Important scientists

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Important scientists

A work lovingly created by Joanne ManasterCell Biology and Bioengineering Instructor at theUniversity of Illinois-UrbanaSeptember 2008

I could not decide how to order these slides—by date? Alphabetically? By country of origin? Or by the order we generally present the material in class? I ultimately decided to list the discoverers in

order of their birth year. I hope you can get an idea of the flow of science, if even just a little….

I am anticipating that those who have a strong biology background will get the most out of these slides. However, there are still things you can pick up even if that is not the case.› Especially if you have a good

sense of humor!

Many, but not all, of you reading this will know what histologyhistology is…but just in case you don’t know:

If you can see an bodily structure with your eyes, this falls in the category of anatomyanatomy.

If you use a microscope to view the structure up close, then you would be doing histology.

Most histologists are Most histologists are German primarily German primarily because they made because they made great microscopes. great microscopes. › The Japanese came to study The Japanese came to study

with the Germans and thus with the Germans and thus they began making great they began making great microscopes, too!microscopes, too!

Even though the French Even though the French made great strides in made great strides in early medical research, early medical research, they were distrustful of they were distrustful of microscopes and didn’t microscopes and didn’t make many early make many early histological discoverieshistological discoveries› And the Russians studied with And the Russians studied with

the French…hence…..the French…hence…..

Studying histology Studying histology was first made was first made mandatory for mandatory for medical students in medical students in 1893 by John’s 1893 by John’s Hopkins Medical Hopkins Medical School!School!

Photos of the scientists weren’t always available, so I did my best.› Expect a few

substitutions!! Thanks to Wikipedia for

providing the jumping off point for many of the portraits and scientist information!


Most histological pictures come from Wheater’s Functional Histology, my favorite text and atlas for this subject.

Check out for more eponyms.

Italian who was one of the founders of anatomy

Added to knowledge of anatomy of the ear› Eustachian tube Eustachian tube connects

nasopharynx (throat) to middle ear to equalize pressure

Studied development and structure of teeth

Found the adrenal glands Feared excommunication

from the church if he published his anatomy book, Anatomical Engravings› Regardless, it became a best

seller about a century later

16th century Italian anatomist

Studied the anatomy of the head and added to what was known about the inner ear

Known for the aquaductus Fallopi the facial nerve passage

and more famously for the Fallopian tubeFallopian tube in the female reproductive tract

You’re looking at the tube in cross section. The lining tissue is highly folded and the cells lining the inside have cilia to help propel to newly released oocyte to the uterus

English anatomist and physician› Wrote first thorough account of the

glands in the body Adenographia

› Explained the role of saliva in mastication

› Discovered the thyroid and gave it that name Thought it was there to make the neck

shapely (uh oh, not quite)

› Found the jelly in the umbilical cord called Wharton’s jellyWharton’s jelly We now know this a great source of

adult stem cells

› Also found the submandibular salivary gland duct that bears his name.

Mesenchymal cells: stem cells forMesenchymal cells: stem cells forall connective tissue –blood, bone,all connective tissue –blood, bone,fat, cartilage, dermis, tendon, etcfat, cartilage, dermis, tendon, etc

Italian physician› Founder of microscopic anatomy

and the first histologist

First to do the following:› Discovered taste buds› Discovered capillaries› Maybe first to see red blood cells

under microscope› Chick embryology› Discovered that insects don’t use

lungs to breathe

His name is on the following:› Malpighian layer Malpighian layer of the skin

Term for basale and spinosum layers of epithelium

› Malpighian corpuscles Malpighian corpuscles in the kidney & spleen

Dutch physician and anatomist Invented a practical syringe Describe functions of many parts

of both male and female reproductive system

Collected secretions of the pancreas and gall bladder

The Graafian follicleGraafian follicle in the ovary bears his name› Last stage of oocyte development

before ovulation

Italian anatomist and physician› Made senior consulting

physician to Pope Clement XI

Studied the kidney and discovered final ducts before the ureters called the Ducts of BelliniDucts of Bellini

Swiss anatomist› Author of an important work for

veterinary medicine› Worked with Johann Conrad Brunner› Random fact-

he was a Calvinist (and so was Bernoulli)

Found discrete tissue areas in the ileum of the small intestine› He mistakenly thought patches secreted

digestive enzymes› Are secondary lymphatic nodules

(immune system) All of the purple dots are lymphocytes

› Ileum is the last part of the small intestine before the colon Not to be confused with the ilium of the

pelvic bone

English physician Studied microstructure of

bone Haversian systems Haversian systems include

a central blood vessel and nerve in the Haversian Haversian canalcanal, lamellae, lacuna and canaliculi› Bone is laid down in calcified

layers (like tree rings) (lamellae)

› Bone cells live in the tiny holes (lacuna) and communicate via tiny channels (canaliculi)

Swiss Anatomist Studied both the exocrine and

endocrine pancreas› Removed the pancreas from a

dog and saw the symptoms of diabetes

› But, unfortunately didn’t make the leap to connect these symptoms to the disease seen in humans-oops!

Described the tubuloalveolar glands in duodenum› Brunner’s glands Brunner’s glands secrete an

alkaline substance that helps neutralize stomach acid coming into the small intestine

German anatomist Found the ampulla of Vater› Juncture of pancreatic duct

and common bile duct

In 1719, he discovered oval shaped organs in the skin with concentric layers of connective tissue with a nerve ending in the center

Rediscovered by Filippo Pacini in 1831

Corpuscles of Vater-PaciniCorpuscles of Vater-Pacini

German anatomist and physician› Invented the solar microscope› Also invented a reflector to

view opaque specimens easily

Main histological contribution was discovering the glands of the small intestine and colon-the crypts of crypts of LieberkuhnLieberkuhn› Main source of various Main source of various

digestive enzymesdigestive enzymes

French physician and professor of anatomy in Paris

Discovered the innermost of the cornea’s five layers called Descemet’s Descemet’s membranemembrane

Johnny DeppHe has the same initialsAs Jean Descemet.He likes to live in France and is seen here with a French style mustache and goatee, and undoubtedly has corneas! F

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Bohemian physiologist Pioneer in histological techniques› First to use something like a microtome

Like a mini meat slicer to section tissue Described the Purkinje effectPurkinje effect

› as light intensity decreases red objects seem to fade faster than blue objects of the same brightness

Found Purkinje cells Purkinje cells of the cerebellar cortex

Found Purkinje fibers Purkinje fibers of the heart Introduced the term plasma

› And protoplasm

Except for Pacini› Because he’s

Italian?› And it truly just

worked out this way! Weird!

German Professor of anatomy› May have robbed graves to

obtain cadavers for his research and teaching

› Injected red wax into arteries of cadavers to make them easier to view

Discovered corneal nerves of eye

Discovered canal of canal of SchlemmSchlemm› Collects aqueous humor from

anterior chamber of the eye and delivers it to the blood stream

German physiologist, anatomist

Contributed to the understanding that sympathetic nerves arise from sympathetic and spinal ganglia

Found the blood vessel channels in bone called Volkmann’s Volkmann’s canalscanals› These run perpendicular

to the Haversian canals

A Scottish anatomist and friend of Charles Darwin.

The “Father of Modern Physiology” in Britain

Spoke out about using unanesthitized animals for experimentation.

Wrote many papers about ciliacilia and its function. Cilia is found atop epithelial cells to help

move items in the lumen along Found the collagenous bundles

that anchor the periosteum to the bone. (1848)› These fibers also anchor teeth to

gums › Also binds cranial bones so they are

firmly attached but moveable› His name is befitting the long pointy

things he is credited with› Probably did NOT invent the Sharpie

marker, although that would have been a pretty lucrative idea.

Cortical bone

periosteumSharpey’s fibers

German physician, pathologist, anatomist› Wrote Handbook of

Systemic Human Anatomy

› Published papers on new species, the lymphatic system, the development of hair, the formation of mucus and pus, the distribution of epithelia through the human body.

Most well known for discovering the loop of loop of HenleHenle in the kidney that connects the proximal convoluted tubule to the distal convoluted tubule› Henle’s layerHenle’s layer: Outer

layer of cells of root sheath of a hair follicle.

Along with Robert Koch, Robert Koch, his student, they clearly defined the four criteria to establish that a bacteria caused a specific disease.

Cross section through hair

German physiologist, histologist and cytologist

Developed the cell theory› All living things are composed

of cells or cell products.

Discovered pepsin› Digestive enzyme in stomach

Invented the term “metabolism”

Discovered Schwann cell Schwann cell in the peripheral nervous system› Provides the myelination and

support for axons

A=axon, My=myelin (black), N=nucleus of Schwann cell

Italian anatomist› Famous, after the fact, for isolating

Vibrio cholerae in 1854 (beating Robert Koch by 30 years) Causative agent of cholera

› Studied the retina of the human eye

Rediscovered the mechanosensory endings in the skin that sense deep pressure called Pacinian corpuscles Pacinian corpuscles › Or corpuscles of Vater-Pacinicorpuscles of Vater-Pacini to

credit the first discoverer› Onion shaped structures are always

identified correctly by histology students!

English surgeon, histologist and anatomist

Worked as an opthalmologist Started work young› Studied the structure of striated

muscle (that was HIM??)› At age 25 he discovered the

capsule of the glomerulus in the kidney called Bowman’s capsuleBowman’s capsule

› Also discovered Bowman’s Bowman’s glandsglands in the olfactory mucosa

› Bowman’s membraneBowman’s membrane in the cornea of the eye

British physician, chemist and microscopist

Made advances in public health and food safety

Known for discovering the epithelial whorls in the medulla of the thymus (1849)— Hassall’s Hassall’s corpusclescorpuscles› function unclear› Also Hassall-Henle bodies:› Transparent growths in the

periphery of the Descemet membrane of the eye.

So sorry, couldn’tresist! The similarities are uncanny, but thislittle Tamarin will neveruse a microscope.

German physician Discovered the innermost

membrane of the choroid of the eye that touches the retina called Bruch’s Bruch’s membranemembrane› Basement membrane of the

pigmented epithelia (layer 1) and the endothelium of underlying capillaries

The choroid is layer between sclera (white part) of the eye and the retina› Isn’t the retina beautiful up


Sorry, this is not Karl Bruch but Max Bruch, the famous German composer.Click and listen-very romantic Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op. 26I like Mendelsohn a touch better, though.


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German anatomist› Found fibers of neuroglial cells

in retina (Muller’s fibersMuller’s fibers) They support retinal neurons

Also Muller’s muscleMuller’s muscle› Ciliary portion of eye

It’s advantageous to be named Muller in science!All of these men are named Muller, the first 3Won Science Nobel Prizes—none are Heinrich, though•Hermann Joseph MullerHermann Joseph Muller: 1946 NP in med & phys for discovering that x-rays cause mutations.•Paul Hermann MullerPaul Hermann Muller: 1948 NP in med & phys for finding that DDT kills arthropods•K. Alexander MullerK. Alexander Muller: ½ of 1987 NP in physics for studies of ceramics as superconductors•Johannes Peter MullerJohannes Peter Muller: GREAT German physiologist, amazing synthesizer of knowledge…read his stuff sometime! Many discoveries including some related to the nervous system and embryology…Mullerian duct of developing female reproductive tract named after him.