Information processing

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Information processing

Information Processing


  Name the seven dwarves…

Information Processing Theory (IPT)

Learning-an internalprocess,not an externalbehavior change

Types of Knowledge

1. General vs. Specific2. Declarative3. Procedural4. Episodic5. Conditional

Three Primary Stages in IPT

1. Encoding2. Storage3. Retrieval

The Role of Attention

1. To bring information into consciousness, it is necessary that we give attention to it. Such that, we can only perceive and remember later those things that pass through our attention "gate"

2. Getting through this attentional filter is done when the learner is interested in the material; when there is conscious control over attention, or when information involves novelty, surprise, salience, and distinctiveness.

3. Before information is perceived, it is known as "pre categorical" information. This means that until that point, the learner has not established a determination of the categorical membership of the information. To this point, the information is coming in as uninterpreted patterns of stimuli. Once it is perceived, we can categorize, judge, interpret, and place meaning to the stimuli. If we fail to perceive,we have no means by which to recognize that the stimulus was ever encountered.

Short Term Memory (STM or Working Memory)

Capacity: 5 to 9 "chunks" of information limited time

Duration: Around 18 seconds or less

Maintenance Rehearsal

Long Term Memory (LTM)

Capacity: UnlimitedDuration: Indefinite

Executive Control Processes

1. Categorize2. Organize3. Interpret Information4. Forgetting

2 Main Ways


Methods for Increasing Retrieval of Information

1. Rehearsal2. Meaningful Learning3. Organization4. Elaboration5. Visual Imagery6. Generation7. Context8. Personalization

Other Memory Methods1. Serial Position Effect (Recency and

Primacy)2. Part Learning3. Distributed Practice4. Mnemonic Aids