Innfo Spring 2008

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Transcript of Innfo Spring 2008

The Innovex Magazine Spring 2008

Moving forward, itis essential we allfocus on the

opportunities which lie ahead in thechanging world of pharma; whilst alsoworking hard to improve our performancewithin our core business, which is thespringboard to our success in the future.

The change in our market over the pastfew years has been nothing short ofmomentous. Demand for the 60-strong,national sales forces, which were themainstay of product sales in pharma hassubstantially reduced; giving way to a needfor smaller-scale, tightly targeted and highlytactical teams. Our working environmenthas also changed and broadened: fromGPs’ surgeries to hospitals, dental andveterinary surgeries, to name but a few;

whilst the increasing influence of the PCThas meant much reduced access to GPs.

This immense change leaves us with achoice of two directions in which toproceed: either we throw up our hands anddwell on ‘the good old days’, on the basisthat this business landscape doesn’t suitus; or we take a closer look at the newworld and recognise that, whilst it isundoubtedly different, it is also bursting withincreased opportunities for us in areas suchas secondary care and medical devices, forexample … We can turn this situation toour advantage, provided we have thecourage and the tenacity to adapt andmake these new circumstances the engineof our own evolution. As the innovator inpharmaceutical outsourcing, you’ll beunsurprised to hear that we’ve reorganised

our business to embrace this change andare heading for the land of new opportunity,as we ‘speak’!

In this Business Meeting issue of Innfowe’ll be reviewing some of the changes wehave made to make sure we have the skillsand the knowledge to tackle this changedlandscape; we’ll be celebrating the successof our many outstanding performers, andwe’ll also be sharing with you the part thatyou have to play in shaping the great thingsto come at Innovex UK.

Dawn wins bronze in PharmaTimes ClinicalResearcher of the Year (CROY)!

Although this is our special Business Meeting issue, wecouldn’t let the outstanding success of Dawn Ford, Clinical TrialsAdministrator at this year’s PharmaTimes CROY, go unheralded.For Dawn, who joined Innovex ten years ago and has workedever since as a CTA on our Wyeth account, is the first personfrom Innovex to win in the CTA category of the PharmaTimesCROY.

It’s a case of second time lucky for Dawn who entered thecompetition last year, but didn’t get through the essay stage. Thistime, she successfully negotiated the initial questionnaire and theessay stage to take her place at the finals, which were held at theMadejski Stadium in Reading, in November. Here, Dawnpresented the contents of her essay and answered competency-based questions from a panel of three judges, before beingdeclared a winner at the finals night on 28th February, atLondon’s Park Lane Intercontinental Hotel. Well done Dawn –we’re proud of you!

Colin HannahManaging Director, Innovex UK

From Colin...Hello and welcome to this special Business Meeting issue of Innfo, which is timed to

coincide with the conclusion of our Spring managers’ conference.

Dawn Ford (left) receives her award from the category sponsor at thePharmaTimes Clinical Researcher of the Year.



Meeting Issue

The outlook globally for Innovex andQuintiles is particularly favourable and thewider organisation is enjoying somespectacular results: rapid growth andprofitability, as well as a growing number ofemployees and the opening of new offices inother countries.

On a more local level, the UK pharmamarket is still going through change.

Our customers have reduced their ownprimary care sales forces and are honing inon the secondary and specialist caremarkets, where they see the greatestpotential for future requirements. Our ownclinical pipeline is bursting with studies inareas such as oncology and Parkinsons andthis provides additional evidence thatpharma’s focus will, in the future, be onsecondary care and specialistrepresentatives.

Demand for our traditional ‘core business’services – such as sales, nurse adviser andclinical – will continue; but it will be differentand our focus must be on delivery ofoperational excellence. Our market place islike a village where everyone talks toeveryone so it is vital that our results withevery customer are of the highest calibre. Inachieving these standards consistently, wewill extend existing contracts and be thenatural choice for new business.

Additional investment and resources havegone into two areas where we see growth.The first area is Market Solutions andDevelopment, led by Tim Mills, which isfocusing on provision of services in both thesecondary care/specialist representativearena, and in new areas for Innovex whereoutsourcing is in its infancy, such as inmedical devices, dental, veterinary, etc.

Our second area is the expansion of ournurse adviser offering. Caroline Geraghty isheading up this division and we’ll be tellingyou in the near future of the success sheand her team are having in managingpatients at home, health outcomes, andbuilding much closer business relationshipswith the NHS.

Colin stressed that as we check thepharma forecast and move forward in a newdirection, one thing is certain: we must besufficiently flexible and forward-thinking toensure we have the answer to ourcustomers’ every need within our range ofservices. We anticipated the market wasgoing to change so we prepared lastAutumn and our strategy is ready. Our plansare in place and are being implemented; weare in poll position for the new and excitingopportunities which exist in a changedpharma environment.

Checking the forecastSome major points outlined by Colin, during the meeting, were as


There is no better new business pitch thanexcellent service delivery on an existingaccount and it is vital that our ‘bread andbutter’ business does well, so that we cancreate the time and resources to invest innew and emerging markets.

Colin said we should all expect the‘bumpy’ ride to continue in 2008, as pharmaevaluates whether it has done enough to getitself back on course, and as we nurturenew services, which will take time toestablish. However, there are exciting timesahead for Innovex UK in 2009, and a netincrease in overall business by 2012: whenwe have extended successfully into newmarkets and continued to win new contractswithin our core business.

Finally, Colin affirmed that whilst we can’tredirect market forces, we are able to stay

our course as market leader and make thecompetition take the strain, by committing toexcellence at a personal and a team level.

Setting sailColin left Innovex UK managers in no doubt that, despite the broadening

of our service offerings into new markets, Innovex’s core business is theengine of our Company.

So, in keeping with tradition, our springBusiness Meeting delegates were dividedinto teams, or rather ‘agencies’, for theexciting and exacting challenge ofdesigning, creating and filming their ownadvertisement about Innovex UK’sservices, as they will be in 2012. To makeit even more fun, each team was given atheme, eg. Gangsters, James Bond orWild West, which had to form the‘backdrop’ to their advertisement (andalso allowed everyone to dress up inirreverent costumes and applymoustaches, beards and long blondewigs!).

With all the equipment, from camerasto clapperboards, provided andadvertising professionals on hand to helpwith acting skills and make-up, thechallenge got rapidly underway: as our‘agencies’ worked to express how theythought Innovex UK would look oncethey had changed their offering in linewith the new pharma market place.

As the last frames rolled into the canand our budding film directors shouted‘it’s a wrap!’ – frenetic, creative activitygave way to mounting excitement aseach ‘agency’ prepared for itsadvertisement to be screened at the GalaDinner, where ‘Oscars’ were awarded.

Heading fornew horizonsTeamwork is very much a part

of the Innovex UK culture andis also a consistent theme atevery Business Meeting.

Innfo is printed on 100% recycled, chlorine-free paper

Step 1: InnovationIt is our proven ability to think ahead and

adapt which has enabled us to keep oncharting new territories within pharmaceuticaloutsourcing. Our pioneering approach, ourambition, and our sheer will to win, are theInnovex ‘character traits’ that make us thenumber one choice in UK pharmaceuticaloutsourcing. With our background andproven track record there is no doubt that wehave the skills, the knowledge, the resourcesand the imagination, to rise to the challengesof the new world of pharma. This certainty isneatly summarised in the words of one of ourcustomers, who said: “When choosing anoutsourcing supplier, no-one ever got sackedfor choosing Innovex.”

Step 2: StrategyAs our understanding of pharma’s

momentous change came into view last year,we took swift steps to review our options andadjust our strategy in the Autumn of 2007, sothat our business is now structured to steerto wherever our greatest opportunities lie. Ourstrategy is to focus on three key areas:

● Our core business: 75% of our totalrevenues will continue to come from ourcore business and this underpins ourdiversification into new markets.Achieving operational excellence is,therefore, our number one priority.

● Market Solutions and Development: wehave put the structure and investmentinto our strategy of diversifying into newmarkets.

● HMS: we will be focusing on expandingthis area of our business by consolidatingopportunities for managing patients athome and building a closer businessrelationship with the NHS.

Step 3: Deploy our resources anddevelop our skills

Our exceptional resources are our people,our experience, and our close connectionwith Quintiles. We have reorganised ourResourcing and Training functions to ensurethat we focus on recruiting, training andretaining the best people for our business. Wewill use our experience and our flexibility toreinforce to our customers that we areuniquely placed to help them navigate newand uncharted waters. Our new approachhas underlined this message to the pharmaindustry (

Business Development will be workingmuch more closely with other Quintiles’divisions, such as the Clinical arm of ourbusiness, and also with QCON (Quintiles

Consulting) and IMC (Innovex MedicalCommunications), to ensure that wemaximise all possible opportunities and offereven better solutions to our customers. Ourexisting skills will be honed to perfection andnew skills identified, developed and used toour advantage, and that of our customers.

Step 4: Winning behavioursTeamwork across all levels and functions,

is at the heart of our high performanceteam, and Colin defined the followingbehaviours that assure teamwork:

Be a Team Player Think of thebigger company picture. You maywell have information, or a contact,which could generate new businesswithin other areas of Innovex. Supportone another’s roles for the benefit of thewhole team.

Take ownership Remember that ourindividual behaviour towards, and in front of,our customers, carries a stronger messagethan any Business Development presentation.Be aware of how your own behaviour andattitude impact upon our team, our customer,and ultimately, our business.

Leadership Be positive, accept thechanges and move on, so you can inspireyour colleagues and customers alike. Useyour experience, embrace new opportunities,learn new skills, and be different, to succeed.

Be creative Think outside the box. To dothis, familiarise yourself with the various partsof our company: such as nurse adviser, salesand clinical resourcing solutions, andremember our Royce arm providesdirect to headcount people to theindustry. If any of your customers talkabout finding a permanent role, putyour best Royce foot forward!

Step 5: Stay on course toreach our destination

We will reach our destination byensuring we stay on track in our corebusiness through meeting our KPIs (KeyPerformance Indicators). We will also beadept at listening to the needs of ourcustomers and our people: respondingquickly to customer and employeesatisfaction surveys, to ensure we’re alwaysup to date with what’s wanted. We willcontinue to develop our analytics to stayseveral steps ahead of our competitors,through ensuring our customers’ ROI(Return On Investment); whilst BD willbe working ever more closely withOperations to ensure that we net everynew opportunity that comes our way.

Five stepping stones to successColin outlined five stepping stones that we need to navigate our way to

success in the new world of pharma:

At stake, were a first prize of £1,000 netof tax, and the coveted Winners’ Weekend;a second prize of £500 net of tax, and athird of £250 net of tax. For each of ourdeserving finalists this was recognition oftheir achievement at the highest level. It wasalso a very welcome opportunity to meet,and be congratulated by Colin Hannah,Managing Director and managers andcolleagues from all over Innovex UK. Brandnew crystal ‘shooting star’ awards had beenengraved for the occasion and the air washeady with nerves and expectation, as thefinalists in all thirteen Annual Awardcategories awaited the results.

To earn his or her place at the Gala Dinnertables, each finalist had been nominatedduring November and December for theiroutstanding performance achieved inaccordance with the Innovex Values of:honesty, integrity, customer service,teamwork and leadership. Nominations wereread and scored by second line managersand the final three in each category weresubmitted, in January, to an independentjudging panel chaired by Heylee Treasure,UK HR Director. The panel, which wasmade up of people from across thebusiness, then chose the First, Second andThird prize in each category.

Field-Based AwardsNew Representative of theYearJohn Cato, TEVA Respiratory

Suzanne Grant, TEVA Respiratory

Bunmi Irefin, Helix

Executive/SeniorRepresentative of the Year Victoria Abbott, J&J Consumer

Dawn Robinson, TEVA Respiratory

Innovex UK celebrates ‘The Night of the Stars’ at our Business Meeting Gala Dinner

The atmosphere at the springBusiness Meeting Gala Dinner

was electric, as joining our 200delegates, were all forty finalists forour newly extended Annual Awards.

And the winners were, in prize order –First, Second and Third

The spectacular Chewton Glen Hotel

John Cato, NewRepresentative of the Year

Andrea Miniss, New NurseAdviser of the Year

Louise Saxton, NurseAdviser of the Year

Zoe Ede, New ClinicalResearch Associate of theYear

Terena Taylor-New, ClinicalResearch Associate of theYear

Tim Coles, Representativeof the Year, Innovex-managed

Victoria Abbott,Executive/SeniorRepresentative of the Year

Stephen Gerrard,Representative of the Year,Customer-managed

New Clinicial ResearchAssociate of the YearZoe Ede, AstraZeneca

Pamela Keir, AstraZeneca

Lisa MacDonald, AstraZeneca

Clinical Research Associate ofthe YearTerena Taylor-New, Astra Zeneca

Marie Craig, MSD

Nicola Bowles, Wyeth

New Nurse Adviser of the YearAndrea Miniss, GSK FPRS

Karen Vernon, Merck Serono

Sharon John, GSK HITS

Nurse Adviser of the YearLouise Saxton, Janssen-Cilag, Road to Recovery

Lynn Rostron, GSK FPRS

Karen Sweeney, Pulse

Representative of the Year,Innovex-managedTim Coles, TEVA Respiratory

Ali Thornton, Helix

Priya Madahar, J&J Consumer

Representative of the Year,Customer-managedStephen Gerrard, Wyeth

Caitlin Edwards, BMS VM

Piyush Shah, GE Healthcare

As the winners stepped up to receivetheir awards from Colin Hannah, thethundering applause and evident delightof their colleagues at the BusinessMeeting, was a resounding endorsementof our Leadership Team’s priority: toengage, involve and reward more of ourpeople. Last year, following yourinvaluable feedback from our 2006Employee Engagement Survey, weintroduced a number of new initiatives –such as Tea with the MD and our re-vamped Reward and Recognitionprogramme – each aimed at bringingpeople from all over our businesstogether, improving our communications,and recognising the exceptional work ofso many of our people, both out in thefield and in head office. As Colinconcluded: “The fact that it is the tallestof orders to sift through so many highlydeserving nominations and select theultimate winners, is testament to thesuperb quality of people who work forInnovex UK.”

Field Manager Awards, First-and Second Line, in prize order:

Field Manager of the Year, SalesStephen Scrupps, Helix

Lucy Waterhouse, J&J Consumer

Lavinia Stoneley, Novo Nordisk

Field Manager of the Year, INASSue Porter, Merck Serono

Tracy Spencer-Austin, GSK FPRS

Sian Bowe, Pulse

Field Manager of the Year, ICRS*Kathie Richards* As ICRS operates differently from Sales andINAS and has a small number of managers,Kathie was nominated by Cathy Lane toreceive a Special Recognition Award for herexcellent contribution.

Second-Line Manager of the YearGraham Athey, Sales

Cathy Lane, ICRS

Sandra Whitehead, INAS

Head Office Top AchieverAwardsChris Hodgson, Business Development

Chrissy Elias, Business Development

Matt Lynam, Finance

Special Recognition AwardsCathy Lane, ICRS

Roy Lewis, Facilities

Lavina Perry, Human Resources

Picture-perfect sandy beaches, tropicalazure waters and a spectacular hotel, awaitedthe arrival of the Quintiles and InnovexPresident’s Club winners, and their partners,for the luxury break of a lifetime. This was thefirst year in which Innovex UK had tworepresentatives gain entry to this exclusive

The President’sWhilst our conference was under wa

exclusive Grand Cayman.

CarolineGeraghty isspearheading thelatest advances ofHMS into HealthOutcomes andopportunities formanaging patients athome. Caroline’scontribution toInnovex over thepast twenty years isimpossible to

summarise in a matter of sentences. Carolinejoined our Company fresh from the NHS, andhas since been a constant source ofinnovation within our nurse adviser business:introducing Nurse Direct and mastermindingour strategic alliance with Apollo, to name buta few.Congratulations andmany thanks,Caroline – here’s tothe next 20!

Debbie Wyke,Resourcing, wasRoyce Employee ofthe Year last year,but has been a topperformer within

Long Service AAs well as rewarding the year’s top p

contribution and commitment of peCaroline Geraghty, even twenty years!

Caroline Geraghty, 20Years

Debbie Wyke, 15 Years

Chris Hodgson, HeadOffice Top Achiever

Chrissy Elias, HeadOffice Top Achiever

Matthew Lynam, HeadOffice Top Achiever

Roy Lewis, SpecialRecognition Award

Lavina Perry, SpecialRecognition Award

Cathy Lane, SpecialRecognition Award

Kathie Richards, SpecialRecognition Award

Graham Athey, Second-Line Manager of the Year

Stephen Scrupps, FieldManager of the Year,Sales

Sue Porter, FieldManager of the Year,INAS

Innfo is printed on 100% recycled, chlorine-free paper

club for high performers, so manycongratulations to Brenda and Dawn and toall our President’s Club joiners.

Dave Pope, Business Development Director

Lavinia Stoneley, Regional Business Manager

Jane Feetham, Regional Business Manager

Zena Lauer, Clinical Manager

Leontia Gribben, INAS Field Manager

Brenda Boyle, Senior Medical Representative

Dawn Austin-Davies, Medical Representative II

We’ll look forward to bringing you details oftheir trip in our summer issue of Innfo!

Clubay, a very select few were miles away enjoying life in the lap of luxury, in

Fully equipped, of course, withcutlasses, eye patches and even long-suffering parrots, our pirate teams sailedinto port with a few possessions andsome invaluable information. Their goalwas to use their ‘treasure’ to negotiateand network with the other pirates andtraders in town, to accumulate as muchwealth for their crew as possible.

In no time at all, the ‘port’ was awashwith a frenzy of shady deals and dodgytrades. Nerves were held, cutlassesflashed and eye patches quivered, as our200 delegates proved they are one craftycrew!

Hoist theJolly Roger!

There was no rest forthe wicked! Having

triumphed in thecreative challenge of theadvertising world, on the secondday of the meeting our delegatesre-grouped to get down and dirty,as seventeenth century pirates inPort Royal, Jamaica.

Just as we were going to print, in camethe fantastic news that Chris Kula won theSecond Line Manager category at thePharma Field Awards! Chris saw off stiffcompetition from big and small pharma,and from our competitors, to clinch thisindustry-coveted award at the Pf Awardsnight on Thursday, 13th March, at theRoyal Lancaster Hotel in Hyde ParkLondon. Many congratulations, Chris, andwe’ll look forward to bringing you more onthis story in our summer issue.

!STOP PRESS!Kool Chris wins!Chris Kula wins Second Line

Manager category at PfAwards!Innovex for the fifteen years that she has

worked with us. Debbie started her careerwith Innovex as a sales representative, andwas quickly promoted to Training Managerand then to Regional Resourcing Manager.Now working in our Royce Consultancy,Debbie describes herself as a great starter,rather than a good finisher, because she’seasily bored … but happily, Innovex hasobviously kept her interested for quite a while!

Dave Pope hasalso worked withInnovex for fifteenyears, during whichtime he hasprogressed from hisoriginal position withus as a salesrepresentative, tobecome a ProjectDirector and latterly, aBusinessDevelopment Director. A regular high flyerwithin Innovex, Dave is also a winner in thisyear’s President’s Club and was off sunninghimself on a beach in Grand Cayman, duringour Spring Business Meeting!

Jo James’ motto is to work hard, playhard and NEVER miss an opportunity, and

she’s followed her life-rule to the letter, inher fifteen years withInnovex. The paragonof Innovex flexibility,qualified nurse Jo,joined Innovex as asales representative,was promoted toRegional BusinessManager and thentransferred to INAS.After many successfulyears as a manager in INAS, Jo has recentlychanged roles once again to join ourResourcing division. Jo says she lovesInnovex because it’s “full of change, newchallenges and new beginnings” … She’s notwrong there!

Our thanks and many congratulations alsoto our Ten Years Long Service Awardwinners, as follows: Tim Burgess, Sales;Colleen Duerden, Sales; Melinda Morgan,Resourcing; Adrian Hartley, BusinessDevelopment; Jane Mackenzie-Lawrie, GlobalMarketing; Suzanne Reading, Head Office;Nicola Smith, Sales; Tracy Spencer-Austin,INAS; Eve Townley, Sales; Alison Buttery,INAS; Lindsay Miller, Sales; Fran Coleborn,Head Office; Martin Deal, Sales.

Awardsperformers at the conference, Innovex also recognised the outstandingeople who have worked for the Company for ten, fifteen, and, in the case of

Dave Pope, 15 Years

Jo James, 15 Years

Chris Kula (left) with Chris Hollins, BBCBreakfast sports presenter.