the audience

1. Which ICCA Sector do you belong:

1. Destination Marketing

2. Meetings Management

3. Meetings Support

4. Transport

5. Venues

6. Others

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Questions to the audience

2. Are you familiar with EUCOMED?

1. Yes

2. No

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Questions to the audience

3. Are you familiar with EFPIA?

1. Yes

2. No

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Questions to the audience

4. Do you have a clear understanding of CME?

1. Yes

2. No

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

John T. McLoughlin

Chairman Eucomed Compliance Panel

Healthcare ConferencesEthics and Compliance

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

European Medical Technology Industry Association (EUCOMED) is composed of:

• 62 Direct Corporate Members• 26 National Associations• 5 Associated National Members• 22,500 business which are “indirect”

members via their national associations

What is Eucomed?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Primary goals:• Engage with European regulators, politicians

and other policy makers to develop and propose patient-centered policies that enable people to live healthy and productive lives and provide solutions that significantly drive the productivity and efficiency of healthcare systems.

• Demonstrate the value of medical technology

• Provide membership services• Promote Ethical Business Practices


International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• In September 2008 Eucomed revised its code of ethics which is now called the Eucomed Code of Ethical Business Practice (the “Eucomed Code”)

• As part of the Code, Eucomed has also produced a Guidance Document (Q&A) which is updated periodically and which explains the Code in more detail through a series of Questions and Answers

• Ethics & Compliance Resources:

Eucomed Code of Ethical Business Practice

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• The Eucomed Code covers all types of interactions with healthcare professionals (HCPs), including research and consulting agreements, gifts as well as the sponsorship of healthcare professionals to attend company events and third party professional and educational conferences.

• It applies to direct and indirect Eucomed members.

• National Associations must incorporate the provisions of the Eucomed Code into their own codes.

Scope of the Eucomed Code

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Independent body created by Eucomed to ensure consistent interpretation of the Eucomed Code of Ethical Business Practices

• Complaint resolution and enforcement function

• Supervise the EthicalMedtech Conference Vetting System created by Eucomed and managed by a Compliance Officer

The Eucomed Compliance Panel

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• The problem was that every Eucomed member company had to make its own decision as to whether or not a conference was compliant with the Eucomed Code

• To solve this problem, the Eucomed Board created a centralised decision-making system under the supervision of the Compliance Panel to assess third party educational conferences

• The Board also decided not to follow the EFPIA route - The Eucomed EthicalMedtech Conference Vetting decisions are binding on Eucomed members

Need for a single conference vetting system

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• The system operates independently of Eucomed to ensure objectivity in conference assessments

• Separate website & visual identity:

• Pilot phase began on March 21, 2012• The full operational phase started on October 1, 2012• Assessment decisions are made by the

EthicalMedTech Compliance Officer

The Conference Vetting System (CVS)

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Eucomed members:• Direct corporate members• National associations• Associated national associations

• Conference organizers• Including medical and scientific societies

• Members of the national associations (indirect members)

• have to file a submission through their national association

• Extension of the CVS will take place over time

Who can submit conferences for assessment?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Currently only European conferencesParticipants from more than one European


EEA countries (EU 27 + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway)

SwitzerlandAssociate members’ countries (Russia, Turkey

and the Middle East

N.B: The Compliance Panel may, exceptionally and at its discretion, extend the scope to national and/or international conferences.

What conferences are subject to assessment?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Geographic Location & Conference venues

• Scientific Program• Hospitality, Social Events

and Entertainment• Accommodations• Spouses, partners, family

and guests• Brochures and


The Assessment Criteria

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• The Eucomed EthicalMedTech Conference Vetting System will be extended shortly to allow conference organizers to obtain “pre-clearance” of conference geographic locations and facility venues.

• The Pre-Clearance submission may be made years in advance of a conference in order for conference organizers to make sure that before contractually committing themselves (and the organizations that they represent), the geographic location and facility venues are compliant with the Eucomed Code.


International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Inform the superiors or organizations who employ the sponsored healthcare professionals about the financial support provided to attend a conference

• Comply with other provisions of the Eucomed Code not covered by the Conference Vetting System

• Avoid any conduct which gives the appearance of being inappropriate

• Comply with local laws, regulations and codes of conduct

What Companies Must Do

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Complaints regarding alleged violations of the Eucomed Code are handled in the first instance by National Association Compliance Panels.

• National Association Compliance Panels and parties to a complaint procedure may refer questions of interpretation of the Eucomed Code to the Eucomed Compliance Panel during the complaint procedure or after the National Panel has issued a ruling.

• Sanctions may include: inspection and audit of the offending company, the recovery of items given in connection with the promotion of products, publication of corrective information, withdrawal of accreditation by the National Association or Eucomed.

• Publication of Panel decisions


International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Martin N. Jensen

IPCAA Vice President

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Formed in 1989, originally as the European Pharmaceutical Congress Advisory Association (EPCAA)

• First active members - Astra, Bayer, Ciba-Geigy, Glaxo, Hoechst, ICI, Janssen, Organon, Roche, Sandoz, Schering and SmithKline Beecham.

• Today, 70% of world healthcare market (IMS) represented via most major global pharmaceutical companies

• 80 percentage of member companies are EU based rest is US or Japan based, although all members are truly global

History of IPCAA

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Dissemination of information • Interaction within healthcare meetings industry• Therapeutic area task forces • Education sessions, workshops etc• Review and reporting on regulatory issues• Monitoring and review of congress-related CME


IPCAA activity is increasingly involved in aspects of compliance – communication, education, reporting etc

IPCAA regular activity

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• International Meetings organised by 3rd parties are always subject to pharmaceutical industry codes.

• The type of internal meeting may influence rules to be followed:

• e.g. medical advisory board, research meetings etc. involving HCPs, are always subject to compliance rules

• Individual corporate policies may also impact:

• internal company meetings may be run according to company compliance rules and/or official compliance guidelines

Internal vs external meetings:is there a distinction?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Communication• Healthcare Congress Guidelines• Internal (members) and external presentations• Increased Exchange with medical associations and

othersEducation• IPCAA seminars/workshops –most recently March

2012 – next in April 2013• Participation in joint activities – IAPCO, HCEAInteraction• EFPIA, IFPMA, EUCOMED etc.• Between IPCAA members’ compliance depts etc

IPCAA and compliance:Spreading the word

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• In- Consistency use of compliance within IPCAA memberships companies –

• EFPIA• IFPMA• Local • Company compliance• Delegate

• Aim for agreement to use only EFPIA or IFPMA codes at international events

• HCA (Healthcare Congress Alliance)• IPCAA• IAPCO• HCEA

IPCAA and compliance interpretation: complexity

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

The guiding principle is responsible for promoting of educational science: • Promote scientific education and networking in a

compliant environment• Ensure that congress-related activities create a

value for patients• Even dissemination of science through

virtual/hybrid events and activities needs compliance, which must be communicated and understood

IPCAA and compliance:Is not just accommodation and destination

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Company sponsored delegates vs individual• Number of individual delegates are increasing

• Delegate spend• Average industry sponsored delegates spend

more per night• Average individual delegate stays fewer nights

• Exhibition is changing• Destination used to be Association driven now it is

delegate driven• Transparency

• 3rd party suppliers• Delegate spend

Changes ahead

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Existing regulation• Various local regulations

• Possible future obligations• Each company within the membership of EFPIA shall

document and disclose, direct and indirect, payments and transfers of value it makes to or for the benefit of healthcare professionals (HCPs/HCOs)

• Categories including:• Donations and Grants;• Sponsorship, Events and Hospitality;• Fees for Service and Consultancy;

Transparency ahead- Delegate Spend tracking

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Need to look at the start • How is the congress booked • How big is the congress• Which intermediates are involved – tries to benefit

• Societies & Association• CVB• PCO• Local PCO/DMC

• IPCAA recommend societies to work closely with CVB’s form the start in order to obtain as many rooms as possible at “reasonable” rates in compliant hotels!

Ideal Medical Congress?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• 4* hotels with business facilities at reasonable rates

• Don’t try to sell something which is not what it is• Unrated 5* Spa and Luxury properties are 5* properties

Spa and Luxury

• Think long term and strategically• A congress is 3-4 days• Pharmacuetical companies place meetings and events

every day all year round• A wrongly priced congress can devalue your destination

as a future host

• Think of the delegate• Work very closely with the CVB – they have (most

often) gotten the business to the destination – they will get you more business

Word of advise - to all suppliers

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

For a copy of the IPCAA Healthcare Congress Guidelines, please visit

51st ICCA Congress

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Session sponsored by:

International healthcare congresses

Continuing Medical Education Challenges & opportunities

Lewis A. Miller, MS, CCMEPWentzMiller Global Services, LLC

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

The way it is …

28,000 at European Society of Cardiology 2012 Pharma paid expenses for many

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

The way it will be…

Live streaming video and podcasts Doctors meet in regional sessions or watch at home

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

1. We have advanced technology and skills for in-house and interactive web broadcasting

2. We have advanced technology and skills for in-house interactivity but not via web

3. We have limited technology and skills4. We have no technology or skills for


What are your venue's capabilities?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

• Streaming video goes anywhere in the world

Why provide latest technology?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

85% of physicians in US & Europe use smartphones

62% have tablets – and more every day

Trend accelerating in rest of the world

Why provide latest technology?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Limits on physician time & moneyTravel costs up, income downWork pressures reduce time

for meetingsAnd pharma may cut costs by

sending fewer delegates to congresses

Why provide latest technology?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Marketing/sales budgets are being cutNew products are very targeted to specialists and subspecialists

In US, support for CME down from 53% to 37% of $2 billion annually•Tighter new International Code of Practice for the industry

More on reduced pharma support

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

More interactivityMore small group sessionsConnectivity to wider audience through technology

Use of Audience Response Systems in large meetings

And CME is moving away from giant lecture halls toward …

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

1. Our group keeps up with trends in CME, both in format and purpose, so we can meet organizational needs

2. We have some knowledge of CME trends but probably are not up to date

3. We are not aware of any changes

How aware are you of new CME goals?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Performance, not knowledge, is key

• Evidence of knowledge change is no longer enough

The new goal:Change physician behavior to improve patient care

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

1. State-of-the art technology in all meeting rooms to enable

a. streaming video (webcasts) b. Audience Response Systemsc. Hands-on sessions on computers

Where are the opportunities for you?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

2. Plenty of smaller rooms for …a. Breakout sessions of 10-30

physiciansb. Hands-on workshopsc. Building relationships

Where are the opportunities for you?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

3. Simultaneous meetings in sites in the region, e.g., US and Europe

a. Broadcast live from the experts in central locationb. Technology to enable interactivityc. Archive for global distribution

Where are the opportunities for you?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Identify additional opportunities for marketing your capabilities Conduct research to determine …

a. Which new drugs are being developedb. For which specialty or subspecialty groups – and their numbersc. Likelihood of local/regional presentations by pharmad. Contacts for sponsorship and funding

Where are the opportunities for you?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Some ideas:a. Knowledge of what physician organizations wantb. Knowledge of what the pharma and device

companies wantc. Advanced technology d. Offer to train attendees in tech usee. Ability to identify offbeat funding sources e.g.,

government, foundations, banks

What is your competitive edge?

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Pfizer spent heavily on cardiology delegate support and exhibits. Lipitor went off patent. Now where will Pfizer spend?1. Go to product pipeline2. See immunology, oncology, vaccines 3. Which organizations are in these fields?4. Go to for a strategy report on spending & organizations

A quick market research example

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

1. Very likely2. Somewhat likely3. Need to give it more thought4. Not very likely

How likely are you to adapt to the new directions for CME?

51st ICCA Congress

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Session sponsored by:

Thank you!And visit our website to keep up with changing trends in CME at

51st ICCA Congress

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12Session sponsored by:

Christoph Tessmar

Director of Barcelona Convention Bureau

The Case Study

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12


Infringements will be classified as minor, serious and very serious based on the following criteria:

a) Magnitude of the infringement, particularly its potential risk for the. health of patients.

b) Impact on the scientific or medical community of the practice resulting in Code infringement.

c) Unfair competition.

d) Generalization of the infringement.

e) Repetition of the infringement.

f) Damage to the image of the pharmaceutical industry.

Spanish Code of Good Practices

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12


Monetary sanctions:

a) Minor offences: 6,000 to 120,000 Euros.

b) Serious offences: 120,001 to 240,000 Euros.

c) Very serious offences: 240,001 to 360,000 Euros.

The decision is made by a jury.

Spanish Code of Good Practices

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

The amount of the monetary sanctions is for:

- Brochures

- Patient attention

- Patient platforms

- Campaigns for good practices of promotion

Spanish Code of Good Practices

51st ICCA Congress

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Session sponsored by:

Thank You!

51st ICCA Congress

International Congress and Convention Association.

Twitter: #ICCA12

Session sponsored by:


51st ICCA Congress

The EFPIA evaluation homepage Eucomed Conference Vetting System

51st ICCA Congress

Session sponsored by: