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Fisheries Resource and Environmental Management Division

Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)

Barrackpore, Ko1kata - 700 120





Dr. Manas Kr. Das


Dr. S. Samanta

Bulletin No. 166 December 2010

Fisheries Resource and Environmental Management Division

Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)Barrackpore, Kolkata - 700120, West Bengal



Dr. Manas Kr. Das

&Dr. S. Samanta

[ © 2010, Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore

IISSN : 0970-616X

Published by

Dr. A. P. Sharma, DirectorCentral Inland Fisheries Research Institute

Barrackpore, Kolkata - 700 120, West Bengal

Print~d at

Eastern Printing Processor


• Introduction

The aquatic ecosystem very often serve as the mirrorof environmental degradation due to variousanthropogenic activities.In recent years the inland aquaticresources in India, constituted of rivers and theirfloodplains, reservoirs,estuaries, estuarine impoundments,mangroves and lakes is being subjected to increasinganthropogenic stress. It is expected that the pace of riverand floodplain modifications will intensify in the comingyears in response to the economic imperatives ofdevelopment. This implies that the habitat of fish willbe placed under increasing pressure. From the fisheriespoint of view interest in the environmental aspect ofthese water bodies is centered round harvesting maximumsustainable yield of fishes to meet the 5.3 million t inlandfish requirement of the country by 2012. Production ofharvestable biological materials from an aquaticecosystem is dependent on a very complex communitymetabolism. Thus, the habitat constraints that have nodirect bearing on fish can also impair the fishproductivity.

• How good is the aquatic habitat for fish

The inland fisheries resources, namely the rivers andtheir tributaries, the flood-plain wet lands (beel, jheeland bheries) and reservoirs where the main thrust for

enha~cing inland fish production in India would rest donot serve as a good habitat for optimum fish health.



---"--- - - - ~-~ -~-::- - ~- -: - -~ - -~.: --- ~ ~Domestic sewage discharge in river Yamuna

• What are the sources of the aquatic habitatdegradation


Domestic waste

» Domestic and municipal effluents are estimated toconstitute 75% of India's wastewater by volume

» The enormity of sewage pollution is reflected in theriver Ganga in which more than 70% of the totalpollutionalload is contributed by the sewage.

» Municipal sewage is very often accompanied bytrade waste synthetic detergents, heavy metals and(MBAS) from small scaleindustries sprawling aroundthickly urban areas.

Burning ghat on bank of river Ganga

Industrial wastes

}) There are 3 million small-scale industrial units

(SSIUs), about 35.30% of them are of pollutingnature.

}) Of the large water polluting industrial unitsdischarging effluents into the rivers and lakes, only29% have adequate effluent treatment plants.

}) 229 class I cities in India generate about 16662.5MLD of waste water whereas the capacity to treatonly 4037 MLD exists. 345 Class II towns generateabout 1650 MLD of waste water whereas capacityto treat only 61.5 MLD exists.

Agricultural runoff

}) The problem of water pollution becomes more severeas the magnitude of agricultural runoff containingpesticides and fertilizers is very vast.

}) The fertilizer (N+P205+ K20) consumption in Indiahas increased from 7.7 million tonnes in 1984 to17.54 million tonnes of nutrients in 2000-01.

}) Use of pesticides also increased from 24,305 tonnesin 1971 to 61,357 tonnes in 1994-95.

Only 25-30%of total cultivatedarea isunder pesticidecover. Yet the pesticides and their residues havepolluted agricultural produce and differentcomponents of environment mainly due to improperhandling, wrong use schedule, non-awareness aboutchemicals and their residue behaviour.

Industrial effluent discharge inrivers Damodar and Ganga

Growth of agriculture near river banks


Abstraction of water

» The projected water requirement of India forirrigation and other uses from the different water

course, as estimated during 2025 is approximately1100 billion cubic meter.

» 80% of India's utilizable water is devoted to

agriculture in the form of irrigation and 6% forindustrial water use (Mo WR). Demand of domesticsector is only 5% of the annual fresh waterwithdrawals in India.

» The large scale abstraction alters the water qualityby reducing the load bearing capacity of down streamwater. Although water abstracted for the various

needs are drained back into the water system, but itis contaminated by a variety of substances detrimentalto aquatic life.

Utilization of Damodar river water








» Nearly 5334 million tons of soil is eroded annuallyfrom the cultivable land and forests of India.

» On cropland, the erosion can range from less than3 to more than 50t acre-Ii'.

)} The country's riverscarry approximately 2050 milliontons of soil of which nearly 480 million tons isdeposited in the reservoirs and 1572 million tons iswashed into the sea every year.

)} The loss of storage capacity of reservoir due to siltingis by far the most serious problem created by soilerosion .The sediment load of the river Ganga andBrahmaputra are the highest in the country with 586million t to 470 million t respectively. Of the majorriver basins studied in the country more than onethird carry sediment loads of 100 million t or more.

Sandification of river bed

The bed of river Ganga upto Patna is predominantlysand blanketting productivity at the soil water interface.Further, frequent and massive sand extraction from theriver bed colonization and growth of aquatic fauna andflora.

Sand extraction in Damodar river

Flood Plain wetlands

)) The wetlands, located in the states of West Bengal,

~sam, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are mostly in variousstages of eutrophication.

Weeds and jute retting inwetlands

Majority of them are choked with submerged orfloating vegetations and have sub optimal waterquality causing stress to the resident fish.



Sewage fed bheries

» The sewage fed bheries of West Bengal where fishesare reared in approximately 4,000 ha of water area,is a unique and inexpensive system of rearing fish,sustaining a sizeable fish eating population ofKolkata. But the ecologicalconditions of the wetlandsfed with Kolkata minicipal sewage limit fishproduction.


» Industrial development and urbanization in thecatchment of reservoirs has caused eco-degradationof the reservoirs.

» Industrial effluents, thermal power plants, domesticwater siltation have degraded various reservoirs likeMusi, Byramangala, Hussain Sagar, Tungabhadra,Rihand, Panchet, Hirakud Dam, Gorakhpur,Harangi, Bhavanisagar, Govindsagar andNizamsagar to name a few.


Climate change

Coupled with the other degrading sources of aquatichabitat the climate of India in the past few decades isshowing perceptible changes. The manifestations are.

» Increase in surface air temperatures of 0.4° Coverthe past century. In the Gangetic plains the meanmaximum air temperature during March toSeptember during 1986-2005has increased by 0.68°C

and mean minimum air temperature has increasedby 0.37°C . Water temperature changes in the upperstretch of river Ganges at Haridwar indicate anincrease of 1.5°C in the annual mean minimum

water temperature at present compared to the period1970-86.

» Regional monsoon rainfall variations and risingtrend in the frequency of heavy rain events.Percentage of total rainfall in the peak breedingperiod (May- Aug) in the last two decades declinedby 5% whereas it increased by 7% in the post­breeding period in the middle stretch of river Ganga.

» Multi-decadal periods of more frequent droughts,followed by less severe droughts and increasingtrend in severe storm incidence along the coast ofthe states of West Bengal and Gujarat.

» Sea level rise between 1.06-1.75 mm per year.

Ways by which the stressed environment impactinland fisheries

Fish recruitment

Water abstraction and consequent reduced stream flowand shifting pattern of monsoon rains has affected thebreeding and recruitment of fishes. The oxbow lakes,deep pools and other lentic water bodies associated withthe rivers act as sanctuaries for the brooders which getisolated with inadequate discharge rates.

The fish spawn availability index in river Ganga hasdeclined. The share of the major carp seeds are decreasingat a fast rate. In the middle stretch of river Ganga spawnavailability has declined from 281 m1during 1970sto 27m1in recent years (1996 to 2000).

Majority of fishes of the Ganga river system breed duringthe monsoon months i.e. June to August depending on

the seasonal floods. Shift of rainfall to the post-breedingperiod leads to resorption of eggs of !MCs.,..---<I


_ 2800E2800~ 2400'E'2200~ 2000fT 1800!18000. 1400:. 1200

~ 1(1))~ 800£ 800



Indices of spawn quantity (ml) of ganga tlver system dullng1961 to 2000


y: 3$55 e'"'"R':0837


1001-&5 1966-70 1971-75 1001-*5 1986-90 1991-95 1996-2000


Fish composition

The total average fish landing in the Ganga river systemhas declined from 85.21 t during 1959 to 62.48 t during2004.In general the percentage of IMC declined withthe increase of other fish groups

Invasion of Exotic fish species

» Alterations in the fish composition are prominentin the inland waters.

» In the Allahabad and Varanasi stretch of river Ganga,the share of exotics is mostly that of common carpand is approximately 15 to 30 % of the total catch.In Yamuna (Agra and Mathura) stretch C.carpio, 0.niloticus and C. garipenius constitutes approx.18-25% of the catch.

Exotic fishes

Change in Salinity

» There has been a overall decline in the salinity of

Hooghly-Matla estuary after commissioning ofFarrakka barrage with gradient and marine zonespushed down towards sea. This has brought aboutdistinct change in the species composition of fisheswith freshwater species making their appearance intidal zone and a few neritic species disappearing.

» In Krishna estuary on the contrary, the wateravailability in the river downstream of PrakasamBarrage has dwindled. As a result an increase insalinity from 20 to 35 ppt has occured because oftidal seawater incursion into the riverine stretch andmullets are the dominant catches (80 %).

Obstructions to fish migration

» Hilsa is a classical example of anadromous fishesbeing affected due to obstruction of their migratorypathways by dams. Their natural migratory rangeof 1500 km from the Hooghly estuary to Allahabadon the Ganga has been affected.

» The dams in the upper stretches of the river obstructmigration of mahseers (Tor spp) and Schizothorax sp.

that move to the upper stretch of the river forbreeding.

» Majority of these hydraulic structures in India donot have the provisions of fish pass, resulting insignificant reduction of fish species and yield.


Gill damage in fish




Water quality: The adverse effects of sewage pollutionare deoxygenation, high BOD load, rapid eutrophicationand accumulation of heavy metals in the environment.Sharp fall in dissolved oxygen in water puts the bioticcommunities under severe stress. This is evident in manystretches of rivers like the stretch from Delhi to Agra inriver Yamuna and in the various weed choked wetlands

of West Bengal and Assam.

Suspended solids: Exposure of fishes in river Damoder tofly ash produced from thermal power plants causerespiratory distress. This is due to deposition of coal dustparticles and fine silt on the gills. Damages occur in theprimary and secondary gill lamellae with swollen tips.

Heavy metals: Heavy metal contamination has been aproblem for fisheries in the rivers. Metal is a point sourcepollutant and since it gets adsorbed or precipitated veryquickly on particulate matters, the effect is not clearlyobserved zone wise in a river. The estuary zones of riverGanga is heavily industrialised with metal contaminationin water but the high tidal flushing activity is not allowingthe metals to accumulate at alarmingly high levels.

The toxic metalloid arsenic contamination in groundwater is widely distributed in nature. Nearly 42.7 millionpeople in nine districts of West Bengal are affected witharsenic problem, where contaminated ground water isusually used. In one such area of Nadia district, arsenicconcentrations up to 116 /lg I-Ihave been detected in thesurveyed pond water, a level much higher than theNational drinking water permissible limit of 50 /lg t1andWHO limit of 10/lgtl. A number of fisheswere examinedfor their arsenic accumulation in fleshes. About 20%_0the fish samples collected from arsenic affected area hadarsenic content above the permissible level of 100 /lgkg-I, indicating moderate level of risk associated withhuman consumption.

Cd level in the sediments of inland waters







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Arsenic contamination in fish fleshes1000





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::fI====:J Ma>dmumvalue ~A>"erage value - •• Permissible limit

Pesticides: The pesticide residues from Indian aquaticenvironment are limited to the organochlorines. This isbecause organochlorine insecticides were the only groupof chemicals used in the initial phase (almost entireamount) and were also the dominant group in the latter


stages (>50%)of use. The organophosphates, carbamates,etc. are esters and are relatively quickly degraded in theenvironment. Organochlorines, on the other hand, arelipophilic and persistent, which accumulate in the foodchain and, therefore, are the compounds routinelyencountered in the samples derived from nature.Ingeneral, higher residues are reported from the fresh waterzone of the estuaries, the sites of effluent and agriculturalfield washing discharges.

Maximum organochlorine pesticides residue in the surface water of India













Pesticides as runoff from agricultural fields is also amajor source of pollutant in floodplain wetlands.

Safe levels of Pesticides for water and fish: In India, permissiblelimits of the organochlorine pesticides for aquaticorganisms or their consumers have not yet beendeveloped.Thus the US EPA limits (EPA,2002, 2006)are considered for comparison. All the surface waterresources are contaminated with the residues of

organochlorine pesticides, the level of which often crossthousand times over the permissible limits.However, theresidues in fish fleshes are below harmful level for human

consumption except in a few cases.


Organochlorine pesticides in the water of Bansdah beel

E!IOrganodw line pesticides

0.052 56/ 19 (fresh water / saline water CCC)

US EPA limit of organochlorine pesticides (ngt1~ ~For human health CCC for Aquatic organism


25, ,~ 20I


j 15








a-HCHp-HCHy-HCH( 14,41-DD1'j <,

4,4'-DDE)I 4,4'-DDD










Endosulfan Iiptac blor Aldrin



a/f3 -Endosu1fan





3.6/3.6 (fresh water/saline water CCC)


Maximum organochlorine pesticides residue in the aquatic biota of India


SO40- 30





Gomti Yamuna



0.1 1.4

Hooghly Vellar river Blleriestuary (KoJkata)

Paper and pulp mill effluent: Impact of toxic dischargefrom paper and pulp mill in river Hooghly or sugar millsin rivers Kali, Churni is reflected in erratic movementand mortality of fishes. Bleaching powder present in thepaper and pulp mill effiuents release free chlorine whichis highly poisonous with corrosive properties and isresponsible for fish mortality. Sugar mill effluents depleteDO in the river water resulting in fish morbidity andmortality.

Bio-magnification of pollutants: Organochlorine pesticidesare lipophilic and persistent, accumulate along the foodchain and, therefore, are the compounds routinelyencountered in the samples derived from nature.

In the Hoogh1y estuary, studies were conducted todetermine the bio-concentration factor of DDT. The

observed levels of DDT in different components of thefood chain and bio-magnification factors show the bio­concentration factor of 7500 for fish and 15833 for

bivalves indicating risk associated with the terrestrialconsumers including human beings.


Biomagnification of DDT in aquatic food chain in Hooghly estuary

Bivalve 950 Ppbfador 158D

Climate change

Wl!ll:er 0.06 PPbfador 1 -----.

5edi ment 10 PPblfactor 1166 I

Plankton 150 PPblfactor 2500

IFi!lih 450 ppbfactor 1500

_GIIltropod 220 ppb ifador 3666

, __ <. __ ._ ....J

Shift in geographical distribution of the Gangetic fishesis evident. Warm water fishes like G. giuris, P. ticta,

X. canciZa,M vittatus, C. catZamainly inhabiting in themiddle and lower Ganga, are now available in upperGanga at Haridwar and above. The present increase of1.SOC in the annual mean minimum water temperaturein the upper stretch of river Ganges at Haridwar hasresulted in such shift.

G~~'Di!:;~JiAf~:u.~g~~~lSf)4S.9l#$4l.1l1 to.~ima~ 'l',t3cmiq'"

I. T"hri:t·~PP.Y"$.'$. lY$hik",b~. 1f.Midwat's. Bljoor(,. G••rhmuktn_i.AnupsabJlr$, PlU'Uldubad9. Kannauj



Changes in environmental flow

The National Water policy (NWP) of India stipulates(Clause 14.3) that "Minimum water flow should beensured in the perennial streams for maintaining ecologyand social considerations". However, the NWP alsoplaces environment in the fourth order of priority forallocation of water. The sequence of priority is drinkingwater, irrigation, hydropower, and then environment.This means that at any particular location, the availablewater after supplying the requirements of drinking,irrigation and hydropower requirement, the requirementof environment will be fulfilled. On the other hand, theconcept of a minimum flow in the river stipulates thata certain quantity of water is to be first allocated tomaintain this minimum flow, and all other requirementsare to be supplied only from the balance if any. Thisupgrades the environment requirements at priority one.Thus it is seen that placing of environment at fourthpriority in the NWP creates a conflict with the conceptof minimum flows or EFR.

How are the fishers affected

Livelihood issues: Fisheries are one of the main sourcesof livelihood and employment opportunities for the ruralpoor, particularly the fisher community. In case of inlandwaters, fisheries in open waters (Rivers, Reservoirs,Floodplains and Estuaries) are, although, of subsistencetype, yet, have high potentials for productionenhancement. The fish catches from these waterscontribute significantly to their food and nutritionalsecurity. Inland aquaculture has witnessed the highestgrowth rate and emerged as the most important andcontributing activity to fisheries sector. The livelihoodoptions exist for both the poor and large fish farmersthrough horizontal and vertical integration of tJ1eenterprise. Unfortunately due to degradation of the inlandaquatic resources the rivers, wetlands and reservoirs hasnot been able to attain their fish production potential.

Fishers engaged in fishing activities in the states of Gangetic plain



Rajasthan 0.07

Jharkhand 0.56

Full time %


Uttar Pradesh 1.48

Bihar 5.44

Jharkhand 0.00

Part time %



Concerns of stake holders of Inland waters

India is endowed with vast open large water bodies andsmall closed waters. These waters have multiple uses,ownerships and stakeholders.



Community participation: The multiple ownership of the

water bodies for sustainable exploitation of fish stocks

can be achieved through community participation and

co-management. It is also high time to implement thecode of conduct for responsible fisheries. The country

has a strong traditional wisdom and know-how in different

aspects of fisheries

and aquaculture. While the programmes could benefitgreatly by harnessing these, it is also imperative thatthere should be an active community participation fortheir successful implementation. The people'sparticipation programmes have demonstrated thatparticipation in the fish conservation programme ispossible only when the members of the target group areable to pool their efforts and resources in pursuit ofobjectives and goals they set for themselves. The mostefficient means of achieving this objective are small,democratic and informal groups of 8 to 15 like mindedpeople. All the programmes on conservations aiming atecological restoration for maintanace of optimum fishhealth and socio-economic development would havebetter chances of success if people visualise these as theirown activity.The fish conservation movement necessarilyinvolves both.

The agencies and laws governing the aquaticresources

» For inland fisheries and its beneficiaries as stake

holder the significance of water lies in the fact thatwater in the river, reservoir or lake serve as habitatfor fish unlike other stakeholders. For suggestingany policy for inland fisheries development it isessential to understand the structure and mechanism

of water quality governance in India.

Policy Framework

» The policy framework of Government of India formanagement of water resources are elucidated inNational Water Policy (2002); National ConservationStrategy and Policy Statement on Environment andDevelopment (1992);Policy statement for Abatement0f Pollution (1992) and Draft National EnvironmentPolicy (2004).

» The policy statements and strategies advocated aretechnological measures like use of clean technologiesand water pollution control systems; zoning strategy



like setting up of source specific and area wise waterquality standards and time bound plans to preventand control pollution; fiscal incentives forenvironmentally clean technologies, recycling andreuse of wastes and conservation of natural resources,

operationalization of polluter pays principle andcommand control like enforcement of pollutioncontrol norms, environmental audit, EIA andclearance of projects by MOEF above certain size.

Legal Framework

» The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)Act, 1974 : It has created the Central and StatePollution Control Boards (CPCB and SPCBs).

» The Water Cess Act, 1977: It was amended in 2003and its main attention is to enhance the finance of

the CPCB and SPCBs by imposing a levy (cess) onwater consumed by certain industries and by localauthorities.

» The Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986: Itempowers the Central Government to decideemission standards, restricting industrial sites, layingdown procedures and safeguards for accidentprevention and handling of hazardous wasteinvestigation and research on pollution issues.

» The Environment Impact Assessment introduced in1994, empowered Central Government to imposerestrictions and prohibitions on installationexpansions or modernization of 30 types of activitiesunless an environmental clearance is granted.

Institutional Framework

» At present, states generally plan, design and executewater supply schemes. Water supply and sanitationis a state responsibility under the Constitution ofIndia. The states may give the responsibility andpowers to the Panchayati Raj institutions (PRIs) and

Urban Local Bodies (ULBs). In addition, a varietyof different government institutions at the centrehave a role in the management of declining of watersupply.

» Ministries of Water Resources, industry, power,agriculture, environment and forests, ruraldevelopment, urban development are some of themajor stakeholder's ministries that have a mandatein water resource management.

» Other important institutions that have a major rolein water resource/ quality management are CentralWater Commission, Central GroundwaterBoard/Authority, Central Water Quality Authority,Central and State Pollution Control Boards.

What is emerging out very dearly from the variousresearches conducted in India is that we will have to live

with water scarcity and variability in coming years. Thusmanaging water for agricultural production, domesticand industrial consumption and fisheries / environmentaluses along with maintaining the water quality will be adaunting task. The various technical guidelines /solutions, awareness programmes will have no practicaluse to the water users especially for fisheries, unlesssupported by decision making people who ensure thatsolutions are inbuilt into governance and institutionalframework.


Projects addressing Aquatic Ecosystem and Fish HealthManagement at CIFRI

• Developing fish-basedindicator tools for environmentmonitoring

• Monitoring and bioaccumulation of metal andpesticides contamination in the food chain of inlandopen waters

• Microbial diversity assessment and their role inenvironmental mitigation in inland waters

• Estimation of stress mediated genetic contaminationin fishes from different stressed ecosystems

• Developing health management protocols for inlandaquatic ecosystems through proteomics

• Arsenic In Food Chain: Cause, Effect and Mitigation

• Impact Adaptation and Vulnerability of Indianagriculture to climate change- Impact assessment ofclimate change on Inland Fisheries

• Microbial Phosphorus Transformations in InlandOpen Waters

• Bio-prospecting of genes and allele mining for a­biotic stress Tolerance

• Toll-like Receptors in Phylogenetically DivergentFish Species-Their Contribution in Modulating theInnate Immunity

• Nutrient profiling and evaluation of fish as a dietarycomponent

• Assessment of inland resources using remote sensing


• Development and standardization of Database onWeb GIS platform for capture fisheries

• Strengthening of Database and GeographicalInformation system of the Fisheries Sector

For Further information:

1. Samanta, S.; Mitra. K.: Chandra, K., Saha,K., Bandyopadhyay, S. and Ghosh, A. (2005) Heavymetals in water of the rivers Hoogh1y and Ha1di atHa1dia and their impact on fish. J Environ. BioI. 26

(3) : 517-523.

2. Das, M. K and Samanta, S. 2006 Application of anindex of biotic integrity (lEI) to fish assemblage ofthe tropical Hooghly estuary. Indian Journal ojFisheries,

53(1) : 47-57

3. Samanta S. (2006) Organochlorine pesticide residuesin fish of river Ganga in West Bengal Pestic Res. J18 (1) : 104 - 108.

4. Das M. K. (2006). Environment and its impact oninland fisheries in India. pp.250-265. In K.K. Vass,K. Mitra, Y.R. Suresh, P.K. Katiha & N. P.Srivastava.Ed. River Fisheries of India Issues and current

status Published by Central Inland Fisheries Societyof India, Barrackpore. Ko1kata

5. Das M.K. (2007). Environment and Fish Health: AHolistic Assessment of Inland Fisheries in India.

Published by Narendra Publishing House, Delhi.pp. 137-151. Edited by Umesh C. Goswami.

6. Das. M. K., Samanta, S. and Saha, P.K. 2007.Riverine health and Impact on Fisheries in India.Policy Paper No.1, ISSN, 0970-616X42, CentralInland Fisheries Research Institute , Barrackpore,Ko1kata

7. Samanta, S., Chandra, K., Manna, S. K. and Saha,K. (2007) Sediment status of the Hooghly and Ha1diestuaries at Ha1dia industrial area with specialreference to trace metals. J Indian Soc. Soil Sc. 55(3)

: 349-359.



8. Samanta S. (2007) Pesticide use and its implicationson the Indian aquatic ecosystems with specialemphasis on fishery.In U. C. Goswami (ed.). 'Naturaland Anthropogenic Hazards on Fish & Fisheries'.Narendra Publishing House, Delhi, India. pp 305­326.

9. Das M. K. and Saha P.K. 2008. Impacts andadaptation of inland fisheries to climate change inIndia Bull No. 151. CIFRI, Barrackpore. p 26.

10. Das M. K. and Hassan Abul 2008. Fish passes ­design and application with special reference to IndiaBull No. 156. CIFRI, Barrackpore. p 38.

11. Vass, K. K.; Samanta, S.; Suresh, V. R.; Katiha, P.K. And MandaI, S. K. (2008) Current status of riverGanges. Bull No. 152. Central Inland FisheriesResearch Institute, Barrackpore. p 34.

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Fisheries Resource and Environmental Management Division,Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute

Barrackpore, Kolkata - 700 120website: http//

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