Importantance of using wireless Reversing Camera

Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Importantance of using wireless Reversing Camera

Common Sense is also Important When Using Wireless Reversing Camera If there’s one thing you’ll notice about cars these days, it’s that many of them are fitted with wired or wireless reversing camera, parking sensors, or a combination of both. And with the installation of reverse cameras in vehicles set to be mandatory in the United States by 2018, car manufacturers are riding the wave and coming up with new car models with built-in cameras in them. However, some people are still not convinced with the effectiveness of such devices in preventing accidents. According to Jack Biddle, a columnist for the New Zealand Herald, there are car owners who argue that these devices make for poorer drivers. With these sort of driving aids installed in their vehicles, younger generation or the least experienced drivers lose some of the basic driving skills they have learned such as judging parking distances and using both rear vision and side mirrors more when reversing. While there might be some truth in these arguments, Mr Biddle believes that installing a reversing camera kit in one’s car is still a practical move for vehicle owners. He provided the following reasoning for his argument: 1. People are now living in a world where they have come to expect and rely on modern technology for occupant safety and entertainment in their motor vehicles. 2. Vehicle design has changed throughout the years and this has resulted in blind spots and obstructed views for driver when checking their surroundings. According to him, the installation of reversing cameras for cars and/or parking sensors has definitely helped car owners, even the most experienced driver, deal with such issues. Also, there have been studies proving that reversing cameras can indeed add another layer of safety for both drivers and pedestrians. However, Mr Biddle warned that car owners should not entirely rely on these devices to save their lives and prevent accidents. He said modern technology will “never take away personal responsibility when it comes to the use of reverse cameras and parking sensors.” As such, it is very important that car owners also rely on their common sense and their driving skills when reversing. “A camera is ideal to use as a final check to ensure the rear is still clear after entering your vehicle and before reversing, while the sensors may be adequate to assist when parking or better than a camera when backing down a tight driveway,” Mr Biddle wrote. So whether you are using a wireless or wired rear view camera, it is important that you also take a good look at your surroundings to ensure your safety and everyone else’s. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for top quality and affordable reversing cameras, visit Elinz Electronics.