Inside AR 2011: The Future of AR is Gaming

Post on 29-Oct-2014

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Slides from my talk at Inside AR 2011 in Munich, 9/27/11.

Transcript of Inside AR 2011: The Future of AR is Gaming

The Future of Gaming Is Augmented Reality.

September 26, 2011


Age 4


The Future of Gaming Is Augmented Reality.

The Future of Augmented Reality Is


Vision or not, games are augmenting our reality faster than any other medium in

the history of mankind.

• 3 billion hours of gaming every week.

• Average gamer spends 10,000 hours gaming by the time he/she is 21.

• In the U.S., 99% of boys & 94% of girls play regularly.

• Social games are seeing more than 400 million monthly uniques (Facebook data).

We’re hooked on games.

In 2015, the gamification market will be worth more

than $1.5 BILLION.

-Bloomberg BusinessWeek

Gaming is also ‘augmenting’ our reality in positive ways…

…And driving mainstream

consumer adoption of

emerging platforms.

AR is next, right?


And leads you to believe a lie/

When you see with, not through the eye.

- William Blake (1757-1827)

So how will AR transform gaming?

With games that reawaken our imaginations – and make us hungry for

deeper augmented experiences.

With effortless, tactile experiences.

With games that use the unique properties of AR to allow us to explore new identities

and interact with our worlds.

With games that bring us closer to one another, that make us more aware of

each other and ourselves.

Thank you.
