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Presentation given at the 1st UK BIM Academic Conference - Northumbria University - 6th September 2012

Transcript of IMPLEMENTING BIM IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT EDUCATION: A challenge or an opportunity



A challenge or an opportunity?

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012


University of Westminster

How are we going to

incorporate BIM our courses?

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

Integrate 3D CAD modelling into

our courses???

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

The key challenges which BIM

represents for higher education:


Integrated project delivery

This is widely recognised…….

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

“The relationship between those responsible for design and those

who actually build must be improved through common education”

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

…the industry is attempting to attract its new blood into the same old silos

– taking the problem back to the issues of fragmentation and the need for more multi-disciplinary


UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

“ is scarcely possible that the innovation and change that is

essential …can be secured through the industry as it is currently

structured.......and in the silo-based habits of the industry’s institutions.”

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

“The relationship between those responsible for design and those who actually build must be improved through common education”

Sir Harold Banwell


UK Academic Conference on BIM:

Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

“…the industry is

attempting to attract its new blood into the same old silos – taking the problem back to the issues of fragmentation and the need for more multi-disciplinary working”

Sir John Fairclough


UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

“ is scarcely possible that the innovation and change that is essential …can be secured through the industry as it is currently structured.......and in the silo-based habits of the industry’s institutions.”

Low Carbon Construction

Innovation & Growth Team (chaired by) Paul Morrell


UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

How has this come about?

The historical context….

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

Eighteenth century

• Gradual breakdown of medieval model

• Increasing use of intermediary between employer and tradesmen

Early nineteenth century

• Separation of design and construction

• Emergence of the ‘measurer’ (QS)

• Growth of general contracting

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

Professional institutions

1818 Institution of Civil Engineers

1834 Institute of British Architects

1834 Builders’ Society

1868 Institution of Surveyors

..... fragmentation institutionalised

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

Built environment education in 20C

• Architecture and engineering:

established early in universities

• Surveying and building - tradition of

part time education – relatively late in


• All disciplines subject to control from

professional bodies

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

The key issues:

• Built environment education reflects the

fragmented nature of the professions.

• Curriculum heavily influenced by

professional bodies through accreditation.

“We educate in very narrow silos…they come out of university with preconceived ideas”

Peter Rogers Chairman of Strategic Forum for Construction 2002

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

• Virtually no undergraduate courses which

are genuinely inter-disciplinary across the

built environment disciplines

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

University of Westminster

Construction Studies Programme

BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology

BSc (Hons) Building Engineering

BSc (Hons) Building Surveying

BSc (Hons) Construction Management

BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying & Commercial Management

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012


UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

Professional bodies

• Courses accredited by four different professional bodies

• Each body has its own specific requirements for accredited courses

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012


• Many have a preference for graduates

from accredited courses

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

Students •Attracted to professionally accredited courses

•Perception of better employment prospects

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012


• Unlikely to do anything which

might impact on student


Looking ahead: Possible drivers for change


Shift away from….




•Focus on the individual



•Active learning

•Student engagement

•Group work

•Enquiry-based approaches




The technologies we now have

available to us fit in perfectly

with social model of learning

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

• Less emphasis on knowledge

• More emphasis on:

– creativity

– problem-solving

– using judgement

– working collaboratively

– coping with constant change

The low carbon


• Need for innovation

• A catalyst for new

ways of working

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

Impact of tuition fees?

• Universities will have to

be more responsive

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

What can we learn

from other countries?

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012

UK Academic Conference on BIM: Newcastle-upon-Tyne - September 2012


Potential platform for a radical rethink

of built environment education