Insocio Midterm Proj

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Insocio Midterm Proj

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    Gonzales, Camille

    Tantoco, Christia

    Vergara, Patrick

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    1990year of Independence and Sovereignty

    - separated themselves from Soviet Union

    Dzhokar Dudayev

    - first elected president

    - killed in 1996 by Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev

    1992 Union of Soviet Socialist Republic wasreplaced by the Russian Federation

    Chechnya refused to sign the treaty or join thenew federation.

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    1994 - Tension between the Russian governmentand Chechnya President, Dzhokar Dudayevescalated and resulted into a warfare

    Russian government tried to crush the separatist

    movement First Chechen War

    The Chechnya Rebel Group lost

    1995 - Russian forces regained their power

    Separatist guerillas continued terrorist acts indifferent areas in Russia

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    1996 - Dzhokar Dudayev died (succeeded byZelimkhan Yandarbiyev)

    1997Aslan Maskhadov, chief of staff of Chechen

    forces was the new elected president but had alittle bit of control over the Republic

    1999 Islamic Law was established

    - terrorism and bombings in Moscow

    erupted again Second Chechen War

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    March 2005 Aslan Maskhadov was killed byRussian Forces

    Abdul Khalim Saidullayev replaced Maskhadovuntil his death in 2006

    Younger generation takes over the commandpositions (more violent than the old gen)

    Umarov expected to exercise stronger influenceamong the Chechen circle

    The level and intensity of armed conflict andterrorist attacks increased ever since theleadership transition

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    Group Mandala

    Mandala is Sanskrit for circle, polygon,community, and connection. The ConciseMacquarie Dictionary defines mandala as amystic symbol of the universe, in the form of acircle enclosing a square; used chiefly by the

    Hindus and Buddhists as an aid to meditation.

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    Description of the game

    Each of these steps should be revealed one by one. This helps toenhance the unknowness of the activity (and therefore, anyexperienced meaning is largely socially constructed byparticipants themselves).

    Also note, the facilitator should consider whether or notparticipate in the group - either way can be appropriate or not,depending on the nature of the group and the facilitator. Participants in a group select a small object. The object can be

    anything, from anywhere: e.g., an object of personal significance orcollected from the outdoors

    Standing in a circle, ask a participant for their hat (or use some othercontainer).

    Place your object in the hat, and pass the hat on to the next person whodoes the same.

    Caste the objects, with some care, some randomness (like rolling dice)(may use casting mat, e.g., a sarong or coat, particularly if usingpersonally significant objects). Try to use the floor rather than a table.

    Ask people to look at the objects and then take turns sharing how theyfeel about the place of their object in relation to the other objects in thegroup.

    One-by-one then go around in a circle and have each person movehis/her object to a new position, explaining to the group why it feelsmore comfortable for their object to be in this different place.

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj



    Our group decided to choose this program/activity becausethis game allows symbolic exploration of group structure anddynamics. Also, it reveals their different feelings towards

    each other.

    With this game, we think that if the citizens of Russia,including the Chechenya Rebel Group for example playedthis game, they might come to realize that although theymight not agree on the same things all the time, they still livein one nation and they should all set aside all theirdifferences and come and unite as a nation becausenothing ever comes peaceful after a war. It just makes thingseven more complicated than it already is.

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    What are your learning experiences whiledoing the project?

    Our group managed to finish the project on time

    because of our determination to accomplish the project.

    Also, we learned to communicate with each other bysharing our different ideas and thoughts about the task thatwas given to us.

    What helped you in finishing the task?Our dedication and interest in the topic made it much

    easier for us to be able to complete our presentation.

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    What made it difficult for you in finishing thetask?

    The conflict itself made it hard for us to make and justify the


    What realizations and insights did you gainfrom our topic, Culture?

    We learned a lot of things after doing this project. Not onlyabout Russia and the rebel group, but we have come torealize that just because a group of people live in thesame country, that doesnt mean that they follow or havethe same beliefs and traditions as their fellow citizens.

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    With regards to the Chechen people, it is the value of

    freedom, as well as a strong sense of nation and a love ofthe land or nature. For so long the people have fought off

    foreign rule, at times attaining de facto independence. Thepeople's inherent desire for autonomy only grows eachgeneration. In the same context, Russia also adheres to itssense of nation as it believes Chechnya is part of the RussianFederation.

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    Human rights violation is in the core of the differences and

    issues. The current Chechen president Kadyrov whose clanalso happens to be former rebels seems to be in the center ofthe human rights violation issues. For instance, he has publicly

    stated his approval of honor killings something which is illegaleven in Russia. When he became caretaker prime minister in2005 he enforced Sharia laws such as espousing polygamy.He has been implicated in a number of torture and killingincidents of suspected rebels. But it cannot be argued that

    he has brought about favorable economic changes to theonce war-ravaged republic.

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    An understanding of basic human rights, and respect of life

    is a good direction to take. An understanding of basic moralsand ethics that are governed by the universal moral law of

    'do good and avoid evil.' Look for its similarity within theprevailing Islamic religion of the republic, until a commonground is achieved. The right to life is inherent in any beliefs.The interpretation of it is something that both Russia andChechen rebel groups need to mutually understand.

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    The conflict between Russia and the Chechen rebel groupshave become personal. The seats of power in the Republic ofChechnya are held by President Kadyrov's clan. He hasabsolute rule within the republic, checked only by Moscow. Thepresident's rule is not without its issues, most of which are humanrights violations which also directly violates the Chechen norms(example: honor killing). Some of the issues he faces are oftorture and outright killing of suspected rebels. The rebels on theother hand goes out on suicide bombing attacks to retaliate.Also not all rebel groups are made up of Chechen individuals.Other foreign nationals are also joining the groups. There are a

    multitude of differing cultures and values at play here. Somegroups are only mercenary in their missions. A dialogue is easiersaid than done, unless one gives in a bit so the other partiescan relax their stance. Give one boon to receive another boonin return.

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    It may be difficult to replace something ethnocentricthat has been deeply rooted in the people's mindset into arelatively open and relaxed approach at understanding

    cultural differences. Difficult but not entirely impossible. Iguess what must be stressed is the value of tolerance, whichcan be possible by studying the history of both cultures.

    Religion is the leading factor in defining the mores and

    customs of a society. For example polygamy is acceptableto Islamic beliefs while taboo to Christians. Anunderstanding of religions is needed, as well as respect. Iguess this is something that needs a long time of consistentand dedicated work to become a reality.

  • 8/3/2019 Insocio Midterm Proj


    Games, different presentations in performing orvisual arts that would strongly convey a lesson in pastand modern history. Generations borne fromcontinuous fighting will only breed violent individuals.

    Learn from the lessons of the past, and look at what isneeded to secure the future. Chechnya has beenshowing signs of rebuilding. The remaining rebelshopefully can see that working in tandem for theirmutual good is highly beneficial than the destruction

    caused by bloodshed. I would also suggest regardingthe arts, that an exhibit featuring works by both Russianand Chechen artists be shown, and maybe culturaldances also a performance of a variety of traditionalsongs from both.