Ingles b+1 adriana florez

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Transcript of Ingles b+1 adriana florez


Adriana Flórez CalderónGrupo 44

Noviembre 2016.

Assignment 8 Blog

Adriana Flórez calderón- Código 63263239

Grupo 44

TutoraMónica mildre quintero

Universidad nacional abierta y a distancia (unad)

10 Different phrasal verbs, Example of how to use eah one

1. Break downTo fill something with air, like a balloon or to get very angry.Example: I’m blowing all these balloons for the surprise party.

 2. Cheer up To start feeling happier or to make somebody feel happier. Example: I bought some flowers to cheer her up because she’s been sad these days.

3. Hang aroundIt is to spend some time in a place or with a person or other people. Example: They used to hang around together when they were children.  

4. Make something upIt is to invent a story or an excuse that can be something written or said to lie. Example: He made up an extraordinary story and it wasn’t true

5. Phone up To call somebody by telephone.Example: Can you phone her up, please?

6. Sell outIt means to sell everything of something and have no more left for people to buy. Example: They sold out the tickets for the concert.

7. Sort out To organize things that are untidy or to resolve a problem or misunderstanding. Example: My closet is a mess, I need to sort out my clothes.

 8. Take up It is to start doing something like an activity, a job or a hobby. Example: I have recently taken up photography.

9. Throw away Is to dispose of something and putting it in a waste-paper basket. It also means to lose something valuable or important. Example: She doesn’t like throwing things away.  

10. Write down To write something on a piece of paper so that you do not forget it. . Example: Sam wrote her phone number down.

Mapa of course units.

Profile screenshot.

My personal Presentation My name is Adriana Flórez Calderon, I actually live on Cimitarra, I'm studying psychology eighth semester, y In my free time I like to read, listen music, share with my family and friends and cook, for a walk in the mornings.My expectations of the course is to expand my knowledge in English, achieving understand and develop each theme presenting, as the handling of this language in my career is important. Also it gives me the ability to have better job opportunities and open up in the professional field.

5. Talk about your future plans using Present progressive to

talk about:

My family and I are on vacation in Barú, this is a nice place that has white beaches and clear water. My family is very happy enjoying the vacation. Personally, the water, the landscape and the welcome of the people of this island help me to be better in health and encouragement. I feel happy and I am enjoying this vacation to the fullest.

We are with my family taking a walk around the island, knowing about its history and the different beaches, we are also enjoying the great variety of typical dishes of Caribbean food, fish and exotic fruits that the hotel is offering us.

My daughter is drinking a delicious coconut drink, while I am at the kiosk doing some reports for my work. This vacation is the best, my family and I are very happy and want to return to this beautiful island.
