In Memory of Professor Thomas Borcherding

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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In fond memory of Professor Thomas Borcherding, a superb economist, great mentor, and loving friend.

Transcript of In Memory of Professor Thomas Borcherding

Thomas E. Borcherding(Feb. 18, 1939 – Feb. 12,


I was so fortunate to get to know Tom B when I got to CGU. But he was well known to me way before I got here. I remember reading some of his articles as a graduate student at the U of Michigan. His loss is huge to me personally and to our field.- Debbie Freund, Claremont Graduate University

Tom with Lynda

He will be forever in my memory.-Seth Kim

Tom, Paul Zak, Soomi and Debbie

TomB as he was called was one of those special persons I have had the privilege to work with for over 20 years… One of the very few people still using the old methods of a #2 pencil and a notepad to write many of his correspondence and asking me for several drafts, I will surely miss not being able to do that for him. I have very fond memories of Tom and they will always remain with me. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.- Dan Lee.

Tom, Soomi, Rhoda, and Soomi’s Mom, Sunny

Soomi’s Mom, Sunny, Tom, and Rhoda

Tom, BJ, Paul Zak, and Bob Klitggard

Tom and BJ

He called me toots, shrewd cookie...I called him my old man. Best teacher, friend, pop I could have asked for. - BJ

BJ and Tom

I would like to express my deepest condolence. In fact, I do not know what to say, and i really cannot think what I need to do now. I wanted to help Dr Borcherding's family, but it seems they need more time to accept this unreal reality. Please let me know, if there is anything I can do for Professor Borcherding.- Hunjong Yoo, Claremont Graduate University

Tom, Michael Uhlmann, and Jennifer MerollaAt Eunyoung Ha’s House, Feb. 2014

Tom and Soomi

Your last word to me was love. The love you gave me now tears my heart apart. You were my mentor, friend and father. I already miss you so much, Prof. B., my Doktor Vater.- Soomi Lee, your dearest Doktor Tochter.

Soomi’s Mom, Sunny, Tom, and Soomi

Tuesday Talks will never be the same without him. He'll be missed and fondly remembered...-Nawar Omer Abdelmagid

Molly, Lewis Snider, and Tom(Photobombing by Jacek Kugler)

I am greatly saddened, and am heartbroken for Rhoda. Tom taught me some economics that I continue to teach to my own students, and brought humor and wisdom to our endeavor.- Stephen Marks, Pomona College

Ahmed and Tom

Prof. Borch has been a great mentor of so many CGU students.-Saeed Qadir

Ahmed and Tom at Ahmed’s Dissertation Defense

Once again we are reminded of how precious life is. The passing of Professor Thomas Borcherding is without a doubt a great loss in many respects. I shall remember him for his kindness, his wisdom, his humor, his passion for literature and history. He was a mentor and a friend.....and almost a grandfather. I will miss him dearly. Professor Borcherding taught me that in spite of approaching life's issues and challenges with objectivity and methodological rigor, we must also laugh more and appreciate the quirks and idiosyncrasies life has to offer. Rest in peace TEB. - Byron Ramirez, Claremont Graduate University

Ronita and Tom

Rod Smith is right: Tom B. was larger than life. He leaves an emptiness that will be hard to fill.- Sven Arndt, Claremont McKenna College

Soomi’s Birthday Party, 2007

I considered him a friend and will miss him a great deal. He was generous with his feelings, his encouragement, and his time. Please extend my sympathies to his wife and family. I also extend them to you and your colleagues.”- Richard Straton, Claremont Graduate University

Tom and Hugh

He was one of the greatest and kindest professors. He will be missed dearly.- Claudia Araiza

Soomi, Tom, and Deidre McCloskey at Pomona College, 2011

I'll consider myself very lucky if I can impact those around me the way he did.- Sam Schreyer

I'm heartbroken by the loss of one of my favorite professors, Thomas Borcherding. I will always remember him for his support and encouragement as one of the faculty members on my dissertation committee. RIP Dr. Borcherding. You will be very much missed.- Somjita Mitra

RIP Thomas Borcherding you were my favorite professor. You will be missed.- Arsine Khayoyan

Tom at Public Choice Conference Outreach, George Mason University, VA, 2008.

What a shocker! What a loss! Tom was the greatest, funny, outspoken, curious beyond restraint, larger than life, lit up any room he entered, regardless of whether it was filled with economists or others, and kept it lit. Everything after him is anticlimax. I can imagine Ross Eckert greeting him at the Pearly Gates and say “What took you so long?” And Tom responding: “Of course, we’re assuming that they’re pearly.- Ward Elliott, Claremont McKenna College

Tom at Public Choice Conference Outreach, George Mason University, VA, 2008.

I did not know him well, however I did appreciate his kindness and spirited conversations in the Spring of 2012.- Ludwig B. Chincarini, University of San Francisco

Soomi and Tom at Public Choice Conference Outreach, George Mason University, VA, 2008.

I am much saddened by this news. Tom has been a wonderful colleague and friend. We shall not see the like of him again.- James Likens, Pomona College

Tom at Public Choice Conference Outreach, George Mason University, VA, 2008.

This is really sad news for us who are far away from Claremont. We'll always remember and miss him. May his soul RIP.- Bernard Kibesse, Claremont Graduate University

Tom and Dongil

I am searching for words here, given the news. It is a horrendous loss for Rhoda, the boys, CGU, The Claremont Colleges, and to me personally. Tom was a personal friend. If I needed advice regarding life and academics, I would go to his house, or later to his condo near The Claremont Club. As you know, he taught frequently at CMC both in Econ 50 and in Public Choice. We will all miss him.- Manfred Keil, Claremont McKenna College

Tom’s 75th birthday cake

He will sorely be missed!!!- Brock Blomberg, Claremont McKenna College

Tom and Luigi at Tom’s house

RIP old you for being who you were.-Sunil Rongala.

Tom and Luigi at Tom’s house

He was a superb economist. More important, he was a great person and a good friend.- Hans Palmer, Pomona College

Tom and Carlo

I have some very fond memories of Tom B. When I worked with Sven Arndt at the Lowe Institute, he was very kind to me and he never failed to remember me at Christmas (he would bring me a box of See’s Candy) and on Administrative Assistant’s Day even though I worked at CMC and not CGU. - Terri L. Van Eaton, Claremont McKenna College

Moana, Hugh, Tom, and Eric

Oh, this is terrible. I cannot believe it. I just saw Tom on Saturday. He was so sweet and looked just fine. I am so sorry to hear this. This is terrible news. I am so, so sorry.- Yelena Tuzova, Claremont Graduate University

Tom was a great mentor and friend, and he had an enormous impact on my life and career. I will miss him a lot.- Darren Filson, Claremont McKenna College

Patricia and Tom

Such sad news. Tom B was irreverent, rambunctious, intellectually lively, catholic in his interests, a generous soul, a friend. What a loss for us all.- James Lehman, Pitzer College

I want to express my most sincere condolences to you. I have no words to express how deeply sorry I am to hear about Professor Borcherding.  I'm in shock to here this news and my heart is filled with sadness. The world is a less funny, less interesting, less caring, and less honest place now. We will all miss him and he will live in our memory forever. My heart goes out to you and his family in my thoughts and prayers.- Aber Mandil, Claremont Graduate University

What a loss. He was a fine person and a true intellectual.- Michael Kuehlwein, Pomona College

Eleanor Brown, Tom, and Frank WykoffEditing Economic Inquiry

So sorry to lose TomB. He was truly one of the good ones. And reminds me that we old guys have to stay healthy so we can have a lot more seminars!- John Rutledge, Claremont Graduate University

Molly and Tom

I am sending you all my love and appreciation; you have been making and adding significant success to our lives, hearts, and our souls. You will never disappear, since you care legion of truth and love, you are lightening our dark subways and guiding us for better and peaceful future.Always I do appreciate your great mission.- Mahmoud Khalil, The American University, AUE

Bird and Tom

Tom was a great mentor and did a lot for me. I will never forget how much interest he took in my education in Claremont. He pushed me think about how public choice and macro could interact, and was the true inspiration behind my interest in political economy and growth. - Chetan Ghate, Ph.D Economics (1999), Claremont Graduate University

Tom was a man of big heart and brain. It may have seemed that the latter dominated when he thrived on being politically incorrect or when he commented with some cynicism on politics on all levels. But his heart was there in the empathy with the people who pay the price for not being heard or listened to. On the personal level he was warm, helpful and had great empathy for the struggles of many students. They may have started out a bit scared but once they understood where he was coming from, they became devoted to him as professor and human being.- Class Wihlborg, Chapman University

Tom was a great colleague and mentor. From day one, as I stumbled my way figuring out how to be a professor, Tom was there to give me professional advice on any given issue. He wrote me incredibly thorough, helpful, and hilarious emails that taught me how to do it right. I'm very sad that he passed away so soon. I will miss him.- Joshua Tasoff, Claremont Graduate University

I am deeply saddened by the news, thousands of miles away here in Dubai , I still remember professor Borcherding classes , his sense of humor and the way he cared for his students, we will sure miss him , may God bless his soul.- Shereef Ellaboudy, Claremont Graduate University

Hard to imagine Claremont without him. I am sure he will be his usual witty, insightful and brash self in the big seminar up in the sky. ( btw, the seminar reference was his own phrasing).- Tahir Andrabi, Pomona College

James Buchannan and Tom

It is really sad to hear that prof. Borcherding is no more. We will miss him, may his soul rest in peace.- James Machemba, Claremont Graduate University

Gary Becker and Tom, 1991.

I have never taken his courses or was not his student. I always see him around at Tues talk and on campus. A professor like him carries a lot of weight for the institution. It is so sad to see him go. It is such a great lost for CGU.- Aye Aye Khaine, Claremont Graduate University

Tom’s excellent comment onSoomi’s paper

One less star on earth; one more among the heavens.- Gerard Pacificar, Claremont Graduate University