Insights from Best-selling author, Kevin Cashman

Post on 07-May-2015

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10 Inspiration moments from Kevin Cashman 1. Transactions come fast, wisdom comes slow. 2. Pause to go from speed to significance. 3. Your core purpose is the thing that you contribute that adds the most value to others and to yourself. 4. One of the big transitions that effective leaders make is the shift from developing and serving self to developing and serving others. 5. Self awareness is learning to model the change you want to see in others. 6. People will follow leaders who model authenticity and live on purpose. 7. Managing your energy is the key to being resilient - high energy puts you on top of everything you encounter while lower energy has the opposite effect. 8. The big concern for leaders today is how they're going to fill the pipeline of talent to support their greatest aspirations. 9. To become an effective coach; ask great questions, help others increase their awareness, inspire commitment and practice it. 10. Pause it forward - take your purpose and play a bigger game that will have a more significant impact on the world. Advice: Pause powers performance. Reflection: What are you doing to step back today to lead forward tomorrow?

Transcript of Insights from Best-selling author, Kevin Cashman I I I