Inlumino Communications' quick guide to PR, Content Marketing, and Social Media

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Transcript of Inlumino Communications' quick guide to PR, Content Marketing, and Social Media

  1. 1. A quick guide to PR | Content Marketing | Social Media
  2. 2. Inlumino Communications Golden Triangle PR Content Marketing Social Media
  3. 3. PR does not stand for press release What is PR? Public Relations Who are the public? That depends PR
  4. 4. O Who are your publics? O How are you going to reach them? O Media engagement O Advertising O Direct Marketing O Brand activation/experience O Social media O Cold Calls O Send an email O Write a letter
  5. 5. O After identifying your public, you can begin to analyse who target media will be: O Local media? O Trade/Industry media? O Consumer media? O Print? O Radio? O Online? Media Engagement
  6. 6. O Media Targets: Who are you going to send a media release to? Identify: O Outlet O Show, Column, Feature in that outlet O Who writes, presents, contributes to that show, column or feature O Best time to contact them? One week Three weeks? A month before deadline? Media Engagement
  7. 7. A media release is a good document to have, but getting a story published will require more: Research the Media O To make sure your story fits with the publication it is necessary to be familiar with the publication. O Know what stories they cover, what angles they pursue, regular columns that might be a good fit with your story. More than a media release
  8. 8. Connect with Journalists O In this era of hyper-connectivity, its a crime not to connect and engage with bloggers, journos and editors. O Follow them on social media, engage with their posts, comment on recent stories theyve reported. O By doing so, youre building up a connection with them which will make your getting your email opened all the more successful because of this interaction. It also helps to ensure that youre pitching a story that is relevant to their area More than a media release
  9. 9. Angles different stories for different media. O Business media get the business angle, O Tech media would get the tech impact the announcement will have, O Trade media gets the angle on how the product will impact the industry, O Consumer media receives the story about how this announcement will impact consumers day to day use of the product O Local media could receive a pitch on how this business will looking to engage the local community with the project. More than a media release
  10. 10. Pitching: Proposing a story to the media outlet. A pitch must be: O personal O offer a quick insight into why the story is important O an appropriate angle O why the news matters O what benefit the outlet would have with publishing such a story O offer exclusiveness to the outlet. More than a media release
  11. 11. The rise of the Prosumer Traditionally the general public has been a media consumer. With the rise of Web 2.0 = social media and content creation platforms The general public are becoming both producers and consumers of media. CONTENT MARKETING
  12. 12. WHAT IS CONTENT? General content Newsletters Blogs & Articles How To & F.A.Q eBooks Video Images Infographics Case Studies
  13. 13. What your Content should do: Inform Engage Create awareness Build relationships Convert casual visitors into regular followers Refer followers: To more information To industry organisations To the answers if you cant help
  14. 14. Why is Content Important? Create relationships Build trust Make you the authority in your industry SEO helps with search engine rankings Youre producing your own content to share on social media and not sharing someone else's content.
  15. 15. Types of Content : Platforms Text: Blogger, Wordpress Images: Instagram, Flickr, Pinterest Video: YouTube, Vine, Instagram Sound: VoiceByte App
  16. 16. What is SEO? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of getting traffic from the free, organic, editorial or natural listings on search engines. All search engines have such results, where web pages are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant. Payment isnt involved, as it is with paid search ads.
  17. 17. How Content Marketing Helps your SEO Creating regular new content on a topic of interest that is being shared. Keywords are being used regularly & repeatedly in context. Outbound links From linking to relevant content in your material. Inbound links Others linking to your relevant content.
  18. 18. How to improve your Content Consistency Make it about the customer not YOU!!! Use keywords throughout the content BUT write naturally, not like a robot. Have attention grabbing headlines Ask questions To generate interaction The answers can help you generate new content ideas too. Lead visitors to enquire
  19. 19. Ideas for Content Share industry news Report/Comment on industry issues Provide answers/solutions to industry challenges Interviews Share case studies
  20. 20. Other uses for Content: O Media: - Convert a blog post into a media release - Show journalists you can comment on the industry: - Youre a worthy source and know your subject. - Already have online links ready - Trade media and journal submissions
  21. 21. Content Marketing is not: O The hard sell. O Telling potential customers how good your business is. O How your product is cheaper/faster/better than your competition. O Listing a price for your product/services O All of the above is advertising.
  22. 22. Why Content Marketing should not involve advertising of any kind: OTraditional advertising is one way and does not stimulate long-term engagement
  23. 23. Things to Consider: OYour content type OResearch your target demographic OMake your content marketing strategic O Create a content calendar O Make regular updates and stick to your calendar OChoose your social media platforms wisely Creating great content is a waste of time if no one sees it.
  24. 24. Choose which platforms you will use. Factors: Business type Industry Customers are they using the platform? Dont just share your content. Connect with others Comment Share other peoples content Have fun Social Media